  * Checks posted data on load and performs actions if needed.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function load()
     // Are we cloning a role?
     $this->is_clone = isset($_GET['clone']) && members_role_exists($_GET['clone']);
     if ($this->is_clone) {
         // Override the default new role caps.
         add_filter('members_new_role_default_caps', array($this, 'clone_default_caps'), 15);
         // Set the clone role.
         $this->clone_role = members_sanitize_role($_GET['clone']);
     // Check if the current user can create roles and the form has been submitted.
     if (current_user_can('create_roles') && (isset($_POST['role_name']) || isset($_POST['role']) || isset($_POST['grant-caps']) || isset($_POST['deny-caps']) || isset($_POST['grant-new-caps']) || isset($_POST['deny-new-caps']))) {
         // Verify the nonce.
         check_admin_referer('new_role', 'members_new_role_nonce');
         // Set up some variables.
         $this->capabilities = array();
         $new_caps = array();
         $is_duplicate = false;
         // Check if any capabilities were selected.
         if (isset($_POST['grant-caps']) || isset($_POST['deny-caps'])) {
             $grant_caps = !empty($_POST['grant-caps']) ? array_unique($_POST['grant-caps']) : array();
             $deny_caps = !empty($_POST['deny-caps']) ? array_unique($_POST['deny-caps']) : array();
             foreach (members_get_capabilities() as $cap) {
                 if (in_array($cap, $grant_caps)) {
                     $new_caps[$cap] = true;
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($cap, $deny_caps)) {
                         $new_caps[$cap] = false;
         $grant_new_caps = !empty($_POST['grant-new-caps']) ? array_unique($_POST['grant-new-caps']) : array();
         $deny_new_caps = !empty($_POST['deny-new-caps']) ? array_unique($_POST['deny-new-caps']) : array();
         $_m_caps = members_get_capabilities();
         foreach ($grant_new_caps as $grant_new_cap) {
             $_cap = members_sanitize_cap($grant_new_cap);
             if (!in_array($_cap, $_m_caps)) {
                 $new_caps[$_cap] = true;
         foreach ($deny_new_caps as $deny_new_cap) {
             $_cap = members_sanitize_cap($deny_new_cap);
             if (!in_array($_cap, $_m_caps)) {
                 $new_caps[$_cap] = false;
         // Sanitize the new role name/label. We just want to strip any tags here.
         if (!empty($_POST['role_name'])) {
             $this->role_name = strip_tags($_POST['role_name']);
         // Sanitize the new role, removing any unwanted characters.
         if (!empty($_POST['role'])) {
             $this->role = members_sanitize_role($_POST['role']);
         } else {
             if ($this->role_name) {
                 $this->role = members_sanitize_role($this->role_name);
         // Is duplicate?
         if (members_role_exists($this->role)) {
             $is_duplicate = true;
         // Add a new role with the data input.
         if ($this->role && $this->role_name && !$is_duplicate) {
             add_role($this->role, $this->role_name, $new_caps);
             // If the current user can edit roles, redirect to edit role screen.
             if (current_user_can('edit_roles')) {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('message', 'role_added', members_get_edit_role_url($this->role)));
             // Add role added message.
             add_settings_error('members_role_new', 'role_added', sprintf(esc_html__('The %s role has been created.', 'members'), $this->role_name), 'updated');
         // If there are new caps, let's assign them.
         if (!empty($new_caps)) {
             $this->capabilities = $new_caps;
         // Add error if there's no role.
         if (!$this->role) {
             add_settings_error('members_role_new', 'no_role', esc_html__('You must enter a valid role.', 'members'));
         // Add error if this is a duplicate role.
         if ($is_duplicate) {
             add_settings_error('members_role_new', 'duplicate_role', sprintf(esc_html__('The %s role already exists.', 'members'), $this->role));
         // Add error if there's no role name.
         if (!$this->role_name) {
             add_settings_error('members_role_new', 'no_role_name', esc_html__('You must enter a valid role name.', 'members'));
     // If we don't have caps yet, get the new role default caps.
     if (empty($this->capabilities)) {
         $this->capabilities = members_new_role_default_caps();
     // Load page hook.
     // Hook for adding in meta boxes.
     do_action('add_meta_boxes_' . get_current_screen()->id, '');
     do_action('add_meta_boxes', get_current_screen()->id, '');
     // Add layout screen option.
     add_screen_option('layout_columns', array('max' => 2, 'default' => 2));
     // Load scripts/styles.
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue'));
  * Handles the row actions.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @access protected
  * @param  string     $role
  * @param  string     $column_name
  * @param  string     $primary
  * @return array
 protected function handle_row_actions($role, $column_name, $primary)
     $actions = array();
     // Only add row actions on the primary column (title/role name).
     if ($primary === $column_name) {
         // If the role can be edited.
         if (members_is_role_editable($role)) {
             // If the current user can edit the role, add an edit link.
             if (current_user_can('edit_roles')) {
                 $actions['edit'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(members_get_edit_role_url($role)), esc_html__('Edit', 'members'));
             // If the current user can delete the role, add a delete link.
             if (is_multisite() && is_super_admin() && $role !== $this->default_role || current_user_can('delete_roles') && $role !== $this->default_role && !current_user_can($role)) {
                 $actions['delete'] = sprintf('<a class="members-delete-role-link" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(members_get_delete_role_url($role)), esc_html__('Delete', 'members'));
             // If the role cannot be edited.
         } else {
             // Add the view role link.
             $actions['view'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(members_get_edit_role_url($role)), esc_html__('View', 'members'));
         // If the current user can create roles, add the clone role link.
         if (current_user_can('create_roles')) {
             $actions['clone'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(members_get_clone_role_url($role)), esc_html__('Clone', 'members'));
         // If this is the default role and the current user can manage options, add a default role change link.
         if (current_user_can('manage_options') && $role === $this->default_role) {
             $actions['default_role'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(admin_url('options-general.php#default_role')), esc_html__('Change Default', 'members'));
         // If the currrent user can view users, add a users link.
         if (current_user_can('list_users')) {
             $actions['users'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', members_get_role_users_url($role), esc_html__('Users', 'members'));
         // Allow devs to filter the row actions.
         $actions = apply_filters('members_roles_row_actions', $actions, $role);
     return $this->row_actions($actions);
     * Displays the page content.
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function page()

