Exemple #1
function drawAdminTools_emailPanel($mailbox)
    global $conf_skin;
    global $addrlink;
    global $adm_email_login;
    global $adm_email_pass;
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("My e-mail"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mailboxes.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "My Email");
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Fetchmail"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mailinglists.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "fetchmail");
    $logout = "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?action=logout\">" . _("Logout") . "</a>";
    $mymenu = makeTreeMenu($user_menu, $addrlink, "" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_email_login={$adm_email_login}&adm_email_pass={$adm_email_pass}", "addrlink");
    switch ($addrlink) {
        case "My Email":
            $title = _("Mailbox configuration: ");
            $panel = drawAdminTools_emailAccount($mailbox);
        case "antispam":
            $title = _("Protect your mailbox with efficient tools:");
            $panel = drawAntispamRules($mailbox);
        case "fetchmail":
            $title = _("Your list of imported mail");
            $panel = drawImportedMail($mailbox);
        case "quarantine":
            $title = _("Those mail are in quarantine, and were not delivered to your pop account:");
            $panel = drawQuarantine($mailbox);
            $title = _("Welcom to the email panel!");
            $panel = _("Login successfull. Please select a menu entry on the left...");
    if (function_exists("layoutEmailPanel")) {
        $content = layoutEmailPanel($adm_email_login, "<br>" . $mymenu . "<center>{$logout}</center>", $title, $panel);
    } else {
        $mymenu_skin = skin($conf_skin, "<br>" . $mymenu . "<center>{$logout}</center>", $adm_email_login);
        $left = "<table width=\"1\" height=\"100%\"><tr>\n\t\t<td width=\"1\" height=\"1\">{$mymenu_skin}</td>\n</tr><tr>\n\t\t<td height=\"100%\">&nbsp;</td>\n</tr></table>";
        $right = skin($conf_skin, $panel, $title);
        $right = "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><tr>\n\t\t<td width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">{$right}</td>\n</tr><tr>\n\t<td height=\"1\">&nbsp;</td>\n</tr></table>";
        $content = "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><tr>\n\t\t<td width=\"1\"  height=\"100%\">{$left}</td>\n\t\t<td width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">{$right}</td>\n</tr></table>";
    return $content;
    //	return drawAdminTools_emailAccount($mailbox);
Exemple #2
function drawAdminTools($admin)
    global $adm_login;
    global $adm_pass;
    global $edit_domain;
    global $whatdoiedit;
    global $domain_conf_submenu;
    global $addrlink;
    global $lang;
    global $dtcshared_path;
    global $dtc_use_text_menu;
    global $conf_skin;
    global $conf_use_registrar_api;
    global $conf_use_mail_alias_group;
    global $vps_node;
    global $vps_name;
    global $dedicated_server_hostname;
    global $server_subscreen;
    global $vps_subcommand;
    $add_array = explode("/", $addrlink);
    $doms_txt = "";
    if (isset($admin["data"])) {
        $admin_data = $admin["data"];
        $nbr_domain = sizeof($admin_data);
    } else {
        $nbr_domain = 0;
    if (isset($admin["vps"])) {
        $admin_vps = $admin["vps"];
        $nbr_vps = sizeof($admin_vps);
    } else {
        $nbr_vps = 0;
    if (isset($admin["dedicated"])) {
        $admin_dedicated = $admin["dedicated"];
        $nbr_dedicated = sizeof($admin_dedicated);
    } else {
        $nbr_dedicated = 0;
    $admin_info = $admin["info"];
    $adm_cur_pass = $admin_info["adm_pass"];
    $adm_path = $admin_info["path"];
    $resseller_flag = $admin_info["resseller_flag"];
    $ssh_login_flag = $admin_info["ssh_login_flag"];
    $ftp_login_flag = $admin_info["ftp_login_flag"];
    $pkg_install_flag = $admin_info["pkg_install_flag"];
    $allow_dns_and_mx_change = $admin_info["allow_dns_and_mx_change"];
    $allow_mailing_list_edit = $admin_info["allow_mailing_list_edit"];
    $allow_subdomain_edit = $admin_info["allow_subdomain_edit"];
    if ($nbr_domain > 0) {
        $user_ZEmenu[] = array("text" => _("Statistics"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-statistics.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "stats");
    $user_ZEmenu[] = array("text" => _("Past payments"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-pastpayments.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "invoices");
    $user_ZEmenu[] = array("text" => _("Add a domain or service"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-addadomainname.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "adddomain");
    if ($conf_use_registrar_api == "yes" && $nbr_domain > 0) {
        $user_ZEmenu[] = array("text" => _("DNS Nick handles"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-nickhandles.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "nickhandles");
        $user_ZEmenu[] = array("text" => _("Name servers"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-nameservers.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "nameservers");
