<?php require('lib.php'); $json = array(); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * from locations order by label"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $loc = array( 'id'=> $row['id'], 'name'=> $row['label'], 'lat'=>$row['latitude'], 'lng'=>$row['longitude'] ); $json[] = $loc; } jsonOutput($json); ?>
<?php require('lib.php'); $json = array(); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * from clothes order by name ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $name = array( 'id'=> $row['id'], 'name'=> $row['name'] ); $json[] = $name; } header('Content-type: application/x-javascript'); echo "var clothes ="; jsonOutput($json, false); echo ";"; ?>
} if ($action == 'edit') { if (!$g_user->hasPermission('plugin_soundcloud_update')) { jsonOutput(null, array('title' => getGS('Error'), 'text' => getGS('You do not have the right to update SoundCloud tracks.'), 'type' => 'error')); exit; } $track = $soundcloud->trackLoad($track); if (empty($track)) { jsonOutput(null, array('title' => getGS('Edit error'), 'text' => getGS('Track not found'), 'type' => 'error')); exit; } $track['release_date'] = empty($track['release_year']) ? '' : "{$track['release_year']}-{$track['release_month']}-{$track['release_day']}"; ob_start(); require_once 'templates/edit.php'; $content = ob_get_clean(); jsonOutput($content, $message, $js, $otherParams); } function jsonOutput($content, $message = array(), $js = null, $otherParams = array(), $json = true) { if ($json) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); } $output = array(); if ($content) { $output['html'] = $content; } if ($message) { $output['message'] = $message; } if ($js) { $output['js'] = $js;
$navinfos = J::t('nav')->fetch_all(); foreach ($navinfos as $k => $v) { if ($v['pid'] == 0) { $pinfos[$v['id']] = $v; } else { $group[$v['pid']][] = $v; } } foreach (multi_array_sort($pinfos, 'displayorder') as $k => $v) { $sortpinfos[$v['id']] = $v; } foreach ($group as $k => $v) { $sortpinfos[$k]['downnav'] = multi_array_sort($v, 'displayorder'); } J::t('setting')->replace('nav', $sortpinfos); jsonOutput($return); } exit; } else { if (empty($_B['setting']['nav'])) { $navinfos = J::t('nav')->fetch_all(); foreach ($navinfos as $k => $v) { if ($v['pid'] == 0) { $pinfos[$v['id']] = $v; } else { $group[$v['pid']][] = $v; } } foreach (multi_array_sort($pinfos, 'displayorder') as $k => $v) { $sortpinfos[$v['id']] = $v; }
if ($errorcode < 0) { $data = $upload->errormsg(); @unlink($file['target']); jsonOutput(2, $data); } //判断是否开启了exif,并获取照片的exif信息 $my_exif = array(); if (extension_loaded('exif') && extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $my_exif = exif_read_data($file['target'], "EXIF"); } $image = new class_image($file['target']); $image->exif = $my_exif; $status = $image->Thumb(); if ($status <= 0) { $data = $image->errormsg($status); @unlink($file['target']); jsonOutput(2, $data); } $insert = array('uid' => $_B['uid'], 'aid' => 0, 'path' => $file['imgurl'], 'type' => 'article', 'size' => $image->imginfo['size'], 'width' => $image->imginfo['width'], 'height' => $image->imginfo['height'], 'thumbH' => $image->imginfo['thumbH'], 'status' => 0, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); $aid = J::t('image')->insert($insert, true); if (!is_numeric($aid) || $aid <= 0) { @unlink($file['target']); jsonOutput(2, '上传失败 0071'); } $data['url'] = $_B['siteurl'] . $file['imgurl'] . '.thumb.jpg'; $data['aid'] = $aid; jsonOutput(1, $data); break; case 'view': case 'new': }
