/** * Sets our option value and encodes it if required. * * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ public function setChecksumAttribute($value) { if (!is_binary($value)) { $value = hex2bin($value); } $this->attributes['checksum'] = binary_sql($value); }
public function __construct($cidr = null, $end = null) { if ($cidr === null || $cidr === "") { return parent::__construct(Request::ip()); } // Passing a static, return it. if ($cidr instanceof static) { // If no end, return $cidr. if ($end === null) { return parent::__construct($cidr->getStart(), $cidr->getEnd()); } // If end is a static, we are creating a range with two exising IPs. if ($end instanceof static) { $end = $end->getEnd(); } // If $end is binary, return it to base64. if (is_binary($end)) { $end = inet_ntop($end); } return parent::__construct($cidr->getStart(), $end); } else { if (is_binary($cidr)) { try { $start = inet_ntop($cidr); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::warning("App\\Support\\IP::__construct trying to make IP from \$cidr binary value \"{$cidr}\" 0x" . bin2hex($cidr) . ", but it's not a real IP!"); if (!env('APP_DEBUG', false)) { $start = ""; } else { throw $e; } } } else { try { $start = inet_ntop($cidr); } catch (\Exception $e) { $start = $cidr; } } } // Passing a static, return it. if ($end instanceof static) { return parent::__construct($start, $end->getEnd()); } else { if (is_binary($end)) { try { $end = inet_ntop($end); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::warning("App\\Support\\IP::__construct trying to make IP from \$end binary value \"{$cidr}\" 0x" . bin2hex($end) . ", but it's not a real IP!"); if (!env('APP_DEBUG', false)) { $end = ""; } else { throw $e; } } } } return parent::__construct($start, $end); }
function directory_to_array($directory, $ignores = NULL, $only_binary_files = false) { if (!$ignores) { $ignores = array('.', '..'); } $array_items = array(); $handle = @opendir($directory); if (!$handle) { return array(); } $file = readdir($handle); $dirs = array(); while ($file !== false) { if (in_array($file, $ignores)) { $file = readdir($handle); continue; } $filepath = realpath($directory . "/" . $file); $dir = array_pop(explode("/", $directory)); if (!is_readable($filepath)) { $file = readdir($handle); continue; } if (is_dir($filepath)) { array_push($dirs, $filepath); } else { if ($only_binary_files && !is_binary($filepath)) { $file = readdir($handle); continue; } $relative_path = $dir != '' ? $dir . "/" : ''; $array_items[] = preg_replace("/\\/\\//si", "/", $relative_path . $file); } $file = readdir($handle); } sort($array_items); sort($dirs); foreach ($dirs as $filepath) { $files = directory_to_array($filepath, $ignores, $only_binary_files); if ($dir != '') { array_walk($files, 'add_prefix', $dir); } $array_items = array_merge($array_items, $files); } closedir($handle); return $array_items; }
/** * Stores author_ip as an instance of the support class. * * @param \App\Support\IP|string|null $value The IP to store. * @return \App\Support\IP|null */ public function setAuthorIpAttribute($value) { if (!is_null($value) && !is_binary($value)) { $value = new IP($value); } return $this->attributes['author_ip'] = $value; }
