function renderForm($error, $username, $tagline)

<div class="under-nav special-bg">
<div class="head-text">
  <h1>Edit Profile &raquo; <?php 
    echo $username;
    if ($tagline == '') {
        echo '&lt;Your tagline is here&gt;';
    } else {
        echo $tagline;

<div class="container">

<div class="row">

<div class="span4">
<div class="well special-bg">
<div class="alert alert-info">
This is how your profile information available to the public when people visiting your profile. <i class="icon-hand-down"></i>
<table class="table table-borderz table-override" id="profile">
<colgroup><col class="span2"><col class="span3"></colgroup>

    include 'includes.php';
    include 'settings.php';
    $userProfile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_users WHERE userwd='{$username}'") or die(mysql_error());
    $userdatax = mysql_fetch_array($userProfile);
    if ($userdatax) {
        $usernamex = $userdatax['userwd'];
        $fullnamex = $userdatax['fullname'];
        $regtime0 = $userdatax['reg_time'];
        $freenotex = str_replace("\n", " ", $userdatax['free_note']);
        $freenotex = str_replace("\r", " ", $userdatax['free_note']);
        if ($regtime0 == '') {
            $regtimex = 'Undefined';
        } else {
            $regtimex = date('j F Y, g:i A', $regtime0);
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Username</td>';
        echo '<td><strong>' . $usernamex . '</strong></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Name</td>';
        if ($fullnamex) {
            echo '<td>' . $fullnamex . '</td>';
        } else {
            echo '<td>N/A</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Registered on</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $regtimex . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Free note</td>';
        if ($freenotex) {
            echo '<td>' . linkThisOne(stripslashes(rtrim($freenotex))) . '</td>';
        } else {
            echo '<td>N/A</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    $sharerProfile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_sharerlinks WHERE owner='{$username}'") or die(mysql_error());
    $sharerdatax = mysql_fetch_array($sharerProfile);
    if ($sharerdatax) {
        $sharerdescx = str_replace("\n", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
        $sharerdescx = str_replace("\r", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
        $sharernamex = $sharerdatax['sharername'];
        $sharerlinkx = $sharerdatax['sharerlink'];
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer name</td>';
        echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3"><span class="label label-info">' . $sharernamex . '</span></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer link</td>';
        echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3"><a href="' . $sharerlinkx . '">' . $sharerlinkx . '</a></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer description</td>';
        echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3">' . stripslashes(rtrim($sharerdescx)) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';



    <div class="span8">
        <div class="well no-radius special-bg">
    if ($error == '' && isset($_SESSION['profileUpdate']) == 'Success') {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-block alert-success" id="success">';
        echo '<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#"><i class="icon-remove"></i></a>';
        echo '<h4 class="alert-heading">Success!</h4>';
        echo 'Your profile was successfully updated.';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">function $(a){return document.getElementById(a)} var hideerr = setTimeout("$(\'success\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'success\').innerHTML = \'\'",5e3)</script>';
    } else {
        if ($error != '') {
            echo '<div id="console" class="alert alert-error">' . $error . '</div>';
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">function $(a){return document.getElementById(a)} var hideerr = setTimeout("$(\'console\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'console\').innerHTML = \'\'",5e3)</script>';

<div class="register-box table-borderz" style="padding:20px;">
 <form class="form-horizontal" action="" method="post">
  <legend>Change Your Password</legend>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="oldpassword">Old password</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="password" class="input-large" id="oldpassword" name="oldpassword" value="" maxlength="15">
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="newpassword1">New password</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="password" class="input-large" id="newpassword1" name="newpassword1" value="" maxlength="15">
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="newpassword2">Confirm new password</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="password" class="input-large" id="newpassword2" name="newpassword2" value="" maxlength="15">
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label"></label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="update" value="Submit">
        <a class="btn" href="index.php">Cancel</a>



    include 'copyright.php';


    include 'footer.php';
Exemple #2
            function renderForm($username, $error, $email, $sharername, $sharerlink, $sharerdesc, $freenote, $fullname, $tagline)

<div class="under-nav special-bg">
<div class="head-text">
  <h1>Edit Profile &raquo; <?php 
                echo $username;
                if ($tagline == '') {
                    echo '&lt;Your tagline is here&gt;';
                } else {
                    echo stripslashes(rtrim($tagline));

<div class="container">

<div class="row">

<div class="span4">
<div class="well special-bg">
<div class="alert alert-info">
This is how your profile information available to the public when people visiting your profile. <i class="icon-hand-down"></i>
<table class="table table-borderz table-override" id="profile">
<colgroup><col class="span2"><col class="span3"></colgroup>

