Exemple #1
function find_user_room($id_room)
    $emails = array();
    $sql = "select email from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_j_user_room\n\twhere " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs.login = "******"_j_user_room.login and id_room='" . $id_room . "'";
    $res = grr_sql_query($sql);
    if ($res) {
        for ($i = 0; $row = grr_sql_row($res, $i); $i++) {
            if (validate_email($row[0])) {
                $emails[] = $row[0];
    // Si la table des emails des gestionnaires de la ressource est vide, on avertit les administrateurs du domaine
    if (count($emails) == 0) {
        $id_area = mrbsGetAreaIdFromRoomId($id_room);
        $sql_admin = grr_sql_query("select email from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_j_useradmin_area\n\t\t\twhere " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs.login = "******"_j_useradmin_area.login and " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_j_useradmin_area.id_area='" . $id_area . "'");
        if ($sql_admin) {
            for ($i = 0; $row = grr_sql_row($sql_admin, $i); $i++) {
                if (validate_email($row[0])) {
                    $emails[] = $row[0];
    // Si la table des emails des administrateurs du domaines est vide, on avertit les administrateurs des sites
    if (Settings::get("module_multisite") == "Oui") {
        if (count($emails) == 0) {
            $id_area = mrbsGetAreaIdFromRoomId($id_room);
            $id_site = mrbsGetAreaSite($id_area);
            $sql_admin = grr_sql_query("select email from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_j_useradmin_site\n\t\t\t\twhere " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs.login = "******"_j_useradmin_site.login and " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_j_useradmin_site.id_site='" . $id_site . "'");
            if ($sql_admin) {
                for ($i = 0; $row = grr_sql_row($sql_admin, $i); $i++) {
                    if (validate_email($row[0])) {
                        $emails[] = $row[0];
    // Si la table des emails des administrateurs des sites est vide, on avertit les administrateurs générauxd
    if (count($emails) == 0) {
        $sql_admin = grr_sql_query("select email from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_utilisateurs where statut = 'administrateur'");
        if ($sql_admin) {
            for ($i = 0; $row = grr_sql_row($sql_admin, $i); $i++) {
                if (validate_email($row[0])) {
                    $emails[] = $row[0];
    return $emails;
Exemple #2
/** mrbsCreateRepeatEntry()
 * Creates a repeat entry in the data base
 * $starttime   - Start time of entry
 * $endtime     - End time of entry
 * $rep_type    - The repeat type
 * $rep_enddate - When the repeating ends
 * $rep_opt     - Any options associated with the entry
 * $room_id     - Room ID
 * $beneficiaire       - beneficiaire
 * $beneficiaire_ext   - beneficiaire extérieur
 * $creator     - celui aui a créé ou modifié la réservation.
 * $name        - Name
 * $type        - Type (Internal/External)
 * $description - Description
  *$rep_jour_c - Le jour cycle d'une réservation, si aucun 0
 * Returns:
 *   0        - An error occured while inserting the entry
 *   non-zero - The entry's ID
function mrbsCreateRepeatEntry($starttime, $endtime, $rep_type, $rep_enddate, $rep_opt,
                               $room_id, $creator, $beneficiaire, $beneficiaire_ext, $name, $type, $description, $rep_num_weeks,$overload_data, $rep_jour_c)
  $overload_data_string = "";
  $area_id = mrbsGetAreaIdFromRoomId($room_id);

  $overload_fields_list = mrbsOverloadGetFieldslist($area_id);

  foreach ($overload_fields_list as $field=>$fieldtype)
      $id_field = $overload_fields_list[$field]["id"];
      if (array_key_exists($id_field,$overload_data))
//      $begin_string = "<".$id_field.">"; //tructruc
//      $end_string = "</".$id_field.">";  //tructruc
      $begin_string = "@".$id_field."@";
      $end_string = "@/".$id_field."@";
//    $overload_data_string .= $begin_string.base64_encode($overload_data[$id_field]).$end_string; // tructruc
    $overload_data_string .= $begin_string.urlencode($overload_data[$id_field]).$end_string; // tructruc

  $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."_repeat (
  start_time, end_time, rep_type, end_date, rep_opt, room_id, create_by, beneficiaire, beneficiaire_ext, type, name, description, rep_num_weeks, overload_desc, jours)
  VALUES ($starttime, $endtime,  $rep_type, $rep_enddate, '$rep_opt', $room_id,   '".protect_data_sql($creator)."','".protect_data_sql($beneficiaire)."','".protect_data_sql($beneficiaire_ext)."', '".protect_data_sql($type)."', '".protect_data_sql($name)."', '".protect_data_sql($description)."', '$rep_num_weeks','".protect_data_sql($overload_data_string)."',".$rep_jour_c.")";

  if (grr_sql_command($sql) < 0)
      return 0;

  return grr_sql_insert_id("".TABLE_PREFIX."_repeat", "id");