function uploadCert($fileId) { $managerId = $this->mid; $path = SITE_PATH . '\\Cert\\wxzf\\' . $managerId; $file = M('file')->find($fileId); $file['savepath'] = substr($file['savepath'], 0, strlen($file['savepath']) - 1); $filename = SITE_PATH . '\\Uploads\\Download\\' . $file['savepath'] . '\\' . $file['savename']; // dump($file); // dump($filename); // dump(file_exists($filename)); // die; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $this->error('上传失败'); exit; } // $extend = $file ['ext']; // if (! ($extend == 'pem' || $extend == 'p12' )) { // $this->error('上传证书格式有误,扩展名应为 pem'); // exit(); // } $mkres = mkdirs($path); $content = wp_file_get_contents($filename); $res = file_put_contents($path . '\\' . $file['name'], $content); return $res; }
public function settingsDisplay($settings) { global $_GPC, $_W; if (checksubmit()) { load()->func('file'); mkdirs(ZC_ROOT . '/cert'); $r = true; $pemname = isset($pemname) ? $pemname : time(); if (!empty($_GPC['cert'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(ZC_ROOT . '/cert/apiclient_cert.pem.' . $pemname, trim($_GPC['cert'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!empty($_GPC['key'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(ZC_ROOT . '/cert/apiclient_key.pem.' . $pemname, trim($_GPC['key'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!empty($_GPC['ca'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(ZC_ROOT . '/cert/rootca.pem.' . $pemname, trim($_GPC['ca'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!$r) { message('证书保存失败, 请保证 /addons/hx_zhongchou/cert/ 目录可写'); } $cfg = array('noticeemail' => $_GPC['noticeemail'], 'kfid' => $_GPC['kfid'], 'k_templateid' => $_GPC['k_templateid'], 'kfirst' => $_GPC['kfirst'], 'kfoot' => $_GPC['kfoot'], 'm_templateid' => $_GPC['m_templateid'], 'mfirst' => $_GPC['mfirst'], 'mfoot' => $_GPC['mfoot'], 'ispublish' => intval($_GPC['ispublish']), 'shopname' => $_GPC['shopname'], 'address' => $_GPC['address'], 'phone' => $_GPC['phone'], 'email' => $_GPC['email'], 'officialweb' => $_GPC['officialweb'], 'description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['description']), 'appid' => trim($_GPC['appid']), 'secret' => trim($_GPC['secret']), 'mchid' => trim($_GPC['mchid']), 'password' => trim($_GPC['password']), 'ip' => trim($_GPC['ip']), 'pemname' => $pemname); if (!empty($_GPC['logo'])) { $cfg['logo'] = $_GPC['logo']; } if ($this->saveSettings($cfg)) { message('保存成功', 'refresh'); } } load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('setting'); }
public function settingsDisplay($settings) { global $_W, $_GPC, $frames; require_once MB_ROOT . '/source/backlist.class.php'; $backlist = new backlist(); $frames = $backlist->getModuleFrames('feng_fightgroups'); $backlist->_calc_current_frames2($frames); load()->func('tpl'); load()->model('account'); $modules = uni_modules(); if (checksubmit()) { load()->func('file'); $r = mkdirs(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid']); if (!empty($_GPC['cert'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem', trim($_GPC['cert'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!empty($_GPC['key'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem', trim($_GPC['key'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!