function createDiruserfile() { $dir = '__path_httpd_root/' . $this->main->getParentName() . '/__dirprotect'; $dirfile = $dir . '/' . $this->main->getFileName(); $chownug = $this->main->__var_username . ':apache'; if (!lxfile_exists($dir)) { lxuser_mkdir($chownug, $dir); lxfile_generic_chmod($dir, '0750'); } lxfile_rm($dirfile); if ($this->main->status == 'on') { $fstr = ''; foreach ($this->main->diruser_a as $v) { $fstr .= $v->nname . ':' . crypt($v->param) . "\n"; } lxuser_put_contents($chownug, $dirfile, $fstr); lxfile_generic_chmod($dirfile, '0750'); } }
function syncSpamUserPref() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $ghtml; // The parent can be either a domain or a user. CHeck for the @ sign. if (csa($this->main->nname, "@")) { list($user, $domain) = explode("@", $this->main->nname); } else { $domain = $this->main->nname; $user = null; } $sysuser = mmail__qmail::getUserGroup($domain); // --- issue #578/#721 - missing in version 6.1.6 // $mailpath = "/home/lxadmin/mail"; $mailpath = mmail__qmail::getDir($domain); if ($user) { // $prefpath = "$mailpath/domains/{$domain}/{$user}/"; $prefpath = "{$mailpath}/{$user}/"; } else { return; } $prefdir = dirname($prefpath); if (!lxfile_exists(dirname($prefpath))) { lxuser_mkdir($sysuser, dirname($prefpath)); } $wname = fix_nname_to_be_variable($this->main->nname); $fdata = null; $cutoff = $this->main->spam_hit / 10 + 0.2; $fdata .= "spam_cutoff {$cutoff}\n"; $fdata .= "spam_subject_tag={$this->main->subject_tag}\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,user,{$wname}.wordlist.db,1\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,system,wordlist.db,2\n"; $fdata .= "wordlist R,system,kloxo.wordlist.db,3\n"; lxuser_put_contents($sysuser, $prefpath, $fdata); if (!lxfile_real("/var/bogofilter/{$wname}.wordlist.db")) { new_process_cmd($sysuser, null, "bogofilter -d /var/bogofilter/ --wordlist=R,user,{$wname}.wordlist.db,1 -n < /etc/my.cnf"); } lxfile_touch("/var/bogofilter/wordlist.db"); // Using generic because spamassasin is used on windows too. Or at least can be used. //lxfile_generic_chown("/var/bogofilter", mmail__qmail::getUserGroup($domain)); }
static function readAuthorizedKey($username) { $p = os_get_home_dir($username); if ($p === '/tmp' && $username) { if (!lxfile_exists("/home/{$username}")) { lxfile_mkdir("/home/{$username}"); lxshell_return("usermod", "-d", "/home/{$username}", $username); lxfile_unix_chown("/home/{$username}", "{$username}:{$username}"); $p = "/home/{$username}"; } } if (!$p) { return; } $f = "{$p}/.ssh/authorized_keys"; if (lxfile_exists("{$f}2")) { $s = lfile_get_contents("{$f}2"); $s = "\n{$s}\n"; lxuser_put_contents($username, $f, $s, FILE_APPEND); lunlink("{$f}2"); } return lfile_get_contents($f); }
function replaceVariables($filename) { $cont = lfile_get_contents($filename); $cont = str_replace("<%domainname%>", $this->nname, $cont); $cont = str_replace("<%contactemail%>", $this->__var_parent_contactemail, $cont); $cont = str_replace("<%clientname%>", $this->__var_clientname, $cont); lxuser_put_contents($this->username, $filename, $cont); }
function dbactionUpdate($subaction) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if_demo_throw_exception('ffile'); $this->aux = new Ffile__common(null, null, $this->nname); $this->aux->main = $this->main; if ($this->main->isOn('readonly')) { throw new lxexception('file_manager_is_readonly', ''); } $chownug = "{$this->main->__username_o}:{$this->main->__username_o}"; switch ($subaction) { case "fancyedit": case "edit": lxuser_put_contents($chownug, $this->main->getFullPath(), $this->main->content); lxuser_return($chownug, "dos2unix", $this->main->getFullPath()); lxuser_chmod($chownug, $this->main->getFullPath(), "0644"); break; case "upload_s": $filename = $this->aux->uploadDirect(); lxuser_chmod($chownug, $filename, "0644"); lxfile_generic_chown($filename, $chownug); break; case "rename": $this->aux->reName(); break; case "paste": $this->aux->filePaste(); break; case "perm": $arg = null; $perm = $this->main->newperm; $perm = 0 . $perm; if ($this->main->isOn('recursive_f')) { new_process_chmod_rec($this->main->__username_o, $this->main->fullpath, $perm); } else { lxfile_unix_chmod($this->main->fullpath, "{$perm}"); } break; case "newdir": $path = $this->aux->newDir(); lxfile_unix_chown($path, $chownug); break; case "content": if ($this->main->is_image()) { $this->aux->resizeImage(); } else { throw new lxexception('cannot_save_content', ''); } break; case "thumbnail": $this->aux->createThumbnail(); break; case "convert_image": $this->aux->convertImage(); break; case "zip_file": $zipfile = $this->aux->zipFile(); break; case "filedelete": $this->aux->moveAllToTrash(); break; case "filerealdelete": $this->aux->fileRealDelete(); break; case "restore_trash": $this->aux->restoreTrash(); break; case "clear_trash": $this->aux->clearTrash(); break; case "download_from_http": $fullpath = $this->aux->downloadFromHttp(); lxfile_unix_chown($fullpath, $chownug); break; case "download_from_ftp": $fullpath = $this->aux->downloadFromFtp(); lxfile_unix_chown($fullpath, $chownug); break; case "zipextract": $dir = $this->aux->zipExtract(); break; } }
function file_put_between_comments($username, $stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, $file, $string) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if (empty($string)) { dprint("ERROR: Function file_put_between_comments\nERROR: File " . $file . " has empty \$string\n"); return; } $prgm = $sgbl->__var_program_name; $startcomment = "###Please Don't edit these comments or the content in between. {$prgm} uses this to recognize the lines it writes to the the file. If the above line is corrupted, it may fail to recognize them, leading to multiple lines."; $outlist = null; $afterlist = null; $outstring = null; $afterend = false; if (lxfile_exists($file)) { $list = lfile_trim($file); $inside = false; foreach ($list as $l) { if (csainlist($l, $stlist)) { $inside = true; } if (csainlist($l, $endlist)) { $inside = false; $afterend = true; continue; } if ($inside) { continue; } if ($afterend) { $afterlist[] = $l; } else { $outlist[] = $l; } } } if ($outlist) { $outstring = implode("\n", $outlist); } $afterstring = implode("\n", $afterlist); $outstring = "{$outstring}\n{$startstring}\n{$startcomment}\n{$string}\n{$endstring}\n{$afterstring}\n"; lxuser_put_contents($username, $file, $outstring); }