function saveRecordHML($filename)
    global $recID, $outFullName;
    $hml = loadRemoteURLContent($filename);
    if ($hml) {
        $xml = new DOMDocument();
        // convert to xml
        if (!$xml) {
            returnXMLErrorMsgPage("unable to generate valid hml for {$filename}");
        } else {
            if ($outFullName) {
                $text = $xml->saveXML();
                $ret = file_put_contents($outFullName, $text);
                if (!$ret) {
                    returnXMLErrorMsgPage("output of {$outFullName} failed to write");
                } else {
                    if ($ret < strlen($text)) {
                        returnXMLErrorMsgPage("output of {$outFullName} wrote {$ret} bytes of " . strlen($text));
                    } else {
                        // success output the contents of the saved file file
                        $text = file_get_contents($outFullName);
                echo $text;
            } else {
                echo $xml->saveXML();
                //should never get here.
				<input id="dbName" name="dbName" type="hidden">
				<input id="dbTitle" name="dbTitle" type="hidden">
				<input id="dbPrefix" name="dbPrefix" type="hidden">
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var registeredDBs = [];
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common/php/dbMySqlWrappers.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../common/config/initialise.php";
// Connect to the current database
// Send request to getRegisteredDBs on the master Heurist index server, to get all registered databases and their URLs
$reg_url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL . "admin/structure/getRegisteredDBs.php?t=11";
$data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url);
if ($data) {
    // If data has been successfully received, write it to a javascript array, leave out own DB if found
    $res = mysql_query("select sys_dbRegisteredID from sysIdentification where `sys_ID`='1'");
    if ($res) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
        $ownDBID = $row[0];
        echo 'var ownDBname = "' . $ownDBID . '";' . "\n";
    } else {
        $ownDBID = 0;
    $data = json_decode($data);
    foreach ($data as $registeredDB) {
        if ($ownDBID != $registeredDB->rec_ID) {
            if (array_key_exists('version', $registeredDB) && ($registeredDB->version == null || $registeredDB->version < HEURIST_DBVERSION)) {
 * @author      Stephen White   
 * @copyright   (C) 2005-2016 University of Sydney
 * @link
 * @version     3.1.0
 * @license GNU License 3.0
 * @package     Heurist academic knowledge management system
 * @subpackage  Viewer/Transforms
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common/connect/applyCredentials.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../records/files/fileUtils.php';
$style = @$_REQUEST['style'];
define("SAVE_URI", "disabled");
if (preg_match("/(http:\\/\\/|\\/)/", $style)) {
    $data = loadRemoteURLContent($style);
    if ($data) {
        header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
        echo $data;
    $handle = fopen($style, "rb");
    $contents = stream_get_contents($handle);
    header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
    echo $contents;
} else {
    if (is_dir(HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR)) {
        if (is_dir(HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR . 'xsl-templates')) {
    //this is request from outside - redirect to master index
    $reg_url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL . "admin/setup/dbproperties/getRegisteredDBs.php?t=11&db=Heurist_Master_Index";
    if ($is_named) {
        $reg_url = $reg_url . '&named=1';
    if ($is_curated) {
        $reg_url = $reg_url . '&curated=1';
    //get json array of registered databases
    $data = loadRemoteURLContentSpecial($reg_url);
    //without proxy
    if ($data) {
        $registeredDBs = json_decode($data);
        if (!is_array($registeredDBs)) {
            if (defined("HEURIST_HTTP_PROXY")) {
                $data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url, false);
                //false = USE PROXY
                if ($data) {
                    $registeredDBs = json_decode($data);
                    if (!is_array($data)) {
                        $registeredDBs = array();
} else {
    // this is a connection on the same server as the master index
    //except specified databases
    if (@$_REQUEST['exclude']) {
				function registerDatabase() {
					$heuristDBname = rawurlencode(HEURIST_DBNAME);
					global $dbID, $dbName, $ownerGrpID, $indexdb_user_id, $usrEmail, $usrPassword, $usrName, $usrFirstName, $usrLastName, $dbDescription;
					$serverURL = HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $heuristDBname;

					$usrEmail = rawurlencode($usrEmail);
					$usrName = rawurlencode($usrName);
					$usrFirstName = rawurlencode($usrFirstName);
					$usrLastName = rawurlencode($usrLastName);
					$usrPassword = rawurlencode($usrPassword);
					$dbDescriptionEncoded = rawurlencode($dbDescription);
					$reg_url =   HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL  . "admin/setup/getNextDBRegistrationID.php" . // TODO: Change to HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL
					"?db=H3MasterIndex&serverURL=" . $serverURL . "&dbReg=" . $heuristDBname . "&dbVer=" . HEURIST_DBVERSION .
					"&dbTitle=" . $dbDescriptionEncoded . "&usrPassword="******"&usrName=" . $usrName . "&usrFirstName=" . $usrFirstName . "&usrLastName=" . $usrLastName . "&usrEmail=".$usrEmail;

					$data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url);

					if ($data) {
						$dbID = intval($data);

					if ($dbID == 0) { // Unable to allocate a new database identifier
						$decodedData = explode(',', $data);
						$errorMsg = $decodedData[0];
						error_log ('registerDB.php had problem allocating a database identifier from the Heurist index, dbID. Error: '.$data);
						$msg = "Problem allocating a database identifier from the Heurist index.\n" .