                $userProfile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_users WHERE userwd='{$username}'") or die(mysql_error());
                $userdatax = mysql_fetch_array($userProfile);
                if ($userdatax) {
                    $usernamex = $userdatax['userwd'];
                    $fullnamex = $userdatax['fullname'];
                    $regtime0 = $userdatax['reg_time'];
                    $freenotex = str_replace("\n", " ", $userdatax['free_note']);
                    $freenotex = str_replace("\r", " ", $userdatax['free_note']);
                    if ($regtime0 == '') {
                        $regtimex = 'Undefined';
                    } else {
                        $regtimex = date('j F Y, g:i A', $regtime0);
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Username</td>';
                    echo '<td><strong>' . $usernamex . '</strong></td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Name</td>';
                    if ($fullnamex) {
                        echo '<td>' . $fullnamex . '</td>';
                    } else {
                        echo '<td>N/A</td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Registered on</td>';
                    echo '<td>' . $regtimex . '</td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Free note</td>';
                    if ($freenotex) {
                        echo '<td>' . linkThisOne(stripslashes(rtrim($freenotex))) . '</td>';
                    } else {
                        echo '<td>N/A</td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                $sharerProfile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_sharerlinks WHERE owner='{$username}'") or die(mysql_error());
                $sharerdatax = mysql_fetch_array($sharerProfile);
                if ($sharerdatax) {
                    $sharerdescx = str_replace("\n", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
                    $sharerdescx = str_replace("\r", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
                    $sharernamex = $sharerdatax['sharername'];
                    $sharerlinkx = $sharerdatax['sharerlink'];
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer name</td>';
                    echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3"><span class="label label-info">' . $sharernamex . '</span></td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer link</td>';
                    echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3"><a href="' . $sharerlinkx . '">' . $sharerlinkx . '</a></td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
                    echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer description</td>';
                    echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3">' . stripslashes(rtrim($sharerdescx)) . '</td>';
                    echo '</tr>';



    <div class="span8">
        <div class="well no-radius special-bg">
                if ($error == '' && isset($_SESSION['profileUpdate']) == 'Success') {
                    echo '<div class="alert alert-block alert-success" id="success">';
                    echo '<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#"><i class="icon-remove"></i></a>';
                    echo '<h4 class="alert-heading">Success!</h4>';
                    echo 'Your profile was successfully updated.';
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">function $(a){return document.getElementById(a)} var hideerr = setTimeout("$(\'success\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'success\').innerHTML = \'\'",5e3)</script>';
                } else {
                    if ($error != '') {
                        echo '<div id="console" class="alert alert-error">' . $error . '</div>';
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">function $(a){return document.getElementById(a)} var hideerr = setTimeout("$(\'console\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'console\').innerHTML = \'\'",5e3)</script>';

