function mx_showfanpage($id, $simul = '') { global $mxuser; $dbuser = $mxuser->getuserinfo($id); if ($dbuser->acctype == MXACCOUNTARTIST) { return mx_showartistpage($id, 0, $simul); } if ($dbuser->status == MXACCTDISABLED) { __('This account doesn\'t exist'); return; } if (!$dbuser) { mx_optiontitle('error', _('This account doesn\'t exist')); return; } /*if ($dbuser->acctype==MXACCOUNTFAN || $option=='viewprof' || $option=='fanprof') { mx_optionsubtitle('→ '.mx_getname($dbuser)); } else { mx_optionsubtitle('→ '.mx_getartistname($dbuser)); }*/ $authflds = $mxuser->getauthorizedfields($dbuser->id); $authgrps = $mxuser->getauthorizedgroups($authflds); $section = ''; if (!$authgrps || !$authflds) { __('No information available.'); return; } $custpage = $dbuser->custompage ? $dbuser->custompage : MXDEFFANPAGE; mx_showcustompage($custpage, $dbuser, 0, $simul); if ($id != $mxuser->id) { mx_fbaction('musxpand:check_out?fan=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $id))); } return; }
function mx_showmediapage($id) { global $mxuser; $id = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $id); // filter fake media ids $media = $mxuser->getmediainfo($id); if (!$media) { __('Sorry, this media could not be found.'); return; } $fanship = $mxuser->getfanship($media->owner_id, $id); if ($media->status == MXMEDIAREADY || $media->type == MXMEDIABASEBUNDLE && $fanship != null) { __('This media has not been released yet'); return; } mx_medialist($media, $fanship, true); foreach ($media->bundles as $bundle) { $bfanship = $mxuser->getfanship($bundle->owner_id, $bundle->id); mx_medialist($bundle, $bfanship, true); } $dbuser = $mxuser->getuserinfo($media->owner_id); if ($dbuser->status == MXACCTDISABLED) { __('Media is unavailable.'); return; } if ($dbuser->acctype == MXACCOUNTFAN) { echo sprintf(_('This media is private' . 'and belongs to this %s.'), mx_actionlink('fans', 'fanprof', $id)); return; } if (!$dbuser || $dbuser->status == MXACCTDISABLED) { mx_optiontitle('error', _('Media unavailable.')); return; } mx_optionsubtitle('→ ' . $media->title); $authflds = $mxuser->getauthorizedfields($dbuser->id); $authgrps = $mxuser->getauthorizedgroups($authflds); $media->artist = $dbuser; //echo mx_mediadata($media,$fanship); $section = ''; if (!$authgrps || !$authflds) { __('No information available.'); return; } $custpage = 'basicmediatemplate'; mx_showcustompage($custpage, $dbuser, $media); if ($media->type == MXMEDIAREGULARBUNDLE) { mx_fbaction('musxpand:examine?bundle=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('media', 'medprof', $id))); } if ($_GET['z']) { ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(window).ready(function() { play(0); }); </script> <?php } }
function mx_mnsetup($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $errors, $me, $facebook; if ($action == 'done') { $buttons = array(); $setupform = array('setup', 0, _('You\'re Done!'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('OPEN SESAME'), _('<p>Your account is now fully setup!</p><p>We know it was a bit painful,' . ' but you did really well and we\'re happy to unlock all features of MusXpand' . ' for you.</p><p>Note that you will always be able to make changes' . ' to your profile whenever you want, by using the menu on the left.</p>' . '<p>Now, feel at home, sit comfortably and start enjoying!</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'done', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($setupform, array(), false, true); switch ($mxuser->acctype) { case MXACCOUNTFAN: $typ = 'fan'; $url = mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $mxuser->id); break; case MXACCOUNTARTIST: $typ = 'artist'; $url = mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $mxuser->id); } mx_fbaction('musxpand:register_as?' . $typ . '=' . urlencode($url)); ?> <!-- Google Code for Setup Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "-NVjCOPdzwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; if (2) { google_conversion_value = 2; } /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php return; } $steps = array(1 => _('Account Type'), _('Basic Information'), _('Additional Details'), _('Profile Customization'), _('Privacy & Notifications')); $section = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $action); // just keep step number if ($section == '0') { $buttons = array('+setup_1' => _('Continue to Account Setup')); $setupform = array('setup', 0, _('Account Confirmation'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('Account Activated'), _('<p>Your account is now confirmed!</p><p><b>We just sent you a temporary password,' . ' so that you can sign into your account any time.</b> You will be able to change this' . ' password later on in your profile.