require_once __CHV_PATH_INCLUDES__ . 'template.functions.php'; /*** Set some url paths ***/ define('__CHV_URL_SYSTEM_JS__', absolute_to_url(__CHV_PATH_SYSTEM_JS__)); define('__CHV_URL_THEME__', absolute_to_url(__CHV_PATH_THEME__)); define('__CHV_URL_UPDATE_SCRIPT__', __CHV_BASE_URL__ . 'update.php'); // Virtual paths define('__CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__', sanitize_path($config['virtual_folder_image'])); define('__CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_UPLOADED__', sanitize_path($config['virtual_folder_uploaded'])); /*** Call the dB class ***/ require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.db.php'; $dB = new dB(); /*** Call the Login class ***/ require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.login.php'; $Login = new Login(); /*** Call the ShortURL class ***/ require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.shorturl.php'; $ShortURL = new ShortURL(); /*** Flood protection ***/ if (preg_match('/upload/', access)) { $flood = is_upload_flood(); } /*** maintenance ***/ if (preg_match('/upload|API|pref/', access) && chevereto_config('maintenance')) { status_header(400); die('maintenance'); } /*** Call the handler ***/ if (check_value(access) && !preg_match("/API|update|pref/", access)) { require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.handler.php'; $handler = new Handler(); }
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('access') or !access) { die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); } /*** Session ***/ if (array_key_exists('sID', $_REQUEST)) { session_id($_REQUEST['sID']); } @session_start(); /** Block the invalid request ***/ if (is_invalid_request()) { json_output(array('error' => 'true', 'errorMsg' => 'bad request')); } /*** Detect Flood ***/ if (is_upload_flood()) { json_output(array('error' => 'true', 'errorMsg' => 'flood detected')); } /*** Ask for credentials ***/ if (is_config_private_mode() && !is_logged_user()) { json_output(array('error' => 'true', 'errorMsg' => 'login needed')); } /** Call the upload class ***/ require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.upload.php'; $upload = new Upload($to_upload); if ($is_remote) { $upload->is_remote = true; } $upload->img_upload_path = __CHV_PATH_IMAGES__; if (isset($to_resize)) { $upload->resize_width = $to_resize;