function updatePackage($dstpkg, $dir = "new") { $work = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . "/update/work/{$dir}"; $pname = $this->getVar('pname'); foreach ($this->checkUpdates($dstpkg) as $path => $method) { $file = "{$work}/" . $this->getRealPath($path, false); if ($method == 'skip') { continue; } if (!mkdir_p(dirname($file))) { die("can't mkdir with {$file}"); } switch ($method) { case 'new': case 'replace': file_put_contents($file, $dstpkg->getFile($path)); break; case 'patch': $tag = '/\\$(Id|Date|Author|Revision):?[^\\$]*\\$/'; $rep = array('$\\1$', ''); if (is_binary($path)) { break; } $diff = $this->dbDiff($path); $text = $dstpkg->getFile($path); if (preg_match($tag, $diff)) { $text = preg_replace($tag, '$\\1$', $text); } file_put_contents($file, $text); $fp = popen("patch -l '{$file}'", "w"); // line delimiter follow newer file. $regeol = '/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/'; // dos, unix, mac if (preg_match($regeol, $text, $d)) { $eol = $d[0]; if (preg_match($regeol, $diff, $d) && $d[0] !== $eol) { $diff = str_replace($d[0], $eol, $diff); } } fwrite($fp, $diff); pclose($fp); if (file_exists("{$file}.orig")) { unlink("{$file}.orig"); } if (file_exists("{$file}.rej")) { echo "<div>patch failed: {$pname} - {$path}</div>"; } break; default: echo "<div>{$method}: {$file}<div>\n"; } } // force checking again $this->unchecked(); return true; }
/** * Check if the file is binary. * * @param string $sFile * @return boolean */ public function isBinary($sFile) { if (file_exists($sFile)) { if (!is_file($sFile)) { return 0; } if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|mp3|mp4|mov|avi|flv|mpg|mpeg|wmv|ogg|ogv|webm|pdf|ttf|eot|woff|svg|swf)$/i', $sFile)) { return 1; } $rHandle = fopen($sFile, 'r'); $sContents = fread($rHandle, 512); // Get 512 bytes of the file. fclose($rHandle); clearstatcache(); if (!function_exists('is_binary')) { // PHP 6 return is_binary($sContents); } return 0 or substr_count($sContents, "^ -~", "^\r\n") / 512 > 0.3 or substr_count($sContents, "") > 0; } return 0; }
public function bindParams($sql, $args = array()) { if (strpos($sql, ":") !== false) { preg_match_all("/(\\:[s|d|f|b])+[0-9]+/s", $sql, $matches); if (is_array($matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $n => $s) { #문자타입과 값이 일치하는지 체크 $bindtype = substr($s, 1, 1); $bvmatched = false; switch ($bindtype) { case "s": if (is_string($args[$n])) { $bvmatched = true; } break; case "d": if (is_int($args[$n])) { $bvmatched = true; } break; case "f": if (is_float($args[$n])) { $bvmatched = true; } break; case "b": if (is_binary($args[$n])) { $bvmatched = true; } break; } if ($bvmatched) { $sql = str_replace($s, "%" . $bindtype, $sql); $sql = sprintf("{$sql}", $args[$n]); } else { $sql = false; break; } } } } return $sql; }
<?php // This one is just for Saving and Uploading a Text based file you working on. echo "<h2>Sending to {$config->current}</h2><h3>{$store}</h3>"; $selectedFiles = explode("' '", getenv('TM_SELECTED_FILES')); foreach ($selectedFiles as $file) { $file = trim($file, "'"); if (is_dir($file) || empty($file)) { continue; } $assetKey = calc_asset_key($file); //Get the extension $extension = pathinfo($assetKey, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (is_binary($file)) { $filecontents = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)); $reqData = sprintf($xmlDataTempImage, $filecontents, $assetKey); } else { $filecontents = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($file), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $reqData = sprintf($xmlDataTemp, $filecontents, $assetKey); } //Dump the xml into a tmp file $xmlFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'foo') . '.xml'; file_put_contents($xmlFile, $reqData); echo "Sending asset: {$assetKey}...<br>"; $response = send_asset($api_key, $password, $store, $xmlFile); if ('200' == response_code($response)) { echo "Uploaded: {$assetKey}<br>"; } else { // Not ideal, but it works. Problem (though not much of one ): // response on a fail will return the full curl page: ie, shopify 404 full html, + error code at the bottom // Will robustify if it becomes an issue.
