/** * Actually do the search of personal messages and show the results * * What it does: * - accessed with ?action=pm;sa=search2 * - checks user input and searches the pm table for messages matching the query. * - uses the search_results sub template of the PersonalMessage template. * - show the results of the search query. */ public function action_search2() { global $scripturl, $modSettings, $context, $txt, $memberContext; $db = database(); // Make sure the server is able to do this right now if (!empty($modSettings['loadavg_search']) && $modSettings['current_load'] >= $modSettings['loadavg_search']) { fatal_lang_error('loadavg_search_disabled', false); } // Some useful general permissions. $context['can_send_pm'] = allowedTo('pm_send'); // Some hardcoded variables that can be tweaked if required. $maxMembersToSearch = 500; // Extract all the search parameters. $search_params = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['params'])) { $temp_params = explode('|"|', base64_decode(strtr($_REQUEST['params'], array(' ' => '+')))); foreach ($temp_params as $i => $data) { @(list($k, $v) = explode('|\'|', $data)); $search_params[$k] = $v; } } $context['start'] = isset($_GET['start']) ? (int) $_GET['start'] : 0; // Store whether simple search was used (needed if the user wants to do another query). if (!isset($search_params['advanced'])) { $search_params['advanced'] = empty($_REQUEST['advanced']) ? 0 : 1; } // 1 => 'allwords' (default, don't set as param) / 2 => 'anywords'. if (!empty($search_params['searchtype']) || !empty($_REQUEST['searchtype']) && $_REQUEST['searchtype'] == 2) { $search_params['searchtype'] = 2; } // Minimum age of messages. Default to zero (don't set param in that case). if (!empty($search_params['minage']) || !empty($_REQUEST['minage']) && $_REQUEST['minage'] > 0) { $search_params['minage'] = !empty($search_params['minage']) ? (int) $search_params['minage'] : (int) $_REQUEST['minage']; } // Maximum age of messages. Default to infinite (9999 days: param not set). if (!empty($search_params['maxage']) || !empty($_REQUEST['maxage']) && $_REQUEST['maxage'] < 9999) { $search_params['maxage'] = !empty($search_params['maxage']) ? (int) $search_params['maxage'] : (int) $_REQUEST['maxage']; } // Search modifiers $search_params['subject_only'] = !empty($search_params['subject_only']) || !empty($_REQUEST['subject_only']); $search_params['show_complete'] = !empty($search_params['show_complete']) || !empty($_REQUEST['show_complete']); $search_params['sent_only'] = !empty($search_params['sent_only']) || !empty($_REQUEST['sent_only']); $context['folder'] = empty($search_params['sent_only']) ? 'inbox' : 'sent'; // Default the user name to a wildcard matching every user (*). if (!empty($search_params['userspec']) || !empty($_REQUEST['userspec']) && $_REQUEST['userspec'] != '*') { $search_params['userspec'] = isset($search_params['userspec']) ? $search_params['userspec'] : $_REQUEST['userspec']; } // This will be full of all kinds of parameters! $searchq_parameters = array(); // If there's no specific user, then don't mention it in the main query. if (empty($search_params['userspec'])) { $userQuery = ''; } else { // Set up so we can seach by user name, wildcards, like, etc $userString = strtr(Util::htmlspecialchars($search_params['userspec'], ENT_QUOTES), array('"' => '"')); $userString = strtr($userString, array('%' => '\\%', '_' => '\\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_')); preg_match_all('~"([^"]+)"~', $userString, $matches); $possible_users = array_merge($matches[1], explode(',', preg_replace('~"[^"]+"~', '', $userString))); require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; // Who matches those criteria? $members = membersBy('member_names', array('member_names' => $possible_users)); foreach ($possible_users as $key => $possible_user) { $searchq_parameters['guest_user_name_implode_' . $key] = defined('DB_CASE_SENSITIVE') ? strtolower($possible_user) : $possible_user; } // Simply do nothing if there are too many members matching the criteria. if (count($members) > $maxMembersToSearch) { $userQuery = ''; } elseif (count($members) == 0) { if ($context['folder'] === 'inbox') { $uq = array(); $name = defined('DB_CASE_SENSITIVE') ? 'LOWER(pm.from_name)' : 'pm.from_name'; foreach (array_keys($possible_users) as $key) { $uq[] = 'AND pm.id_member_from = 0 AND (' . $name . ' LIKE {string:guest_user_name_implode_' . $key . '})'; } $userQuery = implode(' ', $uq); $searchq_parameters['pm_from_name'] = defined('DB_CASE_SENSITIVE') ? 'LOWER(pm.from_name)' : 'pm.from_name'; } else { $userQuery = ''; } } else { $memberlist = array(); foreach ($members as $id) { $memberlist[] = $id; } // Use the name as as sent from or sent to if ($context['folder'] === 'inbox') { $uq = array(); $name = defined('DB_CASE_SENSITIVE') ? 'LOWER(pm.from_name)' : 'pm.from_name'; foreach (array_keys($possible_users) as $key) { $uq[] = 'AND (pm.id_member_from IN ({array_int:member_list}) OR (pm.id_member_from = 0 AND (' . $name . ' LIKE {string:guest_user_name_implode_' . $key . '})))'; } $userQuery = implode(' ', $uq); } else { $userQuery = 'AND (pmr.id_member IN ({array_int:member_list}))'; } $searchq_parameters['pm_from_name'] = defined('DB_CASE_SENSITIVE') ? 'LOWER(pm.from_name)' : 'pm.from_name'; $searchq_parameters['member_list'] = $memberlist; } } // Setup the sorting variables... $sort_columns = array('pm.id_pm'); if (empty($search_params['sort']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sort'])) { list($search_params['sort'], $search_params['sort_dir']) = array_pad(explode('|', $_REQUEST['sort']), 2, ''); } $search_params['sort'] = !empty($search_params['sort']) && in_array($search_params['sort'], $sort_columns) ? $search_params['sort'] : 'pm.id_pm'; $search_params['sort_dir'] = !empty($search_params['sort_dir']) && $search_params['sort_dir'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; // Sort out any labels we may be searching by. $labelQuery = ''; if ($context['folder'] == 'inbox' && !empty($search_params['advanced']) && $context['currently_using_labels']) { // Came here from pagination? Put them back into $_REQUEST for sanitization. if (isset($search_params['labels'])) { $_REQUEST['searchlabel'] = explode(',', $search_params['labels']); } // Assuming we have some labels - make them all integers. if (!empty($_REQUEST['searchlabel']) && is_array($_REQUEST['searchlabel'])) { $_REQUEST['searchlabel'] = array_map('intval', $_REQUEST['searchlabel']); } else { $_REQUEST['searchlabel'] = array(); } // Now that everything is cleaned up a bit, make the labels a param. $search_params['labels'] = implode(',', $_REQUEST['searchlabel']); // No labels selected? That must be an error! if (empty($_REQUEST['searchlabel'])) { $context['search_errors']['no_labels_selected'] = true; } elseif (count($_REQUEST['searchlabel']) != count($context['labels'])) { $labelQuery = ' AND {raw:label_implode}'; $labelStatements = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['searchlabel'] as $label) { $labelStatements[] = $db->quote('FIND_IN_SET({string:label}, pmr.labels) != 0', array('label' => $label)); } $searchq_parameters['label_implode'] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $labelStatements) . ')'; } } // Unfortunately, searching for words like this is going to be slow, so we're blacklisting them. $blacklisted_words = array('quote', 'the', 'is', 'it', 'are', 'if'); // What are we actually searching for? $search_params['search'] = !empty($search_params['search']) ? $search_params['search'] : (isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : ''); // If nothing is left to search on - we set an error! if (!isset($search_params['search']) || $search_params['search'] == '') { $context['search_errors']['invalid_search_string'] = true; } // Change non-word characters into spaces. $stripped_query = preg_replace('~(?:[\\x0B\\0\\x{A0}\\t\\r\\s\\n(){}\\[\\]<>!