Exemple #1
** this page is called by create_login.php and is responsible for      *
** inserting the l/p into tbl_users.                                   *
** NOTE: this page is only accessible by the account which is          *
** defined in $UBER_USER in login.inc                                  *
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/login.inc.php";
$gString = getgString();
// protect if public signup is false
// mailback account creation requires building a random password
if ($cache == "random") {
    $password = lib_login_create_random_passwd();
    $passwordagain = $password;
** it is the uber user... so we take $username, $password and          *
** $passwordagain and use it to create can account... then we redirect *
** back to create_login.php                                            *
$error = lib_login_create_account($username, $password, $passwordagain, $email, $question, $answer);
$error = urlencode($error);
// find out where we came from, sript all GET vars off the URL
$goback = GetReferer();
$goback = explode("?", $goback);
$goback = $goback[0];
if ($cache == "random" && $error == "success") {
    // do mail stuff here... and make an attempt at error checkin? huh?
Exemple #2
function lib_login_forgot_password_art($iteration, $reminduser, $answer, $artpath)
    global $REQUEST_URI;
    global $THIS_SITE;
    global $HEADER_TAG_OPEN;
    global $HEADER_TAG_CLOSE;
    global $SUB_HEAD_TAG_OPEN;
    global $SUB_HEAD_TAG_CLOSE;
    global $BODY_TAG_OPEN;
    global $BODY_TAG_CLOSE;
    global $LOG_MESSAGE;
    global $QA_SIGNUP;
    global $gString;
    global $gDB;
    $db = $gDB;
    // first, if $QA_SIGNUP is false, there are no questions for users to answer, so we
    // should probably not permit the password reminder to run. bail now.
    if ($QA_SIGNUP == "FALSE") {
        return 1;
    $right_here .= $REQUEST_URI;
    // does this work with IIS ????
     * First Iteration ----------------------------------------------
    if ($iteration == "") {
        // the URI may have GET vars on the URL that will cause probs
        // so strip off all data after ? in URL (including ?)
        $right_here = explode("?", $right_here);
        $right_here = $right_here[0];
        // gStrings[19] = "forgot your password?"
        print "<a href=\"{$right_here}?iteration=1\">" . $BODY_TAG_OPEN . $gString[19] . $BODY_TAG_CLOSE . "</a>";
        return 1;
    } else {
        // gStrings[20] = "password reminder step "
        print $HEADER_TAG_OPEN . $gString[20] . " " . $iteration . $HEADER_TAG_CLOSE . "<br>";
     * Second Iteration ---------------------------------------------
    if ($iteration == "1") {
        // strip GET info off URI
        $right_here = substr($right_here, 0, strpos($right_here, '?'));
        // gStrings[21] = "enter your username"
        print <<<HTML
\t\t\t<form method="POST" action="{$right_here}?iteration=2">
\t\t\t{$SUB_HEAD_TAG_OPEN} {$gString['21']} {$SUB_HEAD_TAG_CLOSE}<br>
\t\t\t\t<input type="text" name="reminduser"><p>
        // deal with the art button vs. form button stuff.
        if ($artpath == "") {
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"></form>";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"{$artpath}\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\"></form>";
        return 1;
        // arbitrary value
     * Third Iteration ----------------------------------------------
    if ($iteration == "2") {
        // Strip GET info off URI
        $right_here = substr($right_here, 0, strpos($right_here, '?'));
        // Retreive question for user
        $sql_get_question = <<<SQL
        $result = $db->Execute($sql_get_question);
        $question = $result->fields[3];
        // this index will NOT survive new ddl
        // WARNING!!
        // No question entered, bail
        // gStrings[22] = "you did not supply a question when you..."
        if ($question == "") {
            print $BODY_TAG_OPEN . $gString[22] . $BODY_TAG_CLOSE;
            return 1;
        $url_reminduser = urlencode($reminduser);
        // Poll for an answer
        // gString[23] = "question for "
        // gString[24] = "answer"
        print <<<HTML2
\t\t\t<form method="POST" action="{$right_here}?iteration=3&reminduser={$url_reminduser}">
\t\t\t{$gString['23']} {$reminduser}:
\t\t\t\t<input type="text" name="answer"><p>
        if ($artpath == "") {
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"></form>";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"{$artpath}\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\"></form>";
        return 1;
     * Fourth Iteration ----------------------------------------------
    if ($iteration == "3") {
        $reminduser = urldecode($reminduser);
        // Get answer and email at once
        $sql_get_answer_email = <<<SQL2
\t\t\tSELECT\tanswer, email
        $result = $db->Execute($sql_get_answer_email);
        $correct_answer = $result->fields[0];
        // easier to remember and
        $user_email = $result->fields[1];
        // works in strings
        // gString[25] = "wrong answer"
        // gString[26] = "try again?"
        if ($correct_answer != $answer) {
            $right_here = substr($right_here, 0, strpos($right_here, '?'));
            print "<br>" . $SUB_HEAD_TAG_OPEN . $gString[25] . $SUB_HEAD_TAG_CLOSE . "<br>";
            print "<a href=\"{$right_here}?iteration=1\">";
            print $gString[26] . "</a><br>";
        } else {
            $new_pass = lib_login_create_random_passwd();
            $md5password = md5($new_pass);
            $sql_update_password = <<<SQL3
            $result = $db->Execute($sql_update_password);
            // gString[27] = "your new password for $THIS_SITE is"
            // gString[28] = "new password for $THIS_SITE"
            // gString[29] = "your new password has been mailed to you"
            if ($result) {
                $message = $gString[27] . "<p>\n {$new_pass}";
                @mail($user_email, $gString[28], $message);
                // no fail msg.
                lib_login_write_log($LOG_MESSAGE[5], $reminduser);
                print $SUB_HEAD_TAG_OPEN . "<p>" . $gString[29] . $SUB_HEAD_TAG_CLOSE;
            } else {
                print $SUB_HEAD_TAG_OPEN . $gString[30] . $SUB_HEAD_TAG_CLOSE;
        return 1;