/** * API helper method create transaction * * @param array $data pack data * @param array $options * @return int $transaction_id * @deprecated * @see mgm_add_transaction() */ function _create_transaction($data, $options = NULL) { // user helper return mgm_add_transaction($data, $options); }
/** * register post process * * @param int $user_id * @return void or int $user_id */ function mgm_register($user_id) { global $wpdb, $post; // check import in action and skip, tools->import calls mgm_register via "user_register" hook, this will help skip if (defined('MGM_DOING_USERS_IMPORT') && MGM_DOING_USERS_IMPORT == TRUE) { // return return $user_id; } // get mgm_system $system_obj = mgm_get_class('system'); // hide $hide_custom_fields = $system_obj->get_setting('hide_custom_fields'); // packs $packs = mgm_get_class('subscription_packs'); // members object $member = mgm_get_member($user_id); // set status $member->set_field('status', MGM_STATUS_NULL); // get custom fields $cf_register_page = mgm_get_class('member_custom_fields')->get_fields_where(array('display' => array('on_register' => true))); // mgm_subscription $mgm_subscription = mgm_post_var('mgm_subscription'); // get subs $subs_pack = mgm_decode_package($mgm_subscription); // extract extract($subs_pack); // payment_gateways if set: $mgm_payment_gateways = mgm_post_var('mgm_payment_gateways'); // Eg: $_POST['mgm_payment_gateways'] = mgm_paypal $cf_payment_gateways = !empty($mgm_payment_gateways) ? $mgm_payment_gateways : NULL; // init $member_custom_fields = array(); // wordpress register $wordpres_form = mgm_check_wordpress_login(); // system - issue #1237 $short_format = !empty($system_obj->setting['date_format_short']) ? $system_obj->setting['date_format_short'] : MGM_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT; // loop foreach ($cf_register_page as $field) { // skip custom fields by settings call if ($hide_custom_fields == 'Y' || $hide_custom_fields == 'W' && $wordpres_form || $hide_custom_fields == 'C' && !$wordpres_form) { // if($hide_custom_fields && $field['name'] != 'subscription_options') continue; if (!in_array($field['name'], array('subscription_options', 'payment_gateways'))) { continue; } } //skip if payment_gateways custom field if ($field['name'] == 'payment_gateways') { continue; } // // do not save html if ($field['type'] == 'html' || $field['type'] == 'label') { continue; } // save switch ($field['name']) { case 'username': // #739 if (isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]; } else { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST['user_login']; } break; case 'email': // #739 if (isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]; } else { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST['user_email']; } break; case 'password': // #739 // check if (isset($field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']) && isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { if (!empty($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { $user_password = @$_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]; $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = mgm_encrypt_password($user_password, $user_id); } } else { if (!empty($_POST['user_password'])) { $user_password = $_POST['user_password']; $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = mgm_encrypt_password($user_password, $user_id); } } break; case 'autoresponder': // #739 if (isset($field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']) && isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { // checked issue #839 // if(in_array(strtolower($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]), array('y','yes'))){ if (!empty($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]) && $_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']] == $field['value']) { $member->subscribed = 'Y'; $member->autoresponder = $system_obj->active_modules['autoresponder']; } } else { // checked issue #839 // if(in_array(strtolower($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]), array('y','yes'))){ if (!empty($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]) && $_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']] == $field['value']) { // set to member, to be used on payment $member->subscribed = 'Y'; $member->autoresponder = $system_obj->active_modules['autoresponder']; } } break; case 'coupon': // #739 // check alias if (isset($field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']) && isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { // check if (!empty($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { // validate if ($coupon = mgm_validate_coupon($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']], $cost)) { // set $member->coupon = $coupon; // update coupon usage mgm_update_coupon_usage($coupon['id'], 'register'); } } } else { // check primary if (isset($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]) && !empty($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']])) { // validate if ($coupon = mgm_validate_coupon($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']], $cost)) { // set $member->coupon = $coupon; // update coupon usage mgm_update_coupon_usage($coupon['id'], 'register'); } } } break; case 'birthdate': // #739 if (isset($field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']) && isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { //issue #1237 $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = mgm_format_inputdate_to_mysql($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']], $short_format); } else { //convert from short date format to mysql format - issue #1237 $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = mgm_format_inputdate_to_mysql($_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']], $short_format); } break; default: // #739 if (isset($field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']) && isset($_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']])) { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST[$field['attributes']['capture_field_alias']]; } elseif ($field['type'] == 'checkbox' && is_array(@$_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']])) { //$member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = implode(" ", @$_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]); //issue #1070 $val = @$_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]; $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = serialize($val); } else { $member_custom_fields[$field['name']] = @$_POST['mgm_register_field'][$field['name']]; } break; } } // end fields save // user password not provided /* if (!isset( $user_password )){ $user_password = (isset($_POST['pass1']) && !empty($_POST['pass1'])) ? trim($_POST['pass1']) : substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 7); }*/ // user password not provided if (!isset($user_password)) { // take custom password fields, iss#717, consider BP custom password field $password_fields = array('pass1', 'signup_password'); // loop foreach ($password_fields as $password_field) { // check if set if (isset($_POST[$password_field]) && !empty($_POST[$password_field])) { $user_password = trim($_POST[$password_field]); break; } } } // auto generate if still missing if (!isset($user_password)) { $user_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 7); } //encrypt password and save in $member->user_password = mgm_encrypt_password($user_password, $user_id); // md5 $user_password_hash = wp_hash_password($user_password); // db update $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `{$wpdb->users}` SET `user_pass` = %s WHERE ID = %d", $user_password_hash, $user_id)); // unset label fields if (isset($member_custom_fields['password_conf'])) { unset($member_custom_fields['password_conf']); } // set custom $member->set_custom_fields($member_custom_fields); // set pack if ($pack_id) { // pack $pack = $packs->get_pack($pack_id); // set $member->amount = $pack['cost']; $member->duration = $pack['duration']; $member->duration_type = $pack['duration_type']; $member->active_num_cycles = $pack['num_cycles']; // set membership type $member->membership_type = $membership_type; // from mgm_subscription // set in member $member->pack_id = $pack_id; // from mgm_subscription } // set status $member->status = MGM_STATUS_NULL; // update option $member->save(); // update user firstname/last name mgm_update_default_userdata($user_id); // admin check $is_admin = is_admin(); //&& current_user_can('manage_options'); // send $notify_user = true; // Block registration emails if Buddypress is enabled and disable_registration_email_bp value is Yes $block_reg_email = bool_from_yn(mgm_get_class('system')->get_setting('disable_registration_email_bp')); // send notification, bp active, do not send password, #739 if (!isset($_POST['send_password']) && $is_admin || mgm_is_plugin_active('buddypress/bp-loader.php') && $block_reg_email) { $notify_user = false; } // send notification - issue #1468 if ($system_obj->setting['enable_new_user_email_notifiction_after_user_active'] == 'N') { if ($notify_user) { mgm_new_user_notification($user_id, $user_password, $is_admin ? false : true); } $notify_user = false; } // hook for other plugin who wishes to use default "user_register" do_action('mgm_user_register', $user_id); // process payment only when registered from site, not when user added by admin if ($is_admin) { // unset unset($_POST['send_password']); //prevent sending user email again // assign default pack do_action('mgm_admin_user_register', $user_id, $notify_user); // return id return $user_id; } // if on wordpress page or custompage $post_id = get_the_ID(); // post custom register if ($post_id > 0 && $post->post_type == 'post') { $redirect = get_permalink($post_id); } else { $redirect = mgm_get_custom_url('transactions'); } // if buddypress url replace by register url : issue#: 791 $redirect = apply_filters('mgm_bp_register_url', $redirect); // userdata $userdata = get_userdata($user_id); // note this fix VERY IMPORTANT, needed for PAYPAL PRO CC POST $redirect = add_query_arg(array('username' => urlencode($userdata->user_login)), $redirect); // add redirect if ($redirector = mgm_request_var('mgm_redirector', mgm_request_var('redirect_to', '', true), true)) { $redirect = add_query_arg(array('redirector' => $redirector), $redirect); } // with subscription if ($mgm_subscription) { $redirect = add_query_arg(array('subs' => $mgm_subscription, 'method' => 'payment_subscribe'), $redirect); } // bypass step2 if payment gateway is submitted: issue #: 469 if (!is_null($cf_payment_gateways)) { // pack $packs_obj = mgm_get_class('subscription_packs'); // validate $pack = $packs_obj->validate_pack($cost, $duration, $duration_type, $membership_type, $pack_id); // error if ($pack != false) { // get pack mgm_get_register_coupon_pack($member, $pack); // cost if ((double) $pack['cost'] > 0) { //get an object of the payment gateway: $mod_obj = mgm_get_module($cf_payment_gateways, 'payment'); // tran options $tran_options = array('is_registration' => true, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'notify_user' => $notify_user); // is register & purchase if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $tran_options['post_id'] = (int) $_POST['post_id']; } // is register & purchase postpack if (isset($_POST['postpack_post_id']) && isset($_POST['postpack_id'])) { $tran_options['postpack_post_id'] = (int) $_POST['postpack_post_id']; $tran_options['postpack_id'] = (int) $_POST['postpack_id']; } // create transaction // $tran_id = $mod_obj->_create_transaction($pack, $tran_options); $tran_id = mgm_add_transaction($pack, $tran_options); //bypass directly to process return if manual payment: if ($cf_payment_gateways == 'mgm_manualpay') { // set $_POST['custom'] = $tran_id; // direct call to module return function: $mod_obj->process_return(); // exit exit; } // encode id: $tran_id = mgm_encode_id($tran_id); // redirect - if on wordpress page or custompage - issue #1648 if ($post_id > 0 && $post->post_type == 'post') { $redirect = $mod_obj->_get_endpoint('html_redirect', true); } else { $redirect = $mod_obj->_get_endpoint('html_redirect', false); } // if buddypress url replace by register url : issue#: 791 $redirect = add_query_arg(array('tran_id' => $tran_id), apply_filters('mgm_bp_register_url', $redirect)); } else { // issue #1468 $redirect = add_query_arg(array('notify_user' => $notify_user), $redirect); } } } // ends custom payment gateway bypassing // is register & purchase if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $redirect = add_query_arg(array('post_id' => (int) $_POST['post_id']), $redirect); } // is register & purchase postpack if (isset($_POST['postpack_post_id']) && isset($_POST['postpack_id'])) { $redirect = add_query_arg(array('postpack_id' => (int) $_POST['postpack_id'], 'postpack_post_id' => (int) $_POST['postpack_post_id']), $redirect); } // redirect filter, returing a false can stop the redirect $redirect = apply_filters('mgm_after_regiter_redirect', mgm_site_url($redirect)); // redirect if ($redirect !== FALSE) { // do the redirect to payment mgm_redirect($redirect); // this goes to subscribe, mgm_functions.php/mgm_get_subscription_buttons // exit exit; } // default return $user_id; }
/** * get post purchase buttons * final step for post purchase * * @param void * @return $html */ function mgm_get_post_purchase_buttons() { // get current user data - issue #1421 $user = wp_get_current_user(); // pack $pack = NULL; // addon options if ($addon_option_ids = mgm_post_var('addon_options')) { $addon_options = mgm_get_addon_options_only($addon_option_ids); // mgm_pr($addon_options); } // post purchase if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { //issue #1250 if (isset($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']) && !empty($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon'])) { //issue #1250 - Coupon validation if (!empty($_POST['form_action'])) { // check if its a valid coupon if (!