} $loc4Properties = array('id' => 'loc4', 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'alias' => $location4, 'path' => $location4Path, 'url' => $location4Url, 'tmbPath' => $location4tmbPath, 'quarantine' => $location4Quarantine, 'disabled' => $location4Disabled ?: '[]', 'startPath' => $startPath4, 'accessControl' => $myModxPermission4, 'attributes' => $usPer4 ?: '[]'); $loc4 = $modx->getChunk('elfinderLocalFileSystem4' . $suffix, $loc4Properties); if ($loc4) { $loc4 = jDecode($loc4); } } if ($user->isMember(listArray($uSGr5)) && $location5) { if (strpos($getLocation, '5') !== false) { $myModxPermission5 = 'hideThis'; } $loc5Properties = array('id' => 'loc5', 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'alias' => $location5, 'path' => $location5Path, 'url' => $location5Url, 'tmbPath' => $location5tmbPath, 'quarantine' => $location5Quarantine, 'disabled' => $location5Disabled ?: '[]', 'startPath' => $startPath5, 'accessControl' => $myModxPermission5, 'attributes' => $usPer5 ?: '[]'); $loc5 = $modx->getChunk('elfinderLocalFileSystem5' . $suffix, $loc5Properties); if ($loc5) { $loc5 = jDecode($loc5); } } if ($user->isMember(listArray($uSGrPersonal)) && $enablePersonalFolder) { if (strpos($getLocation, 'p') !== false) { $myModxPermissionP = 'hideThis'; } $myPersonalFolderName = $modx->runSnippet('autoCreateFoldersTWelfinder', array('path' => $locationPersonalPath)); $locPersonalProperties = array('id' => 'locP', 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'alias' => $locationPersonal, 'path' => $locationPersonalPath . $myPersonalFolderName . '/', 'url' => $locationPersonalUrl . $myPersonalFolderName . '/', 'tmbPath' => $locationPersonaltmbPath, 'quarantine' => $locationPersonalQuarantine, 'disabled' => $locationPersonalDisabled ?: '[]', 'startPath' => $startPathPersonal, 'accessControl' => $myModxPermissionP, 'attributes' => $usPerPersonal ?: '[]'); $locPersonal = $modx->getChunk('elfinderLocalFileSystemPersonal' . $suffix, $locPersonalProperties); if ($locPersonal) { $locPersonal = jDecode($locPersonal); } } $opts = array('roots' => array($loc1, $loc2, $loc3, $loc4, $loc5, $locPersonal, $ftp1)); $connector = new elFinderConnector(new elFinder($opts)); $connector->run();
| tiny init ... | external_filemanager_path:"../filemanager/", | filemanager_title:"Filemanager" , | filemanager_access_key:"myPrivateKey" , | ... | */ define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', $USE_ACCESS_KEYS_modx); // TRUE or FALSE /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | DON'T COPY THIS VARIABLES IN FOLDERS config.php FILES |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Path configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | In this configuration the folder tree is | root | |- source <- upload folder | |- thumbs <- thumbnail folder [must have write permission (755)] | |- filemanager | |- js | | |- tinymce | | | |- plugins | | | | |- responsivefilemanager | | | | | |- plugin.min.js */ $config = array('base_url' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && !in_array(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']), array('off', 'no')) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'upload_dir' => $absoluteURLtoUploadFolder_modx, 'current_path' => $relativePathToUploadFolder_modx, 'thumbs_base_path' => $relativePathToUploadFolderThumbs_modx, 'access_keys' => listArray($access_keys_modx), 'MaxSizeUpload' => $MaxSizeUpload_modx, 'default_language' => $default_language_modx, 'icon_theme' => $icon_theme_modx, 'folder_message' => $folder_message_modx, 'show_folder_size' => $show_folder_size_modx, 'show_sorting_bar' => $show_sorting_bar_modx, 'transliteration' => $transliteration_modx, 'convert_spaces' => $convert_spaces_modx, 'replace_with' => $replace_with_modx, 'lazy_loading_file_number_threshold' => $lazy_loading_file_number_threshold_modx, 'image_max_width' => $image_max_width_modx, 'image_max_height' => $image_max_height_modx, 'image_max_mode' => $image_max_mode_modx, 'image_resizing' => $image_resizing_modx, 'image_resizing_width' => $image_resizing_width_modx, 'image_resizing_height' => $image_resizing_height_modx, 'image_resizing_mode' => $image_resizing_mode_modx, 'image_resizing_override' => $image_resizing_override_modx, 'default_view' => $default_view_modx, 'ellipsis_title_after_first_row' => $ellipsis_title_after_first_row_modx, 'delete_files' => $delete_files_modx, 'create_folders' => $create_folders_modx, 'delete_folders' => $delete_folders_modx, 'upload_files' => $upload_files_modx, 'rename_files' => $rename_files_modx, 'rename_folders' => $rename_folders_modx, 'duplicate_files' => $duplicate_files_modx, 'copy_cut_files' => $copy_cut_files_modx, 'copy_cut_dirs' => $copy_cut_dirs_modx, 'chmod_files' => $chmod_files_modx, 'chmod_dirs' => $chmod_dirs_modx, 'preview_text_files' => $preview_text_files_modx, 'edit_text_files' => $edit_text_files_modx, 'create_text_files' => $create_text_files_modx, 'previewable_text_file_exts' => listArray($previewable_text_file_exts_modx), 'previewable_text_file_exts_no_prettify' => listArray($previewable_text_file_exts_no_prettify_modx), 'editable_text_file_exts' => listArray($editable_text_file_exts_modx), 