Exemple #1
function register()
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $error;
    global $user;
    global $l;
    $theme['name'] = 'register';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'register';
    fheader($title = 'Registration');
    if (isset($_POST['sub_register'])) {
        // special characters, etc not allowed
        // only AlphaNumeric and _ (underscore) charachters allowed
        $username = mandff($_POST['username'], $l['user_req']);
        $password = mandff($_POST['password'], $l['pass_req']);
        $email = mandff($_POST['email'], $l['email_req']);
        $url = $_POST['url'];
        if ($error) {
            return false;
        // cleanup of $_POST not happening.
        // now cleanup of POST happening
        foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
            $v = check_input($v);
        $username = $username;
        $password = $password;
        $email = $email;
        $url = $url;
        $salt = 'abc';
        // by default the level of user & privileges are minimum, level=1
        $group = 1;
        // Password & Salt getting md5()'d
        $password = md5($password . $salt);
        $q1 = "SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = '{$email}'";
        $qq1 = mysql_query($q1);
        if (mysql_num_rows($qq1) > 0) {
            $error['email_exists'] = $l['email_exists'];
            return false;
        // $q = "INSERT INTO `users`(`username`, `password`, `email`, `url`, `salt`) VALUES('$username', '$password', '$email', '$url', '$salt') ";
        $q[1] = "INSERT INTO `users`(`username`, `password`, `email`, `url`, `salt`, `group`) VALUES('{$username}', '{$password}', '{$email}', '{$url}', '{$salt}', '{$group}')";
        $qu[1] = mysql_query($q[1]);
        //$ins_id = mysql_insert_id($qu[1]);
        $ins_id = mysql_insert_id();
        //echo "ins_id = " . $ins_id;
        // an insert id goes in here, which becomes the user[uid]
        $q[2] = "INSERT INTO `profile` (`users_uid`) VALUES('{$ins_id}')";
        $qu[2] = mysql_query($q[2]);
        $q[3] = "INSERT INTO `ai_actions_taken` (`users_uid`) VALUES('{$ins_id}')";
        $qu[3] = mysql_query($q[3]);
        if ($qu[1]) {
            $done = true;
        } else {
            $errors = 'faltugiri';
Exemple #2
function permissions()
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $error;
    global $user;
    global $l;
    $theme['name'] = 'permissions';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'permissions';
    fheader($title = 'Permissions');
    if (isset($_POST['sub_register'])) {
        $email = mandff($_POST['email'], $l['user_email_req']);
        $password = mandff($_POST['password'], $l['pass_req']);
        if ($error) {
            return false;
        // cleanup of $_POST not happening.
        // now cleanup of POST happening
        foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
            $v = check_input($v);
        $email = $email;
        $password = $password;
        $salt = 'abc';
        // Password & Salt getting md5()'d
        $password = md5($password . $salt);
         * Select only 1 column from email or username
        $q1 = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE 
        ( `email` = '$email' OR username = '******' ) 
        `password` = '$password' 
        ) ";
        $q1 = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE \n\t\t`email` = '{$email}' AND `password` = '{$password}' \n\t\tOR \n\t\tusername = '******' AND `password` = '{$password}' \n\t\t";
        $qq1 = db_query($q1);
        if (mysql_num_rows($qq1) > 0) {
            $done = true;
            // if successful login, redirect to index.php
            header("Location: index.php");
        } else {
            $error[] = 'Username/Email not valid';
Exemple #3
function addReply()
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $errors, $error, $notice, $db;
    global $themedir, $l, $user;
    global $qu, $board;
    global $time, $reqPrivs;
    global $row;
    global $ai;
    $theme['name'] = 'addReply';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'addReply';
