Exemple #1
 function mb_convert_encoding($string = '', $out_charset = 'utf-8', $in_charset = 'utf-8')
     if (strtolower($in_charset) == 'utf-16be') {
         $in_charset = 'utf-8';
     if (strtolower($out_charset) == 'utf-16be') {
         $out_charset = 'utf-8';
     return makeCharsetConversion($string, $in_charset, $out_charset);
     $article_thumbnail = str_replace($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][0], $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][1], $article_thumbnail);
 $article_thumbnail_name = basename($article_thumbnail);
 $article_thumbnail_hash = md5($article_thumbnail_name . microtime());
 $article_thumbnail_store = PHPWCMS_STORAGE . $article_thumbnail_hash . '.' . $article_thumbnail_ext;
 $oldmask = umask(0);
 $insert = false;
 if ($dir = @opendir(PHPWCMS_STORAGE) && copy($article_thumbnail, $article_thumbnail_store)) {
     if ($article_thumbnail_size = filesize($article_thumbnail_store)) {
         // yeah, we have it
         $data = array('f_pid' => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_folder_id'], 'f_uid' => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['author_id'], 'f_kid' => 1, 'f_aktiv' => 1, 'f_public' => 1, 'f_name' => $article_thumbnail_name, 'f_created' => now(), 'f_size' => $article_thumbnail_size, 'f_type' => get_mimetype_by_extension($article_thumbnail_ext), 'f_ext' => $article_thumbnail_ext, 'f_longinfo' => $article_title, 'f_hash' => $article_thumbnail_hash, 'f_copyright' => '', 'f_tags' => $article_categories);
         if (PHPWCMS_CHARSET != 'utf-8') {
             $data['f_name'] = makeCharsetConversion($data['f_name'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
             $data['f_longinfo'] = makeCharsetConversion($data['f_longinfo'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
             $data['f_copyright'] = makeCharsetConversion($data['f_copyright'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
             $data['f_tags'] = makeCharsetConversion($data['f_tags'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
         $insert = _dbInsert('phpwcms_file', $data);
         if (isset($insert['INSERT_ID'])) {
             $feedimport_result['image']['name'] = $article_thumbnail_name;
             $feedimport_result['image']['id'] = $insert['INSERT_ID'];
             $feedimport_result['image']['width'] = $phpwcms["content_width"];
             $feedimport_result['image']['height'] = '';
             $feedimport_result['image']['hash'] = $article_thumbnail_hash;
             $feedimport_result['image']['ext'] = $article_thumbnail_ext;
             $feedimport_result['image']['list_usesummary'] = 1;
     if (!$feedimport_result['image']['id'] && is_file($article_thumbnail_store)) {
                if ($check_anzahl["anzahl"]) {
                    $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err1'] . "\n";
    if (isEmpty($new_password)) {
        $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err3'] . "\n";
    if (!is_valid_email($new_email) && $send_verification) {
        $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err4'] . "\n";
    if (empty($user_err)) {
        //Insert new User
        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user (usr_login, usr_pass, usr_email, " . "usr_admin, usr_aktiv, usr_name, usr_wysiwyg, usr_fe ) VALUES ('" . aporeplace($new_login) . "', '" . aporeplace(md5(makeCharsetConversion($new_password, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, 'utf-8'))) . "', '" . aporeplace($new_email) . "', '" . $set_user_admin . "', '" . $set_user_aktiv . "', '" . aporeplace($new_name) . "', 1, '" . $set_user_fe . "')";
        if (mysql_query($sql, $db) or die('error while creating new user')) {
            $new_user_id = mysql_insert_id($db);
            $user_ok = 1;
            if ($send_verification) {
                $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN}', $new_login, $BL['be_admin_usr_mailbody']);
                $emailbody = str_replace('{PASSWORD}', $new_password, $emailbody);