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("My account"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-general.gif", "type" => "menu", "link" => "myaccount", "sub" => $user_ZEmenu);
    // Draw all vps
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_vps; $i++) {
        $vps_submenu = array();
        $vps_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Monitoring"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-statistics.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "monitor");
        $vps_submenu[] = array("text" => _("My VPS usage"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-statistics.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "rrdgraphs");
        $vps_submenu[] = array("text" => _("My VPS vs. others"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-statistics.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "dom0graphs");
        $vps_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Installation"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-packageinstaller.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "installation");
        $user_menu[] = array("text" => $admin_vps[$i]["vps_server_hostname"] . ":" . $admin_vps[$i]["vps_xen_name"], "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-vpsservers.gif", "type" => "menu", "link" => "vps:" . $admin_vps[$i]["vps_server_hostname"] . ":" . $admin_vps[$i]["vps_xen_name"], "sub" => $vps_submenu);
    // Draw all the dedicated servers
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_dedicated; $i++) {
        $user_menu[] = array("text" => $admin_dedicated[$i]["server_hostname"], "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-dedicatedservers.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "server:" . $admin_dedicated[$i]["server_hostname"]);
    // Generate the admin tools
    $doms_txt .= "<b>";
    $not_selected_domains = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_domain; $i++) {
        $dom = $admin_data[$i]["name"];
        $domain_parking = $admin_data[$i]["domain_parking"];
        if ($conf_use_registrar_api == "yes") {
            $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Whois"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-whois.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "whois");
        $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Statistics"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-statistics.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "stats");
        if ($allow_dns_and_mx_change == "yes") {
            $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("DNS and MX"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mxnsservers.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "dns");
        if ($admin_data[$i]["primary_dns"] == "default") {
            if ($domain_parking == "no-parking") {
                if ($allow_subdomain_edit == "yes") {
                    $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Sub-domains"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-subdomains.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "subdomains");
                if ($ftp_login_flag == "yes") {
                    $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("FTP accounts"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-ftpaccounts.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "ftp-accounts");
                if ($ssh_login_flag == "yes") {
                    $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("SSH accounts"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-sshaccounts.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "ssh-accounts");
                if ($pkg_install_flag == "yes") {
                    $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Package installer"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-packageinstaller.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "package-installer");
        if ($admin_data[$i]["primary_mx"] == "default" && $domain_parking == "no-parking") {
            $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Mailboxes"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mailboxes.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "mailboxs");
        if ($admin_data[$i]["primary_mx"] == "default" && $domain_parking == "no-parking" && $conf_use_mail_alias_group == "yes" && $allow_mailing_list_edit == "yes") {
            $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Mail Groups"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mailgroups.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "mailaliases");
        if ($admin_data[$i]["primary_mx"] == "default" && $domain_parking == "no-parking" && $allow_mailing_list_edit == "yes") {
            $domain_conf_submenu[] = array("text" => _("Mailing lists"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-mailinglists.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "mailing-lists");
        //udns.us add
        // This is to be re-written from scratch, has many holes.