<div class="register-box table-borderz" style="padding:20px;">
 <form class="form-horizontal" action="" method="post">
  <legend>Update Your Profile</legend>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="nickname">Username</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large" id="nickname" name="username" value="<?php 
                echo $username;
" maxlength="15" disabled>
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-info info-tip" title="Once registered, you cannot change your nickname anymore."><i class="icon-exclamation-sign icon-white"></i></span> <a href="change_password.php" class="label label-info"><i class="icon-lock icon-white"></i> Change Password</a></p>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="fullname">Name</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large regtip" id="fullname" name="fullname" value="<?php 
                echo $fullname;
" maxlength="30" title="Max. 30 chars including alphanumerics, whitespaces and dots.">
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
       <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="email">Email</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large regtip" id="email" name="email" value="<?php 
                echo $email;
" maxlength="50" title="Required when you forgot/lost your password, a new reset password will be sent to this email.">
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-important"><i class="icon-exclamation-sign icon-white"></i> Required</span></p>
    <legend>What's Else?</legend>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="tagline">Tagline</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large regtip" id="tagline" name="tagline" value="<?php 
                echo stripslashes(rtrim($tagline));
" maxlength="100" title="Max. 100 chars. Be short and simple.">
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="freenote">Free note</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <textarea class="input-large regtip" id="freenote" rows="5" placeholder="Write something." name="freenote" maxlength="500" title="Max. 500 chars including whitespaces, alphanumerics and symbols."><?php 
                echo stripslashes(rtrim($freenote));
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
    <legend>Sharerlink (Optional) <small>If you are a sharer... You can fill up this!</small></legend>
      <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="sharername">Sharer name</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large regtip" id="sharername" name="sharername" value="<?php 
                echo $sharername;
" maxlength="20" title="Max. 20 chars including whitespaces, alphanumerics and underscore, but no symbols.">
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="sharerlink">Sharer link</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-large regtip" id="sharerlink" placeholder="http://" name="sharerlink" value="<?php 
                echo $sharerlink;
" maxlength="50" title="Your link/IP must begin with 'http://' to make SharerLink status indicator works.">
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label" for="sharerdesc">Sharer description</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <textarea class="input-large regtip" id="sharerdesc" placeholder="Be simple & descriptive..." rows="3" name="sharerdesc" maxlength="200" title="Max. 200 chars including whitespaces, alphanumerics and symbols."><?php 
                echo stripslashes(rtrim($sharerdesc));
        <p class="help-inline"><span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-question-sign icon-white"></i> Optional</span></p>
    <div class="control-group">
      <label class="control-label"></label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="hidden" name="antispam" value="">
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="update" value="Submit">
                $callSharerData = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_sharerlinks WHERE owner='{$username}'") or die(mysql_error());
                $initSharerData = mysql_fetch_array($callSharerData);
                if ($initSharerData) {
                    echo '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-inverse" name="delete_sharerdata" value="Delete Sharerlink">';
        <a class="btn btn-danger" href="delete.php?user=<?php 
                echo $username;
">Delete this Account</a>
        <a class="btn" href="index.php">Cancel</a>



                include 'copyright.php';


                include 'footer.php';
                    $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
                    $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
                    while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                        $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                        $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                        $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
            // public user
        } else {
            $lines[] = '
    <tr><td class="chatter-box"><a href="profile.php?user='******'" class="chatter" title="View ' . $nick . ' Profile"><strong>' . $nick . '</strong></a><br /><span class="timeAgo">' . time_ago($posttime) . '</span></td>
    <td>' . $shoutx . ' ';
            $lines[] = '<a href="reply.php?id=' . $userid . '&uref=' . $nick . '" class="label label-success" style="float:right;"><i class="icon-retweet icon-white"></i> Reply</a> ';
            $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
            $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
            while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
            $lines[] = '</div>';
            $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
    echo implode($lines);
    echo '</tbody></table>';
Exemple #4
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="user-info-label">Fullname</td>';
     if ($fullnamex) {
         echo '<td>' . $fullnamex . '</td>';
     } else {
         echo '<td>N/A</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="user-info-label">Registered</td>';
     echo '<td>' . $regtimex . '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="user-info-label">Free Note</td>';
     if ($freenotex) {
         echo '<td>' . linkThisOne(stripslashes(rtrim($freenotex))) . '</td>';
     } else {
         echo '<td>N/A</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
 $sharerProfile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_sharerlinks WHERE owner='{$nickname}'") or die(mysql_error());
 $sharerdatax = mysql_fetch_array($sharerProfile);
 if ($sharerdatax) {
     $sharerdescx = str_replace("\n", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
     $sharerdescx = str_replace("\r", " ", $sharerdatax['sharerdesc']);
     $sharernamex = $sharerdatax['sharername'];
     $sharerlinkx = $sharerdatax['sharerlink'];
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="user-info-label">Sharer Name</td>';
     echo '<td style="background:#f3f3f3"><span class="label label-info">' . $sharernamex . '</span></td>';
Exemple #5
function renderForm($error, $requestID, $requester)
    include 'includes.php';
    include 'settings.php';

<div class="under-nav special-bg">
<div class="head-text">
  <h1>Reply to the Request</h1>
  <h3>You're about to reply to someone's request. Thank you for your kindness! <i class="icon-heart icon-white"></i></h3>

    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="span8">
<div class="well special-bg">