@$%^*.,:+=`\\~\\?/\\\\]+|&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot);)+~u', ' ', $search_params['search']); // Make the query lower case since it will case insensitive anyway. $stripped_query = un_htmlspecialchars(Util::strtolower($stripped_query)); // Extract phrase parts first (e.g. some words "this is a phrase" some more words.) preg_match_all('/(?:^|\\s)([-]?)"([^"]+)"(?:$|\\s)/', $stripped_query, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $phraseArray = $matches[2]; // Remove the phrase parts and extract the words. $wordArray = preg_replace('~(?:^|\\s)(?:[-]?)"(?:[^"]+)"(?:$|\\s)~u', ' ', $search_params['search']); $wordArray = explode(' ', Util::htmlspecialchars(un_htmlspecialchars($wordArray), ENT_QUOTES)); // A minus sign in front of a word excludes the word.... so... $excludedWords = array(); // Check for things like -"some words", but not "-some words". foreach ($matches[1] as $index => $word) { if ($word === '-') { if (($word = trim($phraseArray[$index], '-_\' ')) !== '' && !in_array($word, $blacklisted_words)) { $excludedWords[] = $word; } unset($phraseArray[$index]); } } // Now we look for -test, etc foreach ($wordArray as $index => $word) { if (strpos(trim($word), '-') === 0) { if (($word = trim($word, '-_\' ')) !== '' && !in_array($word, $blacklisted_words)) { $excludedWords[] = $word; } unset($wordArray[$index]); } } // The remaining words and phrases are all included. $searchArray = array_merge($phraseArray, $wordArray); // Trim everything and make sure there are no words that are the same. foreach ($searchArray as $index => $value) { // Skip anything thats close to empty. if (($searchArray[$index] = trim($value, '-_\' ')) === '') { unset($searchArray[$index]); } elseif (in_array($searchArray[$index], $blacklisted_words)) { $foundBlackListedWords = true; unset($searchArray[$index]); } $searchArray[$index] = Util::strtolower(trim($value)); if ($searchArray[$index] == '') { unset($searchArray[$index]); } else { // Sort out entities first. $searchArray[$index] = Util::htmlspecialchars($searchArray[$index]); } } $searchArray = array_slice(array_unique($searchArray), 0, 10); // Create an array of replacements for highlighting. $context['mark'] = array(); foreach ($searchArray as $word) { $context['mark'][$word] = '<strong class="highlight">' . $word . '</strong>'; } // This contains *everything* $searchWords = array_merge($searchArray, $excludedWords); // Make sure at least one word is being searched for. if (empty($searchArray)) { $context['search_errors']['invalid_search_string' . (!empty($foundBlackListedWords) ? '_blacklist' : '')] = true; } // Sort out the search query so the user can edit it - if they want. $context['search_params'] = $search_params; if (isset($context['search_params']['search'])) { $context['search_params']['search'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($context['search_params']['search']); } if (isset($context['search_params']['userspec'])) { $context['search_params']['userspec'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($context['search_params']['userspec']); } // Now we have all the parameters, combine them together for pagination and the like... $context['params'] = array(); foreach ($search_params as $k => $v) { $context['params'][] = $k . '|\'|' . $v; } $context['params'] = base64_encode(implode('|"|', $context['params'])); // Compile the subject query part. $andQueryParts = array(); foreach ($searchWords as $index => $word) { if ($word == '') { continue; } if ($search_params['subject_only']) { $andQueryParts[] = 'pm.subject' . (in_array($word, $excludedWords) ? ' NOT' : '') . ' LIKE {string:search_' . $index . '}'; } else { $andQueryParts[] = '(pm.subject' . (in_array($word, $excludedWords) ? ' NOT' : '') . ' LIKE {string:search_' . $index . '} ' . (in_array($word, $excludedWords) ? 'AND pm.body NOT' : 'OR pm.body') . ' LIKE {string:search_' . $index . '})'; } $searchq_parameters['search_' . $index] = '%' . strtr($word, array('_' => '\\_', '%' => '\\%')) . '%'; } $searchQuery = ' 1=1'; if (!empty($andQueryParts)) { $searchQuery = implode(!empty($search_params['searchtype']) && $search_params['searchtype'] == 2 ? ' OR ' : ' AND ', $andQueryParts); } // Age limits? $timeQuery = ''; if (!empty($search_params['minage'])) { $timeQuery .= ' AND pm.msgtime < ' . (time() - $search_params['minage'] * 86400); } if (!empty($search_params['maxage'])) { $timeQuery .= ' AND pm.msgtime > ' . (time() - $search_params['maxage'] * 86400); } // If we have errors - return back to the first screen... if (!empty($context['search_errors'])) { $_REQUEST['params'] = $context['params']; return $this->action_search(); } // Get the number of results. $numResults = numPMSeachResults($userQuery, $labelQuery, $timeQuery, $searchQuery, $searchq_parameters); // Get all the matching message ids, senders and head pm nodes list($foundMessages, $posters, $head_pms) = loadPMSearchMessages($userQuery, $labelQuery, $timeQuery, $searchQuery, $searchq_parameters, $search_params); // Find the real head pm when in converstaion view if ($context['display_mode'] == 2 && !empty($head_pms)) { $real_pm_ids = loadPMSearchHeads($head_pms); } // Load the found user data $posters = array_unique($posters); if (!empty($posters)) { loadMemberData($posters); } // Sort out the page index. $context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?action=pm;sa=search2;params=' . $context['params'], $_GET['start'], $numResults, $modSettings['search_results_per_page'], false); $context['message_labels'] = array(); $context['message_replied'] = array(); $context['personal_messages'] = array(); $context['first_label'] = array(); // If we have results, we have work to do! if (!empty($foundMessages)) { $recipients = array(); list($context['message_labels'], $context['message_replied'], $context['message_unread'], $context['first_label']) = loadPMRecipientInfo($foundMessages, $recipients, $context['folder'], true); // Prepare for the callback! $search_results = loadPMSearchResults($foundMessages, $search_params); $counter = 