    loadlang('allFunc', __FUNCTION__);
    fheader($title = 'Add Reply');
    // if NOT logged in, then redirect to "index.php?action=login" , ONLY for the moment
    // if from Admin Board Settings table, loginReq column is 1, then, login is required to view
    // so redirect him to login page
    if ($reqPrivs['board']['loginReq']) {
        if (!userUidSet()) {
    // Will have to see
    // how reply table works in SMF
    // replies table takes
    // topic id replied to
    // id of user
    // log IP of user
    // time/date (microtime() , less than 5(or other, variable factor) seconds, post cant be made by same IP) that post made
    // if not isset $_GET[post], that means it is not a createTopic, it only an addReply
    // if isset $_GET[post], that means it is a createTopic event
    if (!isset($_GET['post'])) {
        // adding limit 1, as the topic will always be only 1
        $q = "SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `tid` = {$_GET['topic']} LIMIT 1";
        $qu[0] = db_query($q);
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu[0]);
        $q = null;
    if (isset($_POST['reply_sub']) && !empty($_POST['reply'])) {
        $subject = '';
        if (!isset($_GET['post'])) {
            $subject = trim(mandff(check_input($_POST["subject"]), "Subject Empty"));
        $reply = trim(mandff(check_input($_POST["reply"]), "Reply field empty"));
        //echo "reply: ";
        // the AI(ai) object from the AI_Execute class
        if( $ai &&  is_object($ai ) )
        	// CHECKING FOR SPAM WORDS (Some AI Foo)
        	// $ai execute class for spam words in reply
        	if ($ai->spam_words($reply) ) // if true, then log the activity into the AI_Logs table, for reason "is_spam" & userid & username, date(unix epoch) etc 
        		// corresponds to the ai_logs table, logggin the ai activity
        		// sending user uid, reason like cause, effect or action etc, type: spam_words, any_definition and time
        		ai_logs($users['uid'], $reason, $type, $definition, $time );
        		// now select the, number of times, logs present in the ai_logs table,
        		// check the severity, that becomes the severity,
        		// now goto, the effects table & see what corresponds to is_spam with given severity.
        		// now goto the Action table for that reason with given severity, 
        		// and see which action is listed, 
        		// include the file, take the action
        		// passing $_POST[reply]
        		print_r($ai->spam_words_e($reply) );
        // the AI(ai) object from the AI_Execute class
        if ($ai && is_object($ai)) {
            // CHECKING FOR SPAM WORDS (Some AI Foo)
            // $ai execute class for spam words in reply
        $arr = array(
        				"keys" => array( "rbody", "topic_id", "poster_users_id", "date", "user_ip") , 
        				"values" => array( 
        										array( "$reply", "$_GET[topic]", "$user[uid]", round( $time->scriptTime() ), "$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]"
        $t = round($time->scriptTime());
        // -> insert_arr($arr);
        // if, its a reply to a topic
        // if( !isset( $_GET['post'] ) )
        if (isset($_GET['topic'])) {
            // for the moment just putting $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] in the query,
            // instead of $user[REMOTE_ADDR]
            $q1I = "INSERT INTO `replies`(\n\t\t\t`rsubject`, `rbody`, `topic_tid`, `poster_users_uid`, `date`, `user_ip`\n\t\t\t) \n\t\t\tVALUES( \n\t\t\t'{$subject}', '{$reply}', {$_GET['topic']}, {$user['uid']}, {$t}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' \n\t\t\t)";
            $q1E = db_query($q1I);
            $id = mysql_insert_id();
        } else {
            // temporary this line of $user[uid], remove it later
            // $user['uid'] = 1;
            $q1I = "INSERT INTO `wall_post_reply`(\n\t\t\t`wpr_content`, `wpr_by_uid`, `wpr_date`, `wp_id`\n\t\t\t) \n\t\t\tVALUES(\n\t\t\t'{$reply}', {$user['uid']}, {$t}, {$_GET['post']}\n\t\t\t)";
