function correct_loader_wrong_location() { $loader_location_pair = array(); $loader_location = find_loader_filesystem(); if (is_string($loader_location)) { $loader_errors = loader_compatibility_test($loader_location); if (empty($loader_errors)) { $ini_loader = scan_inis_for_loader(); if (!empty($ini_loader['location'])) { $ini_loader_errors = loader_compatibility_test($ini_loader['location']); if (!empty($ini_loader_errors)) { $loader_location_pair['loader'] = $loader_location; $loader_location_pair['newloc'] = dirname($ini_loader['location']); } } else { $std_dir = loader_install_dir(find_server_type()); $std_ld_path = $std_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_loader_name(); if (@file_exists($std_ld_path)) { $stdloc_loader_errors = loader_compatibility_test($std_ld_path); } else { $stdloc_loader_errors = array("Loader file does not exist."); } if (!empty($stdloc_loader_errors)) { $loader_location_pair['loader'] = $loader_location; $loader_location_pair['newloc'] = $std_dir; } } } } return $loader_location_pair; }
function list_loader_errors() { $errors = array(); $loader_loc = find_loader(); $self = get_self(); if (is_string($loader_loc)) { $errors = loader_compatibility_test($loader_loc); } else { $errors = $loader_loc; } if (!empty($errors)) { $try_again = '<a href="#" onClick="window.location.href=window.location.href">try again</a>'; if (count($errors) > 1) { $retry_message = "Please correct those errors and {$try_again}."; echo 'The following problems have been found with the Loader installation:'; } else { $retry_message = "Please correct that error and {$try_again}."; echo 'The following problem has been found with the Loader installation:'; } echo make_list($errors, "ul"); echo $retry_message; } echo " You may wish to view the following for further help:"; echo make_list(help_resources($errors), "ul"); echo '<a href="' . $self . '">Click here to go back to the start of the Loader Wizard</a>.<br>'; }
function ini_loader_errors() { $errors = array(); $loader_loc = find_loader(); if (is_string($loader_loc)) { if (!shared_and_runtime_loading()) { $sys = get_sysinfo(); if (empty($sys['PHP_INI'])) { $errors[ERROR_INI_NO_PATH] = 'No file path found for the PHP configuration file (php.ini).'; } elseif (!file_exists($sys['PHP_INI'])) { $errors[ERROR_INI_NOT_FOUND] = 'The PHP configuration file (' . $sys['PHP_INI'] .') cannot be found.'; } } $errors = array_merge($errors,loader_compatibility_test($loader_loc)); } else { $errors = $loader_loc; } return $errors; }