/** * Use it only for non photo media * * @param type $type * @param type $media * @return type */ function mpp_get_media_cover_src($type = 'thumbnail', $media = null) { $media = mpp_get_media($media); $thumbnail_id = mpp_get_media_cover_id($media->id); if (!$thumbnail_id) { //if it is a photo, let us say that the photo is itself the cover if ($media->type == 'photo') { //&& mpp_gallery_has_media( $gallery->id ) $thumbnail_id = $media->id; } if (!$thumbnail_id) { $default_image = mpp_get_default_media_cover_image_src($media, $type); return apply_filters('mpp_get_media_default_cover_image_src', $default_image, $type, $media); } } $storage = mpp_get_storage_manager($media->id); //get the image src $thumb_image_url = $storage->get_src($type, $thumbnail_id); return apply_filters('mpp_get_media_cover_src', $thumb_image_url, $type, $media); }
/** * Maps 'delete_attachment' to mpp_before_media_delete action * Also, cleans up cover, decrements media count and deletes activities associated * * @param type $media_id * @return type */ public function map_before_delete_attachment_action($media_id) { if (!mpp_is_valid_media($media_id)) { //the attachment is not media return; } //this is just a precaution in case some faulty plugin calls it again //if everything is normal, we don't need to check for this if ($this->is_queued($media_id)) { return; // } //push this media to teh queue $this->add_item($media_id, 'media'); /** * mpp_before_media_delete action fires before WordPress starts deleting an attachment which is a valid media( in MediaPress). * Any plugin utilizing this action can access the fully functional media object by using mpp_get_media() on the passed media id * */ do_action('mpp_before_media_delete', $media_id); $storage_manager = mpp_get_storage_manager($media_id); $storage_manager->delete_media($media_id); //delete if it is set as cover delete_metadata('post', null, '_mpp_cover_id', $media_id, true); // delete all for any posts. delete_metadata('post', null, '_mpp_unpublished_media_id', $media_id, true); // delete all for any posts. // //if media has cover, delete the cover $media = mpp_get_media($media_id); $gallery_id = $media->gallery_id; if (mpp_media_has_cover_image($media_id)) { mpp_delete_media(mpp_get_media_cover_id($media_id)); } if (apply_filters('mpp_cleanup_single_media_on_delete', true, $media_id, $gallery_id)) { mpp_gallery_decrement_media_count($gallery_id); if (mediapress()->is_bp_active()) { //delete all activities related to this media //mpp_media_delete_activities( $media_id ); mpp_delete_activity_for_single_published_media($media_id); //delete all activity meta key where this media is associated mpp_media_delete_activity_meta($media_id); } } return; }
function mpp_get_media_path($type = '', $media = null) { $media = mpp_get_media($media); $storage_manager = mpp_get_storage_manager($media->id); return $storage_manager->get_path($type, $media->id); }
/** * Get wp compatible meta data for the media * @param type $media_id * @param type $src * @return type */ function mpp_generate_media_metadata($media_id, $src) { $storage = mpp_get_storage_manager($media_id); return $storage->generate_metadata($media_id, $src); }
/** * Get the Used space by a component * * @param type $component * @param type $component_id * @return int */ function mpp_get_used_space($component, $component_id) { $storage_manager = mpp_get_storage_manager(); //get default return $storage_manager->get_used_space($component, $component_id); }
function _mpp_get_cover_photo_src($type = '', $media = null) { if (is_object($media)) { $media = $media->id; } $storage_manager = mpp_get_storage_manager($media); return $storage_manager->get_src($type, $media); }
/** * Generate attachment meta data. * * @param int $attachment_id Attachment Id to process. * @param string $file Filepath of the Attached image. * @return mixed Metadata for attachment. */ function mpp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $file) { $storage_manager = mpp_get_storage_manager($attachment_id); return $storage_manager->generate_metadata($attachment_id, $file); }
