function confirm_logged_in() { if (!logged_in()) { header("Location:handler.php?not=1"); exit; } }
public function submit() { $this->data['page']['title'] = "Submit new news story"; $this->data['current_segment'] = "submit"; if ($this->form_validation->run('story') !== FALSE) { if (logged_in()) { $title = $this->input->post('title'); $slug = url_title($this->input->post('title'), '-', TRUE); $link = $this->input->post('link', ''); $text = nl2br($this->input->post('text', '')); $field_data = array('user_id' => current_user_id(), 'title' => $title, 'slug' => $slug, 'external_link' => $link, 'description' => $text, 'upvotes' => 1); $insert = $this->story->insert($field_data); if ($insert) { $this->load->model('user/user_model', 'user'); $this->user->add_story_vote_record(current_user_id(), $this->db->insert_id()); $this->user->increment_submission_count(current_user_id()); $this->session->set_flashdata('success', lang('submission_success')); redirect('stories/new'); } } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('submission_login')); redirect(base_url()); } } else { $this->parser->parse('add', $this->data); } }
function edit() { $data = array('page_title' => 'Inn Strategy : Password Change'); $this->load->vars($data); $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->helper('html'); $this->load->library('form_validation'); if (logged_in()) { $this->form_validation->set_rules('Password', 'Password', 'trim|required|matches[ConfirmPassword]|min_length[4]|max_length[12]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('ConfirmPassword', 'Password Confirmation', 'trim|required'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->load->view('header_user'); $this->load->view('auth/change_password'); $this->load->view('footer_std'); } else { $this->update_password($_POST['Password']); $data['msg'] = "<p><strong>Your login Password has been successfully changed.</strong></p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>You will receive a confirmation email shortly.</p>"; $this->load->vars($data); $this->load->view('header_user'); $this->load->view('auth/change_password'); $this->load->view('footer_std'); } } else { $this->auth->login(); } }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (!logged_in()) { return redirect()->to('login'); } return $next($request); }
public function login() { if ($this->form_validation->run('login') !== FALSE) { $username = $this->input->post('username'); $password = $this->input->post('password'); if ($this->wolfauth->login($username, $password)) { redirect('admin/dashboard'); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->wolfauth->auth_errors()); $this->parser->parse('login', $this->data); } } else { if (logged_in() && !is_admin()) { set_flashdata("error", lang('no_permission')); redirect('/'); } if (!logged_in()) { $this->parser->parse('admin/login.tpl', $this->data); return; } // If we are logged in and admin, redirect if (logged_in() && is_admin()) { redirect('admin/dashboard'); } } }
function refresh_session() { if (logged_in()) { $time = time(); $_SESSION['refresh_time'] = $time; } }
function protect_page() { if (logged_in() === false) { header("Location:login.php"); exit; } }
function protect_page() { if (logged_in() === false) { header('Location: protected.php'); exit; } }
function user($field = false, $forced_user = false) { static $user = false; $users = \ui\config('auth2_users'); if ($forced_user !== false) { $user = $forced_user; return true; } if ($user === false) { if ($user = logged_in()) { $user = $users[$user]; unset($user['password']); } else { $user = $users['guest']; } } if ($field === false) { return $user; } if (isset($user[$field])) { return $user[$field]; } else { return false; } }
function confirm_logged_in() { $logged = logged_in(); if ($logged == FALSE) { redirect_to("login.php"); } }
public function __init() { $this->user = logged_in() ? Visitor::current()->login : "******"; $this->path = INCLUDES_DIR . "/caches/" . sanitize($this->user); $this->caches = INCLUDES_DIR . "/caches"; $this->url = self_url(); $this->file = $this->path . "/" . md5($this->url) . ".html"; # If the cache directory is not writable, disable this module and cancel execution. if (!is_writable($this->caches)) { cancel_module("cacher"); } # Prepare actions that should result in new cache files. $this->prepare_cache_updaters(); # Remove all expired files. $this->remove_expired(); $config = Config::current(); $config->cache_exclude = (array) $config->cache_exclude; if (!empty($config->cache_exclude)) { foreach ($config->cache_exclude as &$exclude) { if (substr($exclude, 7) != "http://") { $exclude = $config->url . "/" . ltrim($exclude, "/"); } } } }
function verify_session() { if (!logged_in()) { header("Location:"); exit; } }
function verify_session() { if (!logged_in()) { session_msg("Debe iniciar sesion para ingresar"); header("Location:../index.php"); exit; } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { echo "Logged in!"; } else { echo "Not logged baby"; } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { $this->ag_auth->view('user/dashboard_view'); } else { $this->ag_auth->view('login'); } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { $this->ag_auth->view('dashboard'); } else { $this->login(); } }
function nav_print() { if (logged_in()) { nav_logged(); } else { nav_not_logged(); } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { $this->ag_auth->view('home'); } else { $this->ag_auth->view('home'); } }
function list_verify() { if (logged_in() != TRUE) { //echo 'You are not logged in'; direct('login.php', 0); //echo 'hih'; } }
function login_required() { if (logged_in()) { return true; } else { header('Location: login.php'); } }
function protect_page() { //Skyddar sidan från besökare som inte är inloggade if (logged_in() === false) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } }
public function showForgotPassword() { $this->pageSetting(['title' => 'ลืมรหัสผ่าน | MEA FUND']); if (logged_in()) { return redirect()->to('/'); } return view('frontend.pages.forgotpassword'); }
/** * If user is not logged in, display a * message and exit the page cleanly * @gloabl $mysqli MySQL databse connection object **/ function login_protect() { global $mysqli; if (!logged_in()) { output("You must be logged in to view this page!"); include "./footer.php"; exit; } }
function login_required() { if (logged_in()) { return true; } else { header('Location: ' . DIRADMIN . 'login.php'); exit; } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { echo "Logged in!"; } else { echo "Not logged baby"; $this->load->view('users/login', array()); } }
public function index() { if (logged_in()) { $this->data['information'] = $this->edit_my_profile->getInfo(); $this->ag_auth->view('teacher/editprofile', $this->data); } else { $this->login(); } }
function check_user_permissions() { if (logged_in()) { return true; } else { flashmsg('You must be logged in to access this', 'error'); redirect('auth/login'); } }
function confirm_admin_logged_in() { if (!admin_logged_in()) { if (logged_in()) { redirect_to("index.php?admin=0"); } else { redirect_to("index.php"); } } }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (!logged_in()) { return redirect()->to('admin/login'); } if (!in_array(get_user_group(), Config::get('mea.admin_groups'))) { return redirect()->to('admin/login'); } return $next($request); }
function information_field_tag($field) { global $user, $current_user; $value = $user[$field]; if (logged_in() && $current_user["id"] === $user["id"]) { return "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$field}\" value=\"{$value}\" form=\"update_prof\" \\>"; } else { return $user["{$field}"]; } }