Exemple #1
    $viewpollresult .= '<input type="button" class="button2" onClick=popupWindow("' . "admin/create_poll_graph.php?topic_id=" . $topicid . '","win1",640,350,"yes","yes"); name="submit" value="Results"  class="button" />';
    if ($npoll > 1) {
        $viewpollresult .= '<br><a href="#"  onClick=popupWindow("view_more_poll.php","win2",300,300,"yes","yes");>';
        $viewpollresult .= '&nbsp;<b class="whitetext">View more poll&gt;&gt;</b>';
        $viewpollresult .= '</a>';
    $polls .= '<form name="pollform" method="post" action="admin/save_poll_response2.php">';
    $polls .= '	<input type="hidden" name="topicid" value="' . $topicid . '" >';
    $polls .= $topic;
    $polls .= '<br>';
    $polls .= $optlabel;
    $polls .= '<input type="submit" class="button2" name="submit" value="Vote"  class="button" />';
    $polls .= $viewpollresult;
} else {
    $polls = '<b>No Polls available</b>';
 * Get the default stylesheets
include 'admin/template.configuration.php';
$stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet;
$pagegenerated = $gerger->display();
// Generate the page now
$tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/index.tpl.php');
$tags = array('{FULLSTORY}' => $fullstory, '{DATELINE}' => niceDate($headline[0]->dateline), '{ARTICLEID}' => ' ' . $headline[0]->articleID, '{HEADLINE}' => $headline[0]->title, '{AUTHOR}' => 'By ' . getArticle_authors_info($headline[0]->articleID, 'fullname') . '</p>', '{ARTICLE_BODY}' => makeAShortIntro(strip_tags($headline[0]->article_body)), '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_HEADLINES}' => $other_headlines, '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{OUR_SEGMENTS}' => $segments, '{TOPICID}' => $topicid, '{POLLS}' => $polls, '{POLL_LABELS}' => $optlabel, '{POLL_TOPIC}' => $topic, '{VIEW_POLL_RESULT}' => $viewpollresult, '{QUOTE_MESSAGE}' => $quote_message, '{QUOTE_AUTHOR}' => $quote_author, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADVERTISEMENTS}' => $ads, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{ADS_800x140}' => $ads800x140, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => '&nbsp;' . $pagegenerated, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet, '{ENGINE_ LINK}' => '<a href="http://www.google.com"><img src="images/logo_google.png"></a>');
print $tpl->display();
Exemple #2
 * obtain list of the category 
$sql = "select * from category order by category_name ASC";
if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) {
    die('Error:' . $db->error());
$categories = array();
while ($categories[] = $db->fetcharray()) {
$totalcategories = count($categories);
$categorylist = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalcategories - 1; $i++) {
    foreach ($categories as $field => $value) {
        if ($field == 'category_name') {
            $categorylist .= '<li><a href="' . VIEW_CATEGORY_URL . $categories[$i]->categoryID . '">' . $categories[$i]->category_name . '</a></li>';
 * Get the default stylesheets
include 'admin/template.configuration.php';
$stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet;
$pagegenerated = $gerger->display();
// Generate the page now
$tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/advertise.tpl.php');
$tags = array('{DATELINE}' => niceDate($headline[0]->dateline), '{ARTICLEID}' => $headline[0]->articleID, '{HEADLINE}' => $headline[0]->title, '{AUTHOR}' => 'By ' . getArticle_authors_info($headline[0]->articleID, 'fullname') . ' / BR</p>', '{ARTICLE_BODY}' => makeAShortIntro(strip_tags($headline[0]->article_body)), '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_HEADLINES}' => $other_headlines, '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{QUOTE_OF_THE_DAY}' => $quote, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{MESSAGE}' => $message, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => '&nbsp;' . $pagegenerated, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet);
print $tpl->display();
Exemple #3
$bannerdata = $banner->view_banner('180x700');
$ads180x700 = '';
if ($bannerdata) {
    if (checkhttptext($bannerdata->banner_clickURL)) {
        $ads180x700 .= '<p><a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?bannerID=' . $bannerdata->bannerID . '">';
        $ads180x700 .= '<img src="' . makeRelativePath($bannerdata->banner_imageurl, 7) . '" border="0" ></a>';
        $ads180x700 .= '</p>';
    } else {
        $ads180x700 .= '<p><a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?bannerID=' . $bannerdata->bannerID . '">';
        $ads180x700 .= '<img src="' . makeRelativePath($bannerdata->banner_imageurl, 7) . '" border="0"></a>';
        $ads180x700 .= '</p>';
 * Get the clicked banner from the rotated banner...
$bannerclick = new rotate_banner();
 * Get the default stylesheets
include 'admin/template.configuration.php';
$stylesheet = ' themes/' . $default_template_name . '/' . $default_template_stylesheet;
$pagegenerated = $gerger->display();
// Generate the page now
$tpl = new template_parser('themes/templates/segments_tpl.php');
$tags = array('{FULLSTORY}' => $fullstory, '{DATELINE}' => niceDate($headline[0]->dateline), '{ARTICLEID}' => $headline[0]->articleID, '{SEGMENT_TITLE}' => $data['segmentTitle'], '{SEGMENT_TOPIC}' => 'Topic: ' . $data['segmentTopic'], '{SEGMENT_ANCHOR}' => 'Anchor Man: ' . $data['segmentAnchor'], '{SEGMENT_BODY}' => makeAShortIntro($data['segmentContent']), '{SEGMENT_SCHEDULE}' => $data['segmentSchedule'], '{PHOTO}' => $photo, '{VIEW_ARTICLE_URL}' => $my_profile[0]->homeaddress, '{OTHER_HEADLINES_CAT}' => $other_headlines_cat, '{OTHER_SEGMENTS}' => $segments, '{OTHER_HEADLINES2}' => '$other_headlines2', '{OTHER_TOPSTORIES}' => $other_topstories, '{QUOTE_OF_THE_DAY}' => $quote, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{ADVERTISEMENTS}' => $ads, '{ADS_148x300}' => $ads148x300, '{ADS_600x140}' => $ads600x140, '{ADS_180x700}' => $ads180x700, '{ADVERTISEMENTS2}' => $ads2, '{PAGE_GENERATED}' => '&nbsp;' . $pagegenerated, '{SPONSORED_LINKS}' => $sponsoredlinks, '{SUBSECTIONS}' => $subsections, '{CATEGORY}' => $categorylist, '{FOOTER}' => 'themes/templates/footer.tpl.php', '{STYLESHEET}' => $stylesheet);
print $tpl->display();