						"Please contact <a>Heurist developers</a> for advice";
						echo $msg . "<br />";
					} else if($dbID == -1) { // old title update function, should no longer be called
						$res = mysql_query("update sysIdentification set `sys_dbDescription`='$dbDescription' where `sys_ID`='1'");
						echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Database description (updated):</div><div class='input-cell'>". $dbDescription."</div></div>";
					} else { // We have got a new dbID, set the assigned dbID in sysIdentification
						$res = mysql_query("update sysIdentification set `sys_dbRegisteredID`='$dbID', `sys_dbDescription`='$dbDescription' where `sys_ID`='1'");
						if($res) {
							echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Database:</div><div class='input-cell'>".DATABASE."</div></div>";
							echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Registration successful, database ID allocated is</div><div class='input-cell'>" . $dbID . "</div></div>";
							echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'></div><div class='input-cell'>Basic description: " . $dbDescription . "</div></div>";
							$url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL."records/edit/editRecord.html?recID=".$dbID."&db=H3MasterIndex";
							echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Collection metadata:</div><div class='input-cell'>
							<a href=$url target=_blank>Click here to edit</a> (login - if asked - as yourself) </div></div>";
						<script> // automatically call H3MasterIndix metadata edit form for this database"<?=$url?>",'_blank');
						} else {
							error_log ('Unable to write database identification record, dbID is '.$dbID);
							$msg = "<div class=wrap><div id=errorMsg><span>Unable to write database identification record</span>this database might be incorrectly set up<br />Please contact <a>Heurist developers</a> for advice</div></div>";
							echo $msg;
						} // unable to write db identification record
					} // successful new DB ID
				} // registerDatabase()
function loadRemoteFile($filename)
    $file_content = loadRemoteURLContent($filename, true);
    if (!$file_content) {
        returnXMLErrorMsgPage("Error loading remote file '{$filename}'");
    return $file_content;
 * copy file from another h3 instance and register it
 * @param mixed $src_fileid - file id in source db
 * @return int - file id in destionation db, null - if copy and registration are failed
function copyRemoteFile($src_fileid)
    global $sourcedbname, $dbPrefix, $db_prefix;
    $sourcedb = $db_prefix . $sourcedbname;
    $_src_HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $sourcedbname . '/';
    $res = mysql_query("select * from {$sourcedb}.`recUploadedFiles` where ulf_ID=" . $src_fileid);
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 1) {
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>no entry for file id#" . $src_fileid . "</div>";
        return null;
        // nothing returned if parameter does not match one and only one row
    $file = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $need_copy = false;
    $externalFile = false;
    if ($file['ulf_FileName']) {
        $filename = $file['ulf_FilePath'] . $file['ulf_FileName'];
        // post 18/11/11 proper file path and name
        $need_copy = $file['ulf_FilePath'] == $_src_HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR;
    } else {
        if ($file['ulf_ExternalFileReference']) {
            $filename = $file['ulf_ExternalFileReference'];
            // post 18/11/11 proper file path and name
            $need_copy = false;
            $externalFile = true;
        } else {
            $filename = $_src_HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR . $file['ulf_ID'];
            // pre 18/11/11 - bare numbers as names, just use file ID
            $need_copy = true;
    if (!$externalFile && !file_exists($filename)) {
        //check if this file is remote
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>File {$filename} not found. Can't register file</div>";
        // flush to screen
        return null;
    if (false && $externalFile) {
        //@todo - copy external file and save
        $data = loadRemoteURLContent($filename);
        if (!$data) {
            print "<div  style='color:red;'>Error. Can't download {$filename}. Can't register URL</div>";
            // flush to screen
            return null;
    if ($need_copy) {
        $newfilename = HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR . $file['ulf_OrigFileName'];
        //if file in source upload dirtectiry copy it to destionation upload directory
        if (!copy($filename, $newfilename)) {
            print "<div  style='color:red;'>Can't copy file {$fielname} to " . HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR . "</div>";
            // flush to screen
            return null;
        $filename = $newfilename;
    //returns new file id in dest database
    if ($externalFile) {
        $jsonData = json_encode(array('remoteURL' => $filename, 'ext' => $file['ulf_MimeExt'], 'params' => $file['ulf_Parameters'] ? $file['ulf_Parameters'] : null));
        $ret = register_external($jsonData, null, false);
    } else {
        $ret = register_file($filename, null, false);
    if (intval($ret) > 0) {
        return $ret;
    } else {
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>Can't register file " . $filename . "</div>";
        // flush to screen
        return null;
        // TODO: check that this points at the correct reference database
        $source_db_id = '2';
        //MAGIC NUMBER - ID of H3CoreDefinitions db in Heurist_System_Index database
        $source_db_name = 'H3CoreDefinitions';
        $source_db_prefix = 'hdb_';
        $source_url = "" . $source_db_name . (@$source_db_prefix ? "&prefix=" . $source_db_prefix : "");
        // parameters were ?prefix=hdb_&db=H3CoreDefinitions";
    } else {
        $source_db_id = $_REQUEST["dbID"];
        $source_db_name = $_REQUEST["dbName"];
        $source_db_prefix = @$_REQUEST["dbPrefix"] && @$_REQUEST["dbPrefix"] != "" ? @$_REQUEST["dbPrefix"] : null;
        $source_url = $_REQUEST["dbURL"] . "admin/structure/getDBStructure.php?db=" . $source_db_name . (@$source_db_prefix ? "&prefix=" . $source_db_prefix : "");
    //error_log("source url ".print_r($source_url,true));
    $data = loadRemoteURLContent($source_url);
    if (!$data || substr($data, 0, 6) == "unable") {
        die("<br>Source database <b> {$source_db_id} : {$source_db_prefix}{$source_db_name} </b>could not be accessed <p>URL to structure service: <a href={$source_url} target=_blank>{$source_url}</a> <p>Server may be offline");
// getting data from source database for import of definitions to an existing database
// Split received data into data sets for one table defined by >>StartData>> and >>EndData>> markers.
$startToken = ">>StartData>>";
// also defined in getDBStructure.php
$splittedData = split($startToken, $data);
$tableNumber = 1;
if ($isExistingDB) {
    preg_match("/Database Version:\\s*(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+))*/", $data, $sourceDBVersion);
    // $sourceDBVersion[0] = version string, 1, 2, 3 = ,major, minor, sub versions
    preg_match("/Vsn:\\s*(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+))*/", "Vsn: " . HEURIST_DBVERSION, $thisDBVersion);
Exemple #9
function makeFileContentNode($file)
    $filename = $file['URL'];
    if ($file['mimeType'] === "application/xml") {
        // && file_exists($filename)) {
        if ($file['origName'] !== "_remote" && file_exists($filename)) {
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename);
            if (!$xml) {
                makeTag('error', null, " Error while attemping to read {$filename} .");
            $xml = $xml->asXML();
        } else {
            $xml = loadRemoteURLContent($filename);
            if (!$xml) {
                makeTag('error', null, " Error while attemping to read {$filename} .");
        //embedding so remove any xml element
        $content = preg_replace("/^\\<\\?xml[^\\?]+\\?\\>/", "", $xml);
        //embedding so remove any DOCTYPE  TODO saw need to validate first then this is fine. also perhaps attribute with type and ID
        $content = preg_replace("/\\<\\!DOCTYPE[^\\[]+\\s*\\[\\s*(?:(?:\\<--)?\\s*\\<[^\\>]+\\>\\s*(?:--\\>)?)*\\s*\\]\\>/", "", $content, 1);
        if (preg_match("/\\<\\!DOCTYPE/", $content)) {
            $content = preg_replace("/\\<\\!DOCTYPE[^\\>]+\\>/", "", $content, 1);
        $parser = xml_parser_create();
        $ret = xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $content, $vals, $index);
        if ($ret == 0) {
            makeTag('error', null, "Invalid XML - " . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)));
        if ($content) {
            makeTag('content', array("type" => "xml"), $content, true, false);
Exemple #10
* @param mixed $filedata
function downloadViaProxy($filename, $mimeType, $url, $bypassProxy = true)
    if (!file_exists($filename)) {
