function db_error_logger($errno, $errstr, $errfile = "", $errline = "", $errorcontext = array()){ $errno = makeStringSafe($errno); $errstr = makeStringSafe($errstr); $errfile = makeStringSafe($errfile); $errline = makeStringSafe($errline); if($errno < E_STRICT){ doQuery("INSERT INTO ".getDBPrefix()."_error_log set user_id = '".getSessionVariable("user_id")."', error_number = '".$errno."', message = '".$errstr."', file = '".$errfile."', line_number = '".$errline."', context = '".serialize($errorcontext)."', time = '".getCurrentMySQLDateTime()."'"); $errorrow = mysql_fetch_assoc(doQuery("SELECT error_id FROM ".getDBPrefix()."_error_log ORDER BY error_id DESC LIMIT 1")); if(getConfigVar('error_output') == ERROR_OUTPUT_DBID || getConfigVar('error_output') == ERROR_OUTPUT_BOTH){ echo "<h4 style=\"color: #FF0000;\">An error occured! If you would like to report this error, please report that your 'ERROR_ID' is '".$errorrow['error_id']."'.</h4>"; } } return !(getConfigVar("error_output") == ERROR_OUTPUT_PHP || getConfigVar("error_output") == ERROR_OUTPUT_BOTH); }
function addToLog($userid, $action, $description) { $userid = makeStringSafe($userid); $action = makeStringSafe($action); $description = makeStringSafe($description); $mysqldate = getCurrentMySQLDateTime(); $ip = getClientIP(); $hostname = getClientHostname(); doQuery("INSERT INTO " . getDBPrefix() . "_log SET user_id = '" . $userid . "', action_type = '" . $action . "', action_description = '" . $description . "', date = '" . $mysqldate . "', ip = '" . $ip . "', hostname='" . $hostname . "'"); }
{ $name = makeStringSafe($name); $comment = makeStringSafe($comment); $start = makeStringSafe($start); $end = makeStringSafe($end); $user_level = makeStringSafe($user_level); doQuery("INSERT INTO " . getDBPrefix() . "_blackouts SET name = '" . $name . "', comments = '" . $comment . "', start_date = '" . $start . "', end_date = '" . $end . "', user_level = '" . $user_level . "'"); } function updateBlackout($bid, $name, $comment, $start, $end, $user_level) {
function isEquipmentReserved($equipid, $date) { $equipid = makeStringSafe($equipid); $date = makeStringSafe($date); $start_Date = new DateTime($date); $start_Date->modify("+3 day"); //$interval = new DateInterval("P3D"); //$start_Date->add($interval); $result = doQuery("SELECT * FROM " . getDBPrefix() . "_reservations WHERE equip_id = '" . $equipid . "' AND (mod_status = '" . RES_STATUS_CONFIRMED . "' or mod_status = '" . RES_STATUS_PENDING . "') AND (start_date BETWEEN '" . $date . "' and '" . $start_Date->format("Y-m-d") . "')"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function deleteMessage($messageid){ $messageid = makeStringSafe($messageid); doQuery("DELETE FROM ".getDBPrefix()."_messages WHERE message_id = '".$messageid."' LIMIT 1"); }
function getReservationsByEquipIDandDate($equip, $startdate, $enddate) { $equip = makeStringSafe($equip); $startdate = makeStringSafe($startdate); $enddate = makeStringSafe($enddate); return doQuery("SELECT * FROM " . getDBPrefix() . "_reservations WHERE\r\n\tequip_id = '" . $equip . "' AND \r\n\t(mod_status = '" . RES_STATUS_PENDING . "' OR mod_status = '" . RES_STATUS_CONFIRMED . "' OR mod_status = '" . RES_STATUS_CHECKED_OUT . "')\r\n\tAND ((start_date BETWEEN '" . $startdate . "' AND '" . $enddate . "') OR (end_date BETWEEN '" . $startdate . "' AND '" . $enddate . "'))"); }
} function getUserByUsername($username) { $username = makeStringSafe($username); return doQuery("SELECT * FROM " . getDBPrefix() . "_users WHERE username = '******'");