$r) { message('证书保存失败, 请保证 /addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/ 目录可写'); } $dat = array('userrefund' => $_GPC['userrefund'], 'gettime' => $_GPC['gettime'], 'goodstip' => $_GPC['goodstip'], 'openfirstpay' => $_GPC['openfirstpay'], 'firstpay' => $_GPC['firstpay'], 'refundpercent' => $_GPC['refundpercent'], 'status' => $_GPC['status'], 'sharestatus' => $_GPC['sharestatus'], 'mode' => $_GPC['mode'], 'picmode' => $_GPC['picmode'], 'mchid' => $_GPC['mchid'], 'apikey' => $_GPC['apikey'], 'share_title' => $_GPC['share_title'], 'share_image' => $_GPC['share_image'], 'share_desc' => $_GPC['share_desc'], 'share_imagestatus' => $_GPC['share_imagestatus'], 'pay_suc' => $_GPC['pay_suc'], 'm_pay' => $_GPC['m_pay'], 'm_tuan' => $_GPC['m_tuan'], 'm_cancle' => $_GPC['m_cancle'], 'm_ref' => $_GPC['m_ref'], 'm_send' => $_GPC['m_send'], 'pay_remark' => $_GPC['pay_remark'], 'tuan_remark' => $_GPC['tuan_remark'], 'tuan_suc' => $_GPC['tuan_suc'], 'cancle_remark' => $_GPC['cancle_remark'], 'cancle' => $_GPC['cancle'], 'send_remark' => $_GPC['send_remark'], 'send' => $_GPC['send'], 'ref_remark' => $_GPC['ref_remark'], 'ref' => $_GPC['ref'], 'sname' => $_GPC['sname'], 'slogo' => $_GPC['slogo'], 'marketprice1' => $_GPC['marketprice1'], 'marketprice2' => $_GPC['marketprice2'], 'marketprice3' => $_GPC['marketprice3'], 'marketprice4' => $_GPC['marketprice4'], 'productprice1' => $_GPC['productprice1'], 'productprice2' => $_GPC['productprice2'], 'productprice3' => $_GPC['productprice3'], 'productprice4' => $_GPC['productprice4'], 'copyright' => $_GPC['copyright'], 'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['content'])); if ($this->saveSettings($dat)) { message('保存成功', 'refresh'); } } //这里来展示设置项表单 include $this->template('web/setting'); }
/** * Function used to write a new cache file * * This function will create a new JSON file in which the payload will be saved for the specified amount. By default the cached data needs to be renewed manually. * * @param string $name The name under which the cached data will be saved. * @param mixed $payload Any data to be stored in this cache file (strings, integers, arrays, ...) * @param int $lifetime How long should the data be kept (in minutes). 0 means infinite. * @param bool $created Setting this to true will automatically create the folders needed to store the given cache key * * @return bool Whether or not the operation succeeded. */ static function Write($name, $payload, $lifetime = 0, $create = false) { if (CACHE) { if (!is_dir(CACHE_DIR . dirname($name))) { if ($create) { mkdirs(CACHE_DIR . dirname($name)); } else { return false; } } $time = time(); // Get current time so we can use it for lifetime calculation if ($lifetime != 0) { $expires = $time + $lifetime * 60; } else { $expires = 0; } $data = array('name' => $name, 'created' => $time, 'expires' => $expires, 'lifetime' => $lifetime, 'payload' => $payload); file_put_contents(CACHE_DIR . $name . '.json', json_encode($data)); Lightwork::Log('Cache stored: ' . $name, Lightwork::LOG_DEBUG); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $tpl_name, Name of Template for rendering */ public function __construct($tpl_name) { $this->tpl_driver_class = Config::get('env.tplclass', 'Smarty'); $this->tpl_postfix = Config::get('env.tplpostfix', '.htm'); $this->tpl_name = $this->tpl_realpath($tpl_name); $this->modroot = SimPHP::$gConfig['modroot']; $tpl_config = array('caching' => Config::get('env.tplcache', 0), 'cache_lifetime' => Config::get('env.tplcache_expires', 300), 'compile_check' => Config::get('env.tplcompile_check', 1), 'force_compile' => Config::get('env.tplforce_compile', 0), 'debugging' => Config::get('env.tpldebug', 0)); $tpldir = Config::get('env.sitetheme', 'default'); if ($this->modroot != 'modules') { $tpldir = $this->modroot; } $template_dir = SIMPHP_ROOT . "/themes/{$tpldir}"; $compiled_dir = SIMPHP_ROOT . Config::get('env.tplcachedir') . "/{$tpldir}/compiled"; $cached_dir = SIMPHP_ROOT . Config::get('env.tplcachedir') . "/{$tpldir}/cached"; $tpl_config['template_dir'] = $template_dir; $tpl_config['compile_dir'] = $compiled_dir; $tpl_config['cache_dir'] = $cached_dir; try { if (!is_dir($compiled_dir) && !mkdirs($compiled_dir) && !is_writable($compiled_dir)) { throw new DirWritableException($compiled_dir); } if (Config::get('env.tplcache') && !is_dir($cached_dir) && !mkdirs($cached_dir) && !is_writable($cached_dir)) { throw new DirWritableException($cached_dir); } } catch (DirWritableException $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } $this->tpl = Template::I(array('driverClass' => $this->tpl_driver_class, 'driverConfig' => $tpl_config)); $this->assign('contextpath', Config::get('env.contextpath', '/')); $this->assign_by_ref('user', $GLOBALS['user']); //add default output filter $this->add_output_filter(array($this, 'filter_output')); }
