} else { $collection = get_collection($ref); if ($collection === false) { exit("Collection not found."); } } } #Check if sharing allowed if (!$allow_share) { $show_error = true; $error = $lang["error-permissiondenied"]; } $user_select_internal = checkperm("noex"); #Check if any resources are not in the active state foreach ($refArray as $colref) { if (!$collection_allow_not_approved_share && !is_collection_approved(trim($colref))) { $show_error = true; $error = $lang["notapprovedsharecollection"]; } } # Get min access to this collection foreach ($refArray as $colref) { $minaccess = collection_min_access(trim($colref)); } if ($minaccess >= 1 && !$restricted_share) { $show_error = true; $error = $lang["restrictedsharecollection"]; } if (isset($show_error)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">
<?php } else { # Access has been selected. Generate a URL. ?> <p><?php echo $lang["generatethemeurlsexternal"]?></p> <p> <textarea class="URLDisplay" cols="100" rows="<?php echo count($collectionstoshare)*4+1; ?>" ><?php $unapproved_collection=false; foreach($collectionstoshare as $collection){ $ref=$collection["ref"]; #Check if any resources are not approved if (!is_collection_approved($ref) && !$collection_allow_not_approved_share) { echo str_replace("%collectionname%", i18n_get_collection_name($collection), $lang["collection-name"]) . "\r\n" . $lang["notapprovedsharecollection"] . "\r\n\r\n"; $unapproved_collection=true; } else { echo str_replace("%collectionname%", i18n_get_collection_name($collection), $lang["collection-name"]) . "\r\n" . $baseurl?>/?c=<?php echo urlencode($ref)?>&k=<?php echo generate_collection_access_key($ref,0,"URL",$access,$expires) . "\r\n" . ($expires!="" ? str_replace("%date%", $expires, $lang["expires-date"]) : str_replace("%date%", $lang["never"], $lang["expires-date"])) . "\r\n\r\n"; } } ?> </textarea> <?php if ($unapproved_collection){?><script>alert('<?php echo $lang['notapprovedsharetheme']?>');</script><?php } ?> </p> <?php } } //Display existing shares for collections in theme
if (!collection_readable($ref)) {exit($lang["no_access_to_collection"]);} #Check if sharing allowed if (checkperm("b") || !$allow_share) { $show_error=true; $error=$lang["error-permissiondenied"]; } # Check if editing existing external share $editaccess=getvalescaped("editaccess",""); ($editaccess=="")?$editing=false:$editing=true; $editexternalurl = (getval("editexternalurl","")!=""); #Check if any resources are not active $collectionstates=is_collection_approved($ref); if (!$collection_allow_not_approved_share && $collectionstates==false) { $show_error=true; $error=$lang["notapprovedsharecollection"]; } if(is_array($collectionstates) && (count($collectionstates)>1 || !in_array(0,$collectionstates))) { $warningtext=$lang["collection_share_status_warning"]; foreach($collectionstates as $collectionstate) { $warningtext.="<br>" . $lang["status" . $collectionstate]; } } # Get min access to this collection