        //		if($admin_data[$i]["primary_mx"] == "default" && $domain_parking == "no-parking"){
        //			$domain_conf_submenu[] = array(
        //				"text" => $txt_domain_tools[$lang],
        //				"type" => "link",
        //				"link" => "tools");
        //		}
        //udns.us /add
        if ($add_array[0] == $dom) {
            $selected_domain = array("text" => "{$dom}", "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-servers.gif", "type" => "menu", "link" => "{$dom}", "sub" => $domain_conf_submenu);
        } else {
            $not_selected_domains[] = array("text" => "{$dom}", "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-servers.gif", "type" => "menu", "link" => "{$dom}", "sub" => $domain_conf_submenu);
    if (isset($selected_domain)) {
        $user_menu[] = $selected_domain;
    $nbr_remaining = sizeof($not_selected_domains);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_remaining; $i++) {
        $user_menu[] = $not_selected_domains[$i];
    if ($nbr_domain > 0) {
        $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Databases"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-database.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "database");
        if (file_exists("/usr/share/extplorer/index.php")) {
            $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("File manager"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-database.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "filemang");
    if ($resseller_flag == "yes") {
        $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Sub-accounts (reseller)"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-resellers.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "reseller");
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Password"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-passwords.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "password");
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Support tickets"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-supporttickets.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "ticket");
    $user_menu[] = array("text" => _("Help"), "icon" => "box_wnb_nb_picto-help.gif", "type" => "link", "link" => "help");
    $mymenu = makeTreeMenu($user_menu, $addrlink, "" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_login={$adm_login}&adm_pass={$adm_pass}", "addrlink");
    $mymenu .= "<div align=\"center\" class=\"box_wnb_nb_content\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?\">" . _("Logout") . "</a>";
    if ($dtc_use_text_menu == "no") {
        $mymenu .= " - <a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_login={$adm_login}&adm_pass={$adm_pass}&addlink={$addrlink}&use_text_menu=yes\">" . _("Use text menu") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $mymenu .= " - <a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_login={$adm_login}&adm_pass={$adm_pass}&addlink={$addrlink}&use_text_menu=no\">" . _("Use image menu") . "</a>";
    $mymenu .= "</div>";
    $web_editor = "";
    if (isset($addrlink) && $addrlink != "") {
        if (isset($admin_data)) {
            $num_domain = AdminTool_findDomainNum($edit_domain, $admin_data);
            $eddomain = @$admin_data[$num_domain];
        } else {
            $num_domain = 0;
        if (isset($vps_node)) {
            $vps_founded = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_vps; $i++) {
                if ($vps_name == $admin_vps[$i]["vps_xen_name"] && $vps_node == $admin_vps[$i]["vps_server_hostname"]) {
                    $vps_order_number = $i;
                    $vps_founded = 1;
            $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/virtual-server.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>VPS {$vps_name}:{$vps_node}</u></b><br></font>";
            if ($vps_founded) {
                switch ($vps_subcommand) {
                    case "monitor":
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_VPSMonitor($admin, $admin["vps"][$vps_order_number]);
                    case "rrdgraphs":
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_VPSRRDGraphs($admin, $admin["vps"][$vps_order_number]);
                    case "dom0graphs":
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_dm0RRDGraphs($admin, $admin["vps"][$vps_order_number]);
                    case "installation":
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_VPSInstallation($admin, $admin["vps"][$vps_order_number]);
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_VPS($admin, $admin["vps"][$vps_order_number]);
            } else {
                $web_editor .= "VPS not found!";
            $title = _("Virtual Private Server") . " {$vps_name} " . _("running on") . " {$vps_node}";
        } else {
            if (substr($addrlink, 0, 7) == "server:") {
                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Dedicated($admin, $dedicated_server_hostname);
                $title = _("Dedicated server") . ": {$dedicated_server_hostname}";
            } else {
                if (@$add_array[1] == "mailboxs") {
                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/mailboxs.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Mailboxes:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                    $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Emails($eddomain);
                    $title = _("Mailboxes of ") . $edit_domain;
                } else {
                    if (@$add_array[1] == "mailaliases") {
                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/mailaliasgroup.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Mail Groups:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Aliases($eddomain);
                        $title = _("Mail groups of ") . $edit_domain;
                    } else {
                        if (@$add_array[1] == "mailing-lists") {
                            $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/mailing-lists.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Mailing lists:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                            $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_MailingLists($eddomain);
                            $title = _("Edit mailing lists of domain:") . $edit_domain;
                            //udns.us add
                        } else {
                            if (@$add_array[1] == "tools") {
                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/tools.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>Tools:</u></b><br></font>";
                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Tools($eddomain);
                                // To be translated:
                                $title = _("Domain Tools");
                                //udns.us /add
                            } else {
                                if (@$add_array[1] == "dns") {
                                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/nameservers.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Name servers:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                    $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_DomainDNS($admin, $eddomain);
                                    $title = _("DNS config of:") . " " . $edit_domain;
                                } else {
                                    if (@$add_array[1] == "invoices") {
                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/stats.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Invoices") . ":</u></b><br></font>";
                                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Invoices($admin);
                                        $title = _("Invoices");
                                    } else {
