Exemple #1
                //echo '<td>'.$_SESSION['testcases'][$k].".php</td>";
            echo "<td>N/A</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
} else {
    $scans = listScans();
    $bots = loadBotsList();
    $descEntries = loadLinksDesc();
    //html_print_r($scans, '$scans');
    echo "<br/><br/>";
    //$brCount = 0;
    foreach ($scans as $scan) {
        // get a user agent, maybe I shouldn't store user agent in values
        //$scanEntries = saveScan($tokens[0]);
        $score = '%' . intval(100 * count($scan['pageVisits']) / count($descEntries));
        $scan['score'] = $score;
        //html_print_r($scan, '$scan');
        // is this scan performed by a bot listed in our list
        $isBot = false;
        foreach ($bots as $aBot) {
Exemple #2
 function _listScans($option)
     $gala = param_num("gala");
     $pos = param_num("pos");
     if ($gala && $pos) {
         $this->scan_details($gala, $pos);
     $page = param_num("page", 1);
     $rows = 20;
     $link_options = array();
     if ($option == "targets") {
         $scanlistfilter =& $_SESSION['targetlistfilter'];
         $this->template->assign("showtargets", 1);
         $this->template->assign("scantitle", "Ziele suchen");
         if ($_REQUEST['subaction'] == 'newsearch' && $scanlistfilter) {
         /*      if ($_REQUEST['subaction'] == "search") {
                 $scanlistfilter['exen'] = param_num("exen");
                 $scanlistfilter['punkte'] = param_num("punkte");
         if (!$scanlistfilter || $_POST['subaction'] == "search") {
             $form = new formContainer();
             $form->add(new formInput("exen", "Exenmindestanzahl", "numeric", true, 10, true));
             $form->add(new formInput("macht", "Machtmindestwert", "numeric", true, 10, true));
             $form->add(new formCheckbox("hideold", "Alte Scans nicht berücksichtigen", "numeric", array(1), false));
             if ($_POST['send']) {
                 if (!$form->hasErrors()) {
                     if ($form->get("macht")) {
                         $scanlistfilter['macht'] = $form->get("macht");
                     if ($form->get("exen")) {
                         $scanlistfilter['exen'] = $form->get("exen");
                     $scanlistfilter['sort'] = "exen";
                     $scanlistfilter['order'] = "desc";
                     $scanlistfilter['hassektor'] = "1";
                     $scanlistfilter['hideold'] = $form->get("hideold");
                     $scanlistfilter['except_galas'] = getGalaList(true);
             } else {
                 $form->select("hideold", 1);
             $this->show('scan_target_form', 'Ziele suchen');
         if ($_REQUEST['sort'] && $_REQUEST['order'] && $scanlistfilter) {
             $sort = trim($_REQUEST['sort']);
             $order = trim($_REQUEST['order']);
             if ($sort != 'koords' && $sort != 'exen') {
                 $sort = 'koords';
             if ($order != "asc" && $order != "desc") {
                 $order = "asc";
             $scanlistfilter['sort'] = $sort;
             $scanlistfilter['order'] = $order;
         $link_options[] = "action=targets";
         $link2 = "?action=targets";
         #normale Scananzeige, galaweise
     } else {
         $scanlistfilter =& $_SESSION['scanlistfilter'];
         $this->template->assign("scantitle", "Scans");
         if (!$scanlistfilter) {
             $scanlistfilter['gala'] = 1;
             $scanlistfilter['sort'] = "koords";
             $scanlistfilter['order'] = "asc";
             $scanlistfilter['hideold'] = 1;
         #alte einblenden/ausblenden
         if (isset($_REQUEST["hideold"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["hideold"])) {
             $scanlistfilter['hideold'] = $_REQUEST["hideold"];
         $hideold = $scanlistfilter["hideold"];
         if ($hideold) {
             $title = "Alle Anzeigen";
             $subtitle = "Zeigt alle Scans an";
             $param = 0;
         } else {
             $title = "Alte Ausblenden";
             $subtitle = "Scans die älter als 1 Tag sind werden nicht angezeigt";
             $param = 1;
         $this->template->assign("hideoldtitle", $title);
         $this->template->assign("hideoldparam", $param);
         $this->template->assign("hideoldsubtitle", $subtitle);
         #neue gala anzeigen
         if ($gala = param_num("gala")) {
             $scanlistfilter['gala'] = $gala;
         } else {
             $gala = $scanlistfilter["gala"];
         if ($this->userdata["gid"] == 1) {
             $hideblock = false;
         } else {
             $hideblock = true;
         $next = getNextGala($gala, $hideold, $hideblock);
         $prev = getPrevGala($gala, $hideold, $hideblock);
         if ($next && $prev) {
             #gala suche anzeigen
             $this->template->assign("showform", 1);
         #zeigen beide auf die selbe, -> die aktuelle
         if ($next == $prev && $next == $gala) {
         $this->template->assign("prev", $prev);
         $this->template->assign("next", $next);
         if ($_REQUEST['sort'] && $_REQUEST['order'] && $scanlistfilter) {
             $sort = trim($_REQUEST['sort']);
             $order = trim($_REQUEST['order']);
             if ($sort != 'koords' && $sort != 'exen') {
                 $sort = 'koords';
             if ($order != "asc" && $order != "desc") {
                 $order = "asc";
             $scanlistfilter['sort'] = $sort;
             $scanlistfilter['order'] = $order;
         $link_options[] = "gala=" . $scanlistfilter['gala'];
     #mili & news ausklappen