public function settingsDisplay($settings) { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->func('tpl'); if (checksubmit()) { load()->func('file'); $r = mkdirs(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid']); if (!empty($_GPC['cert'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_cert.pem', trim($_GPC['cert'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!empty($_GPC['key'])) { $ret = file_put_contents(MB_ROOT . '/cert/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/apiclient_key.pem', trim($_GPC['key'])); $r = $r && $ret; } if (!$r) { message('证书保存失败, 请保证 /addons/feng_fightgroups/cert/ 目录可写'); } $dat = array('status' => $_GPC['status'], 'mode' => $_GPC['mode'], 'picmode' => $_GPC['picmode'], 'mchid' => $_GPC['mchid'], 'apikey' => $_GPC['apikey'], 'share_title' => $_GPC['share_title'], 'share_image' => $_GPC['share_image'], 'share_desc' => $_GPC['share_desc'], 'url' => $_GPC['url'], 'pay_suc' => $_GPC['pay_suc'], 'm_pay' => $_GPC['m_pay'], 'm_tuan' => $_GPC['m_tuan'], 'm_cancle' => $_GPC['m_cancle'], 'm_ref' => $_GPC['m_ref'], 'm_send' => $_GPC['m_send'], 'pay_remark' => $_GPC['pay_remark'], 'tuan_remark' => $_GPC['tuan_remark'], 'tuan_suc' => $_GPC['tuan_suc'], 'cancle_remark' => $_GPC['cancle_remark'], 'cancle' => $_GPC['cancle'], 'send_remark' => $_GPC['send_remark'], 'send' => $_GPC['send'], 'ref_remark' => $_GPC['ref_remark'], 'ref' => $_GPC['ref'], 'sname' => $_GPC['sname'], 'slogo' => $_GPC['slogo'], 'copyright' => $_GPC['copyright'], 'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['content'])); if ($this->saveSettings($dat)) { message('保存成功', 'refresh'); } } //这里来展示设置项表单 include $this->template('setting'); }
function logging($level = 'info', $message = '') { $filename = IA_ROOT . '/data/logs/' . date('Ymd') . '.log'; load()->func('file'); mkdirs(dirname($filename)); $content = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " {$level} :\n------------\n"; if (is_string($message)) { $content .= "String:\n{$message}\n"; } if (is_array($message)) { $content .= logging_implode($message); } if ($message == 'get') { $content .= "GET:\n"; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $content .= sprintf("%s : %s ;\n", $key, $value); } } if ($message == 'post') { $content .= "POST:\n"; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $content .= sprintf("%s : %s ;\n", $key, $value); } } $content .= "\n"; $fp = fopen($filename, 'a+'); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); }
function template_compile($from, $to) { $path = dirname($to); if (!is_dir($path)) mkdirs($path); $content = template_parse(file_get_contents($from)); file_put_contents($to, $content); }
public function create_tpl() { mkdirs(APP_TPL . 'Index'); if (file_exists(APP_TPL . 'Index/index.html')) { return; } $str = <<<EOT <html> <head> \t<title>框架测试页面内容</title> \t<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> </head> <body> \t<div style="margin 100px auto"><h2><{\$val}></h2></div> \t<div style="margin 100px auto"><h2><{if (1 == 1)}>IF 语句的测试1<{/if}></h2></div> \t<div style="margin 100px auto"><h2><{if (1 == 2)}>IF 语句的测试2<{/if}></h2></div> \t<div style="margin 100px auto"> \t\t<h2> \t\t\t<h1>第一种循环例子</h1> \t\t\t<{ foreach (\$tarr as \$t)}> \t\t\t<{\$t}><br/> \t\t\t<{/foreach}> \t\t\t<h1>第二种循环例子</h1> \t\t\t<{ loop (\$tarr as \$t) }> \t\t\t<{\$t}><br/> \t\t\t<{/loop}> \t\t</h2> \t</div> </body> </html> EOT; file_put_contents(APP_TPL . 'Index/index.html', $str); }