</p><p>We\'ll now go through' . ' a few more steps to set up your profile.</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'confirmation', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($setupform, array(), true, true); ?> <!-- Google Code for Registered Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "EFxUCOvczwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php return; } if (!$section || $section > count($steps)) { $section = 1; } $fldarray = $mxuser->infogroups($section, $mxuser->acctype); foreach ($fldarray as $grp => $det) { if ($grp == 'location') { $location = mx_locate(); } $bandflds[$grp] = array(-1, $det[0]); foreach ($det[1] as $fld) { $bandflds[$fld] = $mxuser->fielddesc($fld, false); // fld description for users! if ($bandflds[$fld][0] == 2 && $mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTARTIST && $mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTBAND) { unset($bandflds[$fld]); continue; } if ($fld == "password") { $bandflds[$fld][5] = true; // allow password changes } $bandvalue[$fld] = $mxuser->{$fld}; } $bandflds['a'] = array(1, 'modifyuser', 'hidden'); $bandflds['k'] = array(1, $section, 'hidden'); } if ($section > 1) { $buttons['setup_' . ($section - 1)] = '← ' . $steps[$section - 1]; } // previous step if ($section < count($steps)) { $buttons['+setup_' . ($section + 1)] = $steps[$section + 1] . ' →'; // next step if ($section > 1) { $buttons['done'] = _('I\'ll finish later!') . ' →'; } } if ($section == count($steps)) { $buttons['+done'] = _('I\'m Done!') . ' →'; } $buttons['clear'] = _('Clear'); $bandinfo = array('setup', 0, sprintf(_('Setup: %s %s'), $steps[$section], $section > 1 ? '(' . $section . '/' . count($steps) . ')' : ''), _('Please fill in as appropriate'), $buttons, $bandflds); //echo '<xmp>'.print_r($bandvalue).'</xmp>'; if (array_key_exists('city', $bandflds)) { // auto fill geographical location $location = mx_locate(); if ($location) { $locvalues = array('city' => iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8', $location->city), 'state' => mx_region($location), 'country' => $location->countryCode); $bandvalue = array_replace($bandvalue, $locvalues); } } mx_showform($bandinfo, $bandvalue, true, true, $errors); ?> <script language="javascript"> function createUploader(){ var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({ element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'), action: '<?php echo mx_option('siteurl') . '/picupload.php'; ?> ', params: { id: '<?php echo $mxuser->id; ?> ' }, allowedExtensions: ['jpg','jpeg','png'], sizeLimit: 2000000, onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){ if (responseJSON.success) { var mypic=document.getElementById('newpic'); if (mypic) mypic.src='<?php echo mx_option('usersURL') . '/tmp/'; ?> '+encodeURIComponent(fileName); var piclist=document.getElementById('piclist'); if (piclist) { listelem=document.createElement('li'); input=document.createElement('input'); input.type='radio';'picture'; input.value=responseJSON['link']; input.checked=true; input.onclick=function() { mypic.src='<?php echo mx_option('usersURL') . '/tmp/'; ?> '+encodeURIComponent(fileName); } var radiolabel=document.createTextNode(fileName); listelem.appendChild(input); listelem.appendChild(radiolabel); piclist.appendChild(listelem); } } } }); } // in your app create uploader as soon as the DOM is ready // don't wait for the window to load //if (window.onload) { // var oldloadfunction=window.onload; // window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? createUploader : function() { oldloadfunction(); createUploader(); }; //} else window.onload = createUploader; createUploader(); </script> <?php }
function mx_mnfbaction($page, $option, $action) { if (!$action) { echo '<form method="POST"><input type="text" name="fbaction" placeholder="action here" size="60"><br/>' . '<input type="text" name="object" placeholder="object here" size="60"><br/>' . '<input type="text" name="url" placeholder="url here" size="60"><br/>' . '<input type=submit name="a" value="Submit"></form>'; } else { $fba = $_POST['fbaction'] . '?' . $_POST['object'] . '=' . urlencode($_POST['url']); mx_fbaction($fba); echo 'action: [' . $fba . '] sent'; } }