        // || filemtime($filename)<time()-(86400*30))
        $rawdata = loadRemoteURLContent($url, $bypassProxy);
        saveAsFile($rawdata, $filename);
        if ($raw) {
        $fp = fopen($filename, "w");
        //$fp = fopen($filename, "x");
        fwrite($fp, $raw);
        //fflush($fp);    // need to insert this line for proper output when tile is first requestet
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        downloadFile($mimeType, $filename);
* download image from given url
* @param mixed $remote_url
* @return resource
function get_remote_image($remote_url)
    $img = null;
    $data = loadRemoteURLContent($remote_url, false);
    //from fileUtils.php
    if ($data) {
        $img = imagecreatefromstring($data);
    return $img;
 * copy file from another vsn 3 instance and register it
 * @param mixed $src_fileid - file id in source db
 * @return int - file id in destionation db, null - if copy and registration are failed
function copyRemoteFile($src_fileid)
    global $sourcedbname, $dbPrefix, $db_prefix;
    $sourcedb = $db_prefix . $sourcedbname;
    $_src_HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $sourcedbname . '/';
    $_src_HEURIST_FILES_DIR = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $sourcedbname . '/file_uploads/';
    $res = mysql_query("select * from {$sourcedb}.`recUploadedFiles` where ulf_ID=" . $src_fileid);
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 1) {
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>no entry (or multiple entries)for file id#" . $src_fileid . "</div>";
        return null;
        // nothing returned if parameter does not match one and only one row
    $file = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $need_copy = false;
    $externalFile = false;
    if (@$file['ulf_FilePath'] || @$file['ulf_FileName']) {
        $path = @$file['ulf_FilePath'] . @$file['ulf_FileName'];
        //add database media storage folder for relative paths
        //$filename = resolveFilePath($filename);
        //the same as in resolveFilePath($filename); however instead of consts uses source db folders
        if ($path && !file_exists($path)) {
            // relatively db root  HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR
            $fpath = realpath($path);
            if (file_exists($fpath)) {
                $filename = $fpath;
            } else {
                // relatively file_uploads
                $fpath = realpath($path);
                if (file_exists($fpath)) {
                    $filename = $fpath;
                } else {
                    //special case to support absolute path on file server
                    if (strpos($path, '/srv/HEURIST_FILESTORE/') === 0) {
                        $fpath = str_replace('/srv/HEURIST_FILESTORE/', HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT, $path);
                        if (file_exists($fpath)) {
                            $filename = $fpath;
        } else {
            $filename = $path;
        $need_copy = true;
    } else {
        if ($file['ulf_ExternalFileReference']) {
            $filename = $file['ulf_ExternalFileReference'];
            // post 18/11/11 proper file path and name
            $need_copy = false;
            $externalFile = true;
        } else {
            $filename = $_src_HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR . $file['ulf_ID'];
            // pre 18/11/11 - bare numbers as names, just use file ID
            $need_copy = true;
    if (!$externalFile && !file_exists($filename)) {
        //check if this file is remote
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>File {$filename} not found. Can't register file</div>";
        // flush to screen
        return null;
    if (false && $externalFile) {
        //@todo - copy external file and save
        $data = loadRemoteURLContent($filename);
        if (!$data) {
            print "<div  style='color:red;'>Error. Can't download {$filename}. Can't register URL</div>";
            // flush to screen
            return null;
    if ($need_copy) {
        $newfilename = HEURIST_FILES_DIR . $file['ulf_OrigFileName'];
        //if file in source upload dirtectiry copy it to destionation upload directory
        if (!copy($filename, $newfilename)) {
            print "<div  style='color:red;'>Can't copy file {$fielname} to " . HEURIST_FILES_DIR . "</div>";
            // flush to screen
            return null;
        $filename = $newfilename;
    //returns new file id in dest database
    if ($externalFile) {
        $jsonData = json_encode(array('remoteURL' => $filename, 'ext' => $file['ulf_MimeExt'], 'params' => $file['ulf_Parameters'] ? $file['ulf_Parameters'] : null));
        $ret = register_external($jsonData, null, false);
    } else {
        $ret = register_file($filename, null, false);
    if (intval($ret) > 0) {
        return $ret;
    } else {
        print "<div  style='color:red;'>Can't register file " . $filename . "</div>";
        // flush to screen
        return null;
Exemple #13
//   0       1         2        3                4                5            6                                                        7
$squery = "select distinct rec_ID, rec_URL, rec_Title, rec_ScratchPad, rec_RecTypeID, rec_Modified, rec_Added, " . "b.dtl_Value, c.dtl_Value ";
$joinTable = " left join recDetails b on (b.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and b.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHORT_SUMMARY') ? DT_SHORT_SUMMARY : "0") . ") left join recDetails c on (c.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and c.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_CREATOR') ? DT_CREATOR : "0") . ") ";
if (true || @$_REQUEST['rules']) {
    //search with h4 search engine
    $h4way = true;
    //$_REQUEST['idonly'] = 1;
    //$_REQUEST['vo'] = 'h3';
    //$result = recordSearch($system, $_REQUEST, false, false, $PUBONLY);
    $url = HEURIST_BASE_URL . "hserver/controller/record_search.php?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "&detail=ids&vo=h3";
    //call heurist
    $reclist = loadRemoteURLContent($url);
    $reclist = json_decode($reclist, true);
    $reccount = @$reclist['resultCount'];
    if (@$reclist['error'] != null) {
        print 'Error: ' . $reclist['error'];
    if (!($reccount > 0)) {
        print 'Empty result set';
    $reclist = explode(",", $reclist['recIDs']);
} else {
    $h4way = false;
* Returns array of mapobjects
$mapobjects = array(
function getMapObjects($request)
    $imagelayerRT = defined('RT_IMAGE_SOURCE') ? RT_IMAGE_SOURCE : 0;
    $KMLlayerRT = defined('RT_KML_SOURCE') ? RT_KML_SOURCE : 0;
    if (array_key_exists('layers', $request)) {
        //special mode - load ALL image layers and kml records only - for general drop down list on map
        $request['ver'] = "1";
        $request['q'] = "type:" . $imagelayerRT;
        if ($KMLlayerRT) {
            $request['q'] = $request['q'] . "," . $KMLlayerRT;
        $search_type = BOTH;
    } else {
        if (!@$request['q'] || @$request['ver'] && intval(@$request['ver']) < SEARCH_VERSION) {
            // migration path
        if (@$request['w'] && ($request['w'] == 'B' || $request['w'] == 'bookmark')) {
            $search_type = BOOKMARK;
        } else {
            $search_type = BOTH;
        // all records
    if (!array_key_exists("limit", $request)) {
        //not defined
        $limit = intval(@$_SESSION[HEURIST_SESSION_DB_PREFIX . 'heurist']["display-preferences"]['smarty-output-limit']);
        if (!$limit || $limit < 1) {
            $limit = 1000;
            //default limit in dispPreferences
        $request["limit"] = $limit;
        //force limit
    // find all matching records
    $cols = "rec_ID as bibID, rec_RecTypeID as rectype, rec_Title as title, rec_URL as URL";
    $query = REQUEST_to_query("select {$cols} ", $search_type, $request);
    $res = mysql_query($query);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        print mysql_error();
    $records = array();
    $bibIDs = array();
    $imageLayers = array();
    // list of ids of map image layers
    $geoObjects = array();
    // coordinates
    $geoBibIDs = array();
    // list of id of records that have geo references
    while ($bib = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $bibID = $bib["bibID"];
        if (!$bibID) {
        $records[$bibID] = $bib;
        array_push($bibIDs, $bibID);
        if ($bib["rectype"] == $imagelayerRT) {
            //map image layer
            array_push($imageLayers, $bibID);
            $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID;
    foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) {
        //0 DT_SHORT_SUMMARY
        //2 - record URL
        //3 DT_FILE_RESOURCE
        //5 8 DT_KML
        //6 9 DT_KML_FILE
        //7 10 record type
        //					0				1			2			3				4 imagelayer 5 kmltext		6 kmlfile				7			8