public function index() { $qrcode_width = intval($_GET['qw']); $qrcode_height = intval($_GET['qh']); $qrcode_type = trim($_GET['qt']); $qrcode_content = trim($_GET['qc']); $qrcode_logo = trim($_GET['ql']); $hash = md5($qrcode_content . $qrcode_width . $qrcode_height . $qrcode_type . $qrcode_logo); $map = array('hash' => $hash); $one = D('qrcode')->field('file_path')->where($map)->find(); if ($one) { $qrcode_file = $one['file_path']; } else { $file_dir = 'Uploads/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d'); mkdirs($file_dir); $qrcode_file = $file_dir . '/' . $hash . '.png'; } //$qrcode_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($qrcode_content); if (!$one) { qrcode($qrcode_file, $qrcode_content, $qrcode_logo, $qrcode_width, $qrcode_height, $qrcode_type); //保存到数据库 $data = array('hash' => $hash, 'width' => $qrcode_width, 'height' => $qrcode_height, 'logo' => $qrcode_logo, 'content' => $qrcode_content, 'file_path' => $qrcode_file, 'dateline' => time()); D('qrcode')->add($data); } $qrcode_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $qrcode_file; //qrcode $qrcode_href = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/qr.html?hash=' . $hash; $this->assign('qrcode_width', $qrcode_width); $this->assign('qrcode_height', $qrcode_height); $this->assign('qrcode_url', $qrcode_url); $this->assign('qrcode_href', $qrcode_href); $this->display(); }
function AddMsg_User($uid, $msg) { mkdirs(ONEZ_ROOT . './onezdata/message/users'); $file = ONEZ_ROOT . './onezdata/message/users/' . $uid . '.php'; !file_exists($file) && writeover($file, '<?php die();?>'); writeover($file, $msg, "a+"); }
public function view_orderWeighing() { $config_path = 'images/cz'; $time = date("Y/m/d", time()); $dirPath = $config_path . '/' . $time; if (!is_dir($dirPath)) { mkdirs($dirPath, 0777); } $this->smarty->assign('time', $time); $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '出库'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=waitWeighing&act=waitWeighingList', 'title' => '待称重'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '称重扫描<小包>')); $secnev = 3; $toplevel = 2; $secondlevel = 26; //$userName = $_SESSION['username']; //$this->smarty->assign('secnev','1'); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('secnev', $secnev); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $partion_list = CommonModel::getChannelNameByIds('all'); //$channel_list = CommonModel::getCarrierChannelByIds('all'); $channel_list = C('MAILWAYCONFIG'); $this->smarty->assign("partion_list", $partion_list); $this->smarty->assign("channel_list", $channel_list); //$this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '货品资料管理'); $this->smarty->display('orderWeighing.htm'); }
/** * 生成缓存文件 */ public function createCache() { $path_file = UPLOAD_PATH . '/cache/'; $file_name = $path_file . date('Ymd', time()) . '.txt'; if (!file_exists($file_name)) { foreach ($data2 as $v) { $pinyin = $this->pinyin($v['name']); $array['arr'][] = [$pinyin => $v['name']]; } $data3 = $this->m['columns']->getAllByField('module', 'ksys', 'id'); $data4 = $this->m['article']->getAll(arrayToString($data3), 'title'); foreach ($data4 as $v) { $pinyin = $this->pinyin($v['title']); $array['arr'][] = [$pinyin => $v['title']]; } if (!file_exists($path_file)) { mkdirs($path_file); } $open = fopen($file_name, "a"); fwrite($open, serialize($array)); fclose($open); } else { return; } }