<div style='padding-bottom:15px;height:30px;' id='more_shouts_nav'>
<a href='request_shouts.php?page=1' class='btn btn-info'><i class='icon-chevron-left icon-white'></i> Back to Request Message</a>

    echo '<table class="table table-borderz shoutbox-striped table-override" id="shoutbox-table"><colgroup><col class="span2"><col class="span6"></colgroup>';
    echo '<thead><tr><th class="chatter-box"><span class="ranking-title">TOP 5 SHOUTERS <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></span></th><th>';
    $topuser = mysql_query("SELECT username, COUNT(username) AS top5 FROM i_shouts GROUP BY username ORDER BY top5 DESC LIMIT 5");
    $rankz = 1;
    echo '<div class="ranking">';
    while ($userz = mysql_fetch_assoc($topuser)) {
        $poster = $userz['username'];
        $noofmsg = implode(mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(shout) FROM i_shouts WHERE username='******'")));
        echo '<span class="user-rank rank-' . $rankz . ' rankno" title="Rank No. ' . $rankz . '"><a href="profile.php?user='******'">' . $poster . '</a> <strong>' . $noofmsg . '</strong></span> ';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</th></tr>';
    echo '</thead><tbody>';
    echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;background:#eee;border-bottom:1px solid #000"><strong>Request Message</strong></td></tr>';
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_requests WHERE id='{$requestID}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    $reqmsg = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    if ($reqmsg) {
        $userid = $reqmsg['id'];
        $nick = $reqmsg['username'];
        $posttime = $reqmsg['datetime'];
        $shout_combined = makeClickableLinks(bbCode($reqmsg['item']));
        $shoutx = stripslashes(rtrim($shout_combined));
        $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_users WHERE userwd='{$nick}'") or die(mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($data);
        if (mysql_num_rows($data) > 0) {
            // admin
            if (in_array($nick, $admin, true)) {
                $lines[] = '
    <tr><td class="chatter-box"><a href="profile.php?user='******'" class="chatter" title="View ' . $nick . ' Profile"><strong>' . $nick . '</strong></a><br /><span class="timeAgo">' . time_ago($posttime) . '</span></td>
    <td>' . $shoutx . '<div class="timeago" style="text-align:right;">';
                $lines[] = '</div>';
                $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
                $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
                while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                    $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                    $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                    $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
                $lines[] = '</div>';
                $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
                // VIP
            } else {
                if (in_array($nick, $kitty, true)) {
                    $lines[] = '
    <tr><td class="chatter-box"><a href="profile.php?user='******'" class="chatter" title="View ' . $nick . ' Profile"><strong>' . $nick . '</strong></a><br /><span class="timeAgo">' . time_ago($posttime) . '</span></td>
    <td>' . $shoutx . '<div class="timeago" style="text-align:right;">';
                    $lines[] = '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
                    $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
                    while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                        $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                        $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                        $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
                    // public user
                } else {
                    $lines[] = '
    <tr><td class="chatter-box"><a href="profile.php?user='******'" class="chatter" title="View ' . $nick . ' Profile"><strong>' . $nick . '</strong></a><br /><span class="timeAgo">' . time_ago($posttime) . '</span></td>
    <td>' . $shoutx . '<div class="timeago" style="text-align:right;">';
                    $lines[] = '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
                    $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
                    while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                        $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                        $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                        $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</div>';
                    $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
            // public user
        } else {
            $lines[] = '
    <tr><td class="chatter-box"><a href="profile.php?user='******'" class="chatter" title="View ' . $nick . ' Profile"><strong>' . $nick . '</strong></a><br /><span class="timeAgo">' . time_ago($posttime) . '</span></td>
    <td>' . $shoutx . '<div class="timeago" style="text-align:right;">';
            $lines[] = '</div>';
            $lines[] = '<div class="replied-answer">';
            $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM i_replies WHERE item_id='{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
            while ($item1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
                $answer1 = linkThisOne($item1['answer']);
                $answer2 = stripslashes(rtrim($answer1));
                $lines[] = '<div class="replied-msg"><strong>' . $item1['user'] . '</strong> ' . $answer2 . '</div>';
            $lines[] = '</div>';
            $lines[] = '</td></tr>';
    echo implode($lines);
    echo '</tbody></table>';
    if ($error != '') {
        echo '<div id="console" class="alert alert-error">' . $error . '</div>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">function $(a){return document.getElementById(a)} var hideerr = setTimeout("$(\'console\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'console\').innerHTML = \'\'",5e3)</script>';

<form class="form-horizontal" action="" method="post">
<div class="shouting-section">
<textarea class="shouting-box" placeholder="Type your reply message here" name="answer" id="shout" rows="2" maxlength="250"></textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="requestID" value="<?php 
    echo $requestID;
<input type="hidden" name="requester" value="<?php 
    echo $requester;
<div class="shouting-function">
<span id="charcount" class="shouting-count">250</span>
<span class="shouting-btn">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-info" name="reply" value="Shout">




        <div class="span4">
          <div class="well special-bg">
    include 'sharerlink.php';

    include 'copyright.php';


    include 'footer.php';