0; foreach ($search_results as $row) { // If there's no subject, use the default. $row['subject'] = $row['subject'] == '' ? $txt['no_subject'] : $row['subject']; // Load this posters context info, if its not there then fill in the essentials... if (!loadMemberContext($row['id_member_from'], true)) { $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['name'] = $row['from_name']; $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['id'] = 0; $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['group'] = $txt['guest_title']; $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['link'] = $row['from_name']; $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['email'] = ''; $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['show_email'] = showEmailAddress(true, 0); $memberContext[$row['id_member_from']]['is_guest'] = true; } // Censor anything we don't want to see... censorText($row['body']); censorText($row['subject']); // Parse out any BBC... $row['body'] = parse_bbc($row['body'], true, 'pm' . $row['id_pm']); // Highlight the hits $body_highlighted = ''; $subject_highlighted = ''; foreach ($searchArray as $query) { // Fix the international characters in the keyword too. $query = un_htmlspecialchars($query); $query = trim($query, '\\*+'); $query = strtr(Util::htmlspecialchars($query), array('\\\'' => '\'')); $body_highlighted = preg_replace_callback('/((<[^>]*)|' . preg_quote(strtr($query, array('\'' => ''')), '/') . ')/iu', array($this, '_highlighted_callback'), $row['body']); $subject_highlighted = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($query, '/') . ')/iu', '<strong class="highlight">$1</strong>', $row['subject']); } // Set a link using the first label information $href = $scripturl . '?action=pm;f=' . $context['folder'] . (isset($context['first_label'][$row['id_pm']]) ? ';l=' . $context['first_label'][$row['id_pm']] : '') . ';pmid=' . ($context['display_mode'] == 2 && isset($real_pm_ids[$head_pms[$row['id_pm']]]) && $context['folder'] == 'inbox' ? $real_pm_ids[$head_pms[$row['id_pm']]] : $row['id_pm']) . '#msg_' . $row['id_pm']; $context['personal_messages'][] = array('id' => $row['id_pm'], 'member' => &$memberContext[$row['id_member_from']], 'subject' => $subject_highlighted, 'body' => $body_highlighted, 'time' => standardTime($row['msgtime']), 'html_time' => htmlTime($row['msgtime']), 'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['msgtime']), 'recipients' => &$recipients[$row['id_pm']], 'labels' => &$context['message_labels'][$row['id_pm']], 'fully_labeled' => count($context['message_labels'][$row['id_pm']]) == count($context['labels']), 'is_replied_to' => &$context['message_replied'][$row['id_pm']], 'href' => $href, 'link' => '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $subject_highlighted . '</a>', 'counter' => ++$counter); } } // Finish off the context. $context['page_title'] = $txt['pm_search_title']; $context['sub_template'] = 'search_results'; $context['menu_data_' . $context['pm_menu_id']]['current_area'] = 'search'; $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=pm;sa=search', 'name' => $txt['pm_search_bar_title']); }
/** * Posts or saves the message composed with Post(). * * requires various permissions depending on the action. * handles attachment, post, and calendar saving. * sends off notifications, and allows for announcements and moderation. * accessed from ?action=post2. */ public function action_post2() { global $board, $topic, $txt, $modSettings, $context, $user_settings; global $user_info, $board_info, $options, $ignore_temp; // Sneaking off, are we? if (empty($_POST) && empty($topic)) { if (empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) { redirectexit('action=post;board=' . $board . '.0'); } else { fatal_lang_error('post_upload_error', false); } } elseif (empty($_POST) && !empty($topic)) { redirectexit('action=post;topic=' . $topic . '.0'); } // No need! $context['robot_no_index'] = true; // We are now in post2 action $context['current_action'] = 'post2'; require_once SOURCEDIR . '/AttachmentErrorContext.class.php'; // No errors as yet. $post_errors = Error_Context::context('post', 1); $attach_errors = Attachment_Error_Context::context(); // If the session has timed out, let the user re-submit their form. if (checkSession('post', '', false) != '') { $post_errors->addError('session_timeout'); // Disable the preview so that any potentially malicious code is not executed $_REQUEST['preview'] = false; return $this->action_post(); } // Wrong verification code? if (!$user_info['is_admin'] && !$user_info['is_mod'] && !empty($modSettings['posts_require_captcha']) && ($user_info['posts'] < $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] || $user_info['is_guest'] && $modSettings['posts_require_captcha'] == -1)) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/VerificationControls.class.php'; $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'post'); $context['require_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions, true); if (is_array($context['require_verification'])) { foreach ($context['require_verification'] as $verification_error) { $post_errors->addError($verification_error); } } } require_once SUBSDIR . '/Boards.subs.php'; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Post.subs.php'; loadLanguage('Post'); // Drafts enabled and needed? if (!empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && (isset($_POST['save_draft']) || isset($_POST['id_draft']))) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Drafts.subs.php'; } // First check to see if they are trying to delete any current attachments. if (isset($_POST['attach_del'])) { $keep_temp = array(); $keep_ids = array(); foreach ($_POST['attach_del'] as $dummy) { if (strpos($dummy, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) !== false) { $keep_temp[] = $dummy; } else { $keep_ids[] = (int) $dummy; } } if (isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment) { if (isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files'], $attachment['name']) && in_array($attachment['name'], $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files']) || in_array($attachID, $keep_temp) || strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false) { continue; } unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]); @unlink($attachment['tmp_name']); } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageAttachments.subs.php'; $attachmentQuery = array('attachment_type' => 0, 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'], 'not_id_attach' => $keep_ids); removeAttachments($attachmentQuery); } } // Then try to upload any attachments. $context['attachments']['can']['post'] = !