            // These 2 lines  of code is also written above in the
            // if condition, so this is code repetition,
            // though i cud have just written the 2 lines of code only once,
            // and written the below 2 procedures $qS2 & $qU1,
            // in another if condition corresponding to this else condition
            // as in, if( isset( $_GET[post]) ), but then, that wud have meant,
            // an if() condition check for every time the script gets executed,
            // for not repeting 2 lines of code(for saving 2 lines of space)
            // it seemed a bad trade-of
            // whereas in this case, though 2 lines will be extra,
            // but, 2 times if condition checking will be saved,
            // only once it will check, in this if() condition block,
            // and decide what to do
            $q1E = db_query($q1I);
            $id = mysql_insert_id();
            // First select all ids from wall_post table
            // then execute this select query, then
            // Run Update query on the the wall post id, with
            // the new wall_post_reply id that you received by inserting
            // new reply
            $qS2 = "SELECT * from `wall_post` WHERE `wp_id`={$_GET['post']}";
            $res = db_query($qS2);
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            // Dont need  this line, the 2 lines below it lines will suffice
            // $string = ( empty( $row['wpr_id'] ) ? $id :  ( $row['wpr_id'] . "," . $id ) );
            $string = $row['wpr_id'] . "," . $id;
            $string = trim($string, ',');
            $qU1 = "UPDATE `wall_post` set `wpr_id`='{$string}' WHERE `wp_id`={$_GET['post']}";
            $res2 = db_query($qU1);
        //		header("Location: ");
        //		header("Location:{$globals['boardurl']}{$globals['ind']}action=topic&topic={$_GET['topic']}");
        //		header("Location: index.php?action=topic&topic={$_GET['topic']}");
        if (is_bool($q1E)) {
            if (isset($_GET['topic'])) {
                $notice['success'] = "Muaah :x, Reply posted successfully. You can go <a href='{$globals['ind']}action=topic&topic={$_GET['topic']}'>HERE</a> to check your reply.";
            } else {
                // $_GET['post'] is set
                $notice['success'] = "Muaah :x, Reply posted successfully. You can go <a href='{$globals['ind']}action=wall&uid={$_GET['uid']}&post={$_GET['post']}'>HERE</a> to check your post.";
            //$notice['success'] = $l['success_wall'];
        } else {
            $error['no_success'] = "Could not post the reply.";
        //$error['no_success'] = $l['no_success'];
Exemple #4

if( $dbmake )
	echo "dbmake";

echo 1;

echo ( file_exists(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) . "/myforum_3.sql" ) ) ? "yes" : "no" ;
if (isset($_POST['admin_set'])) {
    $adminuser = mandff($_POST['adminuser'], 'Invalid Admin Username');
    $adminpass = mandff($_POST['adminpass'], 'Invalid Admin Password');
    $adminemail = mandff($_POST['adminemail'], 'Invalid Email');
    $adminpass = md5($adminpass);
    if (!empty($error)) {
        echo "Errors: <br />";
        foreach ($error as $err) {
            echo $err . "<br />";
    // take $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbconn from config file now,
    // as config file has been written in previous step
    include 'config.php';
    $conn = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass) or mysql_dead('No Db connection');
    $select_db = mysql_select_db($dbname) or mysql_dead('No DB selected');
    if ($select_db) {
Exemple #5
function login()
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $error;
    global $user;
    global $l;
    $theme['name'] = 'login';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'login';
    fheader($title = 'Login');
    if (isset($_POST['sub_register'])) {
        $email = mandff(check_input($_POST['email']), $l['user_email_req']);
        $password = mandff(check_input($_POST['password']), $l['pass_req']);
        if ($error) {
            return false;
        // cleanup of $_POST not happening.
