} mysql_free_result($result2); // get the amount of crashes per system version $crashestime = true; $platformticks = ""; $platformvalues = ""; $query = "SELECT platform, COUNT(platform) FROM " . $dbcrashtable . " WHERE bundleidentifier = '" . $bundleidentifier . "' AND platform != \"\" group by platform order by platform desc"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(end_with_result('Error in SQL ' . $query)); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($numrows > 0) { // get the status while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($platformticks != "") { $platformticks = $platformticks . ", "; } $platformticks .= "'" . mapPlatform($row[0]) . "'"; if ($platformvalues != "") { $platformvalues = $platformvalues . ", "; } $platformvalues .= $row[1]; } } mysql_free_result($result); echo '</table>'; $cols2 = '<colgroup><col width="950"/></colgroup>'; echo '<table>' . $cols2 . '<tr><th>Group Details</th></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; show_search("", -1, true, ""); echo '</tr></td></table>'; $cols = '<colgroup><col width="220"/><col width="80"/><col width="120"/><col width="80"/><col width="80"/><col width="80"/><col width="160"/></colgroup>'; echo '<table>' . $cols;
$timestamp = "<font color='" . $color72h . "'>" . $timestamp . "</font>"; } else { $timestamp = "<font color='" . $colorOther . "'>" . $timestamp . "</font>"; } } } // add the value to the chart stuff if (!array_key_exists($timeindex, $crashvaluesarray)) { $crashvaluesarray[$timeindex] = 0; } $crashvaluesarray[$timeindex]++; } echo "<tr id='crashrow" . $crashid . "' valign='top' align='center'>"; echo "<td>" . $systemversion; if ($platform != "") { echo "<br/>" . mapPlatform($platform); } if ($jailbreak == 1) { echo "<br/>Jailbroken"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $timestamp . "</td><td>" . $userid . "<br/>" . $contact . "</td><td>"; echo "<a href='javascript:showCrashID(" . $crashid . ")' class='button'>View</a>"; echo "<a href='actionapi.php?action=downloadcrashid&id=" . $crashid . "' class='button'>Download</a> "; echo "<span id='symbolicate" . $crashid . "'>"; if ($todo == 0) { echo "Symbolicating..."; } else { echo "<a href='javascript:symbolicateCrashID(" . $crashid . ")' class='button'>Symbolicate"; if ($todo != 2) { echo " again";