/** * Adds neccessary classes for some themes * @param string $classes * @return string */ function add_classes_on_categories($classes) { if (is_tax() && is_ic_only_main_cats()) { $classes .= ' hentry status-publish'; } return $classes; }
} } } if (is_home_archive() || !more_products() && is_custom_product_listing_page()) { if (get_query_var('paged')) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); } elseif (get_query_var('page')) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); } else { $paged = 1; } $args = apply_filters('home_product_listing_query', array('post_type' => 'al_product', 'posts_per_page' => $multiple_settings['archive_products_limit'], 'paged' => $paged)); query_posts($args); $is_home = 1; } if ((is_tax() || is_search() || !is_ic_only_main_cats()) && more_products()) { do_action('before_product_list', $archive_template, $multiple_settings); $product_list = ''; while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $product_list .= get_catalog_template($archive_template, $post); } $product_list = apply_filters('product_list_ready', $product_list, $archive_template, 'auto_listing'); echo '<div class="product-list responsive ' . $archive_template . ' ' . product_list_class($archive_template) . '">' . $product_list . '</div><span class="clear"></span>'; } else { if (!is_product_filters_active() && is_search() && !more_products()) { echo '<p>' . __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'ecommerce-product-catalog') . '</p>'; product_search_form(); } else { if (is_product_filters_active() && !more_products()) { show_product_sort_bar();
/** * Shows categories on product listing for custom templates usage * * @return string */ function ic_product_listing_categories() { ob_start(); $multiple_settings = get_multiple_settings(); $archive_template = get_product_listing_template(); $taxonomy_name = apply_filters('current_product_catalog_taxonomy', 'al_product-cat'); if (!is_tax() && !is_search()) { $before_archive = content_product_adder_archive_before(); if ($before_archive != '<div class="entry-summary"></div>') { echo $before_archive; } if ($multiple_settings['product_listing_cats'] == 'on' || $multiple_settings['product_listing_cats'] == 'cats_only') { if ($multiple_settings['cat_template'] != 'template') { $product_subcategories = wp_list_categories('show_option_none = No_cat&echo = 0&title_li = &taxonomy = ' . $taxonomy_name . '&parent = 0'); if (!strpos($product_subcategories, 'No_cat')) { do_action('before_product_listing_category_list'); echo '<div class = "product-subcategories">' . $product_subcategories . '</div>'; } } else { $show_categories = do_shortcode('[show_categories parent = "0" shortcode_query = "no"]'); if (!empty($show_categories)) { do_action('before_product_listing_category_list'); echo $show_categories; if ($archive_template != 'list' && !is_ic_only_main_cats()) { echo '<hr>'; } } } } } else { if (is_tax()) { $term = get_queried_object()->term_id; if (is_ic_category_image_enabled()) { $term_img = get_product_category_image_id($term); echo wp_get_attachment_image($term_img, apply_filters('product_cat_image_size', 'large'), false, array('class' => 'product-category-image')); } $term_description = term_description(); if (!empty($term_description)) { echo '<div class = "taxonomy-description">' . $term_description . '</div>'; } if ($multiple_settings['category_top_cats'] == 'on' || $multiple_settings['category_top_cats'] == 'only_subcategories') { if ($multiple_settings['cat_template'] != 'template') { $product_subcategories = wp_list_categories('show_option_none = No_cat&echo = 0&title_li = &taxonomy = ' . $taxonomy_name . '&child_of = ' . $term); if (!strpos($product_subcategories, 'No_cat')) { ?> <div class="product-subcategories"> <?php do_action('before_category_subcategories'); echo $product_subcategories; ?> </div> <?php } } else { $show_categories = do_shortcode('[show_categories parent = ' . get_queried_object_id() . ' shortcode_query = no]'); if (!empty($show_categories)) { do_action('before_category_subcategories'); echo $show_categories; if ($archive_template != 'list' && !is_ic_only_main_cats()) { echo '<hr>'; } } } } } } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Generates product listing products * * @param type $archive_template * @param type $multiple_settings */ function ic_product_listing_products($archive_template, $multiple_settings) { global $post, $ic_is_home; if (is_home_archive() || !more_products() && is_custom_product_listing_page()) { if (get_query_var('paged')) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); } elseif (get_query_var('page')) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); } else { $paged = 1; } $args = apply_filters('home_product_listing_query', array('post_type' => 'al_product', 'posts_per_page' => $multiple_settings['archive_products_limit'], 'paged' => $paged)); query_posts($args); $ic_is_home = 1; } if ((is_tax() || is_search() || !is_ic_only_main_cats() || is_product_filters_active()) && more_products()) { do_action('before_product_list', $archive_template, $multiple_settings); $product_list = ''; while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $product_list .= get_catalog_template($archive_template, $post); } $product_list = apply_filters('product_list_ready', $product_list, $archive_template, 'auto_listing'); echo '<div class="product-list responsive ' . $archive_template . ' ' . product_list_class($archive_template) . '">' . $product_list . '</div><span class="clear"></span>'; } else { if (!is_product_filters_active() && is_search() && !more_products()) { echo '<p>' . __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'ecommerce-product-catalog') . '</p>'; product_search_form(); } else { if (is_product_filters_active() && !more_products()) { show_product_sort_bar(); $filters = get_active_product_filters(); if (isset($_GET['s'])) { $filters[] = 's'; } echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different options or %sreset filters%s.', 'ecommerce-product-catalog'), '<a href="' . esc_url(remove_query_arg($filters)) . '">', '</a>') . '</p>'; } } } }