                $emailbody = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $emailbody);
                $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN_PAGE}', PHPWCMS_URL . get_login_file(), $emailbody);
                sendEmail(array('recipient' => $new_email, 'toName' => $new_name, 'subject' => $BL['be_admin_usr_mailsubject'], 'isHTML' => 0, 'text' => $emailbody, 'from' => $phpwcms["admin_email"], 'sender' => $phpwcms["admin_email"]));
if (empty($user_ok)) {
Exemple #4
 * Convert internationalized domain names
 * @param string
 * @return string
function idn_encode($string = '')
    if (IS_PHP5) {
        require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_ext/idna_convert/idna_convert.class.php';
    // convert to utf-8 first
    $string = makeCharsetConversion($string, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, 'utf-8');
    // include punicode conversion if >= PHP5
    if (empty($string) || !class_exists('idna_convert')) {
        return $string;
    $IDN = new idna_convert();
    return $IDN->encode($string);
 * Check referrer string for search engine related information
 * and log those fetched data in database
 * Basic idea: http://www.tellinya.com/read/2007/07/11/34.html
 * @return	array
 * @param	string	referrer string
function seReferrer($ref = false)
    if (!empty($ref) && is_string($ref)) {
        $SeReferer = trim($ref);
    } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        $SeReferer = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    } else {
        return false;
    $SePos = 0;
    $SeDomain = '';
    //Check against Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and others
    if ($SeReferer && preg_match('/[&\\?](q|p|w|s|qry|searchfor|as_q|as_epq|query|qt|keyword|keywords|encquery)=([^&]+)/i', $SeReferer, $pcs)) {
        if (preg_match("/https?:\\/\\/([^\\/]+)\\//i", $SeReferer, $SeDomain)) {
            $SeDomain = trim(strtolower($SeDomain[1]));
            $SeQuery = $pcs[2];
            if (preg_match("/[&\\?](start|b|first|stq)=([0-9]*)/i", $SeReferer, $pcs)) {
                $SePos = (int) trim($pcs[2]);
    if (!isset($SeQuery)) {
        //Check against DogPile
        if (preg_match('/\\/search\\/web\\/([^\\/]+)\\//i', $SeReferer, $pcs)) {
            if (preg_match("/https?:\\/\\/([^\\/]+)\\//i", $SeReferer, $SeDomain)) {
                $SeDomain = trim(strtolower($SeDomain[1]));
                $SeQuery = $pcs[1];
        // We Do Not have a query
        if (!isset($SeQuery)) {
            return false;
    $OldQ = $SeQuery;
    $SeQuery = urldecode($SeQuery);
    // The Multiple URLDecode Trick to fix DogPile %XXXX Encodes
    while ($SeQuery != $OldQ) {
        $OldQ = $SeQuery;
        $SeQuery = urldecode($SeQuery);
    // check given query and decode utf-8
    if (PHPWCMS_CHARSET != 'utf-8' && phpwcms_seems_utf8($SeQuery)) {
        $SeQuery = makeCharsetConversion($SeQuery, 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET, false);
    return array("domain" => $SeDomain, "query" => $SeQuery, "pos" => $SePos, "referrer" => $SeReferer);
Exemple #6
function include_url($url)
    // include given URL but only take content between <body></body>
    global $include_urlparts;
    if (is_string($url)) {
        $url = array(1 => $url);
    } elseif (!isset($url[1])) {
        return '';
    $k = '';
    $url = trim($url[1]);
    $url = explode(' ', $url);
    $cache = isset($url[1]) ? intval(str_replace('CACHE=', '', strtoupper($url[1]))) : 0;
    $url = $url[0];
    $cache_status = 'MISSING';
    if ($url && $cache) {
        $cache_filename = md5($url) . '-url';
        // set cache file name
        $cache_file = PHPWCMS_CONTENT . 'tmp/' . $cache_filename;
        // set caching file
        $cache_status = check_cache($cache_file, $cache);
        // ceck existence
        if ($cache_status == 'VALID') {
            // read cache
            $k = read_textfile($cache_file);
            $k = trim($k);
            if (empty($k)) {
                $cache_status == 'EXPIRED';
                // check if cache content is available