        $squery = "select a.dtl_Value, b.dtl_Value, rec_URL, c.dtl_UploadedFileID, g.dtl_Value, h.dtl_Value, i.dtl_UploadedFileID, rec_RecTypeID, rec_Title, j.dtl_Value\n        from Records\n        left join recDetails a on a.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and a.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHORT_SUMMARY') ? DT_SHORT_SUMMARY : "0") . " left join recDetails b on b.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and b.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION') ? DT_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION : "0") . " left join recDetails c on c.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and c.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_FILE_RESOURCE') ? DT_FILE_RESOURCE : "0") . " left join recDetails g on g.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and g.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE') ? DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE : "0") . " left join recDetails h on h.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and h.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_KML') ? DT_KML : "0") . " left join recDetails i on i.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and i.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_KML_FILE') ? DT_KML_FILE : "0") . " left join recDetails j on j.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and j.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST') ? DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST : "0") . " where rec_ID={$bibID}";
        $res = mysql_query($squery);
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
        if ($row) {
            $records[$bibID]["recID"] = $bibID;
            $records[$bibID]["rectype"] = $row[7];
            $records[$bibID]["description"] = $row[0] ? $row[0] : ($row[1] ? $row[1] : "");
            $records[$bibID]["url"] = $row[2];
            //($row[2] ? "'".$row[2]."' target='_blank'"  :"'javascript:void(0);'");
            //'javascript:{this.href="'+$row[2]+'"}' : 'javascript:{return false;}');//javascript:void(0)}');
            $records[$bibID]["icon_url"] = HEURIST_ICON_URL . $row[7] . ".png";
            $thumb_url = getThumbnailURL($bibID);
            //function from uploadFile.php
            if ($thumb_url == "") {
                //if thumb not defined - use rectype default thumb
                $thumb_url = HEURIST_ICON_URL . "thumb/th_" . $row[7] . ".png";
            $records[$bibID]["thumb_url"] = $thumb_url;
            if ($row[4] && is_numeric($row[4]) && !in_array($row[4], $imageLayers)) {
                array_push($imageLayers, $row[4]);
            $kml_path = getKmlFilePath($row[3]);
            // removed by SAW as DT_KML_FILE changed from a file base type to blocktext
            //		if($kml_path==null){
            //			$kml_path =  getKmlFilePath($row[6]); //DT_KML_FILE
            //			}
            if ($kml_path != null) {
                array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "kmlfile", "fileid" => $kml_path, "title" => $row[8], "isbackground" => $row[9]));
                $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID;
            } else {
                if ($row[5]) {
                    //DT_KML dtl_value contains KML		saw TODO: modify to check that text is valid KML.
                    array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "kml", "recid" => $bibID, "title" => $row[8]));
                    $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID;
    if ($bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) {
        // Find the records that actually have any geographic data to plot
        $res = mysql_query("select dtl_RecID, dtl_Value, AsWKT(dtl_Geo), AsWKT(envelope(dtl_Geo)) from recDetails where dtl_Geo is not null and dtl_RecID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ")");
        if (mysql_error()) {
        if ($res) {
            while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                // get the bounding box
                if (preg_match("/POLYGON\\(\\((\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*\\S+\\s+\\S+\\)\\)/i", $val[3], $matches)) {
                    $bbox = array("w" => floatval($matches[1]), "s" => floatval($matches[2]), "e" => floatval($matches[5]), "n" => floatval($matches[6]));
                } else {
                    $bbox = null;
                $geoobj = parseValueFromDb($val[0], $val[1], $val[2], $bbox);
                if ($geoobj) {
                    array_push($geoObjects, $geoobj);
                    $geoBibIDs[$val[0]] = $val[0];
    // some records may contain reference to map image layer record (dettype 588),
    // but we may have such records in search result as well rectype=$imagelayerRT
    if ($bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) {
        $squery = "select rec_ID  from Records\n        where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ") and rec_RecTypeID={$imagelayerRT}";
        $res = mysql_query($squery);
        if ($res) {
            while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                array_push($imageLayers, $val[0]);
                $geoBibIDs[$val[0]] = $val[0];
    $layers = array();
    //find image layers
    if (count($imageLayers) > 0) {
        $squery = "select rec_ID, a.dtl_Value as title," . " (select trm_Label from defTerms where trm_ID=b.dtl_Value) as type," . " c.dtl_Value as url," . " (select trm_Label from defTerms where trm_ID=d.dtl_Value) as mime_type," . " e.dtl_Value as min_zoom, f.dtl_Value as max_zoom, g.dtl_Value as copyright, j.dtl_Value as isbackground" . " from Records" . " left join recDetails a on a.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and a.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHORT_NAME') ? DT_SHORT_NAME : "0") . " left join recDetails b on b.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and b.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_SCHEMA') ? DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_SCHEMA : "0") . " left join recDetails c on c.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and c.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SERVICE_URL') ? DT_SERVICE_URL : "0") . " left join recDetails d on d.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MIME_TYPE') ? DT_MIME_TYPE : "0") . " left join recDetails e on e.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and e.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MINMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL') ? DT_MINMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL : "0") . " left join recDetails f on f.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and f.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAXIMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL') ? DT_MAXIMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL : "0") . " left join recDetails g on g.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and g.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_ALTERNATE_NAME') ? DT_ALTERNATE_NAME : "0") . " left join recDetails j on j.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and j.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST') ? DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST : "0") . " where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $imageLayers) . ")";
        $res = mysql_query($squery);
        while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            //find the extent for image layer
            if ($rec['type'] == "maptiler") {
                $manifest_file = $rec['url'] . "tilemapresource.xml";
            } else {
                if ($rec['type'] == "virtual earth") {
                    $manifest_file = $rec['url'] . "MapCruncherMetadata.xml";
                } else {
                    $rec['error'] = "Wrong or non supported map type " . $rec['type'];
            if (!$rec['url']) {
                $rec['error'] = "URL is not defined for image layer";
            } else {
                if ($manifest_file) {
                    if (file_exists($manifest_file)) {
                        $manifest = simplexml_load_file($manifest_file);
                    } else {
                        $content = loadRemoteURLContent($manifest_file, false);
                        $manifest = simplexml_load_string($content);
                    if ($manifest == null || is_string($manifest)) {
                        //manifest not found
                        $rec['error'] = "Cannot load manifest file image layer. " . $manifest_file;
                    } else {
                        if ($rec['type'] == "maptiler") {
                            foreach ($manifest->children() as $f_gen) {
                                if ($f_gen->getName() == "BoundingBox") {
                                    $arr = $f_gen->attributes();
                                    $rec['extent'] = $arr['miny'] . ',' . $arr['minx'] . ',' . $arr['maxy'] . ',' . $arr['maxx'];
                                    //warning!!! wrong labels in these manifests!!!!
