  * Since we are filtering on 'bp_activity_prefetch_object_data', the activity meta is already cached,
  * So, we won't query for media ids instead loop and build the list
  * @param type $activities
 public function cache($activities)
     if (empty($activities)) {
     $media_ids = array();
     $gallery_ids = array();
     foreach ($activities as $activity) {
         //check if the activity has attached gallery
         $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity->id);
         if ($gallery_id) {
             $gallery_ids[] = $gallery_id;
         //check for media ids
         $attached_media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity->id);
         if (!empty($attached_media_ids)) {
             $media_ids = array_merge($media_ids, $attached_media_ids);
         $associated_media_id = mpp_activity_get_media_id($activity->id);
         if (!empty($associated_media_id)) {
             $media_ids[] = $associated_media_id;
     $merged_ids = array_merge($media_ids, $gallery_ids);
     $merged_ids = array_unique($merged_ids);
     if (!empty($merged_ids)) {
         _prime_post_caches($merged_ids, true, true);
     return $activities;
Exemple #2
 * Check if activity has associated media
 * @param int $activity_id
 * @return mixed false if no attachment else array of attachment ids
function mpp_activity_has_media($activity_id = false)
    if (!$activity_id) {
        $activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
    return mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id);
 * Show the list of attached media in an activity
 * Should we add a link to view gallery too?
 * @return type
function mpp_activity_inject_attached_media_html()
    $media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids(bp_get_activity_id());
    if (empty($media_ids)) {
    $activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
    $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity_id);
    $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
    if (!$gallery) {
    $type = $gallery->type;
    $view = mpp_get_activity_view($type);
    public function fetch_activity_media()
        //do we need nonce validation for this request too? no
        $items = array();
        $activity_id = $_POST['activity_id'];
        if (!$activity_id) {
        $media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id);
        if (empty($media_ids)) {
            array_push($items, __('Sorry, Nothing found!', 'mediapress'));
            wp_send_json(array('items' => $items));
        $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity_id);
        $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
        if ($gallery->component == 'groups' && function_exists('bp_is_active') && bp_is_active('groups')) {
            //if( empty( buddypress()->groups))
        $media_query = new MPP_Media_Query(array('in' => $media_ids));
        if ($media_query->have_media()) {

            while ($media_query->have_media()) {

                $items[] = array('src' => $this->get_media_lightbox_entry());


        wp_send_json(array('items' => $items));
Exemple #5
 * Show the list of attached media in an activity
 * Should we add a link to view gallery too?
 * @return type
function mpp_activity_inject_attached_media_html()
    $media_list = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids(bp_get_activity_id());
    if (empty($media_list)) {
    $activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
    $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity_id);
    $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
    //in case we are using oembed or other storage method
    $storage_method = mpp_get_media_meta($gallery->id, '_mpp_storage_method', true);
    if ($storage_method == mpp_get_default_storage_method()) {
        $storage_method = '';
    $slug = $gallery->type;
    if (!empty($storage_method)) {
        $slug = $slug . '-' . $storage_method;
    //eg. video-oembed
    //media-loop-audio/media-loop-video,media-loop-photo, media-loop
    mpp_get_template_part('gallery/activity/loop', $slug);
Exemple #6

// Exit if the file is accessed directly over web
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
 * List videos attached to activity
<div class="mpp-container mpp-media-list mpp-activity-media-list mpp-activity-video-list mpp-activity-video-player">
$ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids(bp_get_activity_id());
//is there only one video attached?
if (count($ids) == 1) {
    $ids = array_pop($ids);
    $media = mpp_get_media($ids);
    $args = array('src' => mpp_get_media_src('', $media), 'poster' => mpp_get_media_src('thumbnail', $media));
    //show single video with poster
    echo wp_video_shortcode($args);
} else {
    //show all videos as playlist
    echo wp_playlist_shortcode(array('ids' => $ids, 'type' => 'video'));
Exemple #7