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && $modSettings['attachmentEnable'] == 1 && (allowedTo('post_attachment') || $modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments')); if ($context['attachments']['can']['post'] && empty($_POST['from_qr'])) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { processAttachments((int) $_REQUEST['msg']); } else { processAttachments(); } } // Previewing? Go back to start. if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { return $this->action_post(); } // Prevent double submission of this form. checkSubmitOnce('check'); // If this isn't a new topic load the topic info that we need. if (!empty($topic)) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Topic.subs.php'; $topic_info = getTopicInfo($topic); // Though the topic should be there, it might have vanished. if (empty($topic_info)) { fatal_lang_error('topic_doesnt_exist'); } // Did this topic suddenly move? Just checking... if ($topic_info['id_board'] != $board) { fatal_lang_error('not_a_topic'); } } // Replying to a topic? if (!empty($topic) && !isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { // Don't allow a post if it's locked. if ($topic_info['locked'] != 0 && !allowedTo('moderate_board')) { fatal_lang_error('topic_locked', false); } // Sorry, multiple polls aren't allowed... yet. You should stop giving me ideas :P. if (isset($_REQUEST['poll']) && $topic_info['id_poll'] > 0) { unset($_REQUEST['poll']); } // Do the permissions and approval stuff... $becomesApproved = true; if ($topic_info['id_member_started'] != $user_info['id']) { if ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_replies_any') && !allowedTo('post_reply_any')) { $becomesApproved = false; } else { isAllowedTo('post_reply_any'); } } elseif (!allowedTo('post_reply_any')) { if ($modSettings['postmod_active']) { if (allowedTo('post_unapproved_replies_own') && !allowedTo('post_reply_own')) { $becomesApproved = false; } elseif ($user_info['is_guest'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_replies_any')) { $becomesApproved = false; } else { isAllowedTo('post_reply_own'); } } } if (isset($_POST['lock'])) { // Nothing is changed to the lock. if (empty($topic_info['locked']) && empty($_POST['lock']) || !empty($_POST['lock']) && !empty($topic_info['locked'])) { unset($_POST['lock']); } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own')) || !allowedTo('lock_any') && $user_info['id'] != $topic_info['id_member_started']) { unset($_POST['lock']); } elseif (!allowedTo('lock_any')) { // You cannot override a moderator lock. if ($topic_info['locked'] == 1) { unset($_POST['lock']); } else { $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 2; } } else { $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 1; } } // So you wanna (un)sticky this...let's see. if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || $_POST['sticky'] == $topic_info['is_sticky'] || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) { unset($_POST['sticky']); } // If drafts are enabled, then pass this off if (!empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && isset($_POST['save_draft'])) { saveDraft(); return $this->action_post(); } // If the number of replies has changed, if the setting is enabled, go back to action_post() - which handles the error. if (empty($options['no_new_reply_warning']) && isset($_POST['last_msg']) && $topic_info['id_last_msg'] > $_POST['last_msg']) { addInlineJavascript(' $(document).ready(function () { $("html,body").scrollTop($(\'.category_header:visible:first\').offset().top); });'); return $this->action_post(); } $posterIsGuest = $user_info['is_guest']; } elseif (empty($topic)) { // Now don't be silly, new topics will get their own id_msg soon enough. unset($_REQUEST['msg'], $_POST['msg'], $_GET['msg']); // Do like, the permissions, for safety and stuff... $becomesApproved = true; if ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && !allowedTo('post_new') && allowedTo('post_unapproved_topics')) { $becomesApproved = false; } else { isAllowedTo('post_new'); } if (isset($_POST['lock'])) { // New topics are by default not locked. if (empty($_POST['lock'])) { unset($_POST['lock']); } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own'))) { unset($_POST['lock']); } else { $_POST['lock'] = allowedTo('lock_any') ? 1 : 2; } } if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || empty($_POST['sticky']) || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) { unset($_POST['sticky']); } // Saving your new topic as a draft first? if (!empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && isset($_POST['save_draft'])) { saveDraft(); return $this->action_post(); } $posterIsGuest = $user_info['is_guest']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($topic)) { $_REQUEST['msg'] = (int) $_REQUEST['msg']; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Messages.subs.php'; $msgInfo = basicMessageInfo($_REQUEST['msg'], true); if (empty($msgInfo)) { fatal_lang_error('cant_find_messages', false); } if (!empty($topic_info['locked']) && !allowedTo('moderate_board')) { fatal_lang_error('topic_locked', false); } if (isset($_POST['lock'])) { // Nothing changes to the lock status. if (empty($_POST['lock']) && empty($topic_info['locked']) || !empty($_POST['lock']) && !empty($topic_info['locked'])) { unset($_POST['lock']); } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own')) || !allowedTo('lock_any') && $user_info['id'] != $topic_info['id_member_started']) { unset($_POST['lock']); } elseif (!allowedTo('lock_any')) { // You're not allowed to break a moderator's lock. if ($topic_info['locked'] == 1) { unset($_POST['lock']); } else { $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 2; } } else { $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 1; } } // Change the sticky status of this topic? if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (!allowedTo('make_sticky') || $_POST['sticky'] == $topic_info['is_sticky'])) { unset($_POST['sticky']); } if ($msgInfo['id_member'] == $user_info['id'] && !allowedTo('modify_any')) { if ((!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || $msgInfo['approved']) && !empty($modSettings['edit_disable_time']) && $msgInfo['poster_time'] + ($modSettings['edit_disable_time'] + 5) * 60 < time()) { fatal_lang_error('modify_post_time_passed', false); } elseif ($topic_info['id_member_started'] == $user_info['id'] && !allowedTo('modify_own')) { isAllowedTo('modify_replies'); } else { isAllowedTo('modify_own'); } } elseif ($topic_info['id_member_started'] == $user_info['id'] && !allowedTo('modify_any')) { isAllowedTo('modify_replies'); // If you're modifying a reply, I say it better be logged... $moderationAction = true; } else { isAllowedTo('modify_any'); // Log it, assuming you're not modifying your own post. if ($msgInfo['id_member'] != $user_info['id']) { $moderationAction = true; } } // If drafts are enabled, then lets send this off to save if (!empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && isset($_POST['save_draft'])) { saveDraft(); return $this->action_post(); } $posterIsGuest = empty($msgInfo['id_member']); // Can they approve it? $can_approve = allowedTo('approve_posts'); $becomesApproved = $modSettings['postmod_active'] ? $can_approve && !