                        } else {
                            $rect = findXMLelement($manifest, 0, array("LayerList", "Layer", "SourceMapRecordList", "SourceMapRecord", "MapRectangle"));
                            if ($rect) {
                                $rec['extent'] = "";
                                foreach ($rect->children() as $pnt) {
                                    $arr = $pnt->attributes();
                                    $lon = $arr['lon'];
                                    $lat = $arr['lat'];
                                    $rec['extent'] = $rec['extent'] . $lon . "," . $lat . ",";
                                //$rec['extent'] = $sw['lon'].','.$sw['lat'].','.$ne['lon'].','.$ne['lat'];
                        if (!array_key_exists('extent', $rec)) {
                            $rec['error'] = "Cannot find bounds parameters in manifest file";
            if (!$rec['max_zoom']) {
                $rec['max_zoom'] = 19;
            array_push($layers, $rec);
    $timeObjects = array();
    if (!@$request['layers']) {
        // Find time extents -- must have at least a start time (end time is optional)
        // check for specific details first
        //saw TODO; modify this for handle durations with a start or end date
        if (defined('DT_START_DATE') && defined('DT_END_DATE') && $bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) {
            $squery = "select START.dtl_RecID, START.dtl_Value, END.dtl_Value " . "from recDetails START left join recDetails END on START.dtl_RecID=END.dtl_RecID " . "and END.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . DT_END_DATE . " where START.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . DT_START_DATE . " and (START.dtl_Value || END.dtl_Value) " . "and START.dtl_RecID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ")";
            $res = mysql_query($squery);
            while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                if ($val[1] || $val[2]) {
                    $timeObjects[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[2]);
        $anyDateBibIDs = array();
        //no date enabled
        foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) {
            if (!array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) {
                array_push($anyDateBibIDs, $bibID);
        // now process those records that don't have specific start and end dates -
        // try to extract date from details
        if (count($anyDateBibIDs) > 0) {
            $dates = array();
            $years = array();
            $res = mysql_query("select rec_ID, min(d.dtl_Value), max(d.dtl_Value)\n                from Records\n                cross join defDetailTypes dt\n                left join recDetails d on d.dtl_RecID = rec_ID and d.dtl_DetailTypeID = dt.dty_ID\n                where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $anyDateBibIDs) . ")\n                and dt.dty_Type = 'date'\n            group by rec_ID");
            if ($res) {
                while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                    if ($val[1] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[1])) {
                        // convert BC to a - sign
                        $val[1] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[1]) + 1;
                    if ($val[2] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[2])) {
                        // convert BC to a - sign
                        $val[2] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[2]) + 1;
                    $dates[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[1] !== $val[2] ? $val[2] : null);
            $res = mysql_query("select rec_ID, min(d.dtl_Value), max(d.dtl_Value)\n                from Records\n                cross join defDetailTypes yt\n                left join recDetails y on y.dtl_RecID = rec_ID and y.dtl_DetailTypeID = yt.dty_ID\n                where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $anyDateBibIDs) . ")\n                and yt.dty_Type = 'year'\n            group by rec_ID");
            if ($res) {
                while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                    if ($val[1] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[1])) {
                        // convert BC to a - sign
                        $val[1] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[1]) + 1;
                    if ($val[2] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[2])) {
                        // convert BC to a - sign
                        $val[2] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[2]) + 1;
                    $years[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[1] !== $val[2] ? $val[2] : null);
            foreach ($anyDateBibIDs as $bibID) {
                $sd = @$dates[$bibID][0] ? $dates[$bibID][0] : null;
                $ed = @$dates[$bibID][1] ? $dates[$bibID][1] : null;
                $sy = @$years[$bibID][0] ? $years[$bibID][0] : null;
                $ey = @$years[$bibID][1] ? $years[$bibID][1] : null;
                if (!$sd && !$ed && $sy && $sy == $ey) {
                    $ey = $sy + 1;
                $s = $sd ? $sd : $sy;
                $e = $ed ? $ed : $ey;
                if ($s >= $e) {
                    $e = null;
                $timeObjects[$bibID] = array($s, $e);
    //if not layer request
    $geoRecords = array();
    $cnt_geo = 0;
    $cnt_time = 0;
    //foreach ($geoBibIDs as $bibID) {
    foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) {
        //loop for all records
        //	$bibID = ""+$bibID;
        $isNotGeoLoc = !@$geoBibIDs[$bibID];
        if (!$isNotGeoLoc || array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) {
            $geoRecords[$bibID] = $records[$bibID];
            if ($isNotGeoLoc) {
                //no geo data - only timedata
                array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "none"));
                //empty georeference
                $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID;
            } else {
            if (array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) {
                list($start, $end) = $timeObjects[$bibID];
                $geoRecords[$bibID]["start"] = $start;
                if ($end) {
                    $geoRecords[$bibID]["end"] = $end;
    $mapobjects = array("records" => $geoRecords, "geoObjects" => $geoObjects, "cntWithGeo" => $cnt_geo, "cntWithTime" => $cnt_time, "layers" => $layers);
    return $mapobjects;
function checkVersionOnMainServer($version_in_session)
    $version_last_check = getLastCheckedVersion($version_in_session);
    //check data of last check and last warning email
    $fname = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . "lastAdviceSent.ini";
    if ($version_last_check == null && file_exists($fname)) {
        //last check and version
        $version_in_session = file_get_contents($fname);
        $version_last_check = getLastCheckedVersion($version_in_session);
    if ($version_last_check) {
        return $version_in_session;
    //send request to main server HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL
    $url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL . "admin/setup/getCurrentVersion.php?db=H3MasterIndex&check=1";
    $rawdata = loadRemoteURLContent($url);
    if ($rawdata) {
        //parse result
        $current_version = explode("|", $rawdata);
        if (count($current_version) > 0) {
            //debug $current_version[0] = "5.9.1 RC2";
            $curver = explode(".", $current_version[0]);
            if (count($curver) > 2) {
                $major = intval($curver[0]);
                $subver = intval($curver[1]);
                //compare with local versions
