function globalSchemas($gid) { if ($gid == 440 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_440'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_440'] = array('schema' => localSchema(), 'prices' => localPriceList(), 'est' => local_global_whitelist()); } if ($gid == 730 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_730'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_730'] = schema_730(); } if ($gid == 570 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_570'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_570']['schema'] = schema_570(); } }
function userList($cursor, $input) { $userList = array(); foreach ($cursor as $document) { array_push($userList, $document['_id']); } $upToDateUserData = checkCurrentUserData($userList); //print_r_html($upToDateUserData); if ($upToDateUserData === 0) { echo "could not get updated data due to steam servers.<br>"; } $allSchema = localSchema(); $allItemValues = localPriceList(); $gameList = loadgames(); echo '<table><thead></thead><tbody>'; echo '<tr><td>user data</td><td>Reserve</td><td>Last Online</td><td>Last Updated</td><td>Items</td></tr>'; foreach ($cursor as $user) { $f2pstate = ""; if ($upToDateUserData != 0) { $userStateNames = array(0 => 'Offline', 1 => 'Online', 2 => 'Busy', 3 => 'Away', 4 => 'Snooze', 5 => 'looking to trade', 6 => 'looking to play'); if (isset($upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['gameid'])) { $current_state = '<span class=game>' . getGameName($upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['gameid'], $gameList) . '</span>'; } else { if (isset($upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['personastate']) && $upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['personastate'] != 0) { $current_state = '<span class=off>' . $userStateNames[$upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['personastate']] . '</span>'; } else { if (isset($upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['lastlogoff'])) { $current_state = date('d', $upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['lastlogoff']) . ' ' . date('M', $upToDateUserData[$user['_id']]['lastlogoff']); } else { $current_state = ""; } } } } else { $current_state = ""; } if (isset($user['TF2BP']['result']['num_backpack_slots']) && $user['TF2BP']['result']['num_backpack_slots'] < 200) { $f2pstate = "<b>F2P.</b>"; } $lastScanned = date('d', $user['recent']) . ' ' . date('M', $user['recent']); echo profileBlockArea($user, 440, $user['hrs']) . '<td><form action=""><input type="submit" name="' . $user['_id'] . '" value="' . ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/dblist.php' ? 'un' : '') . 'reserve"/></form></td>' . '<td>' . $current_state . '</td><td>' . $lastScanned . '</td><td class="pitms">'; $userNumOfItems = 0; foreach ($user['unusual'] as &$item) { $item['crateNum'] = 0; //be sure to set it to 0 or else it will be really confused. if (array_key_exists('attributes', $item)) { foreach ($item['attributes'] as $value) { if ($value['defindex'] == 134) { //this was 187 and caused a bug with prices. $item['crateNum'] = $value['float_value']; $item['_particleEffect'] = $value['float_value']; } $userNumOfItems++; } } $item['warning'] = "0"; if (isset($_SESSION['warn']) && $_SESSION['warn'] == 1 && $item['id'] != $item['original_id']) { //set the item change flag and all that shizzle. $item['warning'] = ' Item ID is different than original ID.'; } item_prepare($item); item_price($item); if ((!isset($input['defindex']) || in_array($item['defindex'], $input['defindex'])) && (!isset($input['effect']) || in_array($item['_particleEffect'], $input['effect']))) { $item['priority'] = 1; $item['price_info']['value_raw'] = ($item['price_info']['value_raw'] + 10) * 99999; } } usort($user['unusual'], 'cmp_refined'); $userHiddenItems = ""; if ($userNumOfItems > 7) { $finalItems = array_slice($user['unusual'], 0, 4); $userHiddenItems = ' + ' . ($userNumOfItems - 4) . ' more unusuals.'; } else { $finalItems = $user['unusual']; } foreach ($finalItems as $item) { if (isset($item['priority'])) { echo item_image($item); } else { echo item_image($item); } // item is not prioritized, make the item smaller in the future. } echo $userHiddenItems . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }