function mx_mnfandir($page, $option, $action) { global $mxdb, $mxuser; $mode = array('alpha' => _('Alphabetical'), 'genres' => _('By Genres'), 'subs' => _('Subscribers'), 'super' => _('SuperFans'), 'random' => _('Random Selection')); $selsub = ''; if ($action) { if (preg_match('%([^:]+):?(.*)%', $action, $modes)) { } $selmode = $modes[1]; $selsub = $modes[2]; } else { $selmode = 'subs'; } echo '<div class="directory">'; echo '<table class="dirtabs"><tr>'; foreach ($mode as $ord => $ordname) { $dis = false; if (substr($ord, 0, 1) == '-') { $dis = true; } $class = $ord == $selmode ? 'dirtabsel' : (substr($ord, 0, 1) == '-' ? 'dirtabdis' : 'dirtab'); echo '<td class="' . $class . '">'; if (!$dis) { echo '<a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $option, $ord) . '">' . $ordname . '</a>'; } else { echo $ordname; } echo '</td>'; } //echo '<td class="dirtablast"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; $fanfilter = '(a.acctype=' . MXACCOUNTFAN . ' OR 0 < (SELECT count( FROM mx_subscriptions b WHERE' . ' AND b.subcat=' . MXARTSUB . ' AND b.subtype!=' . MXSUBLIKE . ' AND b.status!=' . MXEXPIREDSUB . ' AND b.status!=' . MXENDEDSUB . ') )'; switch ($selmode) { case 'random': // pure fans or subscribers $filter = $fanfilter; // pure fan or subscriber break; case 'subs': // subs only $filter = '0 < (SELECT count( FROM mx_subscriptions b WHERE' . ' AND b.subcat=' . MXARTSUB . ' AND b.subtype!=' . MXSUBLIKE . ' AND b.status!=' . MXEXPIREDSUB . ' AND b.status!=' . MXENDEDSUB . ')'; break; case 'super': // 5 subs mini $filter = '4 < (SELECT count( FROM mx_subscriptions b WHERE' . ' AND b.subcat=' . MXARTSUB . ' AND b.subtype!=' . MXSUBLIKE . ' AND b.status!=' . MXEXPIREDSUB . ' AND b.status!=' . MXENDEDSUB . ')'; break; case 'genres': $genres = $mxdb->listgenres(); $cats = array(); $subgenres = array(); foreach ($genres as $genre) { if (!$genre->cat) { $cats[$genre->hash] = $genre->id; $subgenres[$genre->id] = array(); } } foreach ($genres as $genre) { if ($genre->cat) { $subgenres[$cats[$genre->cat]][] = $genre->id; $catgenre[$genre->id] = $cats[$genre->cat]; } } /* $str='<script language="javascript">'.CRLF; $str.='var cats=new Array();'.CRLF; $str.='var subcats=new Array();'.CRLF; $str.='var subcatsndx=new Array();'.CRLF; foreach($cats as $cat) { $n=1; $str.='cats['.$cat.']=\''.$genres[$cat]->genre.'\';'.CRLF; $str.='subcats['.$cat.']=new Array();'.CRLF; $str.='subcatsndx['.$cat.']=new Array();'.CRLF; $str.='subcats['.$cat.'][0]=\''._('Any').'\';'.CRLF; $str.='subcatsndx['.$cat.'][0]='.$cat.';'.CRLF; foreach($subgenres[$cat] as $subcat) { $str.='subcats['.$cat.']['.$n.']=\''.$genres[$subcat]->genre.'\';'.CRLF; $str.='subcatsndx['.$cat.']['.$n++.']=\''.$subcat.'\';'.CRLF; } } $str.='</script>'.CRLF; echo $str; */ if ($selsub && $genres[$selsub]->cat) { $cat = $catgenre[$selsub]; } else { $cat = $selsub; } $subcat = $selsub; echo '<table class="dirgen"><tr>'; echo '<td class="dirgencat"><table class="dirgencat">'; foreach ($cats as $catid) { $class = $catid == $cat ? 'dirgensel' : 'dirgentab'; echo '<tr><td class="' . $class . '"><a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $option, $selmode . ':' . $catid) . '">' . $genres[$catid]->genre . '</a></td><td class="dirarrow">' . ($catid == $cat ? '→' : '') . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table></td>'; echo '<td class="dirgenre"><div class="dirgenre"><table id="dirgenre" class="dirgenre">'; if ($selsub) { echo _('<div class="genrehelp">↓ Select a subcategory below [optional]</div>'); $col = 0; foreach ($subgenres[$cat] as $subcatid) { if (!$col) { echo '<tr>'; } $class = $subcatid == $selsub ? 'dirgensel' : 'dirgentab'; echo '<td class="' . $class . '"><a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $option, $selmode . ':' . $subcatid) . '">' . $genres[$subcatid]->genre . '</a></td>'; $col = ++$col % 3; if (!