<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: administrator * Date: 2015/9/1 * Time: 21:08 */ require_once '../include.php'; echo more(15);
function show_help() { $show_help_text = <<<EOF \tEnter a series of commands and then execute the set with "exec". \t \tFor example: \techo "foo"; // php command \techo "foo2"; // php command \t! echo "heh" # shell command \texec \tExample commands: \tstartrecording <recordingfilename> \tstoprecording <recordingfilename> \tshowrecordings \tparse_config(true); # reloads the \$config array \t\$temp = print_r(\$config, true); \tmore(\$temp); \t/* to output a configuration array */ \tprint_r(\$config); \t \t/* to output the interfaces configuration portion of config.xml */ \tprint_r(\$config['interfaces']); \t \t/* to output the dhcp server configuration */ \tprint_r(\$config['dhcpd']); \t/* to exit the php {$g['product_name']} shell */ \texit \t \t/* to output supported wireless modes for an interface */ \tprint_r(get_wireless_modes(\\"ath0\\")); \t \t/* to enable SSH */ \t\$config['system']['enablesshd'] = true; \t \t/* change OPTX to the OPT interface name such as BACKHAUL */ \t\$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['standard'] = "11a"; \t\$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['mode'] = "hostap"; \t\$config['interfaces']['optx']['wireless']['channel'] = "6"; \t \t/* to enable dhcp server for an optx interface */ \t\$config['dhcpd']['optx']['enable'] = true; \t\$config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['from'] = ""; \t\$config['dhcpd']['optx']['range']['to'] = ""; \t \t/* to disable the firewall filter */ \t\$config['system']['disablefilter'] = true; \t \t/* to enable an interface and set it for dhcp */ \t\$config['interfaces']['optx']['disabled'] = false; \t\$config['interfaces']['optx']['ipaddr'] = "dhcp"; \t \t/* to enable an interface and set a static ip address */ \t\$config['interfaces']['wan']['disabled'] = false; \t\$config['interfaces']['wan']['ipaddr'] = ""; \t\$config['interfaces']['wan']['subnet'] = "24"; \t \t/* to save out the new configuration (config.xml) */ \twrite_config(); \t \t/* to reboot the system after saving */ \tsystem_reboot_sync(); \t EOF; more($show_help_text); }
$users_phone = removePlus($phone); if (@$_REQUEST['msgdata']) { $user_msg = trim(urldecode($_REQUEST['msgdata'])); //echo $user_msg; $tokens = explode(" ", $user_msg); if (strtoupper(trim($tokens[0])) == 'STOP') { //echo trim($tokens[0]); exit; $service = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($tokens); $i++) { @($service .= $tokens[$i] . " "); } deactivate($phone, trim($service)); } elseif (strtoupper(trim($tokens[0])) == 'HELP') { help($phone); } elseif (strtoupper(trim($tokens[0])) == 'MORE') { more($phone); } } $data = R::find('users', ' mobile_number = :phone', array('phone' => $users_phone)); @($category = R::find('category', 1)); #check if its a new user if ($data) { $cat_id = findCategory($user_msg); $msg = $_SESSION['not']; #not a new user if ($cat_id) { $sub_data = R::findOne('subscription', ' user_phone = :phone and category_id = :cat', array('phone' => $phone, 'cat' => $cat_id)); if ($sub_data) { #User subscribed for a category if ($cat_id) { #If the category is listed