/** * Add task for a work * ******************* * * @param (string) (url) Url for task * @param (string) (saveAs) Save to this file name * @return (array) */ function addWgetTask($url, $saveAs) { function checkPermissions($path) { return file_exists($path) && is_dir($path) && is_writable($path) ? true : false; } function checkDirectory($dir) { if (!checkPermissions($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); chmod($dir, 0777); return checkPermissions($dir) ? true : false; } return true; } log::debug('(call) addWgetTask() called, $url=' . var_export($url, true) . ', $saveAs=' . var_export($saveAs, true)); define('OriginalTaskUrl', $url); // Save in constant original task url if (empty($url)) { return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'No URL'); } if (defined('WGET_ONE_TIME_LIMIT') && count(getWgetTasks()) + 1 > WGET_ONE_TIME_LIMIT) { log::notice('Task not added, because one time tasks limit is reached'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'One time tasks limit is reached'); } if (!defined('DOWNLOAD_PATH')) { log::error('"DOWNLOAD_PATH" not defined'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => '"DOWNLOAD_PATH" not defined'); } if (!checkDirectory(DOWNLOAD_PATH)) { log::error('Directory ' . var_export(DOWNLOAD_PATH, true) . ' cannot be created'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Cannot create directory for downloads'); } // DOWNLOAD YOUTUBE VIDEO // Detect - if url is link to youtube video if (stripos($url, '') !== false || stripos($url, '') !== false) { $youtubeVideos = array(); // preg_match('/^(?:https?:\\/\\/)?(?:www\\.)?(?:youtu\\.be\\/|youtube\\.com\\/(?:embed\\/|v\\/|watch\\?v=|watch\\?.+&v=))((\\w|-){11})(?:\\S+)?$/i', $url, $founded); define('YoutubeVideoID', @$founded[1]); // Set as constant YouTube video ID if (strlen(YoutubeVideoID) == 11) { $rawVideoInfo = file_get_contents('' . YoutubeVideoID . '&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en'); if ($rawVideoInfo !== false) { parse_str($rawVideoInfo, $videoInfo); //var_dump($videoInfo); if (isset($videoInfo['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'])) { $my_formats_array = explode(',', $videoInfo['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']); foreach ($my_formats_array as $videoItem) { parse_str($videoItem, $videoItemData); if (isset($videoItemData['url'])) { //var_dump($videoItemData); switch (@$videoItemData['quality']) { case 'small': $videoItemData['quality'] = '240p'; break; case 'medium': $videoItemData['quality'] = '360p'; break; case 'large': $videoItemData['quality'] = '480p'; break; case 'hd720': $videoItemData['quality'] = '720p'; break; case 'hd1080': $videoItemData['quality'] = '1080p'; break; } array_push($youtubeVideos, array('title' => trim(@$videoInfo['title']), 'thumbnail' => @$videoInfo['thumbnail_url'], 'url' => urldecode($videoItemData['url']), 'type' => @$videoItemData['type'], 'quality' => @$videoItemData['quality'])); } else { log::error('Link to youtube source video file not exists ' . var_export($videoItemData, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Link to youtube source video file not exists'); } } } else { $errorDescription = 'Youtube answer not contains data about video files'; if (isset($videoInfo['reason']) && !empty($videoInfo['reason'])) { $errorDescription = trim(strip_tags($videoInfo['reason'], '<a><br/>')); } log::error($errorDescription . ', raw=' . var_export($rawVideoInfo, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => $errorDescription); } } else { log::error('Cannot call "file_get_contents()" for $url=' . var_export($url, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Cannot get remote content'); } } //var_dump($youtubeVideos); // If we found video links if (count($youtubeVideos) > 0) { // Get first 'mp4' video foreach ($youtubeVideos as $video) { if (isset($video['type']) && !empty($video['type'])) { preg_match('~\\/(.*?)\\;~', $video['type'], $videoType); if (@$videoType[1] == 'mp4') { $videoToDownload = $video; break; } } } // Or take first video (by default - with highest quality) if (!isset($videoToDownload)) { $videoToDownload = $youtubeVideos[0]; } preg_match('~\\/(.