     $expand = param_num("expand");
     #scans holen
     $this->forms['scanlist'][$scanlistfilter['sort']][$scanlistfilter['order']] = '_active';
     $scanlist = listScans($scanlistfilter, &$pages, &$page, $rows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($scanlist); $i++) {
         $scanlist[$i]['backlink'] = "&backlink=" . urlencode("scans.php?" . join("&", $link_options) . "#" . $scanlist[$i]['sid']);
         $scanlist[$i]['expand_backlink'] = "&backlink=" . urlencode("scans.php?" . join("&", $link_options) . "&expand=" . $scanlist[$i]['sid'] . "#" . $scanlist[$i]['sid']);
         #mili oder news ausklappen
         if ($scanlist[$i]['sid'] == $expand) {
             $scanlist[$i]['expand'] = 1;
         if ($scanlist[$i]['uid']) {
             if ($scanlist[$i]['uid'] == $this->userdata['uid']) {
                 $scanlist[$i]['atter_class'] = "green";
             } else {
                 $scanlist[$i]['atter_class'] = "red";
         $scanlist[$i] = scan_format($scanlist[$i]);
     $this->forms['scanlist']['pages'] = showPageBar($page, $pages, "scans.php" . $link2, "page", "menu");
     $this->forms['scanlist']['gala'] = $scanlistfilter['gala'];
     $this->template->assign('scanlist', $scanlist);
     $this->template->assign('page', $page);
     $this->show('scan_list', 'Scans');
Exemple #3
  *  Scanansicht von einem Att
 function Attack_view()
     if (!($attid = param_num("id")) || !($attplan = attack_get($attid))) {
     $form = new formContainer();
     $attplan['isadmin'] = $this->userdata['uid'] == $attplan['owner'] || $this->_checkUserRights("attorga");
     if (!$attplan['isopen'] && !$attplan['isadmin']) {
     $galalist = attack_gala_list($attid);
     // ziele vorhanden ?
     if ($galalist) {
         $list = array();
         foreach ($galalist as $item) {
             $list[] = array("value" => $item['gala'], "title" => $item['gala']);
         $form->add(new formSelectBox("gala", "Galaxie", "numeric", $list, false));
         if ($_POST['send'] && $_POST['subaction'] == "changegala") {
             if (!$form->hasErrors()) {
                 $_SESSION['attplanfilter'][$attid]['gala'] = $form->get("gala");
             $gala = $form->get("gala");
         } else {
             if ($_SESSION['attplanfilter'][$attid]['gala']) {
                 $form->select("gala", $_SESSION['attplanfilter'][$attid]['gala']);
                 $gala = $_SESSION['attplanfilter'][$attid]['gala'];
             } else {
                 $gala = $galalist[0]['gala'];
         $sids = target_list(array("gala" => $gala), "sid");
         $scanlist = listScans(array("sids" => $sids, "order" => "asc", "sort" => "koords", "hassektor" => true, "showattackscans" => true), &$pages, 1, 15);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($scanlist); $i++) {
             $scanlist[$i]['backlink'] = "&backlink=" . urlencode("attplan.php?action=view&id=" . $attid . "#" . $scanlist[$i]['sid']);
             $scanlist[$i]['expand_backlink'] = "&backlink=" . urlencode("attplan.php?action=view&id=" . $attid . "&expand=" . $scanlist[$i]['sid'] . "#" . $scanlist[$i]['sid']);
             #mili oder news ausklappen
             if ($scanlist[$i]['sid'] == $expand) {
                 $scanlist[$i]['expand'] = 1;
             if ($scanlist[$i]['uid']) {
                 if ($this->userdata['uid'] == $scanlist[$i]['uid'] || $this->_checkUserRights("attorga")) {
                     $scanlist[$i]['candelete'] = true;
                 if ($this->userdata['uid'] == $scanlist[$i]['uid']) {
                     $scanlist[$i]['reserveclass'] = "green";
                 } else {
                     $scanlist[$i]['reserveclass'] = "red";
             } else {
                 $scanlist[$i]['canreserve'] = true;
             $scanlist[$i] = scan_format($scanlist[$i]);
         $this->template->assign("scanlist", $scanlist);
         $this->template->assign("hastargets", true);
         $this->template->assign("selectedgala", $gala);
     $this->template->assign("attplan", $attplan);
     $this->template->assign("type", "ziele");
     $this->show("attplan_view", "Angriffsplan");
Exemple #4
function saveScan($data, $record = '')
    global $db;
    if ($record == '') {
        $record = $_SESSION['scan']['record'];
    } else {
        $record = str_replace('/', '', $record);
        $record = str_replace('\\', '', $record);
        $record = str_replace('.', '', $record);
    	$scan is an array. it's keys are URIs and values are arrays 
    	in those arrays, individual items are stored as key/value pairs			 
    //html_print_r($_SESSION, '$_SESSION');
    if (DATASTORE == 'db') {
        // add database version
        $sql = "INSERT INTO scans (record, ipaddress, starttime) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string($record) . "'," . mysql_escape_string(ip2long($_SESSION['scan']['ipaddress'])) . "," . mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['scan']['starttime']) . ")";
        //html_print_r($sql, '$sql');
        $rs = mysql_query($sql, $db);
    } else {
        // using temp files
        // a little bit of a check!!!
        $scans = listScans();
        if (count($scans) > 3000) {
            echo "<b>ERROR: Too many statistics collected on the system. Please contact the author: bedirhanurgun at gmail dot com</b>";
        $filename = $_SESSION['statisticsdir'] . $record . ".dat";
        if (file_put_contents($filename, serialize($data))) {
        } else {
            echo "Could not save record";
            //"cant open file : " . $_SESSION['statisticsdir'] . $filename . ".dat";