Exemple #1
  * Load status (holdings) for a record and filter them based on the logged in user information.
  * Format of return array is:
  * key = {section#}{location}-### where ### is the holding iteration
  * value = array (
  *  id = The id of the bib
  *  number = The position of the holding within the original list of holdings
  *  section = A description of the section
  *  sectionId = a numeric id of the section for sorting
  *  type = holding
  *  status
  *  statusfull
  *  availability
  *  holdable
  *  nonHoldableReason
  *  reserve
  *  holdQueueLength
  *  duedate
  *  location
  *  libraryDisplayName
  *  locationCode
  *  locationLink
  *  callnumber
  *  link = array
  *  linkText
  *  isDownload
  * )
  * Includes both physical titles as well as titles on order
  * @param string            $id     the id of the record
  * @return array A list of holdings for the record
 public function getHolding($id)
     if (array_key_exists($id, HorizonAPI::$loadedStatus)) {
         return HorizonAPI::$loadedStatus[$id];
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     //Get location information so we can put things into sections
     global $locationSingleton;
     /** @var $locationSingleton Location */
     $physicalLocation = $locationSingleton->getPhysicalLocation();
     if ($physicalLocation != null) {
         $physicalBranch = $physicalLocation->holdingBranchLabel;
     } else {
         $physicalBranch = '';
     $homeBranch = '';
     $homeBranchId = 0;
     $nearbyBranch1 = '';
     $nearbyBranch1Id = 0;
     $nearbyBranch2 = '';
     $nearbyBranch2Id = 0;
     //Set location information based on the user login.  This will override information based
     if (isset($user) && $user != false) {
         $homeBranchId = $user->homeLocationId;
         $nearbyBranch1Id = $user->myLocation1Id;
         $nearbyBranch2Id = $user->myLocation2Id;
     } else {
         //Check to see if the cookie for home location is set.
         if (isset($_COOKIE['home_location']) && is_numeric($_COOKIE['home_location'])) {
             $cookieLocation = new Location();
             $locationId = $_COOKIE['home_location'];
             $cookieLocation->whereAdd("locationId = '{$locationId}'");
             if ($cookieLocation->N == 1) {
                 $homeBranchId = $cookieLocation->locationId;
                 $nearbyBranch1Id = $cookieLocation->nearbyLocation1;
                 $nearbyBranch2Id = $cookieLocation->nearbyLocation2;
     //Load the holding label for the user's home location.
     $userLocation = new Location();
     $userLocation->whereAdd("locationId = '{$homeBranchId}'");
     if ($userLocation->N == 1) {
         $homeBranch = $userLocation->holdingBranchLabel;
     //Load nearby branch 1
     $nearbyLocation1 = new Location();
     $nearbyLocation1->whereAdd("locationId = '{$nearbyBranch1Id}'");
     if ($nearbyLocation1->N == 1) {
         $nearbyBranch1 = $nearbyLocation1->holdingBranchLabel;
     //Load nearby branch 2
     $nearbyLocation2 = new Location();
     $nearbyLocation2->whereAdd("locationId = '{$nearbyBranch2Id}'");
     if ($nearbyLocation2->N == 1) {
         $nearbyBranch2 = $nearbyLocation2->holdingBranchLabel;
     //Get a list of items from Horizon
     $lookupTitleInfoUrl = $configArray['Catalog']['webServiceUrl'] . '/standard/lookupTitleInfo?clientID=' . $configArray['Catalog']['clientId'] . '&titleKey=' . $id . '&includeItemInfo=true&includeHoldCount=true';
     $lookupTitleInfoResponse = $this->getWebServiceResponse($lookupTitleInfoUrl);
     $holdings = array();
     if ($lookupTitleInfoResponse->titleInfo) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($lookupTitleInfoResponse->titleInfo->itemInfo as $itemInfo) {
             if (!isset($itemInfo->locationID)) {
                 //Suppress anything without a location code
             $holding = array('id' => $id, 'number' => $i++, 'type' => 'holding', 'status' => isset($itemInfo->statusID) ? (string) $itemInfo->statusID : 'Unknown', 'statusfull' => isset($itemInfo->statusDescription) ? (string) $itemInfo->statusDescription : 'Unknown', 'availability' => isset($itemInfo->available) ? (string) $itemInfo->available == "true" : false, 'holdable' => true, 'reserve' => 'N', 'holdQueueLength' => (int) $lookupTitleInfoResponse->titleInfo->holdCount, 'dueDate' => isset($itemInfo->dueDate) ? (string) $itemInfo->dueDate : 'Unknown', 'locationCode' => (string) $itemInfo->locationID, 'location' => (string) $itemInfo->locationDescription, 'callnumber' => (string) $itemInfo->callNumber, 'isDownload' => false, 'barcode' => (string) $itemInfo->barcode, 'isLocalItem' => false, 'isLibraryItem' => true, 'locationLabel' => (string) $itemInfo->locationDescription, 'shelfLocation' => (string) $itemInfo->locationDescription);
             $holding['groupedStatus'] = mapValue('item_grouped_status', $holding['status']);
             $paddedNumber = str_pad($i, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $sortString = $holding['location'] . '-' . $paddedNumber;
             //$sortString = $holding['location'] . $holding['callnumber']. $i;
             if (strlen($physicalBranch) > 0 && stripos($holding['location'], $physicalBranch) !== false) {
                 //If the user is in a branch, those holdings come first.