        // now cleanup of POST happening
        foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
            $v = check_input($v);
        $email = $email;
        $password = $password;
        $salt = 'abc';
        // Password & Salt getting md5()'d
        $password = md5($password . $salt);
        //--- commented ---
        // Select only 1 column from email or username
        $q1 = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE 
        ( `email` = '$email' OR username = '******' ) 
        `password` = '$password' 
        ) ";
        // AND  `password` = '$password'
        //		$q1 = "SELECT u.uid, u.username, u.email, u.url, u.group, g.g_name, g.g_priv  
        $q1 = "SELECT * 
        FROM `users` `u` 
        LEFT JOIN 
        `groups` `g` ON `u`.`group` = `g`.`g_id` 
        ( `u`.`email` = '$email' 
        `u`.`username` = '$email' ) AND `u`.`password` = '$password' 
        $q1 = "SELECT * \n\t\tFROM `users` `u`  \n\t\tWHERE \n\t\t( `u`.`email` = '{$email}' \n\t\tOR \n\t\t`u`.`username` = '{$email}' ) AND `u`.`password` = '{$password}' \n\t\t";
        $qq1 = db_query($q1);
        if (mysql_num_rows($qq1) == 1) {
            $_SESSION['user']['loggedIn'] = 1;
            $data = array();
            $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq1);
            $_SESSION['user']['uid'] = $data['uid'];
            			$done = true;
            			// if successful login, set sessions, redirect to index.php
            			$data = array();
            			while( $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq1) )
            				// set $_SESSION; else set the object $user & its properties
            				// $user->setAttributes();
            				foreach( $data as $k => $v )
            					$_SESSION["user"]["$k"] = $user["$k"] =  $v;
            					if( $k == "password" || $k == "salt" )
            						unset( $_SESSION["user"]["$k"] );
            						unset( $user["$k"] );
            						unset( $data["$k"] );
            					// if $key of $data has been copied into $user,
            					// then, we will not require $data, so unloading php baggage 
            					// by unsetting and emptying the memory with $data
            					if(isset($user["$k"] ) )
            						unset( $data["$k"] );
            header("Location: index.php?action=wall");
        } else {
            $error[] = 'Username/Email not valid';
Exemple #6
function sendMessage()
    global $themedir;
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $error, $errors;
    global $l;
    global $time;
    global $user;
    global $par;
    global $db;
    $theme['name'] = 'messages';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'sendMessage';
    fheader($title = 'Send Message');
    //$con = array();
    //$con['dbname'] = 'myforum_3_testing';
    //dbconn( $con );
    if (isset($_POST['sendMess'])) {
        $mess = array();
        $mess['to'] = check_input(mandff($_POST['to'], "{$l['to_emp']}"));
        $mess['body'] = check_input(mandff($_POST['body'], "{$l['body_emp']}"));
        $mess['subject'] = check_input(optff($_POST['subject']));
        if ($errors || $error) {
            return false;
        $q = "INSERT INTO `pm`(`pm_from_uid`, `pm_deleted_by_sender`, `pm_from_name`, `pm_sent_time`, `pm_subject`, `pm_body`) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$user['uid']}', 0, '{$user['username']}', '{$timeNow}', '{$mess['subject']}', '{$mess['body']}') ";
        $q1 = db_query($q);
        $id = db_insert_id();
        //$q2 = "SELECT `uid`, `username` FROM `users`";
        //$q2 = db_query($q2);
        $toArr = array();
        $toArr = explode(",", $mess['to']);
        $str = '';
        foreach ($toArr as $k => $v) {
            $toArr[$k] = $v = trim($v);
            $str .= "'" . $v . "',";
        $str = rtrim($str, ",");
        $q2 = "SELECT `uid`, `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` IN ( {$str} )";
        $q22 = db_query($q2);