*?)\\;~', $videoToDownload['type'], $extension); switch (@$extension[1]) { case 'mp4': $fileExtension = 'mp4'; break; case 'webm': $fileExtension = 'webm'; break; case 'x-flv': $fileExtension = 'flv'; break; case '3gpp': $fileExtension = '3gp'; break; default: $fileExtension = 'video'; } $clearTitle = makeStringSafe(@$videoToDownload['title']); // Tadaaam :) $url = $videoToDownload['url']; if (empty($saveAs)) { if (empty($clearTitle)) { $saveAs = 'youtube_video_id' . YoutubeVideoID . ' (' . $videoToDownload['quality'] . ').' . $fileExtension; } else { $saveAs = $videoToDownload['title'] . ' (' . $videoToDownload['quality'] . ').' . $fileExtension; } } } } // DOWNLOAD VK.COM VIDEO // Detect - if url is link to video if (stripos($url, '') !== false) { // For test code/decode url - // Get url query and parse it to $q $urlParts = parse_url(urldecode($url)); parse_str($urlParts['query'], $q); define('VkVideoID', @$q['id']); // Set as constant VK video ID if (isset($q['oid']) && !empty($q['oid']) && is_numeric($q['oid']) && is_numeric(VkVideoID) && isset($q['hash']) && !empty($q['hash'])) { // Build request url $queryUrl = '' . $q['oid'] . '&id=' . $q['id'] . '&hash=' . $q['hash']; // Get page content $rawVideoInfo = file_get_contents($queryUrl); if ($rawVideoInfo !== false) { if (preg_match('/.*\\<div.*id\\=\\"video_player\\".*/im', $rawVideoInfo) !== 0) { $videoData = array(); preg_match('/\\&\\;url240\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['240'] = urldecode(@$f[1]); preg_match('/\\&\\;url360\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['360'] = urldecode(@$f[1]); preg_match('/\\&\\;url480\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['480'] = urldecode(@$f[1]); preg_match('/\\&\\;url720\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['720'] = urldecode(@$f[1]); preg_match('/\\&\\;thumb\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['thumbnail'] = trim(urldecode(@$f[1])); preg_match('/\\&\\;md_title\\=(.*?)\\&\\;/i', $rawVideoInfo, $f); $videoData['title'] = trim(urldecode(@$f[1])); // video in low quality always must exists, if parse complete without errors if (isset($videoData['240']) && !empty($videoData['240'])) { $videoQualityStr = ''; if (isset($videoData['240']) && !empty($videoData['240'])) { $url = $videoData['240']; $videoQualityStr = '240p'; } if (isset($videoData['360']) && !empty($videoData['360'])) { $url = $videoData['360']; $videoQualityStr = '360p'; } if (isset($videoData['480']) && !empty($videoData['480'])) { $url = $videoData['480']; $videoQualityStr = '480p'; } if (isset($videoData['720']) && !empty($videoData['720'])) { $url = $videoData['720']; $videoQualityStr = '720p'; } $clearTitle = makeStringSafe(@$videoData['title']); if (empty($saveAs)) { if (empty($clearTitle)) { $saveAs = 'vk_video_id' . VkVideoID . ' (' . $videoQualityStr . ').mp4'; } else { $saveAs = $clearTitle . ' (' . $videoQualityStr . ').mp4'; } } } else { log::error('Link to video file not found'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Link to video file not found'); } } else { log::error('Video container not found $queryUrl=' . var_export($queryUrl, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Video container not found'); } } else { log::error('Cannot call "file_get_contents()" for $url=' . var_export($url, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Cannot get remote content'); } } else { log::error('Request error - some important query part not exists, $url=' . var_export($url, true)); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Request error - some important query part(s) not exists'); } } // DROPBOX 'Content-Disposition' bug fix // Issue - <> if (stripos($url, '') !