                                        if (@$add_array[1] == "stats") {
                                            if ($add_array[0] == "myaccount") {
                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/stats.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Statistics:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_AdminStats($admin);
                                                $title = _("My account global statistics");
                                            } else {
                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/stats.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Statistics:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_DomainStats($admin, $eddomain);
                                                $title = _("Statistics of domain:") . " " . $edit_domain;
                                        } else {
                                            if (@$add_array[1] == "whois") {
                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/nickhandles.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Whois:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Whois($admin, $eddomain);
                                                $title = _("Whois of:") . " " . $edit_domain;
                                            } else {
                                                if (@$add_array[1] == "subdomains") {
                                                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/subdomains.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Subdomains:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                    $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Subdomain($admin, $eddomain);
                                                    $title = _("Subdomains of ") . $edit_domain;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (@$add_array[1] == "ftp-accounts") {
                                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/ftp-accounts.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("FTP accounts") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_Ftp($eddomain, $adm_path);
                                                        $title = _("FTP accounts of ") . $edit_domain;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (@$add_array[1] == "ssh-accounts") {
                                                            $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/ssh-accounts.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("SSH accounts:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                            $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_SSH($eddomain, $adm_path);
                                                            $title = _("SSH accounts of ") . $edit_domain;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (@$add_array[1] == "package-installer") {
                                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/package-installer.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Package installer:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_PackageInstaller($eddomain, $adm_path);
                                                                $title = _("Package") . ": " . $edit_domain;
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (@$add_array[1] == "nickhandles") {
                                                                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/nickhandles.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("DNS Nick handles") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                    $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_NickHandles($admin);
                                                                    $title = _("Internet Whois Nick Handles management:");
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (@$add_array[1] == "adddomain") {
                                                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/adddomain.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Add a domain or service:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_AddDomain($admin);
                                                                        $title = _("Add a domain name to my account");
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        if (@$add_array[1] == "nameservers") {
                                                                            $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/nameservers.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Name servers:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                            $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_NameServers($admin);
                                                                            $title = _("Manage my name servers:");
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if ($add_array[0] == "myaccount") {
                                                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/my-account.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Statistics:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_MyAccount($admin);
                                                                                $title = _("My Account information:");
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                if ($add_array[0] == "database") {
                                                                                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/databases.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Databases:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                    $web_editor .= drawDataBase("");
                                                                                    $title = _("Your databases");
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    if ($add_array[0] == "filemang") {
                                                                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/databases.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("File manager:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                        $web_editor .= "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width=\"1\" height=\"100%\"><img width=\"1\" height=\"600\" src=\"gfx/skin/bwoup/gfx/spacer.gif\"></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" src=\"/extplorer/\"></iframe></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr></table>";
                                                                                        $title = _("eXtplorer web file manager");
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        if ($add_array[0] == "reseller") {
                                                                                            $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/reseller.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Sub-accounts (reseller):") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                            $web_editor .= drawReseller($admin);
                                                                                            $title = _("Resseller child accounts");
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            if ($add_array[0] == "password") {
                                                                                                $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/password.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Password:"******"</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                                $web_editor .= drawPasswordChange();
                                                                                                $title = _("Password");