$col) { echo '</tr>'; } } if ($col) { echo '<td colspan="' . (3 - $col) . '"></td></tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr><td><div class="genrehelp">' . _('← Select a genre on the left<br/>to show subcategories') . '</div></td></tr>'; } echo '</table></div></td>'; echo '</tr></table>'; if ($cat && $cat == $subcat) { // main cat $filter = array('mx_acc2tast c', 'c.genre=' . $selsub . ' AND AND ' . $fanfilter, sprintf(_('Listed in %s'), $genres[$cat]->genre)); // sub cats $filter2 = array('mx_acc2tast c, mx_genres d', '\'' . $genres[$cat]->hash . '\' AND AND' . ' AND ' . $fanfilter, sprintf(_('Listed in subcategories of %s'), $genres[$cat]->genre)); } else { if ($cat) { // main subcat $filter = array('mx_acc2tast c', 'c.genre=' . $selsub . ' AND AND ' . $fanfilter, sprintf(_('Listed in %s'), $genres[$selsub]->genre)); // top cat $filter2 = array('mx_acc2tast c', 'c.genre=' . $cat . ' AND AND ' . $fanfilter, sprintf(_('Listed in %s'), $genres[$cat]->genre)); $filter3 = array('mx_acc2tast c, mx_genres d', '(\'' . $genres[$cat]->hash . '\' AND!=' . $selsub . ') AND AND AND ' . $fanfilter, sprintf(_('Listed in other subcategories of %s'), $genres[$cat]->genre)); } } break; case 'alpha': default: $ndx = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"; if (!$selsub) { $selsub = substr($ndx, rand(0, strlen($ndx) - 1), 1); } echo '<table class="diralpha"><tr>'; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ndx); $i++) { $letter = substr($ndx, $i, 1); $class = $letter == $selsub ? 'diralphasel' : 'diralphatab'; echo '<td class="' . $class . '"><a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $option, $selmode . ':' . $letter) . '">' . ($letter == '_' ? _('Others') : $letter) . '</a></td>'; } //echo '<td class="diralphalast"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; if ($selsub == '_') { $selsub = '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'; } $filter = $fanfilter . ' AND fullname RLIKE \'^' . $selsub . '.*\''; // 'OR lastname RLIKE \'^'.$selsub.'.*\''; break; } if ($filter) { $afilter[] = $filter; } if ($filter2) { $afilter[] = $filter2; } if ($filter3) { $afilter[] = $filter3; } foreach ($afilter as $flt) { if (is_array($flt)) { echo '<h5>' . $flt[2] . '</h5>'; } $fansqr = $mxdb->fanlist($flt); echo '<table class="fanlist"><tr>'; $c = 0; if ($fansqr['count'] == 30) { echo '<td colspan="6">' . _('(30 fans chosen at random...)') . '</td></tr><tr>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < $fansqr['count']; $i++) { $fan = $mxdb->fanlist(null, $fansqr['mxq']); if ($fan) { echo '<td class="friend">'; // onclick="window.location=\''.mx_actionurl('fans','fanprof',$fan->id).'\';">'; echo '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $fan->id) . '" title="' . mx_getname($fan) . ' - ' . _('See Page') . '" class="pictooltip">'; echo '<img tag="' . $fan->id . '" class="dirpic" src="' . mx_fanpic($fan->id, 'square', $fan->gender) . '">'; echo '</a>'; echo '<br/>' . mx_getname($fan); echo '</td>'; $c = ++$c % 6; if (!$c) { echo '</tr><tr>'; } } } if (!$i) { echo '<td colspan="6">' . _('No fan listed here.') . '</td>'; } echo '</tr></table>'; } echo '</div>'; }
function mx_sharetools($userid, $artist = true) { global $s3, $mxdb; $user = mx_getuserpublicinfo($userid); mx_checkvalues($user); //die(print_r($user,true)); if ($artist) { $name = $user->artistname; $page = 'artists'; $opt = 'artprof'; } else { $name = mx_getname($user); $page = 'fans'; $opt = 'fanprof'; } if (!$name) { return _('Available Soon'); } //die(print_r($user,true)); //if (!is_admin()) return _('Available Soon'); // big badges $fmt = array('large' => '150px wide', 'small' => '100px wide', 'square' => '80px x 96px'); // smaller on-musxpand badges $badgesize = array(_('Small') => '-small', _('Large') => ''); $badgecolor = array(_('White') => '', _('Black') => '-black'); if (!$user->badges) { // QR codes generation /* $xcard=new XMLWriter(); $xcard->openMemory(); $xcard->startDocument('1.0','UTF-8'); $xcard->startElementNs(null,'vcards','urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0'); $xcard->startElement('vcard'); $xcard->startElement('n'); // name $xcard->startElement('surname'); // family name $xcard->text($user->lastname); $xcard->endElement(); // surname $xcard->startElement('given'); // first name $xcard->text($user->firstname); $xcard->endElement(); // given $xcard->endElement(); // n $xcard->startElement('fn'); // fullname $xcard->startElement('text'); // text $xcard->text($name); $xcard->endElement(); // text $xcard->endElement(); // fn $xcard->startElement('org'); // org $xcard->startElement('text'); // text $xcard->text('MusXpand'); $xcard->endElement(); // text $xcard->endElement(); // org $xcard->startElement('title'); // shortbio $xcard->startElement('text'); // text $xcard->text($user->about); $xcard->endElement(); // text $xcard->endElement(); // shortbio $xcard->startElement('photo'); // photo $xcard->startElement('uri'); // URI $xcard->text(mx_fanpic($user->id,'small',$user->gender,$isartist)); $xcard->endElement(); // URI $xcard->endElement(); // photo $xcard->startElement('adr'); // address $xcard->startElement('parameters'); // parameters $xcard->startElement('type'); // type $xcard->text($isartist?'work':'home'); $xcard->endElement(); // type $xcard->startElement('label'); // label $location=''; if ($user->city) $location.=$user->city; if ($user->state) $location.=($location?', ':'').$user->state; if ($user->country) $location.=($location?'\n':'').mx_getcountryname($user->country); $xcard->text($location); $xcard->endElement(); // label $xcard->startElement('locality'); // locality $xcard->text($user->city); $xcard->endElement(); // locality $xcard->startElement('region'); // region $xcard->text($user->state); $xcard->endElement(); // region $xcard->startElement('country'); // country $xcard->text(mx_getcountryname($user->country)); $xcard->endElement(); // country $xcard->endElement(); // parameters $xcard->endElement(); // address $xcard->startElement('email'); // country $xcard->startElement('text'); // text $xcard->text($user->email); $xcard->endElement(); // text $xcard->endElement(); // email $xcard->startElement('rev'); // revision $xcard->startElement('timestamp'); // date $xcard->text(gmdate('Ymd\THis\Z')); $xcard->endElement(); // date $xcard->endElement(); // rev $xcard->endElement(); // vcard $xcard->endElement(); // vcards $xvcard=$xcard->flush(); */ $saveart = $artist; foreach (array(true, false) as $artist) { $vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD' . CRLF . 'VERSION:4.0' . CRLF; //$vcard.='SOURCE:'.mx_option('siteurl').'/vcf.php?a='.$user->id.CRLF; $vcard .= 'KIND:individual' . CRLF; //$vcard.='XML:'.$xvcard.CRLF; if ($artist) { $vcard .= 'FN:' . $name . CRLF; $vcard .= 'N:' . $user->lastname . ';' . $user->firstname . CRLF; } else { $vcard .= 'FN:' . $user->fullname . CRLF; $vcard .= 'N:' . $user->lastname . ';' . $user->firstname . CRLF; } $vcard .= 'PHOTO:' . mx_fanpic($user->id, 'small', $user->gender, $artist) . CRLF; if ($user->gender != MXNOSEX) { $vcard .= 'GENDER:' . ($user->gender == MXSEXMALE ? 'M' : 'F') . CRLF; } if ($user->birthdate) { $vcard .= 'BDAY:' . str_replace('-', '', $user->birthdate) . CRLF; } $vcard .= 'ADR;TYPE=' . ($artist ? 'work' : 'home') . ':;;;' . $user->city . ';' . $user->state . ';;' . mx_getcountryname($user->country) . CRLF; $vcard .= 'EMAIL:' . $user->email . CRLF; if ($user->timezone) { $vcard .= 'TZ:' . $user->timezone . CRLF; } if ($user->about) { $vcard .= 'TITLE:"' . $user->shortbio . '"' . CRLF; } $vcard .= 'LOGO:' . mx_option('logoURL') . CRLF; //$vcard.='ORG:'.CRLF; $vcard .= 'UID:urn:uuid:' . $user->hashdir . CRLF; $vcard .= 'URL:' . mx_actionurl($artist ? 'artists' : 'fans', $artist ? 'artprof' : 'fanprof', $user->id) . CRLF; $vcard .= 'REV:' . gmdate('Ymd\\THis\\Z') . CRLF; $vcard .= 'END:VCARD' . CRLF; QRcode::png($vcard, mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_QR' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.png', 'L', 2, 4); $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/qr_' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.png'; $res = $s3->create_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname, array('fileUpload' => mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_QR' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.png', 'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC)); //@unlink(mx_option('usersdir').'/tmp/'.$user->hashdir.'_'.$value.'