function _thumb_media_id($cover_id) { $cover = get_cover($cover_id); $driver = C('PICTURE_UPLOAD_DRIVER'); if ($driver != 'Local' && !file_exists(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'])) { // 先把图片下载到本地 $pathinfo = pathinfo(SITE_PATH . $cover['path']); mkdirs($pathinfo['dirname']); $content = wp_file_get_contents($cover['url']); $res = file_put_contents(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'], $content); if ($res) { return ''; } } $path = $cover['path']; if (!$path) { return ''; } $param['type'] = 'thumb'; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath(SITE_PATH . $path); $url = '' . get_access_token(); $res = post_data($url, $param, true); if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { return ''; } $map['cover_id'] = $cover_id; $map['manager_id'] = $this->mid; $this->where($map)->setField('thumb_media_id', $res['media_id']); return $res['media_id']; }
/** * 图像缩略处理 * 可处理图像类型jpg和png * 如果原图像宽度小于指定宽度, 直接复制到目标地址 * 如果原图像宽度大于指定宽度, 按比例缩放至指定宽度后保存至目标地址 * * @param string $srcfile 原图像地址 * @param string $desfile 新图像地址 * @param int|number $width 大于0 * @return bool true|error */ public static function imageThumb($srcfile, $desfile, $width = 600) { if (!file_exists($srcfile)) { return error('-1', '原图像不存在'); } if (intval($width) <= 0) { return error('-1', '缩放宽度无效'); } $des = dirname($desfile); //创建存放目录 if (!file_exists($des)) { if (!mkdirs($des)) { return error('-1', '创建目录失败'); } } elseif (!is_writable($des)) { return error('-1', '目录无法写入'); } //原图像信息 $org_info = @getimagesize($srcfile); if ($width > $org_info[0]) { copy($srcfile, $desfile); return true; } if ($org_info) { if ($org_info[2] == 1) { //gif不处理 if (function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) { $img_org = imagecreatefromgif($srcfile); } } elseif ($org_info[2] == 2) { if (function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) { $img_org = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcfile); } } elseif ($org_info[2] == 3) { if (function_exists("imagecreatefrompng")) { $img_org = imagecreatefrompng($srcfile); } } } else { return error('-1', '获取原始图像信息失败'); } //源图像的宽高比 $scale_org = $org_info[0] / $org_info[1]; //缩放后的高 $height = $width / $scale_org; if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor") && function_exists("imagecopyresampled") && @($img_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height))) { imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_org, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_info[0], $org_info[1]); } else { return error('-1', 'PHP环境不支持图片处理'); } if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { imagejpeg($img_dst, $desfile); } elseif (function_exists('imagepng')) { imagepng($img_dst, $desfile); } imagedestroy($img_dst); imagedestroy($img_org); return true; }
protected function create_compile_file($compile_file, $content) { $compile_dir = dirname($compile_file); if (!is_dir($compile_dir)) { mkdirs($compile_dir); } file_put_contents($compile_file, $content, LOCK_EX) or exit($compile_dir . '目录没有写入权限'); }
/** * 创建一个目录树 * * 用法: * <code> * mkdirs('/top/second/3rd'); * </code> * * @param string $dir * @param int $mode */ function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode); return mkdir($dir, $mode); } return true; }
/** * 初始化 * @author wave */ protected static function init() { $path = !empty(self::$path) ? self::$path : CACHE_DIR; //缓存路径 self::$cache_dir = CACHE . DS . $path . DS; if (!file_exists(ROOT . DS . APP_PATH . DS . self::$cache_dir)) { mkdirs(self::$cache_dir); } }
/** * 生成日志存放目录 * * 按yyyymmdd格式 */ function logging_mkdir() { $logRoot = IA_ROOT . '/data/logs/'; $logDir = $logRoot . date('Ymd'); if (mkdirs($logDir)) { return $logDir . '/'; } else { return false; } }
function buildAppDir() { if (is_writable(SITE_PATH . '/runtime')) { mkdirs(array(LIB_PATH, RUNTIME_PATH, CONFIG_PATH, COMMON_PATH, LANG_PATH, CACHE_PATH, TMPL_PATH, TMPL_PATH . 'default/', LOG_PATH, TEMP_PATH, DATA_PATH, LIB_PATH . 'Model/', LIB_PATH . 'Action/')); } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); exit('<div style=\'font-weight:bold;float:left;width:345px;text-align:center;border:1px solid silver;background:#E8EFFF;padding:8px;color:red;font-size:14px;font-family:Tahoma\'>项目目录不可写,目录无法自动生成!<BR>请使用项目生成器或者手动生成项目目录~</div>'); } }
