<?php mongo_connect(config('mongodb.host'), config('mongodb.db')); log_open();
function echo_msg_flush($msg) { echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . 'log_write( \'' . str_replace(array('\'', "\n", "\r"), array('"', "", ""), $msg) . '\');' . '</script>'; for ($k = 0; $k < 50000; $k++) { echo ' '; } echo PHP_EOL; } // Turn off output buffering ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 36000); ini_set('max_execution_time', 36000); $words = explode(PHP_EOL, "guerra\ncombattere\nsanguinoso"); $request = new JentiRequestWiktionary($config); $jenti_word = new JentiWord($config); ob_implicit_flush(TRUE); $log = log_open(); foreach ($words as $word) { $word_array = $request->get_word($word); if ($request->error) { echo_msg_flush($request->error); log_writeln($log, $request->error); continue; } foreach ($word_array as $word_info) { $jenti_word->add_word_and_definitions($word_info); if (!$jenti_word->error) { echo_msg_flush(print_r($word_info, true)); log_writeln($log, print_r($word_info, true)); } if ($jenti_word->error) { echo_msg_flush($jenti_word->error);
Quickbooks Import QBI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quickbooks Import QBI; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ if (isset($stage) and $stage == 'process' and isset($engine) and $engine == 'orders') { if (!isset($qbimported)) { $qbimported = 0; } // Open log file if (QBI_LOG == 1) { $loghandle = log_open("orders"); } if (QBI_LOG == 1) { $log = log_head(); } // Determine default language id $language_id_default = get_language_id(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); if (QBI_LOG == 1) { $log .= log_lang($language_id_default); } // Add config info to log if (QBI_LOG == 1) { $log .= log_config(); } // Update prior orders if ($qbimported == 0) {
function log_write($text) { $reglog = $GLOBALS['reglog']; @fwrite($reglog, $text); } function log_open() { $reglog = fopen('/domains/jongereninspiratiedag.nl/DEFAULT/specials/registerlog.txt', 'a+'); return $reglog; } function log_close() { $reglog = $GLOBALS['reglog']; @fclose($reglog); } $reglog = log_open(); #error_reporting(E_ALL); // E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE #ini_set('display_errors', 1); function payment_costs($ticket) { $costs = 0; if ($ticket == 'dag') { $costs = '10,-'; } elseif ($ticket == 'overnacht') { $costs = '7,50'; } elseif ($ticket == 'dag_overnacht') { $costs = '12,50'; } return $costs; } function set_register_state(&$user, &$register_state, $state)