function mx_showartistpage($id, $mediaid = -1, $simul = '') { global $mxuser; $dbuser = $mxuser->getuserinfo($id); if ($dbuser->status == MXACCTDISABLED) { __('This account doesn\'t exist'); return; } /* if ($dbuser->acctype==MXACCOUNTFAN) { echo sprintf(_('This is not an artist account<br/>' .'You may want to check this %s instead...'),mx_actionlink('fans','fanprof',$id)); return; } */ if (!$dbuser || $dbuser->status == MXACCTDISABLED) { mx_optiontitle('error', _('This account doesn\'t exist')); return; } /* if ($dbuser->acctype==MXACCOUNTFAN || $option=='viewprof') { mx_optionsubtitle('→ '.($dbuser->fullname? $dbuser->fullname:($dbuser->firstname.' '.$dbuser->lastname))); } else {*/ if ($mxuser && $mxuser->id && $mxuser->id == $id) { if ($simul == '') { $simdiv = '<div class="simuldiv"><a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'myartpage', 'public') . '">' . _('(Public Preview)') . '</a></div>'; } else { $simdiv = '<div class="simuldiv"><a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'myartpage', '') . '">' . _('(Normal Preview)') . '</a></div>'; } } else { $simdiv = ''; } mx_optionsubtitle($simdiv); /*mx_optionsubtitle('→ '.($dbuser->artistname? $dbuser->artistname:$dbuser->fullname).$simdiv);*/ //} $authflds = $mxuser->getauthorizedfields($dbuser->id); $authgrps = $mxuser->getauthorizedgroups($authflds); $section = ''; if (!$authgrps || !$authflds) { __('No information available.'); return; } $custpage = $dbuser->custompage ? $dbuser->custompage : MXDEFARTISTPAGE; $media = new stdClass(); if ($mediaid < 0 && $_GET['z']) { $mediaid = 0; } $media->id = $mediaid; mx_showcustompage($custpage, $dbuser, $media, $simul); if ($id != $mxuser->id) { mx_fbaction('musxpand:check_out?artist=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $id))); } if ($_GET['z']) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).ready(function() { openbundle(0,0); //play(0); }); </script> <?php } }
function mx_mncart($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $prodtypes, $mxdb, $prodprice; $prodlist = array(); $progress = $mxuser->cart->progress; if ($mxuser->cart->lines) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->lines as $line) { //if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo || $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm) if ($mxuser->cart->progress > 1) { $line->select = '<img height="12px" src="' . mx_iconurl('okmark') . '">'; } else { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="cartline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; } $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref='<div class="cartline"><img class="cartpic" src="'.mx_fanpic($user->id).'" /> '.mx_getartistname($user).'</div>'; }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['cart'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->wishes) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->wishes as $line) { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="wishline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref=mx_getartistname($user); }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['wishlist'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $contshoppinglabel = _('Continue Shopping'); } else { $contshoppinglabel = _('Go Shopping'); } $yourehere = _('** YOU\'RE HERE **'); $progresstable = '<table class="form progress"><tr class="top">' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 1 ? 'current' : 'done') . '">' . _('Shopping Cart') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 1 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 2 ? 'current' : ($progress < 2 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Shipping/Billing') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 2 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 3 ? 'current' : ($progress < 3 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Order Review') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 3 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 4 ? 'current' : 'next') . '">' . _('Order Confirmation') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr><tr class="bottom">' . '<td>' . ($progress == 1 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 2 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 3 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 4 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr></table>'; if ($mxuser->cart->err) { $progresstable .= mx_warningstr(implode('<br/>', $mxuser->cart->err)); } if ($mxuser->cart->info) { $progresstable .= mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); } //echo $progresstable; if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo) { // checkcout confirmation $ckoutbuttons = array('canckout' => _('Cancel Checkout'), 'confckout' => _('Confirm PAYPAL Payment')); $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $salesterms = mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('Terms & Conditions')); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Checkout Review Page'), $progresstable, $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, _('Checking out these products'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'COUNTRYCODE' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 3), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), _('Please check your shipping