  * Tests the applying of callbacks.
 function testCallbacks()
     $expected = array('name' => 'Example callback', 'library path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'libraries') . '/tests/example', 'version' => '1', 'versions' => array('1' => array('variants' => array('example_variant' => array('info callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'post-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-load callback' => 'not applied', 'post-load callback' => 'not applied')), 'info callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'post-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-load callback' => 'not applied', 'post-load callback' => 'not applied')), 'variants' => array('example_variant' => array('info callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'post-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-load callback' => 'not applied', 'post-load callback' => 'not applied')), 'callbacks' => array('info' => array('_libraries_test_info_callback'), 'pre-detect' => array('_libraries_test_pre_detect_callback'), 'post-detect' => array('_libraries_test_post_detect_callback'), 'pre-load' => array('_libraries_test_pre_load_callback'), 'post-load' => array('_libraries_test_post_load_callback')), 'info callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'post-detect callback' => 'not applied', 'pre-load callback' => 'not applied', 'post-load callback' => 'not applied', 'module' => 'libraries_test');
     libraries_info_defaults($expected, 'example_callback');
     // Test a callback in the 'info' group.
     $expected['info callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
     $expected['versions']['1']['info callback'] = 'applied (version 1)';
     $expected['versions']['1']['variants']['example_variant']['info callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
     $expected['variants']['example_variant']['info callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
     $library = libraries_info('example_callback');
     $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Prepare callback was applied correctly.');
     // Test a callback in the 'pre-detect' and 'post-detect' phases.
     // Successfully detected libraries should only contain version information
     // for the detected version and thus, be marked as installed.
     $expected['installed'] = TRUE;
     // Additionally, version-specific properties of the detected version are
     // supposed to override the corresponding top-level properties.
     $expected['info callback'] = 'applied (version 1)';
     $expected['variants']['example_variant']['installed'] = TRUE;
     $expected['variants']['example_variant']['info callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
     // Version-overloading takes place after the 'pre-detect' callbacks have
     // been applied.
     $expected['pre-detect callback'] = 'applied (version 1)';
     $expected['post-detect callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
     $expected['variants']['example_variant']['pre-detect callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
     $expected['variants']['example_variant']['post-detect callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
     $library = libraries_detect('example_callback');
     $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Detect callback was applied correctly.');
     // Test a callback in the 'pre-load' and 'post-load' phases.
     // Successfully loaded libraries should only contain information about the
     // already loaded variant.
     $expected['loaded'] = 0;
     $expected['pre-load callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
     $expected['post-load callback'] = 'applied (top-level)';
     $library = libraries_load('example_callback');
     $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Pre-load and post-load callbacks were applied correctly.');
     // This is not recommended usually and is only used for testing purposes.
     // Successfully loaded library variants are supposed to contain the specific
     // variant information only.
     $expected['info callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
     $expected['pre-detect callback'] = 'applied (version 1, variant example_variant)';
     $expected['post-detect callback'] = 'applied (variant example_variant)';
     $library = libraries_load('example_callback', 'example_variant');
     $this->verbose('Expected:<pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->verbose('Actual:<pre>' . var_export($library, TRUE) . '</pre>');
     $this->assertEqual($library, $expected, 'Pre-detect and post-detect callbacks were applied correctly to a variant.');
Exemple #2
 * Returns information about registered libraries.
 * The returned information is unprocessed; i.e., as registered by plugins.
 * @param $library
 *   (optional) The machine name of a library to return registered information for. If omitted, information about all
 *   registered libraries is returned.
 * @return array|false
 *   An associative array containing registered information for all libraries, the registered information for the
 *   library specified by $name, or FALSE if the library $name is not registered.
function &libraries_info($library = null)
    // This static cache is re-used by libraries_detect() to save memory.
    static $libraries;
    if (!isset($libraries)) {
        $libraries = array();
        $plugPrefs = e107::getPlugConfig('libraries')->getPref();
        $addonsList = vartrue($plugPrefs['addon_list'], array());
        // Gather information from libraries_info() in enabled plugins/themes.
        foreach ($addonsList as $type => $items) {
            foreach ($items as $name) {
                if ($type == 'plugin') {
                    e107_require_once(e_PLUGIN . $name . '/e_libraries.php');
                if ($type == 'theme') {
                    e107_require_once(e_THEME . $name . '/e_libraries.php');
                $addonClass = $name . '_libraries';
                if (class_exists($addonClass)) {
                    $class = new $addonClass();
                    if (method_exists($class, 'libraries_info')) {
                        $info = $class->libraries_info();
                        if (is_array($info)) {
                            foreach ($info as $machine_name => $properties) {
                                if ($type == 'plugin') {
                                    $properties['info type'] = 'plugin';
                                    $properties['plugin'] = $name;
                                    $libraries[$machine_name] = $properties;
                                if ($type == 'theme') {
                                    $properties['info type'] = 'theme';
                                    $properties['theme'] = $name;
                                    $libraries[$machine_name] = $properties;
        // Provide defaults.
        foreach ($libraries as $machine_name => &$properties) {
            libraries_info_defaults($properties, $machine_name);
        // Allow enabled plugins/themes to alter the registered libraries.
        foreach ($addonsList as $type => $items) {
            foreach ($items as $name) {
                if ($type == 'plugin') {
                    e107_require_once(e_PLUGIN . $name . '/e_libraries.php');
                if ($type == 'theme') {
                    e107_require_once(e_THEME . $name . '/e_libraries.php');
                $addonClass = $name . '_libraries';
                if (class_exists($addonClass)) {
                    $class = new $addonClass();
                    if (method_exists($class, 'libraries_info_alter')) {
        // TODO:
        // Invoke callbacks in the 'info' group.
        foreach ($libraries as &$properties) {
            libraries_invoke('info', $properties);
    if (isset($library)) {
        if (!empty($libraries[$library])) {
            return $libraries[$library];
        } else {
            $false = false;
            return $false;
    return $libraries;