echo '<option value="" class="description">--- ' . $lang['comm_all_dates'] . ' ---</option>'; foreach ($comments_timestamps as $key => $value) { $sel = isset($_GET['d']) && $value == $_GET['d'] ? ' selected="selected" class="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $sel . '>' . $lang['month'][date('n', $key)] . ' ' . date('Y', $key) . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<select name="p">'; echo '<option value="" class="description">--- ' . $lang['comm_all_posts'] . ' ---</option>'; foreach ($posts as $key => $value) { $sel = isset($_GET['p']) && $key == $_GET['p'] ? ' selected="selected" class="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $sel . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<select name="a">'; echo '<option value="" class="description">--- ' . $lang['comm_all_authors'] . ' ---</option>'; $mn_users = load_basic_data('users'); foreach ($c_authors as $ca_id) { $sel = isset($_GET['a']) && $ca_id == $_GET['a'] ? ' selected="selected" class="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $ca_id . '"' . $sel . '>' . $mn_users[$ca_id] . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<select name="i">'; echo '<option value="" class="description">--- ' . $lang['comm_all_ip_addresses'] . ' ---</option>'; foreach ($c_ips as $c_ip) { $sel = isset($_GET['i']) && $c_ip == $_GET['i'] ? ' selected="selected" class="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $c_ip . '"' . $sel . '>' . $c_ip . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<select name="s">'; echo '<option value="" class="description">--- ' . $lang['comm_all_statuses'] . ' ---</option>'; $c_statuses = array(1, 2, 3, 5);
<?php include './stuff/inc/mn-start.php'; $auth = user_auth('9'); $t_groups = array(); $t_groups = load_basic_data('templates_groups'); // compatibility issue for MNews version 2.2.0 and lower if (!file_exists(MN_ROOT . $dir['templates'] . 'mn_default_19.html')) { mn_put_contents(MN_ROOT . $dir['templates'] . 'mn_default_19.html', $default_template[19]); } if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'add') { $admin_tmpl['tmpl_add_step_1'] = true; $main_types = array(); foreach ($templates as $i) { if (file_exists($dir['templates'] . 'mn_default_' . $i . '.html')) { continue; } else { $main_types[$i] = $lang['tmpl_tmpl_type_' . $i]; } } if (isset($_GET['back']) && $_GET['back'] == 'exists') { overall_header($lang['tmpl_add_template'], $lang['tmpl_msg_tmpl_group_exists'], 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['back']) && $_GET['back'] == 'empty') { overall_header($lang['tmpl_add_template'], $lang['tmpl_msg_tmpl_group_empty'], 'error'); } else { overall_header($lang['tmpl_add_template'], $lang['tmpl_add_template'] . ' » ' . $lang['tmpl_step'] . ' 1/3', 'main'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'add' && $_POST['step'] == '1') { if ($_POST['group_mode'] == '1' && $_POST['tmpl_group'] == '0') { $tg_name = 'mn_default'; } elseif ($_POST['group_mode'] == '1' && $_POST['tmpl_group'] != '0') {
" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="labels vatt"><label for="description"><?php echo $lang['files_description']; ?> :</label></td> <td class="inputs"><textarea name="description" id="description" cols="40" rows="5"><?php echo $var['description']; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($var['dir'] == 'images' && file_exists(MN_ROOT . $file['galleries'])) { $galleries = load_basic_data('galleries'); $var['galleries_array'] = explode(',', $var['galleries']); if (!empty($galleries)) { echo '<div id="galleries" class="round">'; echo '<strong>' . $lang['galleries_galleries'] . '</strong>'; echo '<ul class="galleries">'; foreach ($galleries as $gal_id => $gal_name) { $checked = !empty($var['galleries']) && in_array($gal_id, $var['galleries_array']) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; echo '<li><input type="checkbox" name="galleries[]" id="gal_' . $gal_id . '" value="' . $gal_id . '"' . $checked . ' /> <label for="gal_' . $gal_id . '">' . $gal_name . '</label></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } } ?> </p> <input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php
if (isset($mn_mode) && $mn_mode == 'news') { $mn_lock = 'news'; } elseif (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'rss') { $mn_mode = 'rss'; } elseif (isset($_GET['mn_gallery']) && is_numeric($_GET['mn_gallery']) && !isset($mn_mode) && empty($mn_cat) && empty($mn_page_int)) { $mn_mode = 'gallery'; $mn_gallery = (int) $_GET['mn_gallery']; } # check page number if (!isset($_GET['mn_p']) || !is_numeric($_GET['mn_p']) || $_GET['mn_p'] <= 0) { $_GET['mn_p'] = 1; } # --- Categories menu if (isset($mn_mode) && $mn_mode == 'menu') { if (file_exists(MN_ROOT . $file['categories'])) { $cats = load_basic_data('categories'); if (isset($mn_menu_tmpl)) { $menu_tmpl = $mn_menu_tmpl; $mn_menu = ''; $posts_count = get_posts_count(); } else { $menu_tmpl = "\t\t\t<li>{ITEM}</li>\n"; $mn_menu = "\n\n\t\t<ul class=\"mn-menu\" id=\"mn-cat-menu\">\n"; $posts_count = array(); } // unshift item at the beginning if (isset($mn_menu_unshift)) { if (is_array($mn_menu_unshift)) { foreach ($mn_menu_unshift as $n => $unshift_item) { $mn_menu .= str_ireplace('{ITEM}', $unshift_item, $menu_tmpl); }