$msgInfo['approved'] ? !empty($_REQUEST['approve']) ? 1 : 0 : $msgInfo['approved'] : 1; $approve_has_changed = $msgInfo['approved'] != $becomesApproved; if (!allowedTo('moderate_forum') || !$posterIsGuest) { $_POST['guestname'] = $msgInfo['poster_name']; $_POST['email'] = $msgInfo['poster_email']; } } // In case we want to override if (allowedTo('approve_posts')) { $becomesApproved = !isset($_REQUEST['approve']) || !empty($_REQUEST['approve']) ? 1 : 0; $approve_has_changed = isset($msgInfo['approved']) ? $msgInfo['approved'] != $becomesApproved : false; } // If the poster is a guest evaluate the legality of name and email. if ($posterIsGuest) { $_POST['guestname'] = !isset($_POST['guestname']) ? '' : Util::htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['guestname'])); $_POST['email'] = !isset($_POST['email']) ? '' : Util::htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email'])); if ($_POST['guestname'] == '' || $_POST['guestname'] == '_') { $post_errors->addError('no_name'); } if (Util::strlen($_POST['guestname']) > 25) { $post_errors->addError('long_name'); } if (empty($modSettings['guest_post_no_email'])) { // Only check if they changed it! if (!isset($msgInfo) || $msgInfo['poster_email'] != $_POST['email']) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/DataValidator.class.php'; if (!allowedTo('moderate_forum') && !Data_Validator::is_valid($_POST, array('email' => 'valid_email|required'), array('email' => 'trim'))) { empty($_POST['email']) ? $post_errors->addError('no_email') : $post_errors->addError('bad_email'); } } // Now make sure this email address is not banned from posting. isBannedEmail($_POST['email'], 'cannot_post', sprintf($txt['you_are_post_banned'], $txt['guest_title'])); } // In case they are making multiple posts this visit, help them along by storing their name. if (!$post_errors->hasErrors()) { $_SESSION['guest_name'] = $_POST['guestname']; $_SESSION['guest_email'] = $_POST['email']; } } // Check the subject and message. if (!isset($_POST['subject']) || Util::htmltrim(Util::htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject'])) === '') { $post_errors->addError('no_subject'); } if (!isset($_POST['message']) || Util::htmltrim(Util::htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'], ENT_QUOTES)) === '') { $post_errors->addError('no_message'); } elseif (!empty($modSettings['max_messageLength']) && Util::strlen($_POST['message']) > $modSettings['max_messageLength']) { $post_errors->addError(array('long_message', array($modSettings['max_messageLength']))); } else { // Prepare the message a bit for some additional testing. $_POST['message'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'], ENT_QUOTES); // Preparse code. (Zef) if ($user_info['is_guest']) { $user_info['name'] = $_POST['guestname']; } preparsecode($_POST['message']); // Let's see if there's still some content left without the tags. if (Util::htmltrim(strip_tags(parse_bbc($_POST['message'], false), '<img>')) === '' && (!allowedTo('admin_forum') || strpos($_POST['message'], '[html]') === false)) { $post_errors->addError('no_message'); } } if (isset($_POST['calendar']) && !isset($_REQUEST['deleteevent']) && Util::htmltrim($_POST['evtitle']) === '') { $post_errors->addError('no_event'); } // Validate the poll... if (isset($_REQUEST['poll']) && !empty($modSettings['pollMode'])) { if (!empty($topic) && !isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); } // This is a new topic... so it's a new poll. if (empty($topic)) { isAllowedTo('poll_post'); } elseif ($user_info['id'] == $topic_info['id_member_started'] && !allowedTo('poll_add_any')) { isAllowedTo('poll_add_own'); } else { isAllowedTo('poll_add_any'); } if (!isset($_POST['question']) || trim($_POST['question']) == '') { $post_errors->addError('no_question'); } $_POST['options'] = empty($_POST['options']) ? array() : htmltrim__recursive($_POST['options']); // Get rid of empty ones. foreach ($_POST['options'] as $k => $option) { if ($option == '') { unset($_POST['options'][$k], $_POST['options'][$k]); } } // What are you going to vote between with one choice?!? if (count($_POST['options']) < 2) { $post_errors->addError('poll_few'); } elseif (count($_POST['options']) > 256) { $post_errors->addError('poll_many'); } } if ($posterIsGuest) { // If user is a guest, make sure the chosen name isn't taken. require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; if (isReservedName($_POST['guestname'], 0, true, false) && (!isset($msgInfo['poster_name']) || $_POST['guestname'] != $msgInfo['poster_name'])) { $post_errors->addError('bad_name'); } } elseif (!isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { $_POST['guestname'] = $user_info['username']; $_POST['email'] = $user_info['email']; } // Posting somewhere else? Are we sure you can? if (!empty($_REQUEST['post_in_board'])) { $new_board = (int) $_REQUEST['post_in_board']; if (!allowedTo('post_new', $new_board)) { $post_in_board = boardInfo($new_board); if (!empty($post_in_board)) { $post_errors->addError(array('post_new_board', array($post_in_board['name']))); } else { $post_errors->addError('post_new'); } } } // Any mistakes? if ($post_errors->hasErrors() || $attach_errors->hasErrors()) { addInlineJavascript(' $(document).ready(function () { $("html,body").scrollTop($(\'.category_header:visible:first\').offset().top); });'); return $this->action_post(); } // Make sure the user isn't spamming the board. if (!isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { spamProtection('post'); } // At about this point, we're posting and that's that. ignore_user_abort(true); @set_time_limit(300); // Add special html entities to the subject, name, and email. $_POST['subject'] = strtr(Util::htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject']), array("\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '')); $_POST['guestname'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['guestname'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $_POST['email'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // At this point, we want to make sure the subject isn't too long. if (Util::strlen($_POST['subject']) > 100) { $_POST['subject'] = Util::substr($_POST['subject'], 0, 100); } if (!empty($modSettings['mentions_enabled']) && !empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) { $query_params = array(); $query_params['member_ids'] = array_unique(array_map('intval', $_REQUEST['uid'])); require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; $mentioned_members = membersBy('member_ids', $query_params, true); $replacements = 0; $actually_mentioned = array(); foreach ($mentioned_members as $member) { $_POST['message'] = str_replace('@' . $member['real_name'], '[member=' . $member['id_member'] . ']' . $member['real_name'] . '[/member]', $_POST['message'], $replacements); if ($replacements > 0) { $actually_mentioned[] = $member['id_member']; } } } // Make the poll... if (isset($_REQUEST['poll'])) { // Make sure that the user has not entered a ridiculous number of options.. if (empty($_POST['poll_max_votes']) || $_POST['poll_max_votes'] <= 0) { $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = 1; } elseif ($_POST['poll_max_votes'] > count($_POST['options'])) { $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = count($_POST['options']); } else { $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = (int) $_POST['poll_max_votes']; } $_POST['poll_expire'] = (int) $_POST['poll_expire']; $_POST['poll_expire'] = $_POST['poll_expire'] > 9999 ? 