                 $holding['section'] = 'In this library';
                 $holding['sectionId'] = 1;
                 $holding['isLocalItem'] = true;
                 $sorted_array['1' . $sortString] = $holding;
             } else {
                 if (strlen($homeBranch) > 0 && stripos($holding['location'], $homeBranch) !== false) {
                     //Next come the user's home branch if the user is logged in or has the home_branch cookie set.
                     $holding['section'] = 'Your library';
                     $holding['sectionId'] = 2;
                     $holding['isLocalItem'] = true;
                     $sorted_array['2' . $sortString] = $holding;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($nearbyBranch1) > 0 && stripos($holding['location'], $nearbyBranch1) !== false) {
                         //Next come nearby locations for the user
                         $holding['section'] = 'Nearby Libraries';
                         $holding['sectionId'] = 3;
                         $sorted_array['3' . $sortString] = $holding;
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($nearbyBranch2) > 0 && stripos($holding['location'], $nearbyBranch2) !== false) {
                             //Next come nearby locations for the user
                             $holding['section'] = 'Nearby Libraries';
                             $holding['sectionId'] = 4;
                             $sorted_array['4' . $sortString] = $holding;
                             //MDN 11/17 - taken out because all Horizon libraries are single institution (so far)
                             /*} else if (strlen($libraryLocationLabels) > 0 && preg_match($libraryLocationLabels, $holding['location'])){
                             			//Next come any locations within the same system we are in.
                             			$holding['section'] = $library->displayName;
                             			$holding['sectionId'] = 5;
                             			$sorted_array['5' . $sortString] = $holding;
                         } else {
                             //Finally, all other holdings are shown sorted alphabetically.
                             $holding['section'] = $library->displayName;
                             $holding['sectionId'] = 5;
                             $sorted_array['5' . $sortString] = $holding;
             $holdings[] = $holding;
     return $holdings;
 function getRelatedRecords($realTimeStatusNeeded)
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     $recordId = $this->getUniqueID();
     $timer->logTime("Starting getRelatedRecords for OverDrive record {$recordId}");
     $availability = $this->getAvailability();
     $timer->logTime("Finished loading availability");
     $available = false;
     $availableCopies = 0;
     $totalCopies = 0;
     $numHolds = 0;
     $hasLocalItem = true;
     foreach ($availability as $curAvailability) {
         if ($curAvailability->available) {
             $available = true;
             $availableCopies += $curAvailability->copiesAvailable;
         $totalCopies += $curAvailability->copiesOwned;
     //If there are no copies, this isn't valid
     if ($totalCopies == 0 && $availableCopies == 0) {
         return array();
     $url = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/OverDrive/' . $recordId;
     $timer->logTime("Finished loading metadata");
     $format = $this->overDriveProduct->mediaType;
     if ($format == 'Audiobook') {
         $format = 'eAudiobook';
     } elseif ($format == 'Music') {
         $format = 'eMusic';
     $relatedRecord = array('id' => $recordId, 'url' => $url, 'format' => $format, 'edition' => '', 'language' => $this->getLanguage(), 'title' => $this->overDriveProduct->title, 'subtitle' => $this->overDriveProduct->subtitle, 'publisher' => $this->overDriveMetaData->publisher, 'publicationDate' => $this->overDriveMetaData->publishDate, 'section' => '', 'physical' => '', 'callNumber' => '', 'shelfLocation' => '', 'availableOnline' => $available, 'available' => $available, 'hasLocalItem' => $hasLocalItem, 'copies' => $totalCopies, 'numHolds' => $numHolds, 'availableCopies' => $availableCopies, 'holdRatio' => $totalCopies > 0 ? $availableCopies + ($totalCopies - $numHolds) / $totalCopies : 0, 'locationLabel' => 'Online', 'source' => 'OverDrive', 'actions' => array());
     $formatCategory = mapValue('format_category_by_format', $relatedRecord['format']);
     $relatedRecord['formatCategory'] = $formatCategory;
     if ($available) {
         $relatedRecord['actions'][] = array('title' => 'Check Out', 'onclick' => "return VuFind.OverDrive.checkoutOverDriveItemOneClick('{$recordId}');", 'requireLogin' => false);
     } else {
         $relatedRecord['actions'][] = array('title' => 'Place Hold', 'onclick' => "return VuFind.OverDrive.placeOverDriveHold('{$recordId}');", 'requireLogin' => false);