    if ($cache_status != 'VALID' && $url) {
        // cache file is missing or outdated
        $include_urlparts = parse_url($url);
        if (!empty($include_urlparts['path'])) {
            $include_urlparts['path'] = dirname($include_urlparts['path']);
            $include_urlparts['path'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $include_urlparts['path']);
        $k = @file_get_contents($url);
        if ($k) {
            // now check against charset
            if (preg_match('/charset=(.*?)"/i', $k, $match)) {
                $charset = $match[1];
                $charset = str_replace(array('"', "'", '/'), '', $charset);
                $charset = strtolower(trim($charset));
            } elseif (preg_match('/http-equiv="{0,1}Content-Type"{0,1}\\s{1,}(content="{0,1}.*?"{0,1}.{0,3}>)/i', $k, $match)) {
                $charset = '';
                if (!empty($match[1])) {
                    $charset = strtolower($match[1]);
                    $charset = trim(str_replace(array('"', "'", '/', 'content=', ' ', '>'), '', $charset));
            } else {
                $charset = false;
            if (preg_match('/<body[^>]*?' . '>(.*)<\\/body>/is', $k, $match)) {
                $k = $match[1];
            $k = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;&#37;', '&#37;&gt;'), $k);
            $k = preg_replace_callback('/(href|src|action)=[\'|"]{0,1}(.*?)[\'|"]{0,1}( .*?){0,1}>/i', 'make_absoluteURL', $k);
            $k = htmlfilter_sanitize(trim($k), array(false, 'link', 'meta'), array(), array('img', 'br', 'hr', 'input'), true);
            if ($charset != false) {
                $k = makeCharsetConversion($k, $charset, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, 1);
            // now write or update cache file in case there is timeout or content
            if ($cache && $k) {
                @write_textfile($cache_file, $k);
        $include_urlparts = '';
    return $k;
     } else {
         $user_var['selected_cp'] = array();
         foreach ($_POST['profile_account_cp'] as $cp) {
             $cp = intval($cp);
             $user_var['selected_cp'][$cp] = $cp;
 } else {
     $user_var['selected_cp'] = array();
 //Jetzt die Daten aktualisieren
 if (empty($err)) {
     $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET ";
     $sql .= "   usr_login="******", ";
     if (!empty($new_password)) {
         $sql .= "usr_pass="******", ";
     $sql .= "usr_email=" . _dbEscape($new_email);
     $sql .= ", usr_lang=" . _dbEscape($new_language);
     $sql .= ", usr_wysiwyg=" . $new_wysiwyg;
     $sql .= " , usr_vars=" . _dbEscape(serialize($user_var));
     $sql .= " WHERE usr_id=" . $_SESSION["wcs_user_id"];
     $sql .= " AND usr_login='******' LIMIT 1";
     if (mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
         //Wenn Aktualisierung erfolgreich war
         //neue Werte den Sessionvariablen zuweisen
         $_SESSION["wcs_user"] = $new_username;
         $_SESSION["wcs_user_email"] = $new_email;
         $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = $new_language;
         $_SESSION["WYSIWYG_EDITOR"] = $new_wysiwyg;
         //$_SESSION["WYSIWYG_TEMPLATE"]	= $user_var['template'];
$row_count = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS occurance FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_log_seo ';
if ($_entry['query']) {
    $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $_entry['query'] . ' ';
$sql .= 'GROUP BY hash ORDER BY occurance DESC ';
$sql .= 'LIMIT ' . ($_SESSION['seolog_page'] - 1) * $_SESSION['list_user_count'] . ',' . $_SESSION['list_user_count'];
$data = _dbQuery($sql);
if ($data) {
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        echo '<tr' . ($row_count % 2 ? ' bgcolor="#F3F5F8"' : '') . '>';
        echo '<td class="tdbottom3 tdtop3" align="center">&nbsp;';
        echo $row['occurance'];
        echo '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td class="tdbottom3 tdtop3"><a href="';
        echo html($row['referrer']) . '" target="_blank">' . html($row['domain']);
        echo '</a></td>';