9999 : ($_POST['poll_expire'] < 0 ? 0 : $_POST['poll_expire']); // Just set it to zero if it's not there.. if (!isset($_POST['poll_hide'])) { $_POST['poll_hide'] = 0; } else { $_POST['poll_hide'] = (int) $_POST['poll_hide']; } $_POST['poll_change_vote'] = isset($_POST['poll_change_vote']) ? 1 : 0; $_POST['poll_guest_vote'] = isset($_POST['poll_guest_vote']) ? 1 : 0; // Make sure guests are actually allowed to vote generally. if ($_POST['poll_guest_vote']) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; $allowedVoteGroups = groupsAllowedTo('poll_vote', $board); if (!in_array(-1, $allowedVoteGroups['allowed'])) { $_POST['poll_guest_vote'] = 0; } } // If the user tries to set the poll too far in advance, don't let them. if (!empty($_POST['poll_expire']) && $_POST['poll_expire'] < 1) { fatal_lang_error('poll_range_error', false); } elseif (empty($_POST['poll_expire']) && $_POST['poll_hide'] == 2) { $_POST['poll_hide'] = 1; } // Clean up the question and answers. $_POST['question'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['question'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $_POST['question'] = Util::substr($_POST['question'], 0, 255); $_POST['question'] = preg_replace('~&#(\\d{4,5}|[2-9]\\d{2,4}|1[2-9]\\d);~', '&#$1;', $_POST['question']); $_POST['options'] = htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST['options']); // Finally, make the poll. require_once SUBSDIR . '/Poll.subs.php'; $id_poll = createPoll($_POST['question'], $user_info['id'], $_POST['guestname'], $_POST['poll_max_votes'], $_POST['poll_hide'], $_POST['poll_expire'], $_POST['poll_change_vote'], $_POST['poll_guest_vote'], $_POST['options']); } else { $id_poll = 0; } // ...or attach a new file... if (empty($ignore_temp) && $context['attachments']['can']['post'] && !empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) && empty($_POST['from_qr'])) { $attachIDs = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment) { if ($attachID != 'initial_error' && strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false) { continue; } // If there was an initial error just show that message. if ($attachID == 'initial_error') { unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']); break; } // No errors, then try to create the attachment if (empty($attachment['errors'])) { // Load the attachmentOptions array with the data needed to create an attachment $attachmentOptions = array('post' => isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 0, 'poster' => $user_info['id'], 'name' => $attachment['name'], 'tmp_name' => $attachment['tmp_name'], 'size' => isset($attachment['size']) ? $attachment['size'] : 0, 'mime_type' => isset($attachment['type']) ? $attachment['type'] : '', 'id_folder' => isset($attachment['id_folder']) ? $attachment['id_folder'] : 0, 'approved' => !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('post_attachment'), 'errors' => array()); if (createAttachment($attachmentOptions)) { $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['id']; if (!empty($attachmentOptions['thumb'])) { $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['thumb']; } } } else { @unlink($attachment['tmp_name']); } } unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']); } // Creating a new topic? $newTopic = empty($_REQUEST['msg']) && empty($topic); $_POST['icon'] = !empty($attachIDs) && $_POST['icon'] == 'xx' ? 'clip' : $_POST['icon']; // Collect all parameters for the creation or modification of a post. $msgOptions = array('id' => empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? 0 : (int) $_REQUEST['msg'], 'subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'body' => $_POST['message'], 'icon' => preg_replace('~[\\./\\\\*:"\'<>]~', '', $_POST['icon']), 'smileys_enabled' => !isset($_POST['ns']), 'attachments' => empty($attachIDs) ? array() : $attachIDs, 'approved' => $becomesApproved); $topicOptions = array('id' => empty($topic) ? 0 : $topic, 'board' => $board, 'poll' => isset($_REQUEST['poll']) ? $id_poll : null, 'lock_mode' => isset($_POST['lock']) ? (int) $_POST['lock'] : null, 'sticky_mode' => isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? (int) $_POST['sticky'] : null, 'mark_as_read' => true, 'is_approved' => !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || empty($topic) || !empty($board_info['cur_topic_approved'])); $posterOptions = array('id' => $user_info['id'], 'name' => $_POST['guestname'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'update_post_count' => !$user_info['is_guest'] && !isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && $board_info['posts_count']); // This is an already existing message. Edit it. if (!empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) { // Have admins allowed people to hide their screwups? if (time() - $msgInfo['poster_time'] > $modSettings['edit_wait_time'] || $user_info['id'] != $msgInfo['id_member']) { $msgOptions['modify_time'] = time(); $msgOptions['modify_name'] = $user_info['name']; } // This will save some time... if (empty($approve_has_changed)) { unset($msgOptions['approved']); } modifyPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions); } else { if (!empty($modSettings['enableFollowup']) && !empty($_REQUEST['followup'])) { $original_post = (int) $_REQUEST['followup']; } // We also have to fake the board: // if it's valid and it's not the current, let's forget about the "current" and load the new one if (!empty($new_board) && $board !== $new_board) { $board = $new_board; loadBoard(); // Some details changed $topicOptions['board'] = $board; $topicOptions['is_approved'] = !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || empty($topic) || !empty($board_info['cur_topic_approved']); $posterOptions['update_post_count'] = !