== false) { $file_name = basename($url); if (!empty($file_name)) { $saveAs = $file_name; } } //var_dump($videoToDownload); $historyAction = ''; $saveAs = makeStringSafe($saveAs); if (defined('LOG_HISTORY')) { if (checkDirectory(dirname(LOG_HISTORY))) { $savedAsCmdString = !empty($saveAs) ? ' ## SavedAs: \\"' . $saveAs . '\\"' : ''; // If string passed in '$url' and saved 'OriginalTaskUrl' not equal each other, // we understand - URL was PARSED and changed. And now, for a history // (tadatadaaaam =)) we must write ORIGINAL url (not parsed) $urlForHistory = $url !== OriginalTaskUrl ? OriginalTaskUrl : $url; $urlForHistoryCmd = $url !== OriginalTaskUrl ? ' && URL="' . $urlForHistory . '"' : ''; $historyAction = ' && HISTORY="' . LOG_HISTORY . '"' . $urlForHistoryCmd . ' && if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then ' . 'echo "Success: \\"$URL\\"' . $savedAsCmdString . '" >> "$HISTORY"; ' . 'else ' . 'echo "Failed: \\"$URL\\"" >> "$HISTORY"; ' . 'fi'; } else { log::error('Directory ' . var_export(dirname(LOG_HISTORY), true) . ' cannot be created'); } } $speedLimit = defined('WGET_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT') ? '--limit-rate=' . WGET_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT . 'k ' : ' '; $saveAsFile = !empty($saveAs) ? '--output-document="' . DOWNLOAD_PATH . '/' . $saveAs . '" ' : ' '; $tmpFileName = TMP_PATH . '/wget' . rand(1, 32768) . '.log.tmp'; $cmd = '(URL="' . $url . '"; TMPFILE="' . $tmpFileName . '"; echo > "$TMPFILE"; ' . wget . ' ' . '--progress=bar:force --output-file="$TMPFILE" ' . '--tries=0 ' . '--no-check-certificate ' . '--no-cache ' . '--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux amd64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0" ' . '--directory-prefix="' . DOWNLOAD_PATH . '" ' . '--content-disposition ' . '--restrict-file-names=nocontrol ' . $speedLimit . $saveAsFile . ' ' . WGET_SECRET_FLAG . ' ' . '"$URL"' . $historyAction . '; ' . rm . ' -f "$TMPFILE") > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!'; log::debug('Command to exec: ' . var_export($cmd, true)); $task = bash($cmd, 'string'); if (empty($task)) { log::error('Exec task ' . var_export($cmd, true) . ' error'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Exec task error'); } usleep(100000); // 1/10 sec preg_match("/(\\d{2,7})/i", $task, $founded); $parentPid = @$founded[1]; if (!validatePid($parentPid)) { log::error('Parent PID ' . var_export($parentPid, true) . ' for task ' . var_export($url, true) . ' not valid'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Parent PID not valid'); } //var_dump($cmd); var_dump($task); var_dump($parentPid); // Wait ~1 sec until child pipe not running, check every second for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { // Get pipe with out wget task (search by $tmpFileName) $taskData = getWgetTasksList($tmpFileName); // Get last job with current URL $taskPid = @$taskData[0]['pid']; if (validatePid($taskPid)) { break; } else { usleep(250000); } // 1/4 sec } if (!file_exists($tmpFileName)) { log::notice('Task ' . var_export($url, true) . ' already complete (probably with error)'); return array('result' => true, 'msg' => 'Task completed too fast (probably with error)'); } if (!validatePid($taskPid)) { log::error('Task PID ' . var_export($taskPid, true) . ' for ' . var_export($url, true) . ' not valid'); return array('result' => false, 'msg' => 'Task PID not valid'); } log::notice('Task ' . var_export($url, true) . ' added successful (pid ' . var_export($taskPid, true) . ')'); return array('result' => true, 'pid' => (int) $taskPid, 'msg' => 'Task added successful'); }
$userid = makeStringSafe($userid); return doQuery("SELECT * FROM " . getDBPrefix() . "_warnings WHERE user_id = '" . $userid . "'"); } function getWarningByID($warnid) {