<?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); if (isset($_GET['i']) && isset($_GET['t'])) { // track plugin install file_put_contents("../data/" . date("Y-W") . ".log", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "," . lookupGeoLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "," . $_GET['t'] . "," . $_GET['i'] . "," . $_GET['r'] . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } else { if (isset($_GET['o']) && $_GET['o'] != '') { // optout existing plugins foreach (split(",", $_GET['o']) as $data) { $line = split(":", $data); file_put_contents("../data/" . date("Y-W") . ".log", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "," . lookupGeoLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "," . $line[0] . "," . $line[1] . ",\r\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } } // get current market $data = getcwd() . '/../data'; $ip = array(); $country = array(); $type = array(); $ext = array(); foreach (scandir($data) as $name) { if ($name == '.' || $name == '..' || $name == '.htaccess') { continue; } if (is_file($data . '/' . $name)) { $file = fopen($data . '/' . $name, 'r'); while (!feof($file)) { $line = split(",", fgets($file)); if (!in_array($line[0], $ip)) { array_push($ip, $line[0]); if (!array_key_exists(strtoupper($line[1]), $country)) {
function createAccount() { if (!$this->init) return false; if (!$_REQUEST['email']) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'value_error', 'error_message' => 'Missing email address' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } if (!$this->checkEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'value_error', 'error_message' => 'Invalid email address' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } if (!$_REQUEST['password']) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'value_error', 'error_message' => 'Missing password' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } if (!$_REQUEST['display_name']) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'value_error', 'error_message' => 'Missing display name' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } $username=strtolower(trim($_REQUEST['username'])); if (!preg_match("/^[1-9a-z][0-9a-z_.-]{2,64}[0-9a-z]$/",$username)) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'value_error', 'error_message' => 'The username must contain at least 4 lowercase alpha-numeric . _ or - characters and must start and end with a positive digit or letter' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } $sip_address=$username.'@'.$this->sipDomain; if ($this->create_customer && !$_REQUEST['owner']) { // create owner id $customerEngine = 'customers@'.$this->customerEngine; $this->CustomerSoapEngine = new SoapEngine($customerEngine,$this->soapEngines,$this->customerLoginCredentials); $_customer_class = $this->CustomerSoapEngine->records_class; $this->customerRecords = new $_customer_class($this->CustomerSoapEngine); $this->customerRecords->html=false; $properties=$this->customerRecords->setInitialCredits(array('sip_credit' => 1, 'sip_alias_credit' => 1, 'email_credit' => 1 ) ); if (preg_match("/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/",$_REQUEST['display_name'],$m)) { $firstName = $m[1]; $lastName = $m[2]; } else { $firstName = $_REQUEST['display_name']; $lastName = 'Blink'; } $this->log_action("Create owner account ($firstname $lastname) "); $timezone=$_REQUEST['tzinfo']; if (!in_array($timezone, $this->timezones)) { $timezone=$this->default_timezone; } $location = lookupGeoLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $customer=array( 'firstName' => $firstName, 'lastName' => $lastName, 'timezone' => $timezone, 'password' => trim($_REQUEST['password']), 'email' => trim($_REQUEST['email']), 'country' => $location['country_code'], 'state' => $location['region'], 'city' => $location['city'], 'properties' => $properties ); if ($this->customer_belongs_to_reseller) { $customer['reseller'] =intval($this->reseller); } if ($location['country_code'] == 'NL') { $customer['tel'] = '+31999999999'; } else if ($location['country_code'] == 'US') { $customer['tel'] = sprintf ("+1%s9999999",$location['area_code']); } else { $customer['tel'] = '+19999999999'; } $_customer_created=false; $j=0; while ($j < 3) { $username.=RandomString(4); $customer['username']=$username; if (!$result = $this->customerRecords->addRecord($customer)) { if ($this->customerRecords->SoapEngine->exception->errorcode != "5001") { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => 'failed to create non-duplicate customer entry' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } } else { $_customer_created=true; break; } $j++; } if (!$_customer_created) { if ($this->sipRecords->soap_error_description) { $_msg=$this->sipRecords->soap_error_description; } else { $_msg='failed to create customer account'; } $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => $_msg ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } else { $this->log_action("Owner account created (". $customer['username'].")"); } $owner=$result->id; if (!$owner) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => 'failed to obtain a new owner id' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } else { $this->log_action("Owner id is $owner (". $customer['username'].")"); } } else if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['owner']) && $_REQUEST['owner'] != 0 ) { $owner=intval($_REQUEST['owner']); } else { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => 'no owner information provided' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } // create SIP Account $sipEngine = 'sip_accounts@'.