/** * out * * @param type $data */ protected function out($data) { $this->Log->debug(__METHOD__); // Establish the return_options we will work with if(isset($this->request['return_options']) && is_array($this->request['return_options'])) { $return_options = array_merge($this->return_options,$this->request['return_options']); } // Override the return_options if we are outputting error data if(isset($data['error'])) { $return_options = array( 'no_cache' => true, 'last_modified' => null, 'callback' => null, 'mime_type' => 'text/plain', 'format' => (isset($this->request['return_options']['format']) && 'php'==$this->request['return_options']['format']) ? 'php' : 'json', 'pretty_print' => true, ); } // Manage headers related to caching if(isset($return_options['no_cache']) && true === $return_options['no_cache']) { header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); //header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); } // Manage the last modified header if(isset($return_options['last_modified']) && !empty($return_options['last_modified'])) { $timestamp = @strtotime($return_options['last_modified']); if($timestamp) { header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s',$timestamp ) . ' GMT' ); } } // callback - this value has been confirmed to be a valid url but *not* a valid email in isValidCall() if(isset($return_options['callback']['url']) || isset($return_options['callback']['email'])) { throw new Exception('Non internal socket callbacks are not yet implemented'); } // return_options['statistics_data'] if(isset($return_options['statistics_data']) && true === $return_options['statistics_data']) { $this->call_statistics['time']['processing'] = microtime(true) - $this->call_statistics['time']['request']; $this->call_statistics['performance']['per_second'] = (1/$this->call_statistics['time']['processing']); $data['statistics'] = $this->call_statistics; } // Decide if we provide any debug output if(isset($return_options['debug_data']) && true === $return_options['debug_data']) { $data['debug'] = $this->getDebugData(); $data['debug']['memory_peak_usage'] = memory_get_peak_usage(); $this->Log->debug($data['debug']); } else { if(isset($data['debug'])) { unset($data['debug']); } } // Manage the mime_type header - this value has been confirmed to be a valid url in isValidCall() if(isset($return_options['mime_type']) && !empty($return_options['mime_type'])) { if('json'!=$return_options['format'] && 'application/json'==$return_options['mime_type']) { // do not apply a application/json content type header to non json format data } else { header('Content-type: '.$return_options['mime_type']); } } if(in_array($return_options['format'],array('php','json'))) { // If the return data is binary then we need to encode it before json will accept it if(isset($data['return']) && is_binary($data['return'])) { $data['encoding'] = 'Base64'; $data['return'] = base64_encode($data['return']); } // Output JSON if('json'==$return_options['format']) { if(isset($return_options['pretty_print']) && true === $return_options['pretty_print']) { echo $this->prettyJson(json_encode($data)); } else { echo json_encode($data); } } else { // Output PHP echo serialize($data); } } else { // Outout 'none' output format echo $data['return']; } exit(0); }
<?php $assetKey = calc_asset_key(getenv('TM_FILEPATH')); //if its an image file, throw an error message. if (is_binary(getenv('TM_FILEPATH'))) { echo "*Error: This is an image file. Use Send Selected Assets to Shopify instead."; exit; } $filecontents = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('php://stdin'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $reqData = sprintf($xmlDataTemp, $filecontents, $assetKey); //Dump the xml into a tmp file $xmlFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'foo') . '.xml'; file_put_contents($xmlFile, $reqData); $response = send_asset($api_key, $password, $store, $xmlFile); if ('200' == response_code($response)) { echo "Uploaded {$assetKey} to {$config->current}."; } else { // Not ideal, but it works. Problem (though not much of one ): // response on a fail will return the full curl page: ie, shopify 404 full html, + error code at the bottom // Will robustify if it becomes an issue. echo "*Error: Could not upload {$assetKey} to {$config->current}."; output_error($response); } //And clean up unlink($xmlFile);
