function magic_buy_post($magic, $magicstore, $coupon)
    global $_G, $space;
    if (!$magic) {
    } else {
        $mid = $magic['mid'];
    $_POST['buynum'] = intval($_POST['buynum']);
    if ($_POST['buynum'] < 1) {
    if ($magicstore['storage'] < $_POST['buynum']) {
    $_POST['coupon'] = intval($_POST['coupon']);
    $discard = 0;
    if ($_POST['coupon']) {
        if ($coupon['count'] < $_POST['coupon']) {
        $discard = 100 * $_POST['coupon'];
    $discount = checkperm('magicdiscount');
    if ($discount > 0) {
        $magic['charge'] = intval($magic['charge'] * $discount / 10);
        if ($magic['charge'] < 1) {
            $magic['charge'] = 1;
    } elseif ($discount < 0) {
        $magic['charge'] = 0;
    $charge = $_POST['buynum'] * $magic['charge'] - $discard;
    $charge = $charge > 0 ? $charge : 0;
    if ($charge > $space['credit']) {
    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table("magicstore") . " SET storage = storage - {$_POST['buynum']}, sellcount = sellcount + {$_POST['buynum']}, sellcredit = sellcredit + {$charge} WHERE mid = '{$mid}'");
    $experience = $_POST['buynum'] * intval($magic['experience']);
    $arr = array('credit' => 0 - $charge, 'experience' => 0 - $experience);
    member_count_update($_G['uid'], $arr);
    $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table("home_usermagic") . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND mid='{$mid}'");
    if ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $count = $value['count'] + $_POST['buynum'];
    } else {
        $count = $_POST['buynum'];
    DB::query("REPLACE " . DB::table('home_usermagic') . "(uid, username, mid, count) VALUES ('{$_G['uid']}', '{$_G['username']}', '{$mid}', '{$count}')");
    DB::insert('magicinlog', array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'mid' => $mid, 'count' => $_POST['buynum'], 'type' => 1, 'credit' => $charge, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']));
    if ($_POST['coupon']) {
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table("home_usermagic") . " SET count = count - {$_POST['coupon']} WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND mid = 'coupon'");
    return $charge;
            $outxml .= '<track><annotation>' . $value['mp3name'] . '</annotation><location>' . $value['mp3url'] . '</location><image>' . $value['cdbj'] . '</image></track>' . "\n";
        $outxml .= '</trackList></playlist>';
        $outxml = diconv($outxml, CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        @header("Expires: -1");
        @header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
        @header("Pragma: no-cache");
        @header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
        echo $outxml;
} else {
    $viewuids = $_G['cookie']['viewuids'] ? explode('_', $_G['cookie']['viewuids']) : array();
    if (!$_G['setting']['preventrefresh'] || $_G['uid'] && !$space['self'] && !in_array($space['uid'], $viewuids)) {
        member_count_update($space['uid'], array('views' => 1));
        $viewuids[$space['uid']] = $space['uid'];
        dsetcookie('viewuids', implode('_', $viewuids));
    if (!$space['self'] && $_G['uid']) {
        $query = DB::query("SELECT dateline FROM " . DB::table('home_visitor') . " WHERE uid='{$space['uid']}' AND vuid='{$_G['uid']}'");
        $visitor = DB::fetch($query);
        $is_anonymous = empty($_G['cookie']['anonymous_visit_' . $_G['uid'] . '_' . $space['uid']]) ? 0 : 1;
        if (empty($visitor['dateline'])) {
            $setarr = array('uid' => $space['uid'], 'vuid' => $_G['uid'], 'vusername' => $is_anonymous ? '' : $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']);
            DB::insert('home_visitor', $setarr, 0, true);
        } else {
            if ($_G['timestamp'] - $visitor['dateline'] >= 300) {
                DB::update('home_visitor', array('dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'vusername' => $is_anonymous ? '' : $_G['username']), array('uid' => $space['uid'], 'vuid' => $_G['uid']));
Exemple #3
    member_count_update($space['uid'], array('credit' => 0 - $showcredit));
    notification_add($fuid, 'credit', 'showcredit', array('credit' => $showcredit));
    if (ckprivacy('show', 'feed')) {
        require_once libfile('function/feed');
        feed_add('show', 'feed_showcredit', array('fusername' => "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$fuid}\">{$friend[fusername]}</a>", 'credit' => $showcredit));
    showmessage('showcredit_friend_do_success', "home.php?mod=space&do=top");
} elseif (submitcheck('showsubmit')) {
    $showcredit = intval($_POST['showcredit']);
    if ($showcredit > $space[$key]) {
        $showcredit = $space[$key];
    if ($showcredit < 1) {
        showmessage('showcredit_error', '', array(), array('return' => 1));
    $_POST['note'] = getstr($_POST['note'], 100, 1, 1, 1);
    $count = getcount('home_show', array('uid' => $_G['uid']));
    if ($count) {
        $notesql = $_POST['note'] ? ", note='{$_POST['note']}'" : '';
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('home_show') . " SET credit=credit+{$showcredit} {$notesql} WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
    } else {
        DB::insert('home_show', array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'credit' => $showcredit, 'note' => $_POST['note']), 0, true);
    member_count_update($space['uid'], array('credit' => 0 - $showcredit));
    if (ckprivacy('show', 'feed')) {
        require_once libfile('function/feed');
        feed_add('show', 'feed_showcredit_self', array('credit' => $showcredit), '', array(), $_POST['note']);
    showmessage('showcredit_do_success', "home.php?mod=space&do=top");