($coupon = mgm_get_coupon_data($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']))) { //redirect back to the form $q_arg = array('error_field' => 'Coupon', 'error_type' => 'invalid', 'error_field_value' => $_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']); $redirect = add_query_arg($q_arg, $_POST['form_action']); mgm_redirect($redirect); exit; } } } // post id $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; // gete mgm data $post_obj = mgm_get_post($post_id); $cost = mgm_convert_to_currency($post_obj->purchase_cost); $product = $post_obj->product; $allowed_modules = $post_obj->allowed_modules; // post data $post = get_post($post_id); $title = $post->post_title; // item name -issue #1380 $item_name = apply_filters('mgm_post_purchase_itemname', sprintf(__('Purchase Post - %s', 'mgm'), $title)); // set pack $pack = array('duration' => 1, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'buypost' => 1, 'cost' => $cost, 'title' => $title, 'product' => $product, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'allowed_modules' => $allowed_modules); } else { if (isset($_POST['postpack_id'])) { // post pack purchase //issue #1250 if (isset($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']) && !empty($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon'])) { //issue #1250 - Coupon validation if (!empty($_POST['form_action'])) { // check if its a valid coupon if (!($coupon = mgm_get_coupon_data($_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']))) { //redirect back to the form $q_arg = array('error_field' => 'Coupon', 'error_type' => 'invalid', 'error_field_value' => $_POST['mgm_postpurchase_field']['coupon']); $redirect = add_query_arg($q_arg, $_POST['form_action']); mgm_redirect($redirect); exit; } } } // post pack purchase $postpack_id = $_POST['postpack_id']; // pcak id $postpack_post_id = $_POST['postpack_post_id']; // post id where pack is listed, redirect here // get pack $postpack = mgm_get_postpack($postpack_id); $cost = mgm_convert_to_currency($postpack->cost); $product = json_decode($postpack->product, true); $modules = json_decode($postpack->modules, true); //mgm_pr($postpack); // item name -issue #1380 $item_name = apply_filters('mgm_postpack_purchase_itemname', sprintf(__('Purchase Post Pack - %s', 'mgm'), $postpack->name)); // post id $post_id = mgm_get_postpack_posts_csv($postpack_id); // set pack $pack = array('duration' => 1, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'buypost' => 1, 'cost' => $cost, 'title' => $postpack->name, 'product' => $product, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'postpack_id' => $postpack_id, 'postpack_post_id' => $postpack_post_id, 'allowed_modules' => $modules); } } // check if (!$pack) { return __('Error in Payment! No data available '); exit; } // guest token -issue #1421 if (isset($_POST['guest_purchase']) && $_POST['guest_purchase'] == TRUE && $user->ID <= 0) { $pack['guest_token'] = sanitize_title_for_query(mgm_create_token()); } // addon options if (isset($addon_options) && !empty($addon_options)) { $pack['addon_options'] = $addon_options; } // get coupon $post_purchase_coupon = mgm_save_partial_fields(array('on_postpurchase' => true), 'mgm_postpurchase_field', $pack['cost'], false, 'postpurchase'); // alter mgm_get_post_purchase_coupon_pack($post_purchase_coupon, $pack); // Eg: $_POST['mgm_payment_gateways'] = mgm_paypal $cf_payment_gateways = isset($_POST['mgm_payment_gateways']) && !empty($_POST['mgm_payment_gateways']) ? $_POST['mgm_payment_gateways'] : null; // bypass step2 if payment gateway is submitted: issue #: 469 if (!is_null($cf_payment_gateways)) { // get pack // mgm_get_upgrade_coupon_pack($member, $selected_pack); // cost if ((double) $pack['cost'] > 0) { //get an object of the payment gateway: $mod_obj = mgm_get_module($cf_payment_gateways, 'payment'); // tran options $tran_options = array('user_id' => $user->ID); // is register & purchase if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $tran_options['post_id'] = (int) $_POST['post_id']; } // postpack id if (isset($_POST['postpack_id'])) { $tran_options['postpack_id'] = (int) $_POST['postpack_id']; } // is register & purchase postpack if (isset($_POST['postpack_post_id']) && isset($_POST['postpack_id'])) { $tran_options['postpack_post_id'] = (int) $_POST['postpack_post_id']; $tran_options['postpack_id'] = (int) $_POST['postpack_id']; } // create transaction $tran_id = mgm_add_transaction($pack, $tran_options); // bypass directly to process return if manual payment: if ($cf_payment_gateways == 'mgm_manualpay') { // set $_POST['custom'] = $tran_id; // direct call to module return function: $mod_obj->process_return(); // exit exit; } // encode id: $tran_id = mgm_encode_id($tran_id); $redirect = $mod_obj->_get_endpoint('html_redirect', true); $redirect = add_query_arg(array('tran_id' => $tran_id), $redirect); // redirect mgm_redirect($redirect); // this goes to subscribe, mgm_functions.php/mgm_get_subscription_buttons // exit exit; } } // get payment modules $a_payment_modules = mgm_get_class('system')->get_active_modules('payment'); // init $payment_modules = array(); // when active if ($a_payment_modules) { // loop foreach ($a_payment_modules as $payment_module) { // not trial if (in_array($payment_module, array('mgm_free', 'mgm_trial'))) { continue; } // store $payment_modules[] = $payment_module; } } // init $button = ''; // transaction $tran_id = NULL; $button_printed = 0; // loop modules foreach ($payment_modules as $module) { // object $mod_obj = mgm_get_module($module, 'payment'); // check buypost support if (in_array('buypost', $mod_obj->supported_buttons)) { // create transaction if (!