public function cover_upload() { check_ajax_referer('mpp_add_media'); //check for the referrer $response = array(); $file = $_FILES; $file_id = '_mpp_file'; //key name in the files array //find the components we are trying to add for $component = $component_id = 0; $context = 'cover'; $gallery_id = absint($_POST['mpp-gallery-id']); $parent_id = absint($_POST['mpp-parent-id']); $parent_type = isset($_POST['mpp-parent-type']) ? trim($_POST['mpp-parent-type']) : 'gallery'; //default upload to gallery cover if (!$gallery_id || !$parent_id) { return; } $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id); $component = $gallery->component; $component_id = $gallery->component_id; //get the uploader $uploader = mpp_get_storage_manager(); //should we pass the component? //setup for component //$uploader->setup_for( $component, $component_id ); //check if the server can handle the upload? if (!$uploader->can_handle()) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('Server can not handle this much amount of data. Please upload a smaller file or ask your server administrator to change the settings.', 'mediapress'))); } $media_type = mpp_get_media_type_from_extension(mpp_get_file_extension($file[$file_id]['name'])); //cover is always a photo, if ($media_type != 'photo') { wp_send_json(array('message' => sprintf(__('Please upload a photo. Only <strong>%s</strong> files are allowed!', 'mediapress'), mpp_get_allowed_file_extensions_as_string($media_type)))); } $error = false; //if we are here, all is well :) if (!mpp_user_can_upload($component, $component_id, $gallery)) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("You don't have sufficient permissions to upload.", 'mediapress'))); } //if we are here, we have checked for all the basic errors, so let us just upload now $uploaded = $uploader->upload($file, array('file_id' => $file_id, 'gallery_id' => $gallery_id, 'component' => $component, 'component_id' => $component_id, 'is_cover' => 1)); //upload was succesfull? if (!isset($uploaded['error'])) { //file was uploaded successfully $title = $_FILES[$file_id]['name']; $title_parts = pathinfo($title); $title = trim(substr($title, 0, -(1 + strlen($title_parts['extension'])))); $url = $uploaded['url']; $type = $uploaded['type']; $file = $uploaded['file']; //$title = isset( $_POST['media_title'] ) ? $_POST['media_title'] : ''; $content = isset($_POST['media_description']) ? $_POST['media_description'] : ''; $meta = $uploader->get_meta($uploaded); $title_desc = $this->get_title_desc_from_meta($type, $meta); if (!empty($title_desc)) { if (empty($title) && !empty($title_desc['title'])) { $title = $title_desc['title']; } if (empty($content) && !empty($title_desc['content'])) { $content = $title_desc['content']; } } $status = isset($_POST['media_status']) ? $_POST['media_status'] : ''; if (empty($status) && $gallery) { $status = $gallery->status; //inherit from parent,gallery must have an status } //we may need some more enhancements here if (!$status) { $status = mpp_get_default_status(); } // print_r($upload_info); $is_orphan = 0; $media_data = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $content, 'gallery_id' => $parent_id, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'is_remote' => false, 'type' => $media_type, 'mime_type' => $type, 'src' => $file, 'url' => $url, 'status' => $status, 'comment_status' => 'open', 'storage_method' => mpp_get_storage_method(), 'component_id' => $component_id, 'component' => $component, 'context' => $context, 'is_orphan' => $is_orphan, 'is_cover' => true); //cover shuld never be recorded as activity add_filter('mpp_do_not_record_add_media_activity', '__return_true'); $id = mpp_add_media($media_data); if ($parent_type == 'gallery') { $old_cover = mpp_get_gallery_cover_id($parent_id); } else { $old_cover = mpp_get_media_cover_id($parent_id); } if ($gallery->type == 'photo') { mpp_gallery_increment_media_count($gallery_id); } else { //mark it as non gallery media mpp_delete_media_meta($id, '_mpp_is_mpp_media'); if ($old_cover) { mpp_delete_media($old_cover); } } mpp_update_media_cover_id($parent_id, $id); $attachment = mpp_media_to_json($id); //$attachment['data']['type_id'] = mpp_get_type_term_id( $gallery->type ); echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'data' => $attachment)); //wp_send_json_success( array('name'=>'what') ); exit(0); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $uploaded['error'])); exit(0); } }
function mpp_get_media_content($media = null) { $media = mpp_get_media($media); $view = mpp_get_media_view($media->type, mpp_get_storage_manager($media->id)); if (!empty($view)) { return $view->get_html($media); } return sprintf(__('There are no view object registered to handle the display of the content of <strong> %s </strong> type', 'mediapress'), $media->type); }