     $timer->logTime("Finished getRelatedRecords for OverDrive record {$recordId}");
     return array($relatedRecord);
 function getFormatCategory()
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $itemFields */
     $itemFields = $this->getMarcRecord()->getFields('989');
     foreach ($itemFields as $item) {
         $subfieldW = $item->getSubfield('w');
         if ($subfieldW != null) {
             if (strpos($subfieldW->getData(), ':') !== FALSE) {
                 $eContentFieldData = explode(':', $subfieldW->getData());
                 $protectionType = trim($eContentFieldData[1]);
                 if ($this->isValidProtectionType($protectionType)) {
                     //Format is based off the iType
                     $iTypeField = $item->getSubfield('j');
                     if ($iTypeField != null) {
                         return mapValue('econtent_itype_format_category', $iTypeField->getData());
                     } else {
                         return 'eBook';
     return 'eBook';
 function getEContentFormatCategory($fileOrUrl, $iType)
     if ($fileOrUrl) {
         $fileExtension = '';
         if (strpos($fileOrUrl, '.') !== FALSE) {
             $fileExtension = substr($fileOrUrl, strrpos($fileOrUrl, '.') + 1);
         $format = mapValue('format_category', $fileExtension);
     if (isset($format) && strlen($format) > 0) {
         return $format;
     } else {
         return mapValue('econtent_itype_format', $iType);
Exemple #5
  * Load all items from the database.
  * Uses some code based on C4::Items GetItemsInfo in koha
  * @param $recordId
  * @return array
 private function getHoldingsFromKohaDB($recordId)
     $holdingsFromKoha = array();
     if ($this->getHoldingsStmt == null) {
         $sql = "SELECT itemnumber, barcode, itype, holdingbranch, location, itemcallnumber, onloan, ccode, itemnotes, enumchron, damaged, itemlost, wthdrawn, restricted FROM items where biblionumber = ? AND suppress = 0";
         $this->getHoldingsStmt = mysqli_prepare($this->dbConnection, $sql);
     $this->getHoldingsStmt->bind_param("i", $recordId);
     if (!$this->getHoldingsStmt->execute()) {
         global $logger;
         $logger->log("Unable to load holdings from Koha ({$this->getHoldingsStmt->errno}) {$this->getHoldingsStmt->error}", PEAR_LOG_ERR);
     } else {
         //Read the information
         $results = $this->getHoldingsStmt->get_result();
         while ($curRow = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
             if ($curRow['itype'] == 'EAUDIO' || $curRow['itype'] == 'EBOOK' || $curRow['itype'] == 'ONLINE') {
             $curItem = array();
             $curItem['type'] = 'holding';
             $curItem['id'] = $curRow['itemnumber'];
             $curItem['barcode'] = $curRow['barcode'];
             $curItem['itemType'] = mapValue('itype', $curRow['itype']);
             $curItem['locationCode'] = $curRow['location'];
             $curItem['library'] = mapValue('location', $curRow['holdingbranch']);
             $curItem['location'] = $curRow['location'];
             $curItem['collection'] = mapValue('ccode', $curRow['ccode']);
             $curItem['callnumber'] = $curRow['itemcallnumber'];
             $curItem['volInfo'] = $curRow['enumchron'];
             $curItem['copy'] = $curRow['itemcallnumber'];
             $curItem['notes'] = $curRow['itemnotes'];
             $curItem['dueDate'] = $curRow['onloan'];
             //Figure out status based on all of the fields that make up the status
             if ($curRow['damaged'] == 1) {
                 $curItem['status'] = "Damaged";
             } else {
                 if ($curRow['itemlost'] != null) {
                     if ($curRow['itemlost'] == 'longoverdue') {
                         $curItem['status'] = "Long Overdue";
                     } elseif ($curRow['itemlost'] == 'missing') {
                         $curItem['status'] = "Missing";
                     } elseif ($curRow['itemlost'] == 'lost') {
                         $curItem['status'] = "Lost";
                     } elseif ($curRow['itemlost'] == 'trace') {
                         $curItem['status'] = "Trace";
                 } else {
                     if ($curRow['restricted'] == 1) {
                         $curItem['status'] = "Not For Loan";
                     } else {
                         if ($curRow['wthdrawn'] == 1) {
                             $curItem['status'] = "Withdrawn";
                         } else {
                             if ($curItem['dueDate'] == null) {
                                 $curItem['status'] = "On Shelf";
                             } else {
                                 $curItem['status'] = "Due {$curItem['dueDate']}";
             $holdingsFromKoha[] = $curItem;
     return $holdingsFromKoha;
Exemple #6
 public function getItemsFast()
     global $timer;
     if ($this->fastItems == null || isset($_REQUEST['reload'])) {
