* @author			Mike Howard
 * @since			1.3
 * @content_tag		No {client_*}
 * @content_tag		No {event_*}
 * @content_tags	{label}, {label_class}, {field}, {field_class}, {submit_text}, {submit_class}, {please_wait_text}, {please_wait_class}
 * @shortcodes		Not Supported
 * Do not change any form field ID's.
 * Do not customise this file!
 * If you wish to make changes, copy this file to your theme directory /theme/mdjm-templates/availabilty/availabilty-horizontal.php

<div id="mdjm-availability-result"></div>
<div id="mdjm-availability-checker">
	<p><label for="{field}" class="{label_class}">{label}</label> 
    <input type="text" name="{field}" id="{field}" class="{field_class}" size="20" placeholder="<?php 
echo mdjm_format_datepicker_date();
" />
    <input type="submit" name="mdjm-submit-availability" id="mdjm-submit-availability" class="{submit_class}" value="{submit_text}" /></p>
	<span id="pleasewait" class="{please_wait_class}">{please_wait_text} <img src="<?php 
/assets/images/loading.gif" alt="{please_wait_text}" /></span>
 * Datepicker.
 * @since	1.3
 * @param	arr		$args	Datepicker field serttings.
 * @return	void
function mdjm_insert_datepicker($args = array())
    $defaults = array('class' => 'mdjm_date', 'altfield' => '_mdjm_event_date', 'altformat' => 'yy-mm-dd', 'firstday' => get_option('start_of_week'), 'changeyear' => 'true', 'changemonth' => 'true');
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    if (!empty($args['id'])) {
        $field = '#' . $args['id'];
    } else {
        $field = '.' . $args['class'];
    <script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready( function($)	{
    echo $field;
			dateFormat  : "<?php 
    echo mdjm_format_datepicker_date();
			altField    : "#<?php 
    echo $args['altfield'];
			altFormat   : "<?php 
    echo $args['altformat'];
			firstDay    : "<?php 
    echo $args['firstday'];
			changeYear  : "<?php 
    echo $args['changeyear'];
			changeMonth : "<?php 
    echo $args['changemonth'];
			minDate     : "<?php 
    echo isset($args['mindate']) ? $args['mindate'] : '';
			maxDate     : "<?php 
    echo isset($args['maxdate']) ? $args['maxdate'] : '';
Exemple #3
     * Front-end display of widget.
     * @see		WP_Widget::widget()
     * @param	arr		$args		Widget arguments.
     * @param	arr		$instance	Saved values from database.
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'datepicker'));
        if (!empty($instance['ajax'])) {
            self::ajax($args, $instance);
        echo $args['before_widget'];
        if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
            echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $args['after_title'];
        /* Check for form submission & process */
        if (isset($_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit']) && $_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit'] == $instance['submit_text']) {
            $dj_avail = dj_available('', $_POST['widget_check_date']);
            if (isset($dj_avail)) {
                if (!empty($dj_avail['available'])) {
                    if (isset($instance['available_action']) && $instance['available_action'] != 'text') {
						<script type="text/javascript">
						window.location = '<?php 
                        echo mdjm_get_formatted_url($instance['available_action']) . 'mdjm_avail=1&mdjm_avail_date=' . $_POST['widget_check_date'];
                } else {
                    if (isset($instance['unavailable_action']) && $instance['unavailable_action'] != 'text') {
						<script type="text/javascript">
						window.location = '<?php 
                        echo mdjm_get_formatted_url($instance['unavailable_action']);
            // if( isset( $dj_avail ) )
        // if( isset( $_POST['mdjm_avail_submit'] ) ...
