$search_query = htmlspecialchars($_GET['search-notes']); } $url_array = array(); reset($_GET); while (list($name, $value) = each($_GET)) { if (is_array($_GET[$name])) { while (list(, $value2) = each($_GET[$name])) { if (!empty($value2)) { $url_array[] = urlencode($name . '[]') . '=' . urlencode($value2); } } } elseif ($name != 'from') { if (!empty($value)) { $url_array[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value); } } } $url_string = join('&', $url_array); if ($rows > 0) { $items_from = $from + 1; $from + $limit > $rows ? $items_to = $rows : ($items_to = $from + $limit); print '<div style="padding-top:7px;text-align:center;font-size:0.85em">Search results ' . $items_from . '-' . $items_to . ' of <span id="total-items">' . $rows . '</span> in ' . $microtime . '.</div>'; mobile_show_search_results($result, $display); } else { print '<div style="padding-top:100px;color:#bfbeb9;font-size:28px;text-align:center"><b>No Hits</b></div>'; } print '</div>'; if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from'] > 0) { cache_store(); } }
if ($orderby == 'year' || $orderby == 'addition_date' || $orderby == 'rating' || $orderby == 'id') { $ordering = 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby . ' DESC'; } if ($orderby == 'id') { $ordering = ''; } perform_search("SELECT id FROM library {$all_in} {$ordering}"); if ($rows > 0) { $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($result as $item) { $display_files_array[] = $item['id']; } $display_files2 = join(",", $display_files_array); // Read clipboard files. attach_clipboard($dbHandle); $clip_result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id FROM clipboard.files WHERE id IN ({$display_files2})"); $clip_files = $clip_result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $clip_result = null; $items_from = $from + 1; $from + $limit > $rows ? $items_to = $rows : ($items_to = $from + $limit); print '<div style="text-align:center;font-size:0.85em">Items ' . $items_from . '-' . $items_to . ' of <span id="total-items">' . $rows . '</span></div>'; $rows % $limit == 0 ? $lastpage = $rows - $limit : ($lastpage = $rows - $rows % $limit); mobile_show_search_results($result, $clip_files); } else { print '<div style="padding-top:100px;color:#bfbeb9;font-size:28px;text-align:center"><b>No Items</b></div>'; } echo '</div>'; } if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from'] > 0) { cache_store(); }