        echo '<td class="tdbottom3 tdtop3">';
        echo html(PHPWCMS_CHARSET != 'utf-8' && phpwcms_seems_utf8($row['query']) ? makeCharsetConversion($row['query'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET, false) : $row['query']);
        echo '</td>';
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '<tr><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#92A1AF"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td></tr>';
} else {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="tdtop5">' . $BL['be_empty_search_result'] . '</td></tr>';

	<tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="15"></td></tr>
Exemple #9
function combinedParser($string, $charset = 'utf-8', $allowed_tags = '')
    $string = html_parser($string);
    $string = clean_replacement_tags($string, $allowed_tags);
    $string = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $string);
    $string = decode_entities($string);
    $string = cleanUpSpecialHtmlEntities($string);
    if (!empty($string) && PHPWCMS_CHARSET != $charset) {
        $string = makeCharsetConversion($string, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, $charset);
    } else {
        $string = html_specialchars($string);
    // Strip away unwanted UTF-8 chars to avoid XML fatal parsing error
    // http://www.phpwact.org/php/i18n/charsets#common_problem_areas_with_utf-8
    if ($charset == 'utf-8') {
        $string = preg_replace('/[^\\x{0009}\\x{000a}\\x{000d}\\x{0020}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{E000}-\\x{FFFD}]+/u', ' ', $string);
    return $string;
                 if (!is_array($set_user_var)) {
                     $set_user_var = array();
                 $set_user_var['allowed_cp'] = $set_allowed_cp;
 if (!is_valid_email($new_email)) {
     $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err4'] . "\n";
 if (empty($user_err)) {
     //Insert new User
     $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET usr_login='******', ";
     if ($new_password) {
         $sql .= "usr_pass='******'utf-8'))) . "', ";
     $sql .= "usr_email='" . aporeplace($new_email) . "', " . "usr_admin='" . $set_user_admin . "', " . "usr_aktiv='" . $set_user_aktiv . "', " . "usr_name='" . aporeplace($new_name) . "', ";
     if (isset($set_user_var['allowed_cp'])) {
         $sql .= "usr_vars=" . _dbEscape(serialize($set_user_var)) . ", ";
     $sql .= "usr_fe='" . $set_user_fe . "' WHERE usr_id=" . $new_user_id;
     if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error")) {
         $user_ok = 1;
         $new_user_id = NULL;
         if ($send_verification) {
             $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN}', $new_login, $BL['be_admin_usr_emailbody']);
             $emailbody = str_replace('{PASSWORD}', $new_password ? $new_password : $BL['be_admin_usr_passnochange'], $emailbody);
             $emailbody = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $emailbody);
             $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN_PAGE}', PHPWCMS_URL . get_login_file(), $emailbody);
             sendEmail(array('recipient' => $new_email, 'toName' => $new_name, 'subject' => $BL['be_admin_usr_mailsubject'], 'isHTML' => 0, 'text' => $emailbody, 'from' => $phpwcms["admin_email"], 'sender' => $phpwcms["admin_email"]));
				minSizeError: "<?php 
echo makeCharsetConversion($BL['be_fileuploader_minSizeError'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
				emptyError: "<?php 
echo makeCharsetConversion($BL['be_fileuploader_emptyError'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
				noFilesError: "<?php 
echo makeCharsetConversion($BL['be_fileuploader_noFilesError'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
				onLeave: "<?php 
echo makeCharsetConversion($BL['be_fileuploader_onLeave'], 'utf-8', PHPWCMS_CHARSET);
			disableDefaultDropzone: false,
			onSubmit: function(id, fileName) {
			onCancel: function(id, fileName) {
			onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON) {
				if(responseJSON.success) {
					if(uploadFileCount == 0) {