		<div class="wrap">

        esc_html_e('Edit Role', 'members');

        if (current_user_can('create_roles')) {
            printf('<a class="page-title-action" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(members_get_new_role_url()), esc_html__('Add New', 'members'));


			<div id="poststuff">

				<form name="form0" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo esc_url(members_get_edit_role_url($this->role->name));

        wp_nonce_field('edit_role', 'members_edit_role_nonce');

					<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-<?php 
        echo 1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ? 1 : 2;

						<div id="post-body-content">

							<div id="titlediv" class="members-title-div">

								<div id="titlewrap">
									<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Role Name', 'members');
									<input type="text" disabled="disabled" readonly="readonly" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(members_get_role_name($this->role->name));
" />
								</div><!-- #titlewrap -->

								<div class="inside">
									<div id="edit-slug-box">
        esc_html_e('Role:', 'members');
</strong> <?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->role->name);
 <!-- edit box -->
								</div><!-- .inside -->

							</div><!-- .members-title-div -->

        $cap_tabs = new Members_Cap_Tabs($this->role->name);

						</div><!-- #post-body-content -->

        wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false);
        wp_nonce_field('meta-box-order', 'meta-box-order-nonce', false);

						<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container side">

        do_meta_boxes(get_current_screen()->id, 'side', $this->role);

						</div><!-- .post-box-container -->

					</div><!-- #post-body -->

			</div><!-- #poststuff -->

		</div><!-- .wrap -->