function page_exists() { global $page_array, $special; return !$page_array["isspecial"] && $page_array["isreal"]; } function page_lastupdate() { global $page_array; return $page_array["lastupdate"] ? nicetime(time() - $page_array["lastupdate"]) . " ago" : ""; } function def($a, $b) { return $a ? $a : $b; } $page_link = $pages_dir . $page_array["slug"]; $iseditting = $action == "edit" && login_is(); $page_title = def($page_array["title"], $page_array["slug"]); ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $page_title; ?> - JakeMadeThis</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/p/base.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/p/scripts.js"></script> <?php if ($iseditting || $action == "view" || $action == "delete" || $action == "rename") { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> onload = function(){ if(edit=document.getElementById("editform"))window.scrollTo(0,edit.offsetTop); }
$page_array["tags"] = array_place('$v[tag]', $db->select_rows("SELECT tag FROM pages_tags WHERE slug='{$page_escape}' ORDER BY tag")); } // Get all child pages $page_array["childs"] = $db->select_rows("SELECT pages.slug, pages.title, pages.excerpt\n\t\t FROM pages, pages_tags\n\t\t WHERE pages.slug = pages_tags.slug AND pages_tags.tag = '{$page_escape}'\n\t\t ORDER BY pages.title"); if ($page == "home") { $page_array["blogposts"] = $db->select_rows("SELECT slug,title,excerpt,created FROM blog ORDER BY created DESC"); } else { // Get any blog posts tagged to this page $page_array["blogposts"] = $db->select_rows("SELECT blog.slug, blog.title, blog.excerpt, blog.created\n\t\t\tFROM blog, pages_tags\n\t\t\tWHERE blog.slug = pages_tags.slug AND pages_tags.tag = '{$page_escape}'\n\t\t\tORDER BY blog.created DESC"); } /// Actions to perform on page /////////////////// // ACTION : view if ($action == "view") { // This lets anyone view the source of the page. // Handle that in the output PHP, but do nothing here } elseif ($action != "" && !login_is()) { $messages[] = "You're not <a href=\"/php/login.php?redirect={$pages_dir}{$page}%3Fedit\" rel=\"nofollow\">logged in</a>, silly"; } elseif ($action == "delete") { // We can delete pages. A confirmation button is needed to make it // harder to accidently delete pages // Error and skip down is the page doesn't even exist if (!$page_array["isreal"]) { $messages[] = "This page doesn't exist in the database"; } elseif (isset($_POST["confirm"])) { // Do the page deletion $result = $db->query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE slug='{$page_escape}'"); if (!$result) { $messages[] = "<small>" . mysql_error() . "</small>"; } elseif (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { $messages[] = "Didn't affect any rows. This is odd behaviour."; } else {