$this->sipEngine; $this->SipSoapEngine = new SoapEngine($sipEngine,$this->soapEngines,$this->sipLoginCredentials); $_sip_class = $this->SipSoapEngine->records_class; $this->sipRecords = new $_sip_class($this->SipSoapEngine); $this->sipRecords->html=false; $sip_properties[]=array('name'=> 'ip', 'value' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $sip_properties[]=array('name'=> 'registration_email', 'value' => $_REQUEST['email']); $languages=array("en","ro","nl","es","de"); if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])){ if (in_array($_REQUEST['lang'],$languages)) { $sip_properties[]=array('name'=> 'language', 'value' => $_REQUEST['lang']); } } if (strlen($timezone)) { $sip_properties[]=array('name'=> 'timezone', 'value' => $timezone); } if (strlen($user_agent)) { $sip_properties[]=array('name'=> 'user_agent', 'value' => trim(urldecode($user_agent))); } $sipAccount = array('account' => $sip_address, 'fullname' => $_REQUEST['display_name'], 'email' => $_REQUEST['email'], 'password' => $_REQUEST['password'], 'timezone' => $timezone, 'prepaid' => $this->prepaid, 'pstn' => $this->allow_pstn, 'quota' => $this->quota, 'owner' => intval($owner), 'groups' => $this->groups, 'properties'=> $sip_properties ); $this->log_action("Create SIP account ($sip_addres)"); if (!$result = $this->sipRecords->addRecord($sipAccount)) { if ($this->sipRecords->SoapEngine->exception->errorstring) { if ($this->sipRecords->SoapEngine->exception->errorcode == 1011) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'user_exists', 'error_message' => $this->sipRecords->SoapEngine->exception->errorstring ); } else { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => $this->sipRecords->SoapEngine->exception->errorstring ); } } else { $_msg='failed to create sip account'; $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => $_msg ); } print (json_encode($return)); $_dictionary=array('customer'=>intval($owner), 'error' => 'internal_error', 'confirm' => true ); $this->customerRecords->deleteRecord($_dictionary); return false; } else { $sip_address=$result->id->username.'@'.$result->id->domain; $this->log_action("SIP account created ($sip_address)"); if ($this->create_certificate) { if (!$passport = $this->generateCertificate($sip_address,$_REQUEST['email'],$_REQUEST['password'])) { $return=array('success' => false, 'error' => 'internal_error', 'error_message' => 'failed to generate certificate' ); print (json_encode($return)); return false; } } // Generic code for all sip settings pages if ($this->create_voicemail || $this->send_email_notification) { if ($SipSettings = new $this->sipClass($sip_address,$this->sipLoginCredentials,$this->soapEngines)) { if ($this->create_voicemail) { // Add voicemail account $this->log_action("Add voicemail account ($sip_address)"); $SipSettings->addVoicemail(); $SipSettings->setVoicemailDiversions(); } if ($this->send_email_notification) { // Sent account settings by email $SipSettings->sendEmail('hideHtml'); } } } if ($this->create_email_alias) { $this->log_action("Add email alias ($sip_address)"); $emailEngine = 'email_aliases@'.$this->emailEngine; $this->EmailSoapEngine = new SoapEngine($emailEngine,$this->soapEngines,$this->sipLoginCredentials); $_email_class = $this->EmailSoapEngine->records_class; $this->emailRecords = new $_email_class($this->EmailSoapEngine); $this->emailRecords->html=false; $emailAlias = array('name' => strtolower($sip_address), 'type' => 'MBOXFW', 'owner' => intval($owner), 'value' => $_REQUEST['email'] ); $this->emailRecords->addRecord($emailAlias); } $return=array('success' => true, 'sip_address' => $sip_address, 'email' => $result->email, 'settings_url' => $this->settings_url, 'outbound_proxy' => $this->outbound_proxy ); if ($this->create_certificate) { $return['passport'] = $passport; } if ($this->ldap_hostname) { $return['ldap_hostname'] = $this->ldap_hostname; } if ($this->ldap_dn) { $return['ldap_dn'] = $this->ldap_dn; } if ($this->msrp_relay) { $return['msrp_relay'] = $this->msrp_relay; } if ($this->xcap_root) { $return['xcap_root'] = $this->xcap_root; } if ($this->conference_server) { $return['conference_server'] = $this->conference_server; } print (json_encode($return)); return true; } }
$tmp['commit']['sha'] = $commits[0]['sha']; $tmp['commit']['url'] = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Codiad/Codiad/commits/' . $commits[0]['sha']; array_unshift($tags, $tmp); } // translate sha into tag name foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($_GET['v'] == $tag["commit"]["sha"]) { $_GET['v'] = $tag["name"]; break; } } $all = json_encode($tags); echo $all; if (!isset($_GET['s'])) { // Dumping statistics for testing purposes file_put_contents("data/" . date("Y-W") . ".log", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "," . lookupGeoLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "," . $_GET['p'] . "," . $_GET['o'] . "," . $_GET['v'] . "," . $_GET['w'] . "," . $_GET['a'] . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MISSING PARAMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { $err_out['error'] = "URL is missing params"; echo json_encode($err_out); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COUNTRY LOOKUP ////////////////////////////////////////////////// function lookupGeoLocation($ip) { $info = file_get_contents("http://who.is/whois-ip/ip-address/{$ip}"); list($a, $b) = explode('country: ', $info);