information')), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'salesterms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms And Conditions'), sprintf(_('Please read and agree with our %s before' . ' confirming your payment'), $salesterm)), 'agreement' => array(1, _('Agreement'), 'checkbox', sprintf(_('I accept MusXpand\'s sales %s'), mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('terms & conditions'))), _('You have to agree to continue...')), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $mxuser->cart->orderinfo, true, true); //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderinfo); } else { if ($mxuser->cart->progress == 4) { // order confirmation if ($action != 'printorder') { $ckoutbuttons = array('printorder' => _('Print this Confirmation Page')); } else { $ckoutbuttons = array(); } $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $values = $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm; $values['invoicenum'] = $mxuser->cart->invoicenum; //sprintf(_('%06d'),$mxuser->cart->id); $billing = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->billingid); $shipping = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->shippingid); $values['FIRSTNAME'] = $billing['first']; $values['LASTNAME'] = $billing['last']; $values['EMAIL'] = $billing['email']; $values['SHIPTONAME'] = $shipping['shiptoname']; $values['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $shipping['street1']; $values['SHIPTOCITY'] = $shipping['city']; $values['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $shipping['state']; $values['SHIPTOZIP'] = $shipping['zip']; $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME'] = $shipping['countrycode']; $values['termscond'] = mx_showhtmlpagestr('salesterms'); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Order Confirmation'), $action != 'printorder' ? $progresstable : mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info), $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, sprintf(_('Invoice # %s'), $mxuser->cart->invoicenum), _('You purchased the following items.')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), ''), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'confirmation' => array(-1, _('Payment Confirmation'), _('Below are the details of the transaction')), 'invoicenum' => array(0, _('Invoice #'), 'text', 30), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS' => array(0, _('Payment Status'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID' => array(0, _('Transaction ID'), 'transactionid', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME' => array(0, _('Order Time'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT' => array(0, _('Total Amount'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TAXAMT' => array(0, _('Taxes included'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE' => array(0, _('Currency'), 'text', 20), 'terms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms'), _('Please keep the following sales conditions along with your purchase receipt.')), 'termscond' => array(0, _('Buyer Information'), 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); //mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderconfirm,true,true); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $values, true, true); // confirmation emails if ($action != 'printorder') { // email to buyer $ckoutemail = $ckoutlist; $ckoutemail[4] = array(); $ckoutemail[3] = mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); $to = $mxuser->fullname . ' <' . $mxuser->email . '>'; $subj = sprintf(_('Order Confirmation - Invoice # %06d'), $mxuser->cart->id); $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('orderconfirmation'); $confform = mx_showformstr($ckoutemail, $values, true, true); $html = str_replace('{ORDERFORM}', $confform, $html); $html = str_replace('{INVOICENUM}', $mxuser->cart->invoicenum, $html); // sprintf('%06d',$mxuser->cart->id) $txt = sprintf(_('To print your order confirmation, please go to %s'), mx_actionurl('cart', '', 'printorder', '', '', 'secure', 'cartid=' . $mxuser->cart->id)); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); // email to artists foreach ($prodlist['cart'] as $line) { if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $artistid = $line->prodref; } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $media = $mxuser->getmediainfo($line->prodref); $artistid = $media->owner_id; } else { $artistid = 0; } } $prodtype = $line->prodtype; $prodvar = $line->prodvar; $prodprice = sprintf('US$ %.02f', $line->price); if ($artistid) { $artist = $mxdb->getuserinfo($mxuser->id, $artistid); } if ($artist && $artist->email) { $to = mx_getartistname($artist) . ' <' . $artist->email . '>'; if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $subj = _('You just made a new