function Upload_ovoafile($files, $dizhi) { global $quid, $allowed_file, $allowed_size, $Db, $db_prefix, $Base, $ovoa, $FormExt, $web_url, $dizhi, $rstform, $introduce; $attachment = $files['tmp_name']; $extention = strrchr($files['name'], "."); $extention = strtolower($extention); $showtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $mypcyzm = str_replace("-", "", $showtime); $mypcyzm = str_replace(" ", "", $mypcyzm); $mypcyzm = str_replace(":", "", $mypcyzm); $attachment = $files['tmp_name']; $extention = strrchr($files['name'], "."); $gzname = explode(".", $files['name']); $top_docname = $gzname[0]; //文件名称 $docname = $gzname[1]; $extention = strtolower($extention); $attachment_name = date("YmdHi") . "_" . rand(1000, 9999) . "." . $docname; $filna = date("Y-m") . "/" . date("d"); $dir = "../upload/" . $filna; if (is_dir($dir) == false) { mkdirs($dir, 0777); } $path = $dir . "/" . $attachment_name; //echo $extention;exit(); if (!in_array($extention, $allowed_file)) { $Base->WarnBack('文件类型不允许!'); exit; } if ($files['size'] > $allowed_size || $files['size'] == 0) { $Base->WarnBack('文件超过允许大小!'); exit; } if (is_uploaded_file($attachment)) { @move_uploaded_file($attachment, $path); @chmod($path, 0666); if (@filesize($path) != $files['size']) { @unlink($path); $Base->WarnBack("检查权限或检查文件夹是否存在!"); } else { $Db->ThisQuery("INSERT INTO `" . $db_prefix . "file` (`uid`,`file_name`,`file_extention`,`file_url`,`file_add_time`,`file_size`,`file_add_user`) VALUES (" . $quid . ",'" . $files[name] . "','" . $extention . "','" . substr($path, 0, strlen($path)) . "',NOW(),'" . $this->GetSize($files['size']) . "','" . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "')"); if (in_array($extention, array('.jpg', '.jepg', '.gif', '.bmp', 'png', '.emf', '.flv'))) { $message = "<img src=\"" . $web_url . substr($path, 2, strlen($path)) . "\">"; } else { $message = "<a href=\"" . $web_url . substr($path, 2, strlen($path)) . "\">" . $files['name'] . "</a>"; } echo "<form style=\"margin:0px\" action=\"upload.php?action=upload_ovoa&dizhi=" . $dizhi . "&rstform=" . $rstform . "&introduce=" . $introduce . "\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"fileform\" id=\"fileform\">"; echo "<input name=\"attachment\" type=\"file\" style=\"width:160px;\"/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' class=\"button\" value='上传'/> "; // echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.".$rstform.".".$dizhi.".value='".substr($path,3,strlen($path))."';</script>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document." . $rstform . "." . $dizhi . ".value='" . substr($path, 3, strlen($path)) . "';</script>"; // echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.".$rstform.".".$introduce.".value='".$top_docname."';</script>"; } } else { $Base->WarnBack("检查权限或文件夹是否存在!"); } }
function mkdirs($dirname, $mode = 0777) { if (!is_dir($dirname)) { mkdirs($dirname, $mode); //如果目录不存在,递归建立 return mkdir($dirname, $mode); } return true; }
function mkdirs($path) { if (!is_dir(dirname($path))) { mkdirs(dirname($path)); } if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path); } }
public function __construct($type = 'images', $extArr = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png')) { $this->dir = $type . DS . date('Ymd') . DS; $this->type = $type; $this->ext = $extArr; if (!is_dir(APP_UPLOAD . $this->dir)) { mkdirs(APP_UPLOAD . $this->dir, true); } }