.jpg'); file_put_contents(mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_vCard' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.vcf', $vcard); $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/vCard_' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.vcf'; $res = $s3->create_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname, array('fileUpload' => mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_vCard' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.vcf', 'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC)); @unlink(mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_vCard' . ($artist ? 'a' : 'f') . '.vcf'); } $artist = $saveart; } if (!$user->badges) { // badges generation ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 1); $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/me_large.jpg'; $picurl = mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname, '2 minutes')); // load pic $pic = imagecreatefromjpeg($picurl); if (!$pic) { $pic = imagecreatefrompng(mx_fanpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender, false)); } $w = imagesx($pic); $h = imagesy($pic); $nhl = round($h * 150 / $w); $nhs = round($h * 100 / $w); $mwh = min($w, $h); $imlarge = imagecreatetruecolor(150, $nhl + 16); $imsmall = imagecreatetruecolor(100, $nhs + 16); $imsquare = imagecreatetruecolor(80, 80 + 16); $fgl = imagecolorallocate($imlarge, 255, 255, 255); $fgs = imagecolorallocate($imsmall, 255, 255, 255); $fgq = imagecolorallocate($imsquare, 255, 255, 255); $bgl = imagecolorallocate($imlarge, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99); $bgs = imagecolorallocate($imsmall, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99); $bgq = imagecolorallocate($imsquare, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99); //imagefill($imlarge,0,0,$fcl); //imagefill($imsmall,0,0,$fcs); //imagefill($imsquare,0,0,$fcq); //imagefilledrectangle($imlarge,1,$nhl,148,$nhl+14,$bgl); //imagefilledrectangle($imsmall,1,$nhs,98,$nhs+14,$bgs); //imagefilledrectangle($imsquare,1,80,78,80+14,$bgq); imageline($imlarge, 0, $nhl - 1, 150 - 1, $nhl - 1, $fgl); imageline($imsmall, 0, $nhs - 1, 100 - 1, $nhs - 1, $fgs); imageline($imsquare, 0, 80 - 1, 80 - 1, 80 - 1, $fgq); imageantialias($imlarge, true); imageantialias($imsmall, true); imageantialias($imsquare, true); imagecopyresampled($imlarge, $pic, 1, 1, 0, 0, 150 - 2, $nhl - 2, $w, $h); imagecopyresampled($imsmall, $pic, 1, 1, 0, 0, 100 - 2, $nhs - 2, $w, $h); imagecopyresampled($imsquare, $pic, 1, 1, $mwh == $h ? ($w - $mwh) / 2 : 0, $mwh == $w ? ($h - $mwh) / 2 : 0, 80 - 2, 80 - 2, $mwh, $mwh); // add artistname $font = mx_option('rootdir') . '/fonts/HoboStd.otf'; $textl = $texts = $textq = strtoupper($name); while (($factl = 16 / max(array(16, strlen($textl)))) < 0.6) { $textl = substr($textl, 0, strrpos($textl, ' ')) . '...'; } while (($facts = 12 / max(array(12, strlen($texts)))) < 0.6) { $texts = substr($texts, 0, strrpos($texts, ' ')) . '...'; } while (($factq = 9 / max(array(9, strlen($textq)))) < 0.6) { $textq = substr($textq, 0, strrpos($textq, ' ')) . '...'; } $szl = 9.4 * $factl; $szs = 9.4 * $facts; $szq = 9.4 * $factq; $txtl = imagettfbbox($szl, 0, $font, $textl); $txts = imagettfbbox($szs, 0, $font, $texts); $txtq = imagettfbbox($szq, 0, $font, $textq); imagettftext($imlarge, $szl, 0, (150 - $txtl[2] - $txtl[0]) / 2 - 1, $nhl + (16 - $txtl[1] - $txtl[7]) / 2, $fgl, $font, $textl); imagettftext($imsmall, $szs, 0, (100 - $txts[2] - $txts[0]) / 2 - 1, $nhs + (16 - $txts[1] - $txts[7]) / 2, $fgs, $font, $texts); imagettftext($imsquare, $szq, 0, (80 - $txtq[2] - $txtq[0]) / 2 - 1, 80 + (16 - $txtq[1] - $txtq[7]) / 2, $fgq, $font, $textq); /* $logo=imagecreatefrompng(mx_option('rootdir').'/images/general/musxpand-logo.png'); $imlogo=imagerotate($logo,90,0); $lw=imagesx($imlogo); $lh=imagesy($imlogo); imagecopyresampled($imlarge,$imlogo,129,0,0,0,$lw/2,$lh/2,$lw,$lh); */ imagejpeg($imlarge, mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_large.jpg'); imagejpeg($imsquare, mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_square.jpg'); imagejpeg($imsmall, mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_small.jpg'); foreach ($fmt as $value => $desc) { $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/badge_' . $value . '.jpg'; $res = $s3->create_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname, array('fileUpload' => mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_' . $value . '.jpg', 'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC)); @unlink(mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_' . $value . '.jpg'); } // mini-badges $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/me_square.jpg'; $picurl = mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname, '2 minutes')); // load pic $pic = imagecreatefromjpeg($picurl); if (!