                $locver = explode(".", HEURIST_VERSION);
                $major_local = intval($locver[0]);
                $subver_local = intval($locver[1]);
                $email_title = null;
                if ($major_local < $major) {
                    $email_title = "Major new version of Heurist Vsn " . $current_version[0] . " available for " . HEURIST_SERVER_NAME . " (running Vsn " . HEURIST_VERSION . ")";
                } else {
                    if ($major_local == $major && $subver_local < $subver) {
                        $email_title = "Heurist update Vsn " . $current_version[0] . " available for " . HEURIST_SERVER_NAME . " (running Vsn " . HEURIST_VERSION . ")";
                if ($email_title) {
                    //send email to administrator about new database registration
                    $email_text = "Your server is running Heurist version " . HEURIST_VERSION . " The current stable version of Heurist (version " . $current_version[0] . ") is available from We recommend updating your copy of the software if the sub-version has changed " . "(or better still with any change of version).\n\n" . "Heurist is copyright (C) The University of Sydney and available as Open Source software under the GNU-GPL licence. " . "Beta versions of the software with new features may also be available at the Google Code repository, linked from the Heurist home page.";
                    $rv = mail(HEURIST_MAIL_TO_ADMIN, $email_title, $email_text, "From: root");
                    if (!$rv) {
                        //TODO  SAW this should not fail silently
                        error_log("mail send failed: " . HEURIST_MAIL_TO_ADMIN);
                        //to delete check file ?????
                    } else {
                //save current date of check
                $version_in_session = date("Y-m-d") . "|" . $current_version[0];
                if (!saveAsFile($version_in_session, $fname)) {
                    error_log("Can't write file " . $fname);
                return $version_in_session;
    return null;
    //version check fails
function makeDatabase()
    global $newDBName, $isNewDB, $done, $isDefineNewDatabase, $dbTemplateName, $errorCreatingTables;
    $isTemplateDB = $dbTemplateName != null && $dbTemplateName != '0';
    $dataInsertionSQLFile = null;
    $error = false;
    $warning = false;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['dbname'])) {
        // Check that there is a current administrative user who can be made the owner of the new database
        $message = "MySQL username and password have not been set in configIni.php " . "or heuristConfigIni.php<br/> - Please do so before trying to create a new database.<br>";
        if (ADMIN_DBUSERNAME == "" || ADMIN_DBUSERPSWD == "") {
            return false;
        // checking for current administrative user
        if (!is_logged_in()) {
            //this is creation+registration
            $captcha_code = getUsrField('ugr_Captcha');
            //check capture
            if (@$_SESSION["captcha_code"] && $_SESSION["captcha_code"] != $captcha_code) {
                errorOut('Are you a bot? Please enter the correct answer to the challenge question');
                print '<script type="text/javascript">isRegdataEntered=false;</script>';
                $isDefineNewDatabase = true;
                return false;
            if (@$_SESSION["captcha_code"]) {
            $firstName = getUsrField('ugr_FirstName');
            $lastName = getUsrField('ugr_LastName');
            $eMail = getUsrField('ugr_eMail');
            $name = getUsrField('ugr_Name');
            $password = getUsrField('ugr_Password');
            if ($firstName == '' || $lastName == '' || $eMail == '' || $name == '' || $password == '') {
                errorOut('Mandatory data for your registration profile (first and last name, email, password) are not completed. Please fill out registration form');
                print '<script type="text/javascript">isRegdataEntered=false;</script>';
                $isDefineNewDatabase = true;
                return false;
        // Create a new blank database
        $newDBName = trim($_REQUEST['uname']) . '_';
        if ($newDBName == '_') {
            $newDBName = '';
        // don't double up underscore if no user prefix
        $newDBName = $newDBName . trim($_REQUEST['dbname']);
        $newname = HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $newDBName;
        // all databases have common prefix then user prefix
        $list = mysql__getdatabases();
        $list = array_map("arraytolower", $list);
        if (false && in_array(strtolower($newDBName), $list)) {
            errorOut('Warning: database "' . $newname . '" already exists. Please choose a different name');
            $isDefineNewDatabase = true;
            return false;
        //get path to registered db template and download coreDefinitions.txt
        $reg_url = @$_REQUEST['url_template'];
        $exemplar_db = @$_REQUEST['exemplar'];
        $name = '';
        //user name
        if (true) {
            // For debugging: set to false to avoid real database creation
            if ($exemplar_db != null) {
                //from example db
                //1a. verify that sample dump exists
                $templateFoldersContent = HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/exemplars/" . $exemplar_db . '.zip';
                if (!file_exists($templateFoldersContent) || filesize($templateFoldersContent) < 1) {
                    errorOut('Sorry, unable to find the exemplar zip file (' . $templateFoldersContent . ')containing the database folders and SQL script.');
                    return false;
                //1b. verify that sample dump can be extracted
                $exemplar_dir = HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/exemplars/";
                $exemplar_dir = str_replace('//', '/', $exemplar_dir);
                $dataInsertionSQLFile = HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR . 'scratch/' . $exemplar_db . ".sql";
                if (!file_exists($dataInsertionSQLFile) || filesize($templateFoldersContent) < 0) {
                    //extract dump from archive
                    unzip($templateFoldersContent, HEURIST_FILESTORE_DIR . 'scratch/', $exemplar_db . '.sql');
                    if (!file_exists($dataInsertionSQLFile) || filesize($dataInsertionSQLFile) < 0) {
                        errorOut('Sorry, unable to extract the database script "' . $exemplar_db . '.sql" from the zipped file "' . $templateFoldersContent . '". This may be due to incorrect permissions on the program code - please consult your system administrator.');
                        return false;
                //2. create empty database
                if (!db_create($newname)) {
                    errorOut('Sorry, unable to create new database ' . $newname);
                    return false;
                //3. restore from dump
                if (!db_script($newname, $dataInsertionSQLFile)) {
                    errorOut('Error importing sample data from ' . $dataInsertionSQLFile);
                    return false;
                $dataInsertionSQLFile = null;
            } else {
                // this is global variable that is used in buildCrosswalks.php
                $templateFileName = "NOT DEFINED";
                $templateFoldersContent = "NOT DEFINED";
                if ($reg_url) {
                    // getting definitions from an external registered database
                    $nouse_proxy = true;
                    $isTemplateDB = true;
                    $data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url, $nouse_proxy);
                    //without proxy
                    $resval = isDefinitionsInvalid($data);
                    if ($resval) {