public function UpdateStatus($status) { if ($this->id && is_binary($status)) { $this->raw = $this->db->query_update("ServerModule", array('status' => $status)); if ($this->raw) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { throw new Exception("Problems with module id or with status"); } }
/** * callData * * @param string $function * @param array $params * @param array $options optional */ public function callData($function, $params=null, $options=null) { // Set all the possible options $options['key'] = isset($options['key']) ? $options['key'] : $this->key; $options['serialization'] = isset($options['serialization']) ? $options['serialization'] : $this->serialization; $options['compression'] = isset($options['compression']) ? $options['compression'] : $this->compression; $options['encryption'] = isset($options['encryption']) ? $options['encryption'] : $this->encryption; $options['encoding'] = isset($options['encoding']) ? $options['encoding'] : $this->encoding; $options['return_options']= isset($options['return_options']) ? $options['return_options'] : $this->return_options; // Provide a place to observe the options used $this->last['options'] = $options; // Establish the main data array $data = array( // t -or- timestamp 't' => time(), // n -or- nonce 'n' => mt_rand(10000000,99999999), // Mersenne twisted random number - could also be anything just needs to be random // f -or- function 'f' => $function, // p -or- parameters // NOTE: the B64\0 header indicates binary data encoded with base64_encode! 'p' => is_binary($params) ? "B64\0".base64_encode($params) : $params, // o -or- return_options 'r' => $options['return_options'], ); // Remove options if there are none if(empty($data['r'])) { unset($data['r']); } // Provide a place to observe the data used $this->last['data'] = $data; // Keep tally of all the operations we make $operations = array(); // Serialization switch($options['serialization']) { case 'json': $data = json_encode($data); $operations[] = 'Json'; // Note: CamelCase break; case 'php': $data = serialize($data); $operations[] = 'Php'; // Note: CamelCase break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported serialization option: '.$options['serialization']); } // Compression switch($options['compression']) { case 'gz': $data = gzcompress($data,9); $operations[] = 'Gz'; // Note: CamelCase break; case false: break; // do nothing //case null: break; // do nothing case '': break; // do nothing default: throw new Exception('Unsupported compression option: '.$options['compression']); } // Encryption switch($options['encryption']) { case 'aes': $data = $this->encryptAes($data,$options['key']); $operations[] = 'Aes'.(strlen($options['key'])*8); // mcrypt implementation of rijndael means that key length determines which AES is used, ie AES_128, AES_192 or AES_256 break; case false: break; // do nothing //case null: break; // do nothing case '': break; // do nothing default: throw new Exception('Unsupported encryption option: '.$options['encryption']); } // Encoding switch($options['encoding']) { case 'base64': $data = strtr(base64_encode($data),'+/=','-_,'); // base64url $operations[] = 'Base64'; // Note: CamelCase break; case 'url': $data = rawurlencode($data); $operations[] = 'Url'; // Note: CamelCase break; case false: break; // do nothing //case null: break; // do nothing case '': break; // do nothing default: throw new Exception('Unsupported encoding option: '.$options['encoding']); } // Provide a place to observe the operations used $this->last['operations'] = $operations; // Return our data return $data; }
