function biz_updateChipsNo(&$chips) { //从项目配置获取前缀配置 $project = biz_getProject($chips['projguid']); $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'finance'); $prefix = ''; if (!empty($set['ChipsPre'])) { $prefix = $set['ChipsPre']; } $key = 'chipsNo_' . $project['projguid']; if (memcached_addKey($key)) { $index = pdo_fetchcolumn('select count(*) from ims_chips where printdate>:time and projguid=:projguid', array(':time' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), ':projguid' => $chips['projguid'])); $no = $prefix . date('ymd', TIMESTAMP) . sprintf('%04d', $index + 1); $chips['ChipsNo'] = $no; $chips['printdate'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_update('chips', array('ChipsNo' => $no, 'printdate' => TIMESTAMP), array('id' => $chips['id'])); memcached_delete($key); } }
function biz_mem_clearProject($project = '') { if (empty($project)) { global $_W; $project = $_W['project']; } memcached_delete('P_' . $project['id']); memcached_delete('P_' . $project['projguid']); }
memcached_delete('Add' . $key); $res['ok'] = true; $res['token'] = $token; } else { $res['msg'] = '无法增加cache数据'; } } else { $res['msg'] = '此项目已有下载未完成,请等5分钟再试'; } returnJson($res); } if ($func == 'release_token') { $token = $_GPC['token']; $data = memcached_get('sync_t_' . $token); memcached_delete('sync_' . $data['guid']); memcached_delete('sync_t_' . $token); } //获取数据接口 if ($func == 'get_data') { $token = $_GPC['token']; $data = memcached_get('sync_t_' . $token); $type = $_GPC['type']; $enable = !empty($data) && !empty($data['guid']); //$enable=$enable && ($data['ip']==CLIENT_IP); $list = array('project', 'build', 'room', 'chips', 'user'); if ($enable && in_array($type, $list)) { $call = 'download_' . $type; $res['ok'] = true; $res['data'] = $call($data['guid']); } else { $res['msg'] = '无效调用';
/** *获得签到全局表信息 * 自动增加组 * @param $key 认筹单二维码key * @param $project 项目 */ function App_Sign_getGroup($key, $project) { $res = array('signed' => false, 'msg' => ''); $pid = $project['id']; //查询是否已有分配的签到 $sign = biz_getSignInfoByQrcode($key, $pid); $chips = biz_getChipsByQrcode($key); if (empty($chips)) { $res['msg'] = '无效认筹单'; return $res; } if (empty($sign) || $sign['preset'] == 1) { if ($chips['projguid'] != $project['projguid']) { $res['msg'] = '认筹单所属非当前项目'; return $res; } //处理已签到信息 if ($chips['singed'] == 1) { $res['msg'] = '认筹单已签到'; return $res; } } if (isset($chips) || !$sign['signed']) { $cachekey = 'lock_sign_' . $pid; //写入签到信息 if (memcached_addKey($cachekey, 30)) { if (empty($sign)) { $info = getGlobalSign($project); $sign = biz_insertSignInfo($chips, $info['group']['dispnum'], $pid, false, true); if (!empty($sign)) { // $sign = biz_getSignInfoByQrcode($key, $pid); $res['signed'] = true; $res['group'] = $info['group']['dispnum']; } } else { if (empty($sign['signed'])) { $update['signed'] = 1; $update['signtime'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_update('sign', $update, array('id' => $sign['id'])); unset($update); $sign['signed'] = 1; $sign['signtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $res['signed'] = true; $res['group'] = $sign['gid']; } } if (!empty($sign)) { //更新对应组信息 Sign_updateGroup($sign, true); } if ($res['signed']) { //签到记录组号 pdo_update('chips', array('signed' => $sign['gid']), array('id' => $chips['id'])); db_updateChipsStatus($chips['id'], 4); } memcached_delete($cachekey); } } else { $res['signed'] = !empty($sign['signed']); } $res['sign'] = $sign; return $res; }
public function doWebSet() { global $_W, $_GPC; $op = $_GPC['op']; $this->CheckRight('set'); //检查项目状态,是否允许设置 $project = db_getProject($_W['pid'], false, false); if (empty($project)) { //|| !empty($project['status']) if ($_W['isajax']) { echo '无效的项目数据或当前项目不允许设置!'; exit; } else { message('无效的项目数据或当前项目不允许设置!', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } $url = $this->createWebUrl('set', array('op' => $op)); if ($op == 'discount') { $discount = db_getDiscount($project['projguid'], 'DiscntGUID'); $payform = db_getPayForm($project['projguid'], 'PayFormGUID'); foreach ($payform as &$p) { if ($p['DisCount']) { $p['title'] = $p['PayformName'] . "[{$p['DisCount']}%]"; } if ($p['PreferentialPrice'] > 0) { $p['title'] = $p['PayformName'] . "[-{$p['PreferentialPrice']}¥]"; } } unset($p); $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'payform'); if (empty($set)) { $set = array('pay_id' => ''); } else { if (count($set['pay_id']) > 0) { foreach ($discount as $k => $v) { $discount[$k]['select'] = in_array($k, $set['dis_id']); } } } if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('discountSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $pay_id = trim($_GPC['payform']); $calc = array('paydiscount' => 1.0, 'decmoney' => 0, 'discount' => 1.0); if (!empty($pay_id) && isset($payform[$pay_id])) { $set['pay_id'] = $pay_id; $set['Payform'] = $payform[$pay_id]; $set['title'] = $payform[$pay_id]['title']; $set['details'] = db_getPaydetail($pay_id); } unset($set['dis_id']); foreach ($_GPC['discount'] as $d) { if (isset($discount[$d])) { $set['dis_id'][] = $d; } } $calc = biz_getRoomPriceCalc($set, $discount, $payform); $set['calc'] = $calc; $tip = round($calc['discount'] * 100, 2); $set['discount'] = "减免{$calc['dec_money']},折扣{$tip}%"; $data = array('payform' => iserializer($set)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $_W['pid'])); biz_mem_clearProject(); $rooms = db_getRooms($_W['project']['projguid']); foreach ($rooms as $r) { if (in_array($r['Status'], array('待售', '销控'))) { biz_calcRoomPrice($r, $calc, true); } //calc_payorder($r,true); } message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } if ($op == 'invoice') { load()->web('print'); $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'finance'); if (empty($set['prepay'])) { $prepay = $set; } else { $prepay = $set['prepay']; } $order = $set['order']; $prefix = $set['Prefix']; if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('invoiceSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $getInvoInfo = function ($set) use($project) { $set['BatchNo'] = trim($set['BatchNo']); $set['Prefix'] = trim($set['Prefix']); $invo = biz_getInvoiceByBatchNo($set['BatchNo'], $set['Prefix'], $project); $config = array('BatchNo' => $set['BatchNo'], 'Prefix' => $set['Prefix']); if (!empty($invo)) { $config['InvoGUID'] = $invo['InvoGUID']; } return $config; }; $set = array(); $set['prepay'] = $getInvoInfo($_GPC['prepay']); $set['order'] = $getInvoInfo($_GPC['order']); $set['Prefix'] = trim($_GPC['Prefix']); $set['ChipsPre'] = trim($_GPC['ChipsPre']); $data = array('finance' => iserializer($set)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $_W['pid'])); biz_mem_clearProject($project); message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } if ($op == 'sign') { $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'signset'); if (empty($set)) { $set = array('num' => 10, 'max' => 1); } if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('signSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $set = array('num' => intval($_GPC['num']), 'max' => intval($_GPC['max'])); if ($set['num'] <= 0) { $set['num'] = 10; } if ($set['max'] <= 0) { $set['max'] = 1; } //只能一组 $set['max'] = 1; $data = array('signset' => iserializer($set)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $_W['pid'])); if ($_GPC['clear']) { pdo_update('sign', array('signed' => 0), array('pid' => $_W['pid'])); pdo_update('call_group', array('called' => 0), array('pid' => $_W['pid'])); //pdo_update('p_room',array('selectroom'=>0)) memcached_delete('global_sign_' . $project['id']); } biz_mem_clearProject($project); message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } if ($op == 'project') { $status = biz_getDictionary('projstatus'); //删除创建默认状态 unset($status[0]); $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'sync'); if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('projSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $selStatus = intval($_GPC['status']); $set = array('client' => trim($_GPC['client'])); $data = array('status' => $selStatus, 'sync' => iserializer($set)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $project['id'])); biz_mem_clearProject($project); message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } if ($op == 'build') { $set = biz_unserializer($project, 'builds'); if (empty($set['timeout'])) { $set['timeout'] = 30; } $builds = db_getBuilds($_W['project']['projguid'], 'BldGUID'); if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('buildSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $bids = $_GPC['m_ids']; $timeout = intval($_GPC['timeout']); if ($timeout < 0 || $timeout > 300) { $timeout = 30; } //统计房间数量 // 更新 pdo_update('p_building', array('status' => '0'), array('ProjGUID' => $project['projguid'])); $keys = array_keys($builds); foreach ($bids as $bldGuid) { if (in_array($bldGuid, $keys)) { pdo_update('p_building', array('status' => '1'), array('BldGUID' => $bldGuid)); } } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM ims_p_room '; $sql .= ' a INNER JOIN ims_p_building b ON a.BldGUID = b.BldGUID '; $sql .= ' WHERE b.`Status`=1 and b.ProjGUID=:projguid'; $cnt = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(':projguid' => $project['projguid'])); $set = array('build' => $bids, 'timeout' => $timeout, 'roomnum' => $cnt); $data = array('builds' => iserializer($set)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $_W['pid'])); biz_mem_clearProject(); message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } if ($op == 'bank') { $banks = biz_getBanks($_W['project']['BUGUID']); $bk = empty($project['bank']) ? array() : iunserializer($project['bank']); if ($_W['isajax']) { include $this->template('bankSet'); exit; } if ($_W['token'] == $_GPC['token']) { $bankid = $_GPC['bank']; $prebank = db_getPreBank($bankid); $data = array('bank' => iserializer($prebank)); pdo_update('project', $data, array('id' => $_W['pid'])); biz_mem_clearProject($project); message('数据已设置', $this->createWebUrl('manage')); } } }