// Exit if the file is accessed directly over web
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
 * Media List attached to an activity
 * This is a fallback template for new media types
$activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
$mppq = new MPP_Cached_Media_Query(array('in' => mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id)));
if ($mppq->have_media()) {
	<div class="mpp-container mpp-media-list mpp-activity-media-list">

    while ($mppq->have_media()) {

			<a href="<?php 
" ><img src="<?php 
" class='mpp-attached-media-item' data-mpp-activity-id="<?php 
        echo $activity_id;
function mpp_delete_activity_for_single_published_media($media_id)
    if (!function_exists('bp_is_active') || !bp_is_active('activity')) {
        return false;
        //or false?
    global $wpdb;
    $bp = buddypress();
    //select ids , we need to delete comment too?
    $query = "SELECT activity_id FROM {$bp->activity->table_name_meta} WHERE  ( meta_key = %s AND meta_value = %d ) OR ( meta_key = %s AND meta_value = %d ) ";
    $query = $wpdb->prepare($query, '_mpp_attached_media_id', $media_id, '_mpp_media_id', $media_id);
    $activity_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query);
    if (empty($activity_ids)) {
        return false;
    //cache the activity meta
    $to_delete_ids = array();
    foreach ($activity_ids as $activity_id) {
        $ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id);
        if (count($ids) <= 1) {
            $to_delete_ids[] = $activity_id;
    if (empty($to_delete_ids)) {
        return false;
    $list = '(' . join(',', $to_delete_ids) . ')';
    if (!$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} WHERE id IN {$list}")) {
        return false;
    //delete  comments
    $activity_comment_ids = mpp_delete_activity_comments($to_delete_ids);
    //delete all activities
    $deleted_ids = array_merge($to_delete_ids, $activity_comment_ids);
    //get associated WordPress comment ids? No need to worry about that
 * Format activity action for 'mpp_media_upload' activity type.
 * @param string $action  activity action.
 * @param object $activity Activity object.
 * @return string
function mpp_format_activity_action_media_upload($action, $activity)
    $userlink = mpp_get_user_link($activity->user_id);
    $media_ids = array();
    $media_id = 0;
    $media_id = mpp_activity_get_media_id($activity->id);
    if (!$media_id) {
        $media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity->id);
        if (!empty($media_ids)) {
            $media_id = $media_ids[0];
    $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity->id);
    if (!$media_id && !$gallery_id) {
        return $action;
        //not a gallery activity, no need to proceed further
    $media = mpp_get_media($media_id);
    $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
    if (!$media && !$gallery) {
        return $action;
    $activity_type = mpp_activity_get_activity_type($activity->id);
    //is a type specified
    $skip = false;
    if ($activity_type) {
        if (in_array($activity_type, array('edit_gallery', 'add_media'))) {
            $skip = true;
    //there us still a chance for improvement, we should dynamically generate the action instead for the above actions too
    if ($skip) {
        return $action;
    if ($activity_type == 'media_upload') {
        $media_count = count($media_ids);
        $media_id = current($media_ids);
        $type = $gallery->type;
        //we need the type plural in case of mult
        $type = _n($type, $type . 's', $media_count);
        //photo vs photos etc
        $action = sprintf(__('%s uploaded %d new %s', 'mediapress'), $userlink, $media_count, $type);
        //allow modules to filter the action and change the message
        $action = apply_filters('mpp_activity_action_media_upload', $action, $activity, $media_id, $media_ids, $gallery);
    } elseif ($activity_type == 'media_comment') {
        if (mpp_is_single_media()) {
            $action = sprintf(__('%s', 'mediapress'), $userlink);
        } else {
            $action = sprintf(__("%s commented on %s's %s", 'mediapress'), $userlink, mpp_get_user_link($media->user_id), $media->type);
            //brajesh singh commented on @mercime's photo
    } elseif ($activity_type == 'gallery_comment') {
        if (mpp_is_single_gallery()) {
            $action = sprintf('%s', $userlink);
        } else {
            $action = sprintf(__("%s commented on %s's <a href='%s'>%s gallery</a>", 'mediapress'), $userlink, mpp_get_user_link($gallery->user_id), mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery), $gallery->type);
    } elseif ($activity_type == 'create_gallery') {
        $action = sprintf(__('%s created a %s <a href="%s">gallery</a>', 'mediapress'), $userlink, $gallery->type, mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery));
    } else {
        $action = sprintf(__('%s', 'mediapress'), $userlink);
    return apply_filters('mpp_format_activity_action_media_upload', $action, $activity, $media_id, $media_ids);
Exemple #10