                        if (defined("HEURIST_HTTP_PROXY")) {
                            $nouse_proxy = false;
                            $data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url, $nouse_proxy);
                            //with proxy
                            $resval = isDefinitionsInvalid($data);
                            if ($resval) {
                                $data = null;
                        } else {
                            $data = null;
                    if ($resval) {
                        errorOut("Error importing core definitions from template database {$reg_url} for database {$newname}<br>" . $resval . '<br>Please check whether this database is valid; consult Heurist support if needed');
                        return false;
                    //save data into file
                    if (defined('HEURIST_SETTING_DIR')) {
                        $templateFileName = HEURIST_SETTING_DIR . get_user_id() . '_dbtemplate.txt';
                    } else {
                        $templateFileName = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . '0_dbtemplate.txt';
                    $res = file_put_contents($templateFileName, $data);
                    if (!$res) {
                        errorOut('Error: cannot save definitions from template database into local file.' . ' Please verify that folder ' . (defined('HEURIST_SETTING_DIR') ? HEURIST_SETTING_DIR : HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT) . ' is writeable');
                        return false;
                    //download content of some folder from template database ======================
                    $reg_url = str_replace("getDBStructureAsSQL", "getDBFoldersForNewDB", $reg_url);
                    //replace to other script
                    $data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url, $nouse_proxy);
                    //with proxy
                    if ($data) {
                        if (defined('HEURIST_SETTING_DIR')) {
                            $templateFoldersContent = HEURIST_SETTING_DIR . get_user_id() . '';
                        } else {
                            $templateFoldersContent = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . '';
                        $res = file_put_contents($templateFoldersContent, $data);
                        if (!$res) {
                            errorOut('Warning: cannot save content of settings folders from template database into local file. ' . ' Please verify that folder ' . (defined('HEURIST_SETTING_DIR') ? HEURIST_SETTING_DIR : HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT) . ' is writeable');
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        errorOut('Warning: server does not return the content of settings folders from template database. ' . 'Please ask system adminstrator to verify that zip extension on remote server is installed and that upload folder is writeable');
                        return false;
                    // Example database: download data to insert into new database =================================
                    if ($dbTemplateName != '1') {
                        // TODO: Artem: correct way is the donwloading data from sample database, however at the moment it is included into code. Ian: NASAT - would exposes databases to easy harvesting, but potentially OK as long as data marked public
                        // $dbTemplateNsme is the name of the database which is used to populate the example database, the corresponding data file has the same name with _data.sql appended
                        $dataInsertionSQLFile = HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/" . $dbTemplateName . "_data.sql";
                        if (!file_exists($dataInsertionSQLFile)) {
                            errorOut('Warning: cannot find sample data file in code ' . $dataInsertionSQLFile);
                            return false;
                } else {
                    if ($isTemplateDB) {
                        errorOut('Wrong parameters: Template database is not defined.');
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        $templateFileName = HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/coreDefinitions.txt";
                if (!file_exists($templateFileName)) {
                    errorOut('Error: template database structure file ' . $templateFileName . ' not found');
                    return false;
                if (!createDatabaseEmpty($newDBName)) {
                    $isDefineNewDatabase = true;
                    return false;
                // Run buildCrosswalks to import minimal definitions from coreDefinitions.txt into the new DB
                // yes, this is badly structured, but it works - if it ain't broke ...
                $isNewDB = true;
                // flag of context for buildCrosswalks, tells it to use coreDefinitions.txt
                require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../structure/import/buildCrosswalks.php';
                // errorCreatingTables is set to true by buildCrosswalks if an error occurred
                if ($errorCreatingTables) {
                    errorOut('Error importing core definitions from ' . ($isTemplateDB ? "template database" : "coreDefinitions.txt") . ' for database ' . $newname . '<br>' . 'Please check whether this file or database is valid; consult Heurist support if needed');
                    return false;
            //not $exemplar_db
            // Get and clean information for the user creating the database
            if (!is_logged_in()) {
                // getUsrField sanitises data entered
                $longName = "";
                $firstName = getUsrField('ugr_FirstName');
                $lastName = getUsrField('ugr_LastName');
                $eMail = getUsrField('ugr_eMail');
                $name = getUsrField('ugr_Name');
                $password = getUsrField('ugr_Password');
                $department = getUsrField('ugr_Department');
                $organisation = getUsrField('ugr_Organisation');
                $city = getUsrField('ugr_City');
                $state = getUsrField('ugr_State');
                $postcode = getUsrField('ugr_Postcode');
                $interests = getUsrField('ugr_Interests');
                $ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses = getUsrField('ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses');
                $ugr_TargetEmailAddresses = getUsrField('ugr_TargetEmailAddresses');
                $ugr_URLs = getUsrField('ugr_URLs');
                $s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789./';
                $salt = $s[rand(0, strlen($s) - 1)] . $s[rand(0, strlen($s) - 1)];
                $password = crypt($password, $salt);
            } else {
                $query = mysql_query('SELECT ugr_LongName, ugr_FirstName, ugr_LastName, ugr_eMail, ugr_Name, ugr_Password, ' . 'ugr_Department, ugr_Organisation, ugr_City, ugr_State, ugr_Postcode, ugr_Interests, ' . 'ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses, ugr_TargetEmailAddresses, ugr_URLs ' . 'FROM sysUGrps WHERE ugr_ID=' . get_user_id());
                $details = mysql_fetch_row($query);
                $longName = mysql_real_escape_string($details[0]);
                $firstName = mysql_real_escape_string($details[1]);
                $lastName = mysql_real_escape_string($details[2]);
                $eMail = mysql_real_escape_string($details[3]);
                $name = mysql_real_escape_string($details[4]);
                $password = mysql_real_escape_string($details[5]);
                $department = mysql_real_escape_string($details[6]);
                $organisation = mysql_real_escape_string($details[7]);
                $city = mysql_real_escape_string($details[8]);
                $state = mysql_real_escape_string($details[9]);
                $postcode = mysql_real_escape_string($details[10]);
                $interests = mysql_real_escape_string($details[11]);
                $ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses = mysql_real_escape_string($details[12]);
                $ugr_TargetEmailAddresses = mysql_real_escape_string($details[13]);
                $ugr_URLs = mysql_real_escape_string($details[14]);
            //	 todo: code location of upload directory into sysIdentification, remove from edit form (should not be changed)
            //	 todo: might wish to control ownership rather than leaving it to the O/S, although this works well at present
            if (file_exists($templateFoldersContent) && filesize($templateFoldersContent) > 0) {
                //override content of setting folders with template database files - rectype icons, smarty templates etc
                unzip($templateFoldersContent, HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $newDBName . "/");
            // Prepare to write to the newly created database
            // Make the current user the owner and admin of the new database
            $res = mysql_query('UPDATE sysUGrps SET ugr_Enabled="Y", ugr_LongName="' . $longName . '", ugr_FirstName="' . $firstName . '",
                            ugr_LastName="' . $lastName . '", ugr_eMail="' . $eMail . '", ugr_Name="' . $name . '",
                            ugr_Password="******", ugr_Department="' . $department . '", ugr_Organisation="' . $organisation . '",
                            ugr_City="' . $city . '", ugr_State="' . $state . '", ugr_Postcode="' . $postcode . '",
                            ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses="' . $ugr_IncomingEmailAddresses . '",
                            ugr_TargetEmailAddresses="' . $ugr_TargetEmailAddresses . '",
                            ugr_URLs="' . $ugr_URLs . '",
                            ugr_interests="' . $interests . '" WHERE ugr_ID=2');
            if (!$res) {
                            <b>Warning: Failed to make the current user the owner and admin of the new database, error:</b>
                print mysql_error();
            // Add the default navigation tree for the DATABASE MANAGERS group (user #1). This is copied from the Heurist_Core_Definitions database}
            $navTree = '{"expanded":true,"key":"root_3","title":"root","children":[{"expanded":true,"folder":true,"key":"_6","title":"Recent changes","children":[{"folder":false,"key":"19","title":"Recent changes (last week)","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"folder":false,"key":"20","title":"Recent changes (last month)","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"folder":false,"key":"21","title":"Recent changes (last year)","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"folder":false,"key":"14","title":"All (most recent first)","data":{"isfaceted":false}}]},{"expanded":true,"folder":true,"key":"_1","title":"Specific types","children":[{"key":"27","title":"Bibliographic records","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"key":"28","title":"Organisations","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"key":"29","title":"People","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"key":"30","title":"Media items","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"expanded":true,"folder":true,"key":"_5","title":"Facet searches","children":[{"key":"25","title":"Persons","data":{"isfaceted":true}},{"key":"26","title":"Organisations","data":{"isfaceted":true}},{"expanded":true,"folder":true,"key":"_1","title":"Facet searches with rules","children":[{"key":"31","title":"Persons with related recs","data":{"isfaceted":true}}]}]}]},{"expanded":true,"folder":true,"key":"_5","title":"Experiments","children":[{"key":"24","title":"Mapping (layers, data sources)","data":{"isfaceted":false}}]}]}';
            $res = mysql__insertupdate($newname, 'sysUGrps', 'ugr', array('ugr_ID' => 1, 'ugr_NavigationTree' => $navTree));
            if (!is_int($res)) {
                print '<b>Warning: Failed to copy navigation tree for user (group) 1 (DB Managers) to new database, error:</b>' . $res;
            // Add the default navigation tree for the DATABASE OWNER (user #2). This is copied from the Heurist_Core_Definitions database}
            $navTree = '"bookmark":{"expanded":true,"key":"root_1","title":"root","children":[{"folder":false,"key":"_1","title":"Recent changes","data":{"url":"?w=bookmark&q=sortby:-m after:\\"1 week ago\\"&label=Recent changes"}},{"folder":false,"key":"_2","title":"All (date order)","data":{"url":"?w=bookmark&q=sortby:-m&label=All records"}}]},"all":{"expanded":true,"key":"root_2","title":"root","children":[{"folder":false,"key":"_3","title":"Recent changes","data":{"url":"?w=all&q=sortby:-m after:\\"1 week ago\\"&label=Recent changes"}},{"folder":false,"key":"_4","title":"All (date order)","data":{"url":"?w=all&q=sortby:-m&label=All records"}},{"folder":true,"key":"_5","title":"Rules","children":[{"folder":false,"key":"12","title":"Person > anything they created","data":{"isfaceted":false}},{"folder":false,"key":"13","title":"Organisation > Assoc. places","data":{"isfaceted":false}}]}]}';
            $res = mysql__insertupdate($newname, 'sysUGrps', 'ugr', array('ugr_ID' => 2, 'ugr_NavigationTree' => $navTree));
            if (!is_int($res)) {
                print '<b>Warning: Failed to copy navigation tree for user 2 (DB Owner) to new database, error:</b>' . $res;
            // email the system administrator to tell them a new database has been created
            user_EmailAboutNewDatabase($name, $firstName . ' ' . $lastName, $organisation, $eMail, $newDBName, $interests);
        if ($dataInsertionSQLFile != null && file_exists($dataInsertionSQLFile)) {
            if (!db_script($newname, $dataInsertionSQLFile)) {
                errorOut('Error importing sample data from ' . $dataInsertionSQLFile);
                    <div  style='padding:0px 0 10px 0; font-size:larger;'>
                        <h2 style='padding-bottom:10px'>Congratulations, your new database  [ <?php 
        echo $newDBName;
  ]  has been created</h2>
        if (@$_REQUEST['db'] != '' && @$_REQUEST['db'] != null) {
                            <p style="padding-left:10px"><strong>Admin username:</strong> <?php 
            echo $name;
                            <p style="padding-left:10px"><strong>Admin password:</strong> &#60;<i>same as the account you are currently logged in as</i>&#62;</p>
                        <p style="padding-left:10px">Log into your new database with the following link:</p>
                        <p style="padding-left:6em"><b><a href="<?php 
        echo HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $newDBName;
                                    title="" onclick="{closeDialog()}" target="blank">
        echo HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $newDBName;
                                </a></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <i>(we suggest bookmarking this link)</i></p>

                        <p style="padding-left:6em">
                            After logging in to your new database, we suggest you import some additional entity types from one of the<br />
                            curated Heurist databases, or from one of the other databases listed in the central database catalogue,<br />
                            using Database &gt; Structure &gt; Acquire from Databases 
                            <!--or Database &gt; Structure &gt; Acquire from Templates -->
        // TODO: automatically redirect to the new database in a new window
        // this is a point at which people tend to get lost
        return false;
    // isset