'googledoc_enabled' => $googledoc_enabled_modx, 'googledoc_file_exts' => listArray($googledoc_file_exts_modx), 'viewerjs_enabled' => $viewerjs_enabled_modx, 'viewerjs_file_exts' => listArray($viewerjs_file_exts_modx), 'copy_cut_max_size' => $copy_cut_max_size_modx, 'copy_cut_max_count' => $copy_cut_max_count_modx, 'ext_img' => listArray($ext_img_modx), 'ext_file' => listArray($ext_file_modx), 'ext_video' => listArray($ext_video_modx), 'ext_music' => listArray($ext_music_modx), 'ext_misc' => listArray($ext_misc_modx), 'aviary_active' => $aviary_active_modx, 'aviary_apiKey' => $aviary_apiKey_modx, 'aviary_language' => $aviary_language_modx, 'aviary_theme' => $aviary_theme_modx, 'aviary_tools' => $aviary_tools_modx, 'file_number_limit_js' => $file_number_limit_js_modx, 'hidden_folders' => listArray($hidden_folders_modx), 'hidden_files' => listArray($hidden_files_modx), 'java_upload' => $java_upload_modx, 'JAVAMaxSizeUpload' => $JAVAMaxSizeUpload_modx, 'fixed_image_creation' => $fixed_image_creation_modx, 'fixed_path_from_filemanager' => listArray($fixed_path_from_filemanager_modx), 'fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend' => listArray($fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend_modx), 'fixed_image_creation_to_append' => listArray($fixed_image_creation_to_append_modx), 'fixed_image_creation_width' => listArray($fixed_image_creation_width_modx), 'fixed_image_creation_height' => listArray($fixed_image_creation_height_modx), 'fixed_image_creation_option' => listArray($fixed_image_creation_option_modx), 'relative_image_creation' => $relative_image_creation_modx, 'relative_path_from_current_pos' => listArray($relative_path_from_current_pos_modx), 'relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend' => listArray($relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend_modx), 'relative_image_creation_name_to_append' => listArray($relative_image_creation_name_to_append_modx), 'relative_image_creation_width' => listArray($relative_image_creation_width_modx), 'relative_image_creation_height' => listArray($relative_image_creation_height_modx), 'relative_image_creation_option' => listArray($relative_image_creation_option_modx), 'remember_text_filter' => $remember_text_filter_modx); return array_merge($config, array('MaxSizeUpload' => (int) ini_get('post_max_size') < $config['MaxSizeUpload'] ? (int) ini_get('post_max_size') : $config['MaxSizeUpload'], 'ext' => array_merge($config['ext_img'], $config['ext_file'], $config['ext_misc'], $config['ext_video'], $config['ext_music']), 'aviary_defaults_config' => array('apiKey' => $config['aviary_apiKey'], 'language' => $config['aviary_language'], 'theme' => $config['aviary_theme'], 'tools' => $config['aviary_tools'])));
function sendError($msg, $email = "") { global $config; $subjectmsg = substr($msg, 0, 25); // debug_backtrace(); $emailmsg = $msg . ' ================== SYSTEM VALS: '; $emailmsg .= 'PHP VERSION: ' . phpversion() . ' backtrace: '; if (function_exists("debug_backtrace")) { $debug = debug_backtrace(); while (list($key, $val) = each($debug)) { $emailmsg .= $key . '=>' . listArray($val) . "\n"; } } else { $emailmsg .= 'not available'; } $emailmsg .= ' POST VALS: '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $emailmsg .= $key . '->' . listArray($val) . "\n"; } $emailmsg .= ' GET VALS: '; foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { $emailmsg .= $key . '->' . $val . "\n"; } $emailmsg .= ' SESSION VALS: '; if (is_array($_SESSION)) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { $emailmsg .= $key . '->' . listArray($val) . "\n"; } } $emailmsg .= ' SERVER VALS: '; foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { $emailmsg .= $key . '->' . $val . "\n"; } $emailmsg .= ' CONFIG VALS: '; reset($config); foreach ($config as $key => $val) { $emailmsg .= $key . '->' . $val . "\n"; } $config["mail_errors"] = $config["mail_errors"] ? $config["mail_errors"] : "*****@*****.**"; if ($email) { $destination = $email; } elseif ($config["mail_errors"]) { $destination = $config["mail_errors"]; } else { $destination = '*****@*****.**'; } #mail ($config["mail_errors"],$config["websiteurl"]." Webbler error",$emailmsg); if (is_dir($config["code_root"] . "/../spool/mail")) { $fname = tempnam($config["code_root"] . "/../spool/mail/", "msg"); dbg("Writing error to {$fname}"); $fp = @fopen($fname, "w"); fwrite($fp, "To: " . $destination . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "Subject: " . $config["websiteurl"] . " WE {$subjectmsg}\n"); #eg 11 Jun 2003 10:20:00 -0000 fwrite($fp, "Date: " . date("j M Y H:i:s O") . "\n"); fwrite($fp, "\n"); fwrite($fp, $emailmsg); fclose($fp); chmod($fname, 0666); } else { dbg("No error spool directory found in " . $config["coderoot"] . "/../spool/mail"); } }
function listArray($recipient, $level = 0) { foreach ($recipient as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) | is_object($value)) { listArray($value, $level += 1); } else { $number = $key + 1; echo str_repeat(" ", $level * 3); echo $number . " : " . $value . "<br>"; } } echo '<div> </div>'; echo '<i>' . JText::_('COM_ICAGENDA_NEWSLETTER_NB_EMAIL_SEND') . ' = ' . $number . '</i>'; }