// Exit if the file is accessed directly over web
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
 * List Photos attched to an activity
 * Media List attached to an activity
$activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
$mppq = new MPP_Cached_Media_Query(array('in' => mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id)));
$ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id);
if ($mppq->have_media()) {

<ul class="mpp-item-list mpp-activity-media-item-list">
    while ($mppq->have_media()) {
	<li class="mpp-list-item-entry mpp-list-item-entry-<?php 
        echo mpp_media_type();
Exemple #11
    public function fetch_activity_media()
        //do we need nonce validation for this request too? no
        $items = array();
        $activity_id = $_POST['activity_id'];
        if (!$activity_id) {
        $media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity_id);
        if (empty($media_ids)) {
            array_push($items, __('Sorry, Nothing found!', 'mediapress'));
            wp_send_json(array('items' => $items));
        $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity_id);
        $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
        //in case we are using oembed or other storage method
        $storage_method = mpp_get_media_meta($gallery->id, '_mpp_storage_method', true);
        //should we check for 'local' instead of default?
        if ($storage_method == mpp_get_default_storage_method()) {
            $storage_method = '';
        $slug = $gallery->type;
        if (!empty($storage_method)) {
            $slug = $slug . '-' . $storage_method;
            //eg. video-oembed
        $media_query = new MPP_Media_Query(array('in' => $media_ids));
        if ($media_query->have_media()) {

            while ($media_query->have_media()) {

                $items[] = array('src' => $this->get_activity_media_lightbox_entry());

        //media-loop-audio/media-loop-video,media-loop-photo, media-loop
        //mpp_get_template_part( 'gallery/activity/loop', $slug );
        wp_send_json(array('items' => $items));
Exemple #12
 * Format activity action for 'mpp_media_upload' activity type.
 * @param string $action  activity action.
 * @param object $activity Activity object.
 * @return string
function mpp_format_activity_action_media_upload($action, $activity)
    $userlink = bp_core_get_userlink($activity->user_id);
    $media_ids = array();
    //this could be a comment
    //or a media comment
    //or a gallery comment
    //or an activity upload
    $media_id = mpp_activity_get_media_id($activity->id);
    $gallery_id = mpp_activity_get_gallery_id($activity->id);
    if (!$media_id && !$gallery_id) {
        return $action;
    //not a gallery activity, no need to proceed further
    $type = mpp_activity_get_activity_type($activity->id);
    //is a type specified
    $skip = false;
    if ($type) {
        if (in_array($type, array('create_gallery', 'edit_gallery', 'add_media'))) {
            $skip = true;
    if (!$skip && $media_id) {
        $media = mpp_get_media($media_id);
        //this is an activity comment on single media
        if (mpp_is_single_media()) {
            $action = sprintf(__('%s', 'mpp'), $userlink);
        } else {
            $action = sprintf(__("%s commented on %s's %s", 'mpp'), $userlink, bp_core_get_userlink($media->user_id), $media->type);
            //brajesh singh commented on @mercime's photo
    } elseif (!$skip && $gallery_id) {
        $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
        //check for the uploaded media
        $media_ids = mpp_activity_get_attached_media_ids($activity->id);
        //this will never fire but let us be defensive
        if (empty($media_ids)) {
            //this is gallery comment
            if (mpp_is_single_gallery()) {
                $action = sprintf('%s', $userlink);
            } else {
                $action = sprintf(__("%s commented on %s's <a href='%s'>%s gallery</a>", 'mpp'), $userlink, bp_core_get_userlink($gallery->user_id), mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery), $gallery->type);
        } else {
            //we will always be here
            $media_count = count($media_ids);
            $media_id = current($media_ids);
            $type = $gallery->type;
            //we need the type plural in case of mult
            $type = _n($type, $type . 's', $media_count);
            //photo vs photos etc
            $action = sprintf(__('%s uploaded %d new %s', 'mpp'), $userlink, $media_count, $type);
            //allow modules to filter the action and change the message
            $action = apply_filters('mpp_activity_action_media_upload', $action, $activity, $media_id, $media_ids, $gallery);
    return apply_filters('mpp_format_activity_action_media_upload', $action, $activity, $media_id, $media_ids);