         $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary();
         $extraLocations = '';
         if ($searchLibrary) {
             $libraryLocationCode = $searchLibrary->ilsCode;
         $searchLocation = Location::getSearchLocation();
         if ($searchLocation) {
             $homeLocationCode = $searchLocation->code;
             $extraLocations = $searchLocation->extraLocationCodesToInclude;
         if ($this->itemsFromIndex) {
             $this->fastItems = array();
             foreach ($this->itemsFromIndex as $itemData) {
                 $isOrderItem = false;
                 $onOrderCopies = 0;
                 $status = null;
                 $groupedStatus = null;
                 $inLibraryUseOnly = false;
                 $isHoldable = true;
                 $isLocalItem = false;
                 $isLibraryItem = false;
                 if (array_key_exists('item', $itemData)) {
                     //New style with item, record, and scope information separated
                     $shelfLocation = $itemData['item'][7];
                     $locationCode = $itemData['item'][1];
                     $callNumber = $itemData['item'][2];
                     if (substr($itemData['item'][0], 0, 2) == '.o') {
                         $isOrderItem = true;
                         $onOrderCopies = $itemData['item'][7];
                         $available = false;
                         $shelfLocation = mapValue('shelf_location', $itemData['item'][1]);
                     } else {
                         $status = mapValue('item_status', $itemData['item'][6]);
                         $groupedStatus = mapValue('item_grouped_status', $itemData['item'][6]);
                         $available = $itemData['item'][3] == 'true';
                         $inLibraryUseOnly = $itemData['item'][4] == 'true';
                     //Don't use scoping section yet because it isn't ready for prime time.
                     /*if (array_key_exists('scope', $itemData) && count($itemData['scope']) > 0){
                     			$isHoldable = $itemData['scope'][0] == 'true';
                     			$isLocalItem = $itemData['scope'][1] == 'true';
                     			$isLibraryItem = $itemData['scope'][2] == 'true';
                     if (!isset($libraryLocationCode) || $libraryLocationCode == '') {
                         $isLibraryItem = true;
                     } else {
                         $isLibraryItem = strpos($locationCode, $libraryLocationCode) === 0;
                     $isLocalItem = isset($homeLocationCode) && strlen($homeLocationCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, $homeLocationCode) === 0 || $extraLocations != '' && preg_match("/^{$extraLocations}\$/i", $locationCode);
                 } else {
                     //Old style where record and item information are combined
                     $shelfLocation = $itemData[2];
                     $locationCode = $itemData[2];
                     if (strpos($shelfLocation, ':') === false) {
                         $shelfLocation = mapValue('shelf_location', $itemData[2]);
                     } else {
                         $shelfLocationParts = explode(":", $shelfLocation);
                         $locationCode = $shelfLocationParts[0];
                         $branch = mapValue('shelf_location', $locationCode);
                         $shelfLocationTmp = mapValue('collection', $shelfLocationParts[1]);
                         $shelfLocation = $branch . ' ' . $shelfLocationTmp;
                     $callNumber = $itemData[3];
                     if (substr($itemData[1], 0, 2) == '.o') {
                         $isOrderItem = true;
                         $onOrderCopies = $itemData[8];
                         $available = false;
                     } else {
                         $status = mapValue('item_status', $itemData[7]);
                         $groupedStatus = mapValue('item_grouped_status', $itemData[7]);
                         $available = $itemData[4] == 'true';
                         $inLibraryUseOnly = $itemData[5] == 'true';
                     if (!isset($libraryLocationCode) || $libraryLocationCode == '') {
                         $isLibraryItem = true;
                     } else {
                         $isLibraryItem = strpos($locationCode, $libraryLocationCode) === 0;
                     $isLocalItem = isset($homeLocationCode) && strlen($homeLocationCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, $homeLocationCode) === 0 || $extraLocations != '' && preg_match("/^{$extraLocations}\$/i", $locationCode);
                 //Try to trim the courier code if any
                 if (preg_match('/(.*?)\\sC\\d{3}\\w{0,2}$/', $shelfLocation, $locationParts)) {
                     $shelfLocation = $locationParts[1];
                 //Determine the structure of the item data based on if it's an order record or not.