        /* We need the jQuery Calendar */
        wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-css', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
        mdjm_insert_datepicker(array('class' => 'mdjm_widget_date', 'altfield' => 'widget_check_date', 'mindate' => '1'));
        if (isset($instance['intro']) && !empty($instance['intro'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit']) && $_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit'] == $instance['submit_text']) {
                $search = array('{EVENT_DATE}', '{EVENT_DATE_SHORT}');
                $replace = array(date('l, jS F Y', strtotime($_POST['widget_check_date'])), mdjm_format_short_date($_POST['widget_check_date']));
            if (!isset($_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit']) || $_POST['mdjm_widget_avail_submit'] != $instance['submit_text']) {
                echo '<div id="widget_avail_intro">' . $instance['intro'] . '</div>';
            } else {
                if (!empty($instance['ajax'])) {
					<div id="widget_availability_result"></div>
                } else {
                    if (!empty($dj_avail['available']) && $instance['available_action'] == 'text' && !empty($instance['available_text'])) {
                        echo str_replace($search, $replace, $instance['available_text']);
                    } else {
                        echo str_replace($search, $replace, $instance['unavailable_text']);
		<form name="mdjm-widget-availability-check" id="mdjm-widget-availability-check" method="post">
		<label for="widget_avail_date"><?php 
        echo $instance['label'];
		<input type="text" name="widget_avail_date" id="widget_avail_date" class="mdjm_widget_date" style="z-index:99;" placeholder="<?php 
        echo mdjm_format_datepicker_date();
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="widget_check_date" id="widget_check_date" value="" />
        echo isset($instance['submit_centre']) && $instance['submit_centre'] == 'Y' ? ' style="text-align:center"' : '';
		<input type="submit" name="mdjm_widget_avail_submit" id="mdjm_widget_avail_submit" value="<?php 
        echo $instance['submit_text'];
" />
		<div id="widget_pleasewait" class="page-content" style="display: none;"><?php 
        _e('Please wait...', 'mobile-dj-manager');
<img src="<?php 
        echo MDJM_PLUGIN_URL;
/assets/images/loading.gif" alt="<?php 
        _e('Please wait...', 'mobile-dj-manager');
" /></div>

		<script type="text/javascript">
			// Configure the field validator
					rules:	{
						widget_avail_date: {
							required: true,
					messages: {
						widget_avail_date: {
							required: "<?php 
        _e('Please enter a date', 'mobile-dj-manager');
					errorClass: "mdjm-form-error",
					validClass: "mdjm-form-valid",
        echo $args['after_widget'];
 * Format the date for the datepicker script
 * @since		1.3
 * @remove		1.5
 * @replacement	mdjm_format_datepicker_date
function mdjm_jquery_short_date()
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '1.3', 'mdjm_format_datepicker_date()');
    return mdjm_format_datepicker_date();
         * The Availability checker form
         * @params	arr		$args	Optional: Settings passed from the shortcode
         * @return
        public static function availability_form($args = '')
            global $mdjm_settings;
             * Initialise the datepicker script
            mdjm_insert_datepicker(array('class' => 'custom_date', 'altfield' => 'check_date', 'mindate' => 'today'));
            echo '<!-- ' . __('MDJM Availability Checker', 'mobile-dj-manager') . ' (' . MDJM_VERSION_NUM . ') -->';
             * If we are not using AJAX and a check has been performed and we're displaying text results
            if (self::$ajax == true) {
                <div id="availability_result"></div>
            } else {
             * Now display the availability checker form
            echo '<form name="mdjm-availability-check" id="mdjm-availability-check" method="post">' . "\r\n";
            // Label
            echo '<label for="avail_date"';
            // Label Wrap
            if (!empty($args['label_wrap']) && $args['label_wrap'] == 'false') {
                echo ' style="display: inline;"';
            // Label Class
            if (!empty($args['label_class']) && $args['label_class'] != 'false') {
                echo ' class="' . $args['label_class'] . '"';
            echo '>' . $args['label'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
            if (!empty($args['label_wrap']) && $args['label_wrap'] != 'false') {
                echo '<br />' . "\r\n";
            // Input field
            echo '<input type="text" name="avail_date" id="avail_date" class="custom_date" placeholder="' . mdjm_format_datepicker_date() . '"';
            // Input Wrap
            if (!empty($args['field_wrap']) && $args['field_wrap'] == 'false') {
                echo ' style="display: inline;"';
            // Input Class
            if (!empty($args['field_class']) && $args['field_class'] != 'false') {
                echo ' class="' . $args['field_class'] . '"';
            echo ' readonly required />';
            // Hidden field for datepicker
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="check_date" id="check_date" />' . "\r\n";
            if (!empty($args['submit_wrap']) && $args['submit_wrap'] != 'false') {
                echo '<br /><br />' . "\r\n";
            // Submit field
            echo '<input type="submit" name="mdjm_avail_submit" id="mdjm_avail_submit" value="' . $args['submit_text'] . '"';
            // Submit wrap
            if (!empty($args['submit_wrap']) && $args['submit_wrap'] == 'false') {
                echo ' style="display: inline;"';
            // Submit Class
            if (!empty($args['submit_class']) && $args['submit_class'] != 'false') {
                echo ' class="' . $args['submit_class'] . '"';
            echo '/>' . "\r\n";
            // Please wait
            echo '<span id="pleasewait" style="display: none;" class="page-content';
            // Please wait class
            if (!empty($args['please_wait_class']) && $args['please_wait_class'] != 'false') {
                echo ' ' . $args['please_wait_class'];
            echo '" >';
            if (!empty($args['please_wait_text'])) {
                echo $args['please_wait_text'];
            } else {
                echo __('Please wait...', 'mobile-dj-manager');
            echo '<img src="/wp-admin/images/loading.gif" alt="' . __('Please wait...', 'mobile-dj-manager') . '" /></span>' . "\r\n";
            echo '</form>' . "\r\n";
            echo '<!-- ' . __('MDJM Availability Checker', 'mobile-dj-manager') . ' (' . MDJM_VERSION_NUM . ') -->';