function checkFields($aData, $zData = false)
     global $_AUTH, $_CONF, $_SETT;
     // Mandatory fields.
     $this->aCheckMandatory = array('chromosome', 'effect_reported', 'owned_by', 'statusid');
     if ($_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_CURATOR) {
         $this->aCheckMandatory[] = 'effect_concluded';
     } elseif (isset($aData['effect_reported']) && $aData['effect_reported'] === '0') {
         // Submitters must fill in the variant effect field; '0' is not allowed for them.
     // Do this before running checkFields so that we have time to predict the DBID and fill it in.
     if (!empty($aData['VariantOnGenome/DNA']) && isset($this->aColumns['VariantOnGenome/DBID']) && ($this->aColumns['VariantOnGenome/DBID']['public_add'] || $_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_CURATOR)) {
         // VOGs with at least one VOT, which still have a chr* DBID, will get an error. So we'll empty the DBID field, allowing the new VOT value to be autofilled in.
         if (!empty($aData['aTranscripts']) && !empty($aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID']) && strpos($aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID'], 'chr' . $aData['chromosome'] . '_') !== false) {
             $aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID'] = '';
         if (empty($aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID'])) {
             if (lovd_getProjectFile() != '/import.php') {
                 // Only predict an DBID, if we're actually going to use it (which doesn't happen when we're importing).
                 $aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID'] = $_POST['VariantOnGenome/DBID'] = lovd_fetchDBID($aData);
         } elseif (!lovd_checkDBID($aData)) {
             lovd_errorAdd('VariantOnGenome/DBID', 'Please enter a valid ID in the ' . (lovd_getProjectFile() == '/import.php' ? 'VariantOnGenome/DBID' : '\'ID\'') . ' field or leave it blank and LOVD will predict it. Incorrect ID: "' . htmlspecialchars($aData['VariantOnGenome/DBID']) . '".');
     // Checks fields before submission of data.
     if (isset($aData['effect_reported']) && !isset($_SETT['var_effect'][$aData['effect_reported']])) {
         lovd_errorAdd('effect_reported', 'Please select a proper functional effect from the \'Affects function (reported)\' selection box.');
     if (isset($aData['effect_concluded']) && !isset($_SETT['var_effect'][$aData['effect_concluded']])) {
         lovd_errorAdd('effect_concluded', 'Please select a proper functional effect from the \'Affects function (concluded)\' selection box.');
     if (!empty($aData['chromosome']) && !isset($_SETT['human_builds'][$_CONF['refseq_build']]['ncbi_sequences'][$aData['chromosome']])) {
         lovd_errorAdd('chromosome', 'Please select a proper chromosome from the \'Chromosome\' selection box.');
Exemple #2
function lovd_fetchDBID($aData)
    // Searches through the $aData variants to fetch lowest DBID belonging to
    // this variant, otherwise returns next variant ID not in use.
    // NOTE: We're assuming that the DBID field actually exists. Using this
    // function implies you've checked for it's presence.
    global $_DB;
    $sGenomeVariant = '';
    if (!empty($aData['VariantOnGenome/DNA'])) {
        $sGenomeVariant = str_replace(array('(', ')', '?'), '', $aData['VariantOnGenome/DNA']);
    if (!isset($aData['aTranscripts'])) {
        $aData['aTranscripts'] = array();
    $aTranscriptVariants = array();
    foreach ($aData['aTranscripts'] as $nTranscriptID => $aTranscript) {
        // Check for non-empty VariantOnTranscript/DNA fields.
        if (!empty($aData[$nTranscriptID . '_VariantOnTranscript/DNA'])) {
            $aTranscriptVariants[$nTranscriptID] = str_replace(array('(', ')', '?'), '', $aData[$nTranscriptID . '_VariantOnTranscript/DNA']);
        $aGenes[] = $aTranscript[1];
    if (!empty($aData) && (!empty($sGenomeVariant) || !empty($aTranscriptVariants))) {
        // Gather a list of DBIDs already present in the database to use.
        // 2013-03-01; 3.0-03; To speed up this query in large databases, it has been optimized and rewritten with a UNION.
        $sSQL = '';
        $aArgs = array();
        if (!empty($sGenomeVariant)) {
            // SQL addition to check the genomic notation-chromosome combination.
            $sSQL = 'SELECT DISTINCT vog.`VariantOnGenome/DBID` ' . 'FROM ' . TABLE_VARIANTS . ' AS vog ' . 'WHERE `VariantOnGenome/DBID` IS NOT NULL AND `VariantOnGenome/DBID` != "" AND REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(vog.`VariantOnGenome/DNA`, "(", ""), ")", ""), "?", "") = ? AND vog.chromosome = ?';
            $aArgs[] = $sGenomeVariant;
            $aArgs[] = $aData['chromosome'];
            // 2013-02-28; 3.0-03; If we have the variant's position available, we can use that, speeding up the query from
            // 0.11s to 0.00s when having 1M variants. Would the position ever be different when we've got the same DNA field?
            if (!empty($aData['position_g_start'])) {
                $sSQL .= ' AND vog.position_g_start = ?';
                $aArgs[] = $aData['position_g_start'];
            if (!empty($aTranscriptVariants)) {
                $sSQL .= ' UNION ';
        if (!empty($aTranscriptVariants)) {
            // 2013-03-01; 3.0-03; To speed up this query in large databases, it has been optimized and rewritten using INNER JOIN instead of LEFT OUTER JOIN, requiring a UNION.