                 //TODO: This needs a better way of handling things because .o will only work for Sierra/Millennium systems
                 if ($isOrderItem) {
                     $groupedStatus = "On Order";
                     $callNumber = "ON ORDER";
                     $status = "On Order";
                 } else {
                     //This is a regular (physical) item
                     if ($status != null) {
                         if ($status == 'On Shelf' && $available != true) {
                             $status = 'Checked Out';
                             $groupedStatus = "Checked Out";
                     } else {
                         if ($available) {
                             $status = "On Shelf";
                             $groupedStatus = "On Shelf";
                         } else {
                             $status = "Checked Out";
                             $groupedStatus = "Checked Out";
                 $this->fastItems[] = array('location' => $locationCode, 'callnumber' => $callNumber, 'availability' => $available, 'holdable' => $isHoldable, 'inLibraryUseOnly' => $inLibraryUseOnly, 'isLibraryItem' => $isLibraryItem, 'isLocalItem' => $isLocalItem, 'locationLabel' => true, 'shelfLocation' => $shelfLocation, 'onOrderCopies' => $onOrderCopies, 'status' => $status, 'groupedStatus' => $groupedStatus);
             $timer->logTime("Finished getItemsFast for marc record based on data in index");
         } else {
             $driver = MarcRecord::getCatalogDriver();
             $this->fastItems = $driver->getItemsFast($this->getUniqueID(), $this->scopingEnabled, $this->getMarcRecord());
             $timer->logTime("Finished getItemsFast for marc record based on data in driver");
     return $this->fastItems;
 function getEContentFormat($fileOrUrl, $iType)
     return mapValue('econtent_itype_format', $iType);
Exemple #8
  * Loads items information as quickly as possible (no direct calls to the ILS).  Does do filtering by loan rules
  * return is an array of items with the following information:
  *  location
  *  callnumber
  *  available
  *  holdable
  *  lastStatusCheck (time)
  * @param $id
  * @param $scopingEnabled
  * @param $marcRecord
  * @return mixed
 public function getItemsFast($id, $scopingEnabled, $marcRecord = null)
     if ($marcRecord == null) {
         $marcRecord = MarcLoader::loadMarcRecordByILSId($id);
         global $timer;
         $timer->logTime("Finished loading MARC Record for getItemsFast");
     //Get the items Fields from the record
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $itemFields */
     $itemFields = $marcRecord->getFields('989');
     global $timer;
     $timer->logTime("Finished loading item fields for {$id}, found " . count($itemFields));
     $items = array();
     $pType = $this->getPType();
     //$timer->logTime("Finished loading pType");
     global $configArray;
     $statusSubfield = $configArray['Reindex']['statusSubfield'];
     $iTypeSubfield = $configArray['Reindex']['iTypeSubfield'];
     $dueDateSubfield = $configArray['Reindex']['dueDateSubfield'];
     $lastCheckinDateSubfield = $configArray['Reindex']['lastCheckinDateSubfield'];
     foreach ($itemFields as $itemField) {
         //Ignore eContent items
         $eContentData = trim($itemField->getSubfield('w') != null ? $itemField->getSubfield('w')->getData() : '');
         if ($eContentData && strpos($eContentData, ':') > 0) {
         $locationCode = $itemField->getSubfield('d') != null ? trim($itemField->getSubfield('d')->getData()) : '';
         //Do a quick check of location code so we can remove this quickly when scoping is enabled
         if ($scopingEnabled && strlen(MillenniumDriver::$scopingLocationCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, MillenniumDriver::$scopingLocationCode) !== 0) {
             global $logger;
             $logger->log("Removed item because scoping is enabled and the location code {$locationCode} did not start with " . MillenniumDriver::$scopingLocationCode, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
         $iType = $itemField->getSubfield($iTypeSubfield) != null ? trim($itemField->getSubfield($iTypeSubfield)->getData()) : '';
         $holdable = $this->isItemHoldableToPatron($locationCode, $iType, $pType);
         $isLibraryItem = false;
         $locationLabel = '';
         foreach (MillenniumDriver::$libraryLocations as $tmpLocation) {
             if (strpos($locationCode, $tmpLocation) === 0) {
                 $isLibraryItem = true;
                 $locationLabel = MillenniumDriver::$libraryLocationLabels[$tmpLocation];