                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                                if ($add_array[0] == "ticket") {
                                                                                                    $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/ticket.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Support tickets:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                                    $web_editor .= drawTickets($admin);
                                                                                                    $title = _("Support ticket system");
                                                                                                } else {
                                                                                                    if ($add_array[0] == "help") {
                                                                                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/help.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>" . _("Help:") . "</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                                        $web_editor .= _("<font face=\"Arial, Verdana\">\n<center><font size=\"+2\"><u><b>ONLINE DTC HELP</b></u></font></center><br><br>\n<div align=\"justify\">\n<font size=\"+1\"><u>1. What is DTC</u></font><br><br>\nDTC is a tool we made especialy for you. With it, you can take the control of your domain administration : you can manage all your\nsubdomains, emails, ftp or ssh accounts, and manage your VPS. DTC does also billing and invoices, plus many other things.<br><br>\n\nAll this tool and all the software it uses and configure have been release under the <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">GPL</a>\n(GNU Public Licence), which means that you can have a copy of this interface source code, modify it and use it as you wish, as long as\nyou redistribute all thoses changes. We (at GPLHost) believe in the Free Software effort, and we hope this participation will encourage\nother developpements. We consider that because we use only open-source software for our hosting service, it is normal to redistribute\nour developpements as well.<br><br>\n\nIf you want to know more about DTC, you can visit this URL: <a href=\"http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc.html\">DTC home page</a>.\n\n<font size=\"+1\"><u>2. Emails</u></font><br>\n<u>2.1. What will it do ?</u><br><br>\nYou can add, delete or modify a mailbox with this tool.<br><br>\n\n<u>2.2. Redirection and local delivery</u><br><br>\nEach mailbox can be redirected to one or more email addresses. This means that when a message is recieved, it is forwared to one\nor two email adresse(s). The &quote;deliver locally&quote; checkbox tells wether or not all message for this mailbox will be written on\nour hard disk, so thenafter you will be able to read your messages using a mail client, connecting to our server. Don't forget to\ncheckup your mails often if you have trafic, because the mailbox are included in the quota<br><br>\n\n<u>2.3. Delay when adding / deleting accounts</u><br><br>\nWhen you add or delete a mail account, don't expect it to work immediatly: you will have to wait until the next cron job to start, so the\nmail, ssh or web server reloads it's database.<br><br>\n\n<u>2.4. Other tools for email</u><br><br>\nDTC doesn't only have email accounts. It also handles mailing lists using MLMMJ and mail alias groups to be able to have one email\nredirected to many other addresses.\n\n<font size=\"+1\"><u>3. Subdomains</u></font><br>\n<u>3.1. What will it do ?</u><br><br>\nThis part of the interface is for configurating your somain's sites, which means that you will be able to populate your web site with url\nof the form:\n<pre>\nhttp://anything.u.want.mydomain.com\n</pre>\n\n<u>3.2. What is the default subdomain ?</u><br><br>\nWhe someone trys to contact your web site with an URL without a subdomain, he is redirected to the subdomain you said it was the default.\nIn other words, if you tell that:\n<pre>\nwww\n</pre>\nis the default subdomain, someone that trys to connect using an url starting with:\n<pre>\nhttp://mydomain.com\n</pre>\nwill be redirected to:\n<pre>\nhttp://www.mydomain.com\n</pre>\n\nIn fact, the URL is kept, and no URL redirection in a HTML page has been created, but simply, a website with that URL has been configurated\nto the same location of the &quote;www&quote; subdomain, so it accesses the same html (or php) files, and shares the same log file.<br><br>\n\n<u>3.3. Subdomains generated by default</u><br><br>\nBecause you might expect to have these subdomains for other services than web already working by default, the following subdomains will\nresolve to the same IP address as your web site, even if you didn't add them:\n<ul><li>ftp</li>\n<li>pop</li>\n<li>smtp</li>\n<li>mail</li>\n</ul>\n\n<u>3.4. Delay when adding / deleting subdomain</u><br><br>\nLike for mail, any action here will take up to 10 minutes to take effect.<br><br>\n\n<u>3.6. Trafic statistics for your subdomains</u><br><br>\nBecause all your trafic is loged, we calculate the overall last 12 month statistics using <a href=\"http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/\">\nwebalizer</a>. The statistics are calculated each days (this is when there is less trafic), and can be reach under the \"/stats\" directory\non each subdomains. That means that if you have registerd :\n<pre>\nhttp://www.mydomain.com\n</pre>\nall statistics will be generated under :\n<pre>\nhttp://www.mydomain.com/stats/\n</pre>\n\nIf you wish, you can protect this address with a login and password.\n\n<font size=\"+1\"><u>4. FTP accounts</u></font><br>\n<u>4.1. What will it do ?</u><br><br>\nTo have your page working and running, you have to upload them. But because you may not be only one to work on your web site, you may want to\nhave more that one FTP account for accessing your web site. DTC will be the tool for managing thoses accounts and passwords.<br><br>\n\n<u>4.2. Delay when adding / deleting FTP accounts</u><br><br>\nBecause DTC uses ProFTP or pure-ftpd with a special module for handling accounts in a MySql database, all changes to your FTP accounts take\neffect in realtime.<br><br>\n\n</div>\n</font>") . "<pre><a href=\"http://www.gplhost.com\">\n   _____       _____________   (c) 2oo3.2oo8     _____  s!   ____  ___|    .___\n _( ___/______(____     /  |______|    |________(    /______(  _/__\\___    ___/\n|   \\___   \\_    |/    /   |\\    \\_    ___   \\_    ___   \\________   \\|    |   \n|    |/     /    _____/    |/     /    |/     /    |/     /    |/     /    |   \n|___________\\    |    |__________/|____|     /|___________\\___________\\GPL |   \n     Open source | hosting worldwide  /_____/                         |HOST.\n</a></pre>";
                                                                                                        $title = _("Online DTC help");
                                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                                        $web_editor .= "<img src=\"gfx/toolstitles/domains.png\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"+2\"><b><u>{$addrlink}:</u></b><br></font>";
                                                                                                        $web_editor .= drawAdminTools_DomainInfo($admin, $eddomain);
                                                                                                        $title = _("General information of ") . $edit_domain;
        $edition = skin($conf_skin, $web_editor, $title);
    } else {
        $edition = "";
        $title = "";
    if (function_exists("skin_LayoutClientPage")) {
        return skin_LayoutClientPage($mymenu, $web_editor, $title);
    } else {
        return skin_LayoutClientPage_Default($mymenu, $web_editor, $title);