} echo allUpper('tarmo dulinets') . '<br/>'; // eemaldab sulud ja jutumärgid function stripQuotesAndParenthesis($string) { $string = trim($string, '"() '); return $string; } echo stripQuotesAndParenthesis('("In Transition 2.0")') . '<br/>'; // teisendab kõik tähed väiketähtedeks function lowerCase($string) { $string = mb_strtolower($string, 'UTF-8'); return $string; } echo lowerCase('("In Transition 2.0")') . '<br/>'; // teisendab kõik tähed suurtähtedeks function upperCase($string) { $string = mb_strtoupper($string, 'UTF-8'); return $string; } echo upperCase('("In Transition 2.0")') . '<br/>'; // arvu süntaksi muutmine function alterFloat($float) { $float = number_format($float, 1, ',', ' '); return $float; } echo alterFloat(2015.16); ?>
// Make a function that takes in a string and returns it capitalized. If the input is not a string, return false. // Make a function that takes in a string and returns it lowercased. If the input is not a string, return false. // Write a function called isVowel that takes in a single character and returns true if the character is a vowel, false if not. // Write a function called countVowels that takes in a string and returns the number of vowels in the string. function square($number) { $square = $number * $number; return $square; } echo square(7); // function upperCase($string) { if (!is_string($string)) { return false; } } return strtoupper($string); echo upperCase([]); echo upperCase("foo"); // function lowerCase($string) { if (!is_string($string)) { return false; } } return strtolower($string); echo lowerCase([]); echo lowerCase("FOO"); //