         $timer->logTime("Finished checking if item is holdable");
         //Check to make sure the user has access to this item
         if ($holdable || $isLibraryItem) {
             $isLocalItem = false;
             if (MillenniumDriver::$homeLocationCode != null && strpos($locationCode, MillenniumDriver::$homeLocationCode) === 0) {
                 $isLocalItem = true;
                 $locationLabel = MillenniumDriver::$homeLocationLabel;
             $status = trim($itemField->getSubfield($statusSubfield) != null ? trim($itemField->getSubfield($statusSubfield)->getData()) : '');
             $dueDate = $itemField->getSubfield($dueDateSubfield) != null ? trim($itemField->getSubfield($dueDateSubfield)->getData()) : null;
             $lastCheckinDate = $itemField->getSubfield($lastCheckinDateSubfield);
             if ($lastCheckinDate) {
                 // convert to timestamp for ease of display in template
                 $lastCheckinDate = trim($lastCheckinDate->getData());
                 $lastCheckinDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-Y G:i', $lastCheckinDate);
                 if ($lastCheckinDate) {
                     $lastCheckinDate = $lastCheckinDate->getTimestamp();
             if (!$lastCheckinDate) {
                 $lastCheckinDate = null;
             $available = in_array($status, array('-', 'o', 'd', 'w', ')', 'u')) && ($dueDate == null || strlen($dueDate) == 0);
             $inLibraryUseOnly = $status == 'o';
             $fullCallNumber = $itemField->getSubfield('s') != null ? $itemField->getSubfield('s')->getData() . ' ' : '';
             $fullCallNumber .= $itemField->getSubfield('a') != null ? $itemField->getSubfield('a')->getData() : '';
             $fullCallNumber .= $itemField->getSubfield('r') != null ? ' ' . $itemField->getSubfield('r')->getData() : '';
             $fullCallNumber .= $itemField->getSubfield('v') != null ? ' ' . $itemField->getSubfield('v')->getData() : '';
             $shelfLocation = mapValue('shelf_location', $locationCode);
             if (preg_match('/(.*?)\\sC\\d{3}\\w{0,2}$/', $shelfLocation, $locationParts)) {
                 $shelfLocation = $locationParts[1];
             $item = array('location' => $locationCode, 'callnumber' => $fullCallNumber, 'availability' => $available, 'holdable' => $holdable, 'inLibraryUseOnly' => $inLibraryUseOnly, 'isLocalItem' => $isLocalItem, 'isLibraryItem' => $isLibraryItem, 'locationLabel' => $locationLabel, 'shelfLocation' => $shelfLocation, 'status' => $status, 'dueDate' => $dueDate, 'iType' => $iType, 'lastCheckinDate' => $lastCheckinDate);
             $items[] = $item;
         //$timer->logTime("Finished processing item");
     global $timer;
     $timer->logTime("Finished load items fast for Millennium record {$id} there were " . count($itemFields) . " item fields originally, filtered to " . count($items));
     return $items;
 protected function translateStatusCode($status, $dueDate)
     if ($status == '-') {
         if (!is_null($dueDate) && strlen($dueDate) > 0 && $dueDate != '-  -') {
             //Reformat the date
             global $configArray;
             $dueDateAsDate = DateTime::createFromFormat("ymd", $dueDate);
             if ($dueDateAsDate) {
                 return 'Due ' . $dueDateAsDate->format('m-d-y');
             } else {
                 return 'Due ' . $dueDate;
         } else {
             return 'On Shelf';
     } else {
         return mapValue('item_status', $status);
Exemple #10
 public function translateStatus($statusCode)
     return mapValue('item_status', $statusCode);
 public function getRelatedManifestations()
     global $timer;
     $timer->logTime("Starting to load related records in getRelatedManifestations");
     $relatedRecords = $this->getRelatedRecords();
     $timer->logTime("Finished loading related records in getRelatedManifestations");
     //Group the records based on format
     $relatedManifestations = array();
     foreach ($relatedRecords as $curRecord) {
         if (!array_key_exists($curRecord['format'], $relatedManifestations)) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']] = array('format' => $curRecord['format'], 'formatCategory' => $curRecord['formatCategory'], 'copies' => 0, 'availableCopies' => 0, 'localCopies' => 0, 'localAvailableCopies' => 0, 'onOrderCopies' => 0, 'numHolds' => 0, 'available' => false, 'hasLocalItem' => false, 'relatedRecords' => array(), 'preferredEdition' => null, 'statusMessage' => '', 'itemLocations' => array(), 'availableLocally' => false, 'availableOnline' => false, 'availableHere' => false, 'inLibraryUseOnly' => false, 'allLibraryUseOnly' => true, 'hideByDefault' => false, 'itemSummary' => array(), 'itemSummaryLocal' => array(), 'groupedStatus' => '');
