<p>We can also try saving the file automatically now.</p> <p><input type="submit" value="Save configuration"></p> </form> <?php } else { print_error("Unfortunately, parent directory is not writable, so we're unable to save config.php automatically."); } print_notice("You can generate the file again by changing the form above."); } else { if ($op == "saveconfig") { print "<h2>Saving configuration file to parent directory...</h2>"; if (!file_exists("../config.php")) { $fp = fopen("../config.php", "w"); if ($fp) { $written = fwrite($fp, make_config($DB_TYPE, $DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_NAME, $DB_PASS, $DB_PORT, $SELF_URL_PATH)); if ($written > 0) { print_notice("Successfully saved config.php. You can try <a href=\"..\">loading tt-rss now</a>."); } else { print_notice("Unable to write into config.php in tt-rss directory."); } fclose($fp); } else { print_error("Unable to open config.php in tt-rss directory for writing."); } } else { print_error("config.php already present in tt-rss directory, refusing to overwrite."); } } } }
} else { echo 'Sorry, this feature isn\'t available with ' . $db['choice'] . '.'; } /* defined a var which is only there if successfully connected to the database and the database is found */ $all_connected = true; } /* Create a config file if checked and if the connection went OK */ if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['generate_config']) && $HTTP_POST_VARS['generate_config'] == true) { echo '<a name="config"><h3><u>Config file</u></h3></a>'; if ($all_connected != true) { echo 'The database has not been successfully connected to so no config file has been generated.<br />'; } else { echo 'Either copy the <b>19</b> lines below and save them as <u>config.php</u> or click on the <u>Download</u> button below. Then upload the file to your phpBB2 root directory (phpBB2/ by default). Make sure that there is nothing (this includes blank spaces) after the <u>?></u>.<br /><br />'; /* Create our config file */ echo '<form action="' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '" method="post"><table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0"><tr><td class="code">'; echo make_config($dbms, $dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $table_prefix); echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="' . $dbms . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="dbhost" value="' . $dbhost . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="dbname" value="' . $dbname . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="dbuser" value="' . $dbuser . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="dbpasswd" value="' . $dbpasswd . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="table_prefix" value="' . $table_prefix . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="download_config" value="true" />'; echo '<br /><input type="submit" name="submit_download_config" value="Download" class="mainoption" /><br />'; } } /* close the connection */ if ($all_connected == true) { $db['close']; }