/** * 上传文件的构造方法 * @param $type string 上传文件类型,默认images代表图片 * @param $extArr array 上传文件扩展名的数组,默认array('jpg', 'gif', 'png') * @return void */ public function __construct($type = 'images', $extArr = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png')) { $dir = $this->path . $type . '/' . date('Ymd') . '/'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdirs($dir, true); } $this->type = $type; $this->ext = $extArr; $this->file_path = $dir; }
function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777) { if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir, $mode)) { return true; } if (!mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode)) { return false; } return @mkdir($dir, $mode); }
function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777) { if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir, $mode)) { return TRUE; } if (!mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode)) { return FALSE; } return @mkdir($dir, $mode); }
function mkdirs($path, $mode = '0777') { if (!is_dir($path)) { // 判断目录是否存在 mkdirs(dirname($path), $mode); // 循环建立目录 mkdir($path, $mode); } return true; }
function buildAppDir() { // 没有创建项目目录的话自动创建 if (!is_dir(APP_PATH)) { mk_dir(APP_PATH, 0777); } if (is_writeable(APP_PATH)) { mkdirs(array(LIB_PATH, CONFIG_PATH, COMMON_PATH, LANG_PATH, CACHE_PATH, TMPL_PATH, TMPL_PATH . 'default/', LOG_PATH, TEMP_PATH, DATA_PATH, LIB_PATH . 'Model/', LIB_PATH . 'Action/')); // 目录安全写入 if (!defined('BUILD_DIR_SECURE')) { define('BUILD_DIR_SECURE', false); } if (BUILD_DIR_SECURE) { if (!defined('DIR_SECURE_FILENAME')) { define('DIR_SECURE_FILENAME', 'index.html'); } if (!defined('DIR_SECURE_CONTENT')) { define('DIR_SECURE_CONTENT', ' '); } // 自动写入目录安全文件 $content = DIR_SECURE_CONTENT; $a = explode(',', DIR_SECURE_FILENAME); foreach ($a as $filename) { file_put_contents(LIB_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(LIB_PATH . 'Action/' . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(LIB_PATH . 'Model/' . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(CACHE_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(LANG_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(TEMP_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(TMPL_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(TMPL_PATH . 'default/' . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(DATA_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(COMMON_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(CONFIG_PATH . $filename, $content); file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . $filename, $content); } } // 写入测试Action if (!file_exists(LIB_PATH . 'Action/IndexAction.class.php')) { $content = '<?php // 本类由系统自动生成,仅供测试用途 class IndexAction extends Action{ public function index(){ header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo "<div style=\'font-weight:normal;color:blue;float:left;width:345px;text-align:center;border:1px solid silver;background:#E8EFFF;padding:8px;font-size:14px;font-family:Tahoma\'>^_^ Hello,欢迎使用<span style=\'font-weight:bold;color:red\'>ThinkPHP</span></div>"; } } ?>'; file_put_contents(LIB_PATH . 'Action/IndexAction.class.php', $content); } } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); exit('<div style=\'font-weight:bold;float:left;width:345px;text-align:center;border:1px solid silver;background:#E8EFFF;padding:8px;color:red;font-size:14px;font-family:Tahoma\'>项目目录不可写,目录无法自动生成!<BR>请使用项目生成器或者手动生成项目目录~</div>'); } }
/** * 記錄錯誤日記 * @param Array $logs 錯誤數組 * @author wave */ protected function logs($logs) { if (is_array($logs) && !empty($logs)) { $errinfo = sprintf('error_type:%d message:%s errfile:%s errline:%d', $logs['type'], $logs['message'], $logs['file'], $logs['line']); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (!file_exists(ROOT . DS . APP_PATH . DS . LOGS . DS)) { mkdirs(LOGS); } file_put_contents(ROOT . DS . APP_PATH . DS . LOGS . DS . 'logs.log', 'date:' . $date . ' ' . $errinfo . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); } }