         if (isset($curRecord['availableLocally']) && $curRecord['availableLocally'] == true) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['availableLocally'] = true;
         if (isset($curRecord['availableHere']) && $curRecord['availableHere'] == true) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['availableHere'] = true;
         if ($curRecord['available'] && $curRecord['locationLabel'] === 'Online') {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['availableOnline'] = true;
         if (isset($curRecord['availableOnline']) && $curRecord['availableOnline']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['availableOnline'] = true;
         if (!$relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['available'] && $curRecord['available']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['available'] = $curRecord['available'];
         if (isset($curRecord['inLibraryUseOnly']) && $curRecord['inLibraryUseOnly']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['inLibraryUseOnly'] = $curRecord['inLibraryUseOnly'];
         } else {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['allLibraryUseOnly'] = false;
         if (!$relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['hasLocalItem'] && $curRecord['hasLocalItem']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['hasLocalItem'] = $curRecord['hasLocalItem'];
         if ($curRecord['shelfLocation']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['shelfLocation'][$curRecord['shelfLocation']] = $curRecord['shelfLocation'];
         if ($curRecord['callNumber']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['callNumber'][$curRecord['callNumber']] = $curRecord['callNumber'];
         $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['relatedRecords'][] = $curRecord;
         $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['copies'] += $curRecord['copies'];
         $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['availableCopies'] += $curRecord['availableCopies'];
         if ($curRecord['hasLocalItem']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['localCopies'] += isset($curRecord['localCopies']) ? $curRecord['localCopies'] : 0;
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['localAvailableCopies'] += isset($curRecord['localAvailableCopies']) ? $curRecord['localAvailableCopies'] : 0;
         if (isset($curRecord['itemSummary'])) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['itemSummary'] = $this->mergeItemSummary($relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['itemSummary'], $curRecord['itemSummary']);
         if ($curRecord['numHolds']) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['numHolds'] += $curRecord['numHolds'];
         if (isset($curRecord['onOrderCopies'])) {
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['onOrderCopies'] += $curRecord['onOrderCopies'];
         $statusRankings = array('On Order' => 1, 'Currently Unavailable' => 2, 'Coming Soon' => 3, 'Checked Out' => 4, 'Library Use Only' => 5, 'Available Online' => 6, 'On Shelf' => 7);
         if (isset($curRecord['groupedStatus']) && $curRecord['groupedStatus'] != '') {
             $groupedStatus = $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['groupedStatus'];
             if ($groupedStatus == '') {
                 $groupedStatus = $curRecord['groupedStatus'];
                 //Check to see if we are getting a better status
             } elseif ($statusRankings[$curRecord['groupedStatus']] > $statusRankings[$groupedStatus]) {
                 $groupedStatus = $curRecord['groupedStatus'];
             $relatedManifestations[$curRecord['format']]['groupedStatus'] = $groupedStatus;
     $timer->logTime("Finished initial processing of related records");
     //Check to see if we have applied a format or format category facet
     $selectedFormat = null;
     $selectedFormatCategory = null;
     $selectedAvailability = null;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
         foreach ($_REQUEST['filter'] as $filter) {
             if (preg_match('/^format_category(?:\\w*):"?(.+?)"?$/', $filter, $matches)) {
                 $selectedFormatCategory = urldecode($matches[1]);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^format(?:\\w*):"?(.+?)"?$/', $filter, $matches)) {
                 $selectedFormat = urldecode($matches[1]);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^availability_toggle(?:\\w*):"?(.+?)"?$/', $filter, $matches)) {
                 $selectedAvailability = urldecode($matches[1]);