$pic) { $pic = imagecreatefrompng(mx_fanpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender, false)); } $pw = imagesx($pic); $ph = imagesy($pic); $badgepref = 'badge-on-musxpand'; foreach ($badgesize as $sname => $ssuf) { switch ($ssuf) { case '': $offx = 9; $offy = 1; break; case '-small': default: $offx = -2; $offy = 1; break; } foreach ($badgecolor as $cname => $csuf) { $badgemask = imagecreatefrompng(mx_option('rootdir') . '/images/badges/' . $badgepref . $ssuf . $csuf . '.png'); $bw = imagesx($badgemask); $bh = imagesy($badgemask); $badge = imagecreatetruecolor($bw, $bh); //imagepalettecopy($badge, $badgemask); $transp = imagecolorallocatealpha($badge, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($badge, 0, 0, $transp); imageantialias($badge, true); //imagealphablending($badge,false); //imagealphablending($badgemask,false); imagecopyresampled($badge, $pic, floor(($bh - 72) / 2) + $offx, floor(($bh - 72) / 2) + $offy, 0, 0, 72, 72, $pw, $ph); imagecopyresampled($badge, $badgemask, 0, 0, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, $bw, $bh); imagesavealpha($badge, true); $tmpfile = mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $user->hashdir . '_mini' . $ssuf . $csuf . '.png'; imagepng($badge, $tmpfile); $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/minibadge' . $ssuf . $csuf . '.png'; $res = $s3->create_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname, array('fileUpload' => $tmpfile, 'acl' => AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC)); @unlink($tmpfile); } } ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 0); $user->badges = 1; $mxdb->updateuser($user, 'badges'); } $str = '<div class="badges"><table><tr>'; foreach ($fmt as $value => $desc) { $str .= '<th>' . sprintf(_('Badge %s'), $desc) . '</th>'; } $str .= '</tr><tr>'; foreach ($fmt as $value => $desc) { $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/badge_' . $value . '.jpg'; $str .= '<td><img src="' . mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname)) . '" /></td>'; } $str .= '</tr><tr>'; foreach ($fmt as $value => $desc) { $str .= '<th>' . _('Code') . '</th>'; } $str .= '</tr><tr>'; foreach ($fmt as $value => $desc) { $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/badge_' . $value . '.jpg'; $str .= '<td>'; $str .= '<textarea id="b_' . $value . '" onmouseover="; setcopybtn(\'bt_' . $value . '\',\'b_' . $value . '\');">'; $str .= '<a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $opt, $user->id) . '" alt="' . $name . '">' . '<img src="' . mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname)) . '" />' . '</a>'; $str .= '</textarea><br/>'; $str .= '<a style="display:none;" href="#" class="toclipbtn" id="bt_' . $value . '">' . _('Copy') . '</a>'; $str .= '</td>'; } $str .= '</tr></table>'; //$str.='<center><a href="'.mx_actionurl('artists','artprof',$user->id).'">'.$user->artistname.'</a></center>'; $str .= '</div>'; // smaller on-musxpand badges $str .= '<div class="badges"><table>'; $i = 0; foreach ($badgesize as $sname => $ssuf) { $i++; $j = 0; foreach ($badgecolor as $cname => $csuf) { $j++; $value = $i . '_' . $j; $str .= '<tr><th>' . sprintf(_('MX Badge, %s, %s'), $sname, $cname) . '</th>' . '<th>' . _('Code') . '</th></tr>'; $keyname = 'users/' . $user->hashdir . '/pics/minibadge' . $ssuf . $csuf . '.png'; $str .= '<tr><td><img src="' . mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname)) . '" /></td>'; $str .= '<td>'; $str .= '<textarea id="b_' . $value . '" onmouseover="; setcopybtn(\'bt_' . $value . '\',\'b_' . $value . '\');">'; $str .= '<a href="' . mx_actionurl($page, $opt, $user->id) . '" alt="' . $name . '">' . '<img src="' . mx_secureurl(gets3url($keyname)) . '" />' . '</a>'; $str .= '</textarea><br/>'; $str .= '<a style="display:none;" href="#" class="toclipbtn" id="bt_' . $value . '">' . _('Copy') . '</a>'; $str .= '</td>'; $str .= '</tr>'; } } $str .= '</table>'; $str .= '</div>'; return $str; }