$assn_json = json_decode($row['json']); $assn_id = $row['assn_id']; } if ($assn_id == false) { jsonError('This assignment is not yet set up'); return; } // Compute the user's grade $grade = computeGrade($assn_id, $assn_json, $user_id); if ($grade <= 0) { jsonError('Nothing to grade for this user', $row); return; } // Lookup the result row if we are grading the non-current user $result = false; if ($user_id != $USER->id) { $result = lookupResult($LTI, $user_id); } // Send the grade $debug_log = array(); $status = LTIX::gradeSend($grade, $result, $debug_log); // This is the slow bit if ($status === true) { if ($user_id != $USER->id) { jsonOutput(array("status" => $status, "debug" => $debug_log)); } else { jsonOutput(array("status" => $status, "grade" => $grade, "debug" => $debug_log)); } } else { jsonError($status, $debug_log); }
jsonOutput(2, '数据出错,请刷新重试'); } $aid = $_GET['aid']; $comlimit = 30; $start = ($_B['page'] - 1) * $comlimit; $comlist = J::t('comment')->fetch_list('*', "classify='article' AND aid={$aid} AND `status`=1", $start, $comlimit); $next = ''; if ($comlist) { require_once libfile('article'); foreach ($comlist as $k => $v) { $comlist[$k]['formattime'] = btime($v['dateline'], 1); $comlist[$k]['time'] = btime($v['dateline']); $comlist[$k]['avatar'] = IMGDIR . 'jam.png'; $comlist[$k]['content'] = ubb2html($v['content']); } if (count($comlist) >= $comlimit) { $next = 'index.php?m=comment&do=get&aid=' . $aid . '&page=' . ($_B['page'] + 1); } } $data['content'] = display('_comment', 0, true, array('comlist' => $comlist)); $data['next'] = $next; jsonOutput(1, $data); } elseif ($do == 'zan') { if (!$_B['ajax']) { jsonOutput(2, '不允许的操作'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['cid']) || $_GET['cid'] <= 0) { jsonOutput(2, '数据出错,请刷新重试'); } jsonOutput(1, -1); }
$outformat = html_entity_decode($outformat); ?> <?php try { $db = new PDO('sqlite:./otc/RatingSystem.db'); } catch (PDOException $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } include('querytojson.php'); if ($outformat == 'json'){ $signqueries = array('ANY' => ' ', 'POS' => ' AND ratings.rating > 0', 'NEG' => ' AND ratings.rating < 0'); $typequeries = array('RECV' => "users2.nick LIKE ? ESCAPE '|' AND users2.id = ratings.rated_user_id AND users.id = ratings.rater_user_id", 'SENT' => "users.nick LIKE ? ESCAPE '|' AND users.id = ratings.rater_user_id AND users2.id = ratings.rated_user_id"); $sql = "SELECT ratings.id as id, users.nick as rater_nick, users2.nick as rated_nick, ratings.created_at as created_at, ratings.rating as rating, ratings.notes as notes from users, users as users2, ratings WHERE " . $typequeries[$type] . $signqueries[$sign]; $sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY)); $sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $sth->execute(array($nickfilter)); if (!$sth) echo "[]"; else jsonOutput($sth); exit(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <?php $pagetitle = "Rating Details for User '" . htmlentities($nick) . "'"; include("header.php"); ?> <div class="breadcrumbs"> <a href="/">Home</a> › <a href="trust.php">Web of Trust</a> ›
} $insert = array('subject' => $subject, 'content' => $res_content['content'], 'authorid' => $_B['uid'], 'author' => $_B['username'], 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'image' => $image, 'views' => 1); $aid = J::t('article')->insert($insert); if ($aid && $image) { $str_ids = join(',', $res_content['image']); J::t('image')->update(array('aid' => $aid, 'status' => 1), "uid=" . $_B['uid'] . " AND id IN({$str_ids})"); $data = $_B['siteurl'] . 'index.php?m=article&do=view&id=' . $aid; } else { if (!$aid) { $status = 2; $data = '添加失败'; } else { $data = '添加成功'; } } jsonOutput($status, $data); } if (!$_B['uid']) { shownotice('请先登录', array('referer' => $_B['referer'])); } $navtitle = $_B['setting']['blog']['blogName'] . ' - 写文章'; $defaultcontent = ''; break; case 'update': if ($_B['ajax'] && $_GET['type'] == 'update') { } $aid = $_GET['aid'] ?: 0; if (!$aid || !is_numeric($aid)) { shownotice('该文章不存在', array('referer' => $_B['referer'])); } $article = J::t('article')->find_by_pk($aid);