        $userGot = array();
        $userNotGot = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q22)) {
            $userGot[$row['uid']] = $row['username'];
        $userNotGot = array();
        $userNotGot = array_diff($toArr, $userGot);
        if (!empty($userNotGot)) {
            $error[] = 'Users not done: ' . implode(", ", $userNotGot) . "";
        foreach ($userGot as $k => $v) {
            $q3 = "INSERT INTO `pm_recepients`(`pm_id`, `pm_sent_to_uid`, `pm_is_read`, `pm_is_new`, `pm_is_deleted`) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$id}', '{$k}', '0', '1', '0') ";
            $q33 = db_query($q3);
    	 * Profile table 
    	 * CREATE TABLE `profile` (
    `users_uid` foreign key references users(`uid`) INDEX KEY, 
    * `about` ,
    * `displaypic_url` ,
    `dob` INT default 0, 
    `sex` varchar(10) default 'na', 
    `perfume` varchar(255) default 'none',
    * `website_url`,
    alter table `users` 
    add column (
    `about` longtext, 
    `dob` timestamp,
    `sex` char(1), 
    `displaypic_url` varchar(255),
    `website_url` varchar(255), 
    `perfume` varchar(255)
Exemple #7
function wall()
    global $themedir, $theme, $l;
    global $globals, $mysql, $theme, $done, $error, $errors;
    global $user, $time;
    global $qu, $reqPrivs;
    $theme['name'] = 'wall';
    $theme['call_theme_func'] = 'wall';
    // 	echo ( $qu == 0 ) ? "yes" : "no" ? "under" : "not";
    // Base64encode for everything coming from URL
    // Checking input, checking everything coming from $_GET url,
    // sanitizing it, and casting it into an (int) datatype
    // $uid = ( isset($_GET["uid"] ) ? (int) check_input( $_GET["uid"] ) : $user["uid"] );
    // if get uid set, see if user has permission to view this profile, if yes then allow, else error, no permission
    if (isset($_GET['uid'])) {
        // if NOT logged in, then redirect to "index.php?action=login" , ONLY for the moment
        // if from Admin Board Settings table, loginReq column is 1, then, login is required to view
        // so redirect him to login page
        // if( $reqPrivs['board']['loginReq'] )
        if (!userUidSet()) {
        // if( $user['perms'] & $reqPrivs['view']['a_priv'] )
        if ($user['g_priv'] & $reqPrivs['view']['a_priv']) {
            $uid = $_GET['uid'];
        } else {
            $error['perms_denied'] = 'No permission to view this page.';
            return false;
    } else {
        if (isset($user['uid'])) {
            $uid = $user['uid'];
        } else {
            // if NOT logged in, then redirect to "index.php?action=login" , ONLY for the moment
            // if from Admin Board Settings table, loginReq column is 1, then, login is required to view
            // so redirect him to login page
            // if( $reqPrivs['board']['loginReq'] )
            if (!userUidSet()) {
    //if( isset($_POST['wall_sub']) && !empty($_POST['post'] ) )
    if (isset($_POST['wall_sub'])) {
        $reply = mandff(check_input($_POST['post']), 'Wall Post Empty');
        if (empty($error) && empty($errors)) {
            $now = round($time->scriptTime());
            $qI = "INSERT INTO wall_post(`wp_on_uid`, `wp_by_uid`, `wp_post`, `wp_date`) 
            VALUES ( $_GET[uid], $user[uid], '$reply', $now )";
            $qI = "INSERT INTO wall_post(`wp_on_uid`, `wp_by_uid`, `wp_post`, `wp_date`) \n\t\t\tVALUES ( {$uid}, {$user['uid']}, '{$reply}', {$now} )";
            $qI_e = db_query($qI);
    // $_GET[uid] below signifies, that on whose wall all the post are getting made
    //$q = "SELECT * FROM `wall_post` `wp` JOIN `users` `u` ON `wp`.`wp_by_uid` = `u`.`uid` WHERE `wp`.`wp_on_uid`='$_GET[uid]' ORDER BY `wp`.`wp_date` DESC";
    $q = "SELECT * FROM `wall_post` `wp` JOIN `users` `u` ON `wp`.`wp_by_uid` = `u`.`uid` WHERE `wp`.`wp_on_uid`='{$uid}' ORDER BY `wp`.`wp_date` DESC";
    $qu = db_query($q);
    //mail("*****@*****.**", "Hi Ashish", "Message for u buddy");
    // printrr( $GLOBALS );
    // printrr( $_SESSION );