/** * Polls for the specified report handle * * @param string $handle the report handle to poll for * @return olsasoapresponse olsasoapresponse->result is a NULL object */ function UTIL_PollForReport($handle) { global $CFG; if (!isolsaconfigurationset()) { $response = new olsaresponse(false, get_string('skillsoft_olsasettingsmissing', 'skillsoft'), NULL); } else { //Set local OLSA Variables $endpoint = $CFG->skillsoft_olsaendpoint; $customerId = $CFG->skillsoft_olsacustomerid; $sharedsecret = $CFG->skillsoft_olsasharedsecret; //Specify the WSDL using the EndPoint $wsdlurl = $endpoint . '?WSDL'; //Specify the SOAP Client Options $options = array("trace" => 0, "exceptions" => 0, "soap_version" => SOAP_1_2, "cache_wsdl" => WSDL_CACHE_BOTH, "encoding" => "UTF-8"); //Create a new instance of the OLSA Soap Client $client = new olsa_soapclient($wsdlurl, $options); //Create the USERNAMETOKEN $client->__setUsernameToken($customerId, $sharedsecret); //Create the Request $PollForReportRequest = array("customerId" => $customerId, "reportId" => $handle); //Call the WebService and stored result in $result $result = $client->__soapCall('UTIL_PollForReport', array('parameters' => $PollForReportRequest)); if (is_soap_fault($result)) { if (!stripos($result->getmessage(), 'security token could not be authenticated or authorized') == false) { //Authentication Failure $response = new olsaresponse(false, get_string('skillsoft_olsassoapauthentication', 'skillsoft'), NULL); } elseif (!stripos($result->detail->exceptionName, 'DataNotReadyYetFault') == false) { //Report not ready yet $response = new olsaresponse(false, get_string('skillsoft_olsassoapreportnotready', 'skillsoft'), NULL); } elseif (!stripos($result->detail->exceptionName, 'ReportDoesNotExistFault') == false) { //Report not ready yet $response = new olsaresponse(false, get_string('skillsoft_olsassoapreportnotvalid', 'skillsoft', $handle), NULL); } else { //General SOAP Fault //print_error('olsassoapfault','skillsoft','',$result->getmessage()); $response = new olsaresponse(false, get_string('skillsoft_olsassoapfault', 'skillsoft', $result->getmessage()), NULL); } } else { $response = new olsaresponse(true, '', $result); } } return $response; }
$html .= $br; $html .= 'DIAGNOSTICS HALTED'; $html .= $br; $html .= $fontend; } else { $html .= $pass; $html .= 'cURL Extension is loaded.'; $html .= $br; $html .= $fontend; } echo $OUTPUT->box(testheader($currenttest, 'Checking cURL Extension is loaded') . $html, 'generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide', 'summary'); } $currenttest++; if ($continue) { $html = ''; if (!isolsaconfigurationset()) { $continue = false; $html .= $fail; $html .= 'OLSA Settings are Not Configured. Please ensure you enter the OLSA settings in the module configuration settings'; $html .= $br; $html .= 'DIAGNOSTICS HALTED'; $html .= $br; $html .= $fontend; } else { $html .= $pass; $html .= 'OLSA Settings Configured.'; $html .= $br; $html .= $fontend; //Set local OLSA Variables used for subsequent tests $endpoint = $CFG->skillsoft_olsaendpoint; $customerId = $CFG->skillsoft_olsacustomerid;