            $sSQL .= 'SELECT DISTINCT vog.`VariantOnGenome/DBID` ' . 'FROM ' . TABLE_VARIANTS . ' AS vog INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_VARIANTS_ON_TRANSCRIPTS . ' AS vot USING (id) ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_TRANSCRIPTS . ' AS t ON (vot.transcriptid = ' . 'WHERE `VariantOnGenome/DBID` IS NOT NULL AND `VariantOnGenome/DBID` != "" AND (';
            $sWhere = '';
            foreach ($aTranscriptVariants as $nTranscriptID => $sTranscriptVariant) {
                // SQL addition to check the transcript notation-transcript combination.
                $sWhere .= (empty($sWhere) ? '' : ' OR ') . '(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(vot.`VariantOnTranscript/DNA`, "(", ""), ")", ""), "?", "") = ? AND vot.transcriptid = ?)';
                $aArgs[] = $sTranscriptVariant;
                $aArgs[] = $nTranscriptID;
            $sWhere .= ')';
            $sSQL .= $sWhere;
        $aDBIDOptions = $_DB->query($sSQL, $aArgs)->fetchAllColumn();
        // Set the default for the DBID.
        $sDBID = 'chr' . $aData['chromosome'] . '_999999';
        foreach ($aDBIDOptions as $sDBIDoption) {
            // Loop through all the options returned from the database and decide which option to take.
            preg_match('/^((.+)_(\\d{6}))$/', $sDBID, $aMatches);
            list($sDBIDnew, $sDBIDnewSymbol, $sDBIDnewNumber) = array($aMatches[1], $aMatches[2], $aMatches[3]);
            if (preg_match('/^(.+)_(\\d{6})$/', $sDBIDoption, $aMatches)) {
                list($sDBIDoption, $sDBIDoptionSymbol, $sDBIDoptionNumber) = $aMatches;
                // Check this option, if it doesn't pass we'll skip it now.
                $aDataCopy = $aData;
                $aDataCopy['VariantOnGenome/DBID'] = $sDBIDoption;
                if (!lovd_checkDBID($aDataCopy)) {
                if ($sDBIDoptionSymbol == $sDBIDnewSymbol && $sDBIDoptionNumber < $sDBIDnewNumber && $sDBIDoptionNumber != '000000') {
                    // If the symbol of the option is the same, but the number is lower (not including 000000), take it.
                    $sDBID = $sDBIDoption;
                } elseif ($sDBIDoptionSymbol != $sDBIDnewSymbol && isset($aGenes) && in_array($sDBIDoptionSymbol, $aGenes)) {
                    // If the symbol of the option is different and is one of the genes of the variant you are editing/creating, take it.
                    $sDBID = $sDBIDoption;
                } elseif (substr($sDBIDnewSymbol, 0, 3) == 'chr' && substr($sDBIDoptionSymbol, 0, 3) != 'chr') {
                    // If the symbol of the option is not a chromosome, but the current DBID is, take it.
                    $sDBID = $sDBIDoption;
        if (substr($sDBID, 0, 3) == 'chr' && !empty($aGenes) || $sDBID == 'chr' . $aData['chromosome'] . '_999999') {
            // Either this variant has a DBID with chr, but also a VOT that we want to change to, or
            // no entries found with these combinations and a DBID, so we are going to use the gene symbol
            // (or chromosome if there is no gene) and take the first number available to make a DBID.
            // Query for getting the first available number for the new DBID.
            if (empty($aGenes)) {
                // No genes, simple query only on TABLE_VARIANTS.
                // 2013-02-28; 3.0-03; By querying the chromosome also we sped up this query from 0.43s to 0.09s when having 1M variants.
                // NOTE: By adding an index on `VariantOnGenome/DBID` this query time can be reduced to 0.00s because of the LIKE on the DBID field.
                $sSymbol = 'chr' . $aData['chromosome'];
                $nDBIDnewNumber = $_DB->query('SELECT IFNULL(RIGHT(MAX(`VariantOnGenome/DBID`), 6), 0) + 1 FROM ' . TABLE_VARIANTS . ' AS vog WHERE vog.chromosome = ? AND `VariantOnGenome/DBID` LIKE ? AND `VariantOnGenome/DBID` REGEXP ?', array($aData['chromosome'], $sSymbol . '\\_%', '^' . $sSymbol . '_[0-9]{6}$'))->fetchColumn();
            } else {
                // 2013-02-28; 3.0-03; By using INNER JOIN to VOT and T and placing a WHERE on t.geneid we sped up this query from 0.45s to 0.00s when having 1M variants.
                $sSymbol = $aGenes[0];
                $nDBIDnewNumber = $_DB->query('SELECT IFNULL(RIGHT(MAX(`VariantOnGenome/DBID`), 6), 0) + 1 FROM ' . TABLE_VARIANTS . ' AS vog INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_VARIANTS_ON_TRANSCRIPTS . ' AS vot USING (id) INNER JOIN ' . TABLE_TRANSCRIPTS . ' AS t ON (vot.transcriptid = WHERE t.geneid = ? AND `VariantOnGenome/DBID` REGEXP ?', array($sSymbol, '^' . $sSymbol . '_[0-9]{6}$'))->fetchColumn();
            $sDBID = $sSymbol . '_' . sprintf('%06d', $nDBIDnewNumber);
        return $sDBID;
    } else {
        return false;