     //Check to see what we need to do for actions, and determine if the record should be hidden by default
     foreach ($relatedManifestations as $key => $manifestation) {
         $manifestation['numRelatedRecords'] = count($manifestation['relatedRecords']);
         if (count($manifestation['relatedRecords']) == 1) {
             $firstRecord = reset($manifestation['relatedRecords']);
             $manifestation['url'] = $firstRecord['url'];
             $manifestation['actions'] = $firstRecord['actions'];
         } else {
             //Figure out what the preferred record is to place a hold on.  Since sorting has been done properly, this should always be the first
             $bestRecord = reset($manifestation['relatedRecords']);
             $manifestation['actions'] = $bestRecord['actions'];
         if ($selectedFormat && $selectedFormat != $manifestation['format']) {
             //Do a secondary check to see if we have a more detailed format in the facet
             $detailedFormat = mapValue('format_by_detailed_format', $selectedFormat);
             if ($manifestation['format'] != $detailedFormat) {
                 $manifestation['hideByDefault'] = true;
         if ($selectedFormatCategory && $selectedFormatCategory != $manifestation['formatCategory']) {
             $manifestation['hideByDefault'] = true;
         if ($selectedAvailability == 'Available Now' && !($manifestation['availableLocally'] || $manifestation['availableOnline'])) {
             $manifestation['hideByDefault'] = true;
         } elseif ($selectedAvailability == 'Entire Collection' && !$manifestation['hasLocalItem']) {
             $manifestation['hideByDefault'] = true;
         $relatedManifestations[$key] = $manifestation;
     $timer->logTime("Finished loading related manifestations");
     return $relatedManifestations;
 function getRelatedRecords()
     if ($this->relatedRecords == null) {
         global $timer;
         $recordId = $this->getUniqueID();
         $url = $this->getRecordUrl();
         //Load data needed for the related record
         if ($this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex) {
             //This is fast because it is already loaded within the index
             $format = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[1];
             $edition = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[2];
             $language = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[3];
             $publisher = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[4];
             $publicationDate = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[5];
             $physicalDescription = $this->detailedRecordInfoFromIndex[6];
             $timer->logTime("Finished loading information from indexed info for {$recordId}");
         } else {
             //This is slow because we need to load from marc record
             $publishers = $this->getPublishers();
             $publisher = count($publishers) >= 1 ? $publishers[0] : '';
             $publicationDates = $this->getPublicationDates();
             $publicationDate = count($publicationDates) >= 1 ? $publicationDates[0] : '';
             $physicalDescriptions = $this->getPhysicalDescriptions();
             $physicalDescription = count($physicalDescriptions) >= 1 ? $physicalDescriptions[0] : '';
             $format = reset($this->getFormat());
             $edition = $this->getEdition(true);
             $language = $this->getLanguage();
             $timer->logTime("Finished loading MARC information in getRelatedRecords {$recordId}");
         $formatCategory = mapValue('format_category_by_format', $format);
         //TODO: Load items?
         //Setup our record
         $relatedRecord = array('id' => $recordId, 'url' => $url, 'format' => $format, 'formatCategory' => $formatCategory, 'edition' => $edition, 'language' => $language, 'publisher' => $publisher, 'publicationDate' => $publicationDate, 'physical' => $physicalDescription, 'callNumber' => '', 'available' => true, 'availableOnline' => true, 'availableLocally' => false, 'availableHere' => false, 'inLibraryUseOnly' => false, 'availableCopies' => 'Unlimited', 'copies' => 'Unlimited', 'onOrderCopies' => 0, 'localAvailableCopies' => 'Unlimited', 'localCopies' => 'Unlimited', 'numHolds' => 0, 'hasLocalItem' => true, 'holdRatio' => 999999, 'locationLabel' => 'Hoopla Digital', 'shelfLocation' => 'Hoopla Digital', 'groupedStatus' => 'Available Online', 'source' => 'Hoopla', 'actions' => $this->getActions());
         $this->relatedRecords[] = $relatedRecord;
     return $this->relatedRecords;