fan'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newfan'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "You just made a new fan in {FANNAME}:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased a {PRODVAR} {PRODTYPE} from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); mx_fbaction('musxpand:subscribe_to?artist=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $artistid))); } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $subj = _('Someone bought media from you'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newbuyer'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "{FANNAME} bought some media from you:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased \"{MEDIANAME}\" from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); } } $fan = '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $mxuser->id) . '">' . mx_getname($mxuser) . '</a>'; $html = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $html); $html = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $html); $html = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $html); $html = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $html); $siteurl = '<a href="' . mx_option('basicsiteurl') . '">MusXpand</a>'; $html = str_replace('{SITEURL}', $siteurl, $html); $html = str_replace('{SALESEMAIL}', MXSALESEMAIL, $html); $txt = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $txt); $fan = mx_getname($mxuser); $txt = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $txt); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); } } } else { // purchase ?> <!-- Google Code for Bought Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "f7QfCNPfzwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $mxuser->cart->total; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php } /*$ckoutlist[0]='printout'; echo '<div id="order"><div class="order">'; mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderinfo,false,true); echo '</div></div>';*/ //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderconfirm); } else { // cart and wishlist display $cartbuttons = array('towish' => _('Move to Wishlist'), 'delcart' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore' => $contshoppinglabel, 'checkout' => _('Proceed to Checkout')); $cartlist = array('cartlist', 0, _('Cart & Wishlist Content'), $progresstable, array('cart' => $cartbuttons, 'wishlist' => array('tocart' => _('Move to Cart'), 'delwish' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore_w' => $contshoppinglabel)), array('cart' => array('cart' => array(-1, _('Your Cart'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'cart\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'cart', 'hidden')), 'wishlist' => array('wishlist' => array(-1, _('Your Wish List'), _('The following items are currently in your wishlist')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'wishlist\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'wishlist', 'hidden')))); mx_showlist($cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', true, true); //if ($action=='addfoy' || $action=='adfofa' || $action=='upgfofa') { ?> <!-- Google Code for Added To Cart Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "ziXpCNvezwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $prodprice; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php //} } } //phpinfo(); }
function requesthandle($userid, $msgid, $status) { $dbid = $this->dbid; $qstr = 'SELECT sender,receiver FROM mx_msg2acc WHERE msgid=' . $msgid; $mxq = $this->query($qstr); if (!$mxq) { die(mxerror($dbid->error, __FILE__, __LINE__, $qstr)); } $qr = $mxq->fetch_object(); $mxq->free(); switch ($status) { case MXREQCANCELLED: // the author is cancelling its request $qstr = 'DELETE FROM mx_friends' . ' WHERE account1_id=' . $userid . ' AND account2_id=' . $qr->receiver . ' AND NOT confirmed & ' . MXMSGREAD; break; case MXREQACCEPTED: // the recipient accepts the request $qstr = 'UPDATE mx_friends SET confirmed=1 ' . ' WHERE account1_id=' . $qr->sender . ' AND account2_id=' . $userid; break; case MXREQRECUSED: // the recipient recuses the request $qstr = 'UPDATE mx_friends SET confirmed=2 ' . ' WHERE account1_id=' . $qr->sender . ' AND account2_id=' . $userid; break; case MXREQIGNORED: // the recipient ignores the request $qstr = 'UPDATE mx_friends SET confirmed=3 ' . ' WHERE account1_id=' . $qr->sender . ' AND account2_id=' . $userid; break; } $mxq = $this->query($qstr); if (!$mxq) { die(mxerror($dbid->error, __FILE__, __LINE__, $qstr)); } if ($dbid->affected_rows > 0) { if ($status == MXREQACCEPTED) { mx_fbaction('musxpand:become_a_friend_of?fan=' . mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $qr->sender)); } return $this->markmsg($userid, $msgid, $status); } else { return 0; } }