function mx_sitetitle() { global $mxuser; $page = $_GET['p']; $option = $_GET['o']; $action = $_GET['a']; if (!$page) { echo 'MusXpand - ' . mx_option('title'); return; } if (!$option) { echo 'MusXpand - ' . mx_pagename($page); return; } if (($page == 'artists' && $option == 'artprof' || $page == 'fans' && $option == 'fanprof') && $action) { $user = $mxuser->getuserinfo($action); if ($option == 'fanprof') { echo sprintf(_('%s - MusXpand'), mx_getname($user)); } else { echo sprintf(_('%s - MusXpand'), mx_getartistname($user)); } return; } else { if ($page == 'media' && $option == 'medprof') { $media = $mxuser->getmediainfo($action); echo sprintf(_('%s by %s - MusXpand'), $media->title, $media->artistname); return; } } echo 'MusXpand - ' . mx_pagename($page) . ' - ' . mx_optionname($page, $option); }
function mx_getartistname($user) { if ($user->artistname) { return $user->artistname; } return mx_getname($user); }
function mx_mncart($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $prodtypes, $mxdb, $prodprice; $prodlist = array(); $progress = $mxuser->cart->progress; if ($mxuser->cart->lines) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->lines as $line) { //if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo || $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm) if ($mxuser->cart->progress > 1) { $line->select = '<img height="12px" src="' . mx_iconurl('okmark') . '">'; } else { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="cartline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; } $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref='<div class="cartline"><img class="cartpic" src="'.mx_fanpic($user->id).'" /> '.mx_getartistname($user).'</div>'; }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['cart'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->wishes) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->wishes as $line) { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="wishline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref=mx_getartistname($user); }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['wishlist'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $contshoppinglabel = _('Continue Shopping'); } else { $contshoppinglabel = _('Go Shopping'); } $yourehere = _('** YOU\'RE HERE **'); $progresstable = '<table class="form progress"><tr class="top">' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 1 ? 'current' : 'done') . '">' . _('Shopping Cart') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 1 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 2 ? 'current' : ($progress < 2 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Shipping/Billing') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 2 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 3 ? 'current' : ($progress < 3 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Order Review') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 3 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 4 ? 'current' : 'next') . '">' . _('Order Confirmation') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr><tr class="bottom">' . '<td>' . ($progress == 1 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 2 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 3 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 4 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr></table>'; if ($mxuser->cart->err) { $progresstable .= mx_warningstr(implode('<br/>', $mxuser->cart->err)); } if ($mxuser->cart->info) { $progresstable .= mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); } //echo $progresstable; if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo) { // checkcout confirmation $ckoutbuttons = array('canckout' => _('Cancel Checkout'), 'confckout' => _('Confirm PAYPAL Payment')); $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $salesterms = mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('Terms & Conditions')); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Checkout Review Page'), $progresstable, $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, _('Checking out these products'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'COUNTRYCODE' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 3), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), _('Please check your shipping information')), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'salesterms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms And Conditions'), sprintf(_('Please read and agree with our %s before' . ' confirming your payment'), $salesterm)), 'agreement' => array(1, _('Agreement'), 'checkbox', sprintf(_('I accept MusXpand\'s sales %s'), mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('terms & conditions'))), _('You have to agree to continue...')), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $mxuser->cart->orderinfo, true, true); //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderinfo); } else { if ($mxuser->cart->progress == 4) { // order confirmation if ($action != 'printorder') { $ckoutbuttons = array('printorder' => _('Print this Confirmation Page')); } else { $ckoutbuttons = array(); } $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $values = $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm; $values['invoicenum'] = $mxuser->cart->invoicenum; //sprintf(_('%06d'),$mxuser->cart->id); $billing = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->billingid); $shipping = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->shippingid); $values['FIRSTNAME'] = $billing['first']; $values['LASTNAME'] = $billing['last']; $values['EMAIL'] = $billing['email']; $values['SHIPTONAME'] = $shipping['shiptoname']; $values['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $shipping['street1']; $values['SHIPTOCITY'] = $shipping['city']; $values['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $shipping['state']; $values['SHIPTOZIP'] = $shipping['zip']; $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME'] = $shipping['countrycode']; $values['termscond'] = mx_showhtmlpagestr('salesterms'); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Order Confirmation'), $action != 'printorder' ? $progresstable : mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info), $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, sprintf(_('Invoice # %s'), $mxuser->cart->invoicenum), _('You purchased the following items.')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), ''), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'confirmation' => array(-1, _('Payment Confirmation'), _('Below are the details of the transaction')), 'invoicenum' => array(0, _('Invoice #'), 'text', 30), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS' => array(0, _('Payment Status'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID' => array(0, _('Transaction ID'), 'transactionid', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME' => array(0, _('Order Time'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT' => array(0, _('Total Amount'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TAXAMT' => array(0, _('Taxes included'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE' => array(0, _('Currency'), 'text', 20), 'terms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms'), _('Please keep the following sales conditions along with your purchase receipt.')), 'termscond' => array(0, _('Buyer Information'), 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); //mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderconfirm,true,true); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $values, true, true); // confirmation emails if ($action != 'printorder') { // email to buyer $ckoutemail = $ckoutlist; $ckoutemail[4] = array(); $ckoutemail[3] = mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); $to = $mxuser->fullname . ' <' . $mxuser->email . '>'; $subj = sprintf(_('Order Confirmation - Invoice # %06d'), $mxuser->cart->id); $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('orderconfirmation'); $confform = mx_showformstr($ckoutemail, $values, true, true); $html = str_replace('{ORDERFORM}', $confform, $html); $html = str_replace('{INVOICENUM}', $mxuser->cart->invoicenum, $html); // sprintf('%06d',$mxuser->cart->id) $txt = sprintf(_('To print your order