$user_info['is_guest'] && !isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && $board_info['posts_count']; } createPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions); if (isset($topicOptions['id'])) { $topic = $topicOptions['id']; } if (!empty($modSettings['enableFollowup'])) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/FollowUps.subs.php'; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Messages.subs.php'; // Time to update the original message with a pointer to the new one if (!empty($original_post) && canAccessMessage($original_post)) { linkMessages($original_post, $topic); } } } // If we had a draft for this, its time to remove it since it was just posted if (!empty($modSettings['drafts_enabled']) && !empty($_POST['id_draft'])) { deleteDrafts($_POST['id_draft'], $user_info['id']); } // Editing or posting an event? if (isset($_POST['calendar']) && (!isset($_REQUEST['eventid']) || $_REQUEST['eventid'] == -1)) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Calendar.subs.php'; // Make sure they can link an event to this post. canLinkEvent(); // Insert the event. $eventOptions = array('id_board' => $board, 'id_topic' => $topic, 'title' => $_POST['evtitle'], 'member' => $user_info['id'], 'start_date' => sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $_POST['year'], $_POST['month'], $_POST['day']), 'span' => isset($_POST['span']) && $_POST['span'] > 0 ? min((int) $modSettings['cal_maxspan'], (int) $_POST['span'] - 1) : 0); insertEvent($eventOptions); } elseif (isset($_POST['calendar'])) { $_REQUEST['eventid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['eventid']; // Validate the post... require_once SUBSDIR . '/Calendar.subs.php'; validateEventPost(); // If you're not allowed to edit any events, you have to be the poster. if (!allowedTo('calendar_edit_any')) { $event_poster = getEventPoster($_REQUEST['eventid']); // Silly hacker, Trix are for kids. ...probably trademarked somewhere, this is FAIR USE! (parody...) isAllowedTo('calendar_edit_' . ($event_poster == $user_info['id'] ? 'own' : 'any')); } // Delete it? if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteevent'])) { removeEvent($_REQUEST['eventid']); } else { $span = !empty($modSettings['cal_allowspan']) && !empty($_REQUEST['span']) ? min((int) $modSettings['cal_maxspan'], (int) $_REQUEST['span'] - 1) : 0; $start_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $_REQUEST['month'], (int) $_REQUEST['day'], (int) $_REQUEST['year']); $eventOptions = array('start_date' => strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time), 'end_date' => strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time + $span * 86400), 'title' => $_REQUEST['evtitle']); modifyEvent($_REQUEST['eventid'], $eventOptions); } } // Marking boards as read. // (You just posted and they will be unread.) if (!$user_info['is_guest']) { $board_list = !empty($board_info['parent_boards']) ? array_keys($board_info['parent_boards']) : array(); // Returning to the topic? if (!empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) { $board_list[] = $board; } if (!empty($board_list)) { markBoardsRead($board_list, false, false); } } // Turn notification on or off. if (!empty($_POST['notify']) && allowedTo('mark_any_notify')) { setTopicNotification($user_info['id'], $topic, true); } elseif (!$newTopic) { setTopicNotification($user_info['id'], $topic, false); } // Log an act of moderation - modifying. if (!empty($moderationAction)) { logAction('modify', array('topic' => $topic, 'message' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'], 'member' => $msgInfo['id_member'], 'board' => $board)); } if (isset($_POST['lock']) && $_POST['lock'] != 2) { logAction(empty($_POST['lock']) ? 'unlock' : 'lock', array('topic' => $topicOptions['id'], 'board' => $topicOptions['board'])); } if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics'])) { logAction(empty($_POST['sticky']) ? 'unsticky' : 'sticky', array('topic' => $topicOptions['id'], 'board' => $topicOptions['board'])); } // Notify any members who have notification turned on for this topic/board - only do this if it's going to be approved(!) if ($becomesApproved) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Notification.subs.php'; if ($newTopic) { $notifyData = array('body' => $_POST['message'], 'subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'name' => $user_info['name'], 'poster' => $user_info['id'], 'msg' => $msgOptions['id'], 'board' => $board, 'topic' => $topic, 'signature' => isset($user_settings['signature']) ? $user_settings['signature'] : ''); sendBoardNotifications($notifyData); } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) { // Only send it to everyone if the topic is approved, otherwise just to the topic starter if they want it. if ($topic_info['approved']) { sendNotifications($topic, 'reply'); } else { sendNotifications($topic, 'reply', array(), $topic_info['id_member_started']); } } } if (!empty($modSettings['mentions_enabled']) && !empty($actually_mentioned)) { require_once CONTROLLERDIR . '/Mentions.controller.php'; $mentions = new Mentions_Controller(); $mentions->setData(array('id_member' => $actually_mentioned, 'type' => 'men', 'id_msg' => $msgOptions['id'], 'status' => $becomesApproved ? 'new' : 'unapproved')); $mentions->action_add(); } if ($board_info['num_topics'] == 0) { cache_put_data('board-' . $board, null, 120); } if (!empty($_POST['announce_topic'])) { redirectexit('action=announce;sa=selectgroup;topic=' . $topic . (!empty($_POST['move']) && allowedTo('move_any') ? ';move' : '') . (empty($_REQUEST['goback']) ? '' : ';goback')); } if (!empty($_POST['move']) && allowedTo('move_any')) { redirectexit('action=movetopic;topic=' . $topic . '.0' . (empty($_REQUEST['goback']) ? '' : ';goback')); } // Return to post if the mod is on. if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) { redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'], isBrowser('ie')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) { redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.new#new', isBrowser('ie')); } else { redirectexit('board=' . $board . '.0'); } }
/** * Display members of a group, and allow adding of members to a group. * * What it does: * - It can be called from ManageMembergroups if it needs templating within the admin environment. * - It shows a list of members that are part of a given membergroup. * - It is called by ?action=moderate;area=viewgroups;sa=members;group=x * - It requires the manage_membergroups permission. * - It allows to add and remove members from the selected membergroup. * - It allows sorting on several columns. * - It redirects to itself. * @uses ManageMembergroups template, group_members sub template. */ public function action_members() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info, $settings; $current_group = isset($_REQUEST['group']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['group'] : 0; // These will be needed require_once SUBSDIR . '/Membergroups.subs.php'; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; // Load up the group details. $context['group'] = membergroupById($current_group, true, true); // No browsing of guests, membergroup 0 or moderators or non-existing groups. if ($context['group'] === false || in_array($current_group, array(-1, 0, 3))) { fatal_lang_error('membergroup_does_not_exist', false); } $context['group']['id'] = $context['group']['id_group']; $context['group']['name'] = $context['group']['group_name']; // Fix the membergroup icons. $context['group']['icons'] = explode('#', $context['group']['icons']); $context['group']['icons'] = !empty($context['group']['icons'][0]) && !empty($context['group']['icons'][1]) ? str_repeat('<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/group_icons/' . $context['group']['icons'][1] . '" alt="*" />', $context['group']['icons'][0]) : ''; $context['group']['can_moderate'] = allowedTo('manage_membergroups') && (allowedTo('admin_forum') || $context['group']['group_type'] != 1); // The template is very needy $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=groups;sa=members;group=' . $context['group']['id'], 'name' => $context['group']['name']); $context['can_send_email'] = allowedTo('send_email_to_members'); $context['sort_direction'] = isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? 