function lpo_pre($var) { $html = '<pre>'; $html .= print_r($var, true); $html .= '</pre>'; lpo_logit($html); }
function lpo_process_gforms($entry, $form) { $site = LPO_Site::$active_site; if ($site === null) { lpo_logit("ERROR: " . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Active site was not set!"); return; } // Setup the lpo_site custom post type $site->id = $entry['post_id']; $u = get_userdata($entry['created_by']); $site->post_meta['_lpo_sandbox'] = $u->user_login . ""; $site->update_post_meta(); }
function lpo_remove_all_sites() { $loop = lpo_get_site_loop(); if ($loop == null) { $html .= "Rats something smells fishy, we could not the the Sites loop"; return $html; } lpo_logit(__FUNCTION__ . ": removing all lpo_site posts"); // Loop through all the sites and print them as a list. while ($loop->have_posts()) { $post = $loop->the_post(); lpo_logit(' removing post id: ' . $post->ID); wp_delete_post($post->ID); } }
function populate_from_form($entry) { global $lpo_forms_map; $this->id = $entry['post_id']; $this->wp_user_id = $entry['created_by']; $form_id = $entry['form_id']; if (!array_key_exists($form_id, $lpo_forms_map)) { lpo_logit("Could not find form id: " . $form_id . " will not be able to create site post"); return null; } $map = $lpo_forms_map[$form_id]; /* * We'll gather together all of the meta keys and values */ foreach ($entry as $fld => $v) { if (array_key_exists($fld, $map)) { $metakey = $map->map[$fld]; $this->post_meta[$metakey] = $v; } } return $this->post_meta; }