$tran_id) { $tran_id = mgm_add_transaction($pack); } // button code if (isset($pack['allowed_modules'])) { // Issue #1562: If no payment module is selected, display all supported modules if (!empty($pack['allowed_modules']) && FALSE === in_array($module, $pack['allowed_modules'])) { continue; } } $button_code = $mod_obj->get_button_buypost(array('pack' => $pack, 'tran_id' => $tran_id), true); $button_printed++; // get button $button .= "<div class='mgm_custom_filed_table'>" . $button_code . "</div>"; } } // none active if ($button_printed == 0) { $button .= sprintf('<p class="mgm-no-module"> %s </p>', __('No Payment module active for this Content Purchase.', 'mgm')); } // if Cost is zero, then process using free module.: issue#: 883 if ($tran_id && $pack['cost'] == 0 && in_array('mgm_free', $a_payment_modules) && mgm_get_module('mgm_free')->is_enabled()) { // module $module = 'mgm_free'; // payments url $payments_url = mgm_get_custom_url('transactions'); // query_args $query_args = array('method' => 'payment_return', 'module' => $module, 'custom' => $tran_id); // redirector if (isset($_REQUEST['redirector'])) { // set $query_args['redirector'] = $_REQUEST['redirector']; } // redirect to module to mark the payment as complete $redirect = add_query_arg($query_args, $payments_url); // redirect mgm_redirect($redirect); } // html $return = '<div class="post_purchase_select_gateway">' . __('Please Select a Payment Gateway.', 'mgm') . '</div>' . $button; // return return $return; }
/** * sidebar register links * */ function mgm_sidebar_register_links($username = false, $return = false, $template = 'sidebar') { global $wpdb, $user, $duration_str, $mgm_sidebar_widget; // username if (!$username) { $username = strip_tags($_GET['username']); } // member data $member = mgm_get_member($user->ID); $system_obj = mgm_get_class('system'); $membership_type = strtolower($member->membership_type); $packs_obj = mgm_get_class('subscription_packs'); $packs = $packs_obj->packs; if (!$packs) { $packs = array(); } $html = ''; $border = ''; $active_modules = $system_obj->get_active_modules('payment'); $mod_count = count($active_modules); $modules_dir = MGM_MODULE_BASE_DIR; $base = add_query_arg(array('ud' => 1, 'username' => $username), mgm_home_url('purchase_subscription')); foreach ($packs as $pack) { if ($pack['hidden'] != 1) { $dur_type = $duration_str[$pack['duration_type']]; $dur_str = $pack['duration'] == 1 ? rtrim($dur_type, 's') : $dur_type; $ac_type = strtolower($pack['membership_type']); if (in_array($ac_type, array($membership_type, 'trial', 'free'))) { continue; } $cost = $pack['cost']; $pack_str = $packs_obj->get_pack_desc($pack); $html .= '<div class="mgm_sidebar_register_links_container">'; if ($template != 'sidebar') { $html .= '<div class="mgm_sidebar_register_pack_str">' . $pack_str . '</div>'; if ($pack['description'] != '') { $html .= '<div id="mgm_pack_string" class="mgm_sidebar_pack_overview" id="mgm_pack_overview">' . $pack['description'] . '</div>'; } } else { $html .= '<div class="mgm_sidebar_pack_string ' . ($mod_count > 1 ? 'mgm_custom_filed_table' : '') . '" id="mgm_pack_string_sidebar">' . $pack_str . '</div>'; } if ($mod_count) { if ($active_modules) { $tran_id = 0; foreach ($active_modules as $module) { if ($module == 'mgm_trial') { continue; } $mod_obj = mgm_get_module($module, 'payment'); // create transaction if (!$tran_id) { $tran_id = mgm_add_transaction($pack, array('user_id' => $user->ID)); } // button // issue#: 398 // $button = mgm_get_module($module,'payment')->get_button_subscribe(array('pack'=>$pack)); $button = $mod_obj->get_button_subscribe(array('tran_id' => $tran_id, 'pack' => $pack, 'widget' => true)); // button if ($button) { $html .= sprintf('<div class="mgm_sidebar_module_container"><div class="mgm_sidebar_module_button">%s</div></div>', $button); } } } } else { $html .= __('There are no gateways available at this time.', 'mgm'); } $html .= '<div class="clear_padding_marginfix"></div></div>'; } } // html if ($return) { return $html; } else { echo $html; } }