'down' : 'up'; $context['start'] = $_REQUEST['start']; $context['can_moderate_forum'] = allowedTo('moderate_forum'); // @todo: use createList // Load all the group moderators, for fun. $context['group']['moderators'] = array(); $moderators = getGroupModerators($current_group); foreach ($moderators as $id_member => $name) { $context['group']['moderators'][] = array('id' => $id_member, 'name' => $name); if ($user_info['id'] == $id_member && $context['group']['group_type'] != 1) { $context['group']['can_moderate'] = true; } } // If this group is hidden then it can only "exist" if the user can moderate it! if ($context['group']['hidden'] && !$context['group']['can_moderate']) { fatal_lang_error('membergroup_does_not_exist', false); } // You can only assign membership if you are the moderator and/or can manage groups! if (!$context['group']['can_moderate']) { $context['group']['assignable'] = 0; } elseif ($context['group']['id'] == 1 && !allowedTo('admin_forum')) { $context['group']['assignable'] = 0; } // Removing member from group? if (isset($_POST['remove']) && !empty($_REQUEST['rem']) && is_array($_REQUEST['rem']) && $context['group']['assignable']) { // Security first checkSession(); validateToken('mod-mgm'); // Make sure we're dealing with integers only. foreach ($_REQUEST['rem'] as $key => $group) { $_REQUEST['rem'][$key] = (int) $group; } removeMembersFromGroups($_REQUEST['rem'], $current_group, true); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['add']) && (!empty($_REQUEST['toAdd']) || !empty($_REQUEST['member_add'])) && $context['group']['assignable']) { // Make sure you can do this checkSession(); validateToken('mod-mgm'); $member_query = array(array('and' => 'not_in_group')); $member_parameters = array('not_in_group' => $current_group); // Get all the members to be added... taking into account names can be quoted ;) $_REQUEST['toAdd'] = strtr(Util::htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['toAdd'], ENT_QUOTES), array('"' => '"')); preg_match_all('~"([^"]+)"~', $_REQUEST['toAdd'], $matches); $member_names = array_unique(array_merge($matches[1], explode(',', preg_replace('~"[^"]+"~', '', $_REQUEST['toAdd'])))); foreach ($member_names as $index => $member_name) { $member_names[$index] = trim(Util::strtolower($member_names[$index])); if (strlen($member_names[$index]) == 0) { unset($member_names[$index]); } } // Any members passed by ID? $member_ids = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['member_add'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['member_add'] as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $member_ids[] = (int) $id; } } } // Construct the query pelements, first for adds by name if (!empty($member_ids)) { $member_query[] = array('or' => 'member_ids'); $member_parameters['member_ids'] = $member_ids; } // And then adds by ID if (!empty($member_names)) { $member_query[] = array('or' => 'member_names'); $member_parameters['member_names'] = $member_names; } // Get back the ones that were not already in the group $members = membersBy($member_query, $member_parameters); // Do the updates... if (!empty($members)) { addMembersToGroup($members, $current_group, $context['group']['hidden'] ? 'only_additional' : 'auto', true); } } // Sort out the sorting! $sort_methods = array('name' => 'real_name', 'email' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'email_address' : 'hide_email ' . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . ', email_address', 'active' => 'last_login', 'registered' => 'date_registered', 'posts' => 'posts'); // They didn't pick one, or tried a wrong one, so default to by name.. if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort']) || !isset($sort_methods[$_REQUEST['sort']])) { $context['sort_by'] = 'name'; $querySort = 'real_name' . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? ' DESC' : ' ASC'); } else { $context['sort_by'] = $_REQUEST['sort']; $querySort = $sort_methods[$_REQUEST['sort']] . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? ' DESC' : ' ASC'); } // The where on the query is interesting. Non-moderators should only see people who are in this group as primary. if ($context['group']['can_moderate']) { $where = $context['group']['is_post_group'] ? 'in_post_group' : 'in_group'; } else { $where = $context['group']['is_post_group'] ? 'in_post_group' : 'in_group_no_add'; } // Count members of the group. $context['total_members'] = countMembersBy($where, array($where => $current_group)); $context['total_members'] = comma_format($context['total_members']); // Create the page index. $context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?action=' . ($context['group']['can_moderate'] ? 'moderate;area=viewgroups' : 'groups') . ';sa=members;group=' . $current_group . ';sort=' . $context['sort_by'] . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? ';desc' : ''), $_REQUEST['start'], $context['total_members'], $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']); // Fetch the members that meet the where criteria $context['members'] = membersBy($where, array($where => $current_group, 'order' => $querySort), true); foreach ($context['members'] as $id => $row) { $last_online = empty($row['last_login']) ? $txt['never'] : standardTime($row['last_login']); // Italicize the online note if they aren't activated. if ($row['is_activated'] % 10 != 1) { $last_online = '<em title="' . $txt['not_activated'] . '">' . $last_online . '</em>'; } $context['members'][$id] = array('id' => $row['id_member'], 'name' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_member'] . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>', 'email' => $row['email_address'], 'show_email' => showEmailAddress(!empty($row['hide_email']), $row['id_member']), 'ip' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=trackip;searchip=' . $row['member_ip'] . '">' . $row['member_ip'] . '</a>', 'registered' => standardTime($row['date_registered']), 'last_online' => $last_online, 'posts' => comma_format($row['posts']), 'is_activated' => $row['is_activated'] % 10 == 1); } if (!empty($context['group']['assignable'])) { loadJavascriptFile('suggest.js', array('defer' => true)); } // Select the template. $context['sub_template'] = 'group_members'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['membergroups_members_title'] . ': ' . $context['group']['name']; createToken('mod-mgm'); }