?> <span class="required">*</span></label></td> <td class="inputs"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="text" value="<?php echo isset($var['email']) ? $var['email'] : ''; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="labels"><label for="group"><img src="./stuff/img/icons/group.png" alt="" width="16" height="16" /> <?php echo $lang['users_group']; ?> <span class="required">*</span></label></td> <td class="inputs"><select name="group" id="group" class="custom long"> <?php $groups = load_basic_data('groups'); foreach ($groups as $group_id => $group_name) { $sel = isset($var['group']) && $group_id == $var['group'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $group_id . '"' . $sel . '>' . $group_name . '</option>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="labels"><label for="pass1"><img src="./stuff/img/icons/key.png" alt="" width="16" height="16" /> <?php echo $lang['users_password']; if ($var['action'] == 'add') { echo ' <span class="required">*</span>'; } ?>
<?php include './stuff/inc/mn-start.php'; $admin_tmpl['galleries_main'] = true; $admin_tmpl['code'] = false; $galleries = file_exists($file['galleries']) ? load_basic_data('galleries') : array(); $files_count = get_files_count(); if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'ajaxcall') { if (isset($_GET['gallery_name']) && !empty($_GET['gallery_name']) && !in_array($_GET['gallery_name'], $galleries)) { if (file_exists($file['galleries'])) { $galleries_file = file($file['galleries']); $galleries_file_lines = ''; foreach ($galleries_file as $single_line) { $gallery_data = explode(DELIMITER, $single_line); if (substr($gallery_data[0], 0, 2) == '<?') { $auto_increment_id = trim($gallery_data[1]); } else { $galleries_file_lines .= $single_line; } } } else { $auto_increment_id = 1; $galleries_file_lines = ''; } $galleries_file_content = SAFETY_LINE . DELIMITER . ($auto_increment_id + 1) . "\n" . $galleries_file_lines; $galleries_file_content .= $auto_increment_id . DELIMITER . $_GET['gallery_name'] . DELIMITER . friendly_url($_GET['gallery_name']) . "\n"; if (mn_put_contents($file['galleries'], $galleries_file_content)) { echo '<li><input type="checkbox" name="galleries[]" id="gallery-' . $auto_increment_id . '" class="input-gallery" value="' . $auto_increment_id . '" checked="checked" /> <label for="gallery-' . $auto_increment_id . '">' . substr($_GET['gallery_name'], 0, 20) . '</label></li>'; die; } else { echo 'Error MN#44: cannot write to mn-galleries.php file!';
function user_tmpl($id, $template, $url) { global $dir, $file, $conf, $lang; $tmpl_file = file_exists(MN_ROOT . $dir['templates'] . $template . '.html') ? file_get_contents(MN_ROOT . $dir['templates'] . $template . '.html') : file_get_contents(MN_ROOT . $dir['templates'] . DEFAULT_TMPL . '_13.html'); $u = get_values('users', $id); $g = load_basic_data('groups', $u['group']); if (!empty($u['birthdate'])) { $b_items = explode('-', $u['birthdate']); $bday = $b_items[2] . '.' . $b_items[1] . '.' . $b_items[0]; } else { $bday = ''; } $gender = !empty($u['gender']) ? $lang['users_gender_' . $u['gender']] : ''; $posts_count = get_posts_count('users'); $user_posts_count = empty($posts_count[$u['user_id']]) ? '0' : $posts_count[$u['user_id']]; if (isset($u['avatar']) && !empty($u['avatar'])) { list($avatar_file, $avatar_ext, $avatar_width, $avatar_height) = explode(';', $u['avatar']); $avatar = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/' . $dir['avatars'] . $avatar_file . '.' . $avatar_ext . '" class="mn-avatar" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_standard'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_standard'] . '" />'; $avatar_small = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/' . $dir['avatars'] . $avatar_file . '-small.' . $avatar_ext . '" class="mn-avatar-small" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_small'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_small'] . '" />'; $avatar_mini = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/' . $dir['avatars'] . $avatar_file . '-mini.' . $avatar_ext . '" class="mn-avatar-mini" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_mini'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_mini'] . '" />'; } else { $avatar = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/default-avatar.jpg" class="mn-avatar mn-avatar-anonymous" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_standard'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_standard'] . '" />'; $avatar_small = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/default-avatar-small.jpg" class="mn-avatar-small mn-avatar-anonymous" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_small'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_small'] . '" />'; $avatar_mini = '<img src="' . $conf['admin_url'] . '/stuff/img/default-avatar-mini.jpg" class="mn-avatar-mini mn-avatar-anonymous" alt="' . $u['username'] . ' ' . $lang['users_avatar'] . '" width="' . @$conf['users_avatar_mini'] . '" height="' . @$conf['users_avatar_mini'] . '" />'; } $tmpl_search = array('{BIRTHDAY}', '{ABOUT}', '{AVATAR}', '{AVATAR_SMALL}', '{AVATAR_MINI}', '{EMAIL}', '{GENDER}', '{GROUP}', '{ICQ}', '{JABBER}', '{LOCATION}', '{MSN}', '{NICKNAME}', '{OTHER1}', '{OTHER2}', '{POSTS_COUNT}', '{SKYPE}', '{USER_ID}', '{USERNAME}', '{WWW}'); $tmpl_replace = array($bday, $u['about'], $avatar, $avatar_small, $avatar_mini, $u['email'], $gender, $g[$u['group']], $u['icq'], $u['jabber'], $u['location'], $u['msn'], $u['nickname'], $u['other1'], $u['other2'], $user_posts_count, $u['skype'], $u['user_id'], $u['username'], $u['www']); $result = str_ireplace($tmpl_search, $tmpl_replace, $tmpl_file); $result = common_tmpl('0', $result); $result = xfields_tmpl('users', $u['xfields'], $result); return $result; }