/** * Loads all components from XML * @throws \Exception from \SimpleXMLElement */ protected function loadComponentsXML() { if (!isset($this->xmlData['xml']->components)) { return; } if (!isset($this->xmlData['xml']->components->component)) { return; } foreach ($this->xmlData['xml']->components->component as $component) { $attributes = $component->attributes(); $name = (string) $attributes['handler']; if (!in_array($name, $this->xmlData['components'])) { if (!file_exists($this->templatePath . "components/{$name}/{$name}" . EXT)) { $this->errors[] = langf('Component |component_name| is broken', 'template_manager', array('component_name' => $name)); continue; } array_push($this->xmlData['components'], $name); } } }
public function create() { if (!file_exists(BACKUPFOLDER)) { mkdir(BACKUPFOLDER); chmod(BACKUPFOLDER, 0777); } if (!is_really_writable(BACKUPFOLDER)) { showMessage(langf('Directory {0} has no writing permission', 'admin', array(BACKUPFOLDER)), false, 'r'); exit; } switch ($_POST['save_type']) { case 'local': jsCode("window.location = '" . site_url('admin/backup/force_download/' . $_POST['file_type']) . "'"); break; case 'server': $this->load->helper('file'); $backup = \libraries\Backup::create(); $deleteOld = $backup->getSetting('backup_del_status'); if ($deleteOld == 1) { $deleteData = $backup->deleteOldFiles(); } else { $deleteData = NULL; } if (FALSE !== ($fileName = $backup->createBackup($_POST['file_type']))) { $message = lang('Backup copying has been completed', 'admin'); if (is_array($deleteData)) { $mb = number_format($deleteData['size'] / 1024 / 1024, 2); $message .= "<br /> Deleted {$deleteData['count']} files on {$mb} Mb"; } showMessage($message); } break; case 'email': $this->send_to_email(); break; } pjax('/admin/backup'); }
/** * database backup */ public function db_backup() { if (is_really_writable(BACKUPFOLDER)) { $this->ci->load->dbutil(); $filePath = \libraries\Backup::create()->createBackup("sql", "backup", TRUE); return pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_BASENAME); } else { showMessage(langf('Can not create a database snapshot, Check the folder {0} on the ability to record', 'admin', array(BACKUPFOLDER))); } return $name; }
<?php $temp = array(); $temp['runs'] = $runs; $temp['run_rels'] = $run_rels; $temp['show_links'] = true; $GI->load->view('report_plugins/runs/groups', $temp); ?> <?php $run_count_partial = count($runs); ?> <?php if ($run_count > $run_count_partial) { ?> <p class="partial"> <?php echo langf('reports_tpr_runs_more', $run_count - $run_count_partial); ?> </p> <?php } } else { ?> <p><?php echo lang('reports_tpr_runs_empty'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php