confirmation, please go to %s'), mx_actionurl('cart', '', 'printorder', '', '', 'secure', 'cartid=' . $mxuser->cart->id)); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); // email to artists foreach ($prodlist['cart'] as $line) { if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $artistid = $line->prodref; } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $media = $mxuser->getmediainfo($line->prodref); $artistid = $media->owner_id; } else { $artistid = 0; } } $prodtype = $line->prodtype; $prodvar = $line->prodvar; $prodprice = sprintf('US$ %.02f', $line->price); if ($artistid) { $artist = $mxdb->getuserinfo($mxuser->id, $artistid); } if ($artist && $artist->email) { $to = mx_getartistname($artist) . ' <' . $artist->email . '>'; if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $subj = _('You just made a new fan'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newfan'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "You just made a new fan in {FANNAME}:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased a {PRODVAR} {PRODTYPE} from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); mx_fbaction('musxpand:subscribe_to?artist=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $artistid))); } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $subj = _('Someone bought media from you'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newbuyer'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "{FANNAME} bought some media from you:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased \"{MEDIANAME}\" from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); } } $fan = '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $mxuser->id) . '">' . mx_getname($mxuser) . '</a>'; $html = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $html); $html = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $html); $html = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $html); $html = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $html); $siteurl = '<a href="' . mx_option('basicsiteurl') . '">MusXpand</a>'; $html = str_replace('{SITEURL}', $siteurl, $html); $html = str_replace('{SALESEMAIL}', MXSALESEMAIL, $html); $txt = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $txt); $fan = mx_getname($mxuser); $txt = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $txt); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); } } } else { // purchase ?> <!-- Google Code for Bought Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "f7QfCNPfzwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $mxuser->cart->total; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php } /*$ckoutlist[0]='printout'; echo '<div id="order"><div class="order">'; mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderinfo,false,true); echo '</div></div>';*/ //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderconfirm); } else { // cart and wishlist display $cartbuttons = array('towish' => _('Move to Wishlist'), 'delcart' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore' => $contshoppinglabel, 'checkout' => _('Proceed to Checkout')); $cartlist = array('cartlist', 0, _('Cart & Wishlist Content'), $progresstable, array('cart' => $cartbuttons, 'wishlist' => array('tocart' => _('Move to Cart'), 'delwish' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore_w' => $contshoppinglabel)), array('cart' => array('cart' => array(-1, _('Your Cart'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'cart\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'cart', 'hidden')), 'wishlist' => array('wishlist' => array(-1, _('Your Wish List'), _('The following items are currently in your wishlist')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'wishlist\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'wishlist', 'hidden')))); mx_showlist($cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', true, true); //if ($action=='addfoy' || $action=='adfofa' || $action=='upgfofa') { ?> <!-- Google Code for Added To Cart Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "ziXpCNvezwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $prodprice; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php //} } } //phpinfo(); }