/** * callback * * @param mixed $data * @param array $options */ protected function callback($return_data,$options) { // Callback data via direct socket if(isset($options['callback']['socket'])) { // Setup a socket to spew data back into $socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')); $timeout_timestamp = time() + $options['callback']['socket']['timeout']; $usleep_interval = 100; // 1/10000th of a second while(!@socket_connect($socket,$options['callback']['socket']['address'],$options['callback']['socket']['port'])) { usleep($usleep_interval); $usleep_interval = $usleep_interval*1.1; // gradual scaling back of $usleep_interval if(time() > $timeout_timestamp) { $this->Log->error('Timed out after waiting '.$options['callback']['socket']['timeout'].' seconds to make connection with return data socket end point'); return false; } } // Create a return data package if(is_binary($return_data)) { $data = gzcompress("BIN\0".$return_data.'|'.$options['callback']['socket']['token'],9); } else { $data = gzcompress(json_encode($return_data).'|'.$options['callback']['socket']['token'],9); } // Write everything back using a buffer $data_offset = 0; while ($data_offset < strlen($data)) { $data_sent = @socket_write($socket, substr($data,$data_offset),$data_offset+1024); if ($data_sent === false) { $this->Log->error('Failed while writing data back to callback socket - the response_timeout value may be too low!'); return false; } $data_offset += $data_sent; } // Close the socket socket_close($socket); } // Callback data via post data to url if(isset($options['callback']['url'])) { throw new Exception('Not yet implemeted'); } // Callback data via email if(isset($options['callback']['email'])) { throw new Exception('Not yet implemeted'); } // Callback data via couchdb if(isset($options['callback']['couchdb'])) { throw new Exception('Not yet implemeted'); } return true; }
protected function fix_value(&$value) { // if (SQLDEFAULT===$value) { return 'DEFAULT'; } if (is_null($value)) { return 'NULL'; } if (is_bool($value)) { return $value ? 1 : 0; } if (is_int($value)) { return $value; } if (is_binary($value)) { return $this->DBM->quote_binary($value); } if (is_float($value)) { return number_format($value, 14, '.', ''); } return $this->quote($value); }
function detail_package($pid, $vmode = false, $new = 0) { global $file_state, $xoopsModuleConfig; $pkg = new InstallPackage($pid); $dirname = $pkg->getVar('vcheck'); $title = $pkg->getVar('name'); if ($dirname) { $title .= " ({$dirname})"; } if ($new) { $newpkg = new Package($new); $title .= _AM_UPDATE_TO . $newpkg->getVar('name'); $files = $pkg->checkFiles($newpkg); $id = $new; //$files = $pkg->checkPackage($newpkg); } else { if ($vmode) { $files = $pkg->modifyFiles(); if ($xoopsModuleConfig['check_extra']) { $files = array_merge($files, $pkg->checkExtra()); ksort($files); } } else { $files = $pkg->checkFiles(); } $id = $pid; } if (count($files) == 0) { echo _AM_NODATA; return; } echo mystyle(); echo "<h3>{$title}</h3>"; if (!$vmode) { echo "<form method='POST' name='FileMark'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='pkgid' value='{$pid}'/>\n"; } $dels = count(array_keys($files, 'del')); if ($dels && $vmode) { $sw = " <a href='index.php?op=detail&pkgid={$pid}&view="; if ($vmode == 'yes') { $sw .= "all'>" . _AM_VIEW_ALL; } else { $sw .= "yes'>" . _AM_VIEW_SCRIPT; } $sw .= "</a>"; $fm = "<form method='post'>\n<input name='clear' type='submit' value='" . _AM_UPDATE_CLEAR . "'/>\n<input name='pkgid' type='hidden' value='{$pid}'/>\n</form>"; } else { $sw = $fm = ""; } echo "<table cellspacing='5'>\n<tr>\n<td>" . _AM_FILE_ALL . " " . count($pkg->files) . "</td>\n<td>" . _AM_CHG . " " . count(array_keys($files, 'chg')) . "</td><td>" . _AM_DEL . " " . $dels . "</td><td>" . $sw . "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"; echo "<table cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\n"; $checkall = "<input type='checkbox' id='allconf' name='allconf' onclick='xoopsCheckAll(\"FileMark\", \"allconf\")'/>"; echo "<tr>"; if (!$vmode) { echo "<th align='center' class='ckbox'>{$checkall}</th>"; } echo "<th>" . _AM_STATUS . "</th><th>" . _AM_FILE . "</th></tr>\n"; $n = 0; foreach ($files as $file => $stat) { if ($vmode == 'yes') { if ($stat == 'del') { continue; } if (is_binary($file) || preg_match('/\\.css$/', $file)) { continue; } } $bg = $n++ % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd'; $ck = "<input type='checkbox' name='conf[]' value='{$file}'/>"; $slabel = $file_state[$stat]; switch ($stat) { case 'chg': $slabel = "<a href='diff.php?pkgid={$id}&file={$file}' target='diff'>{$slabel}</a>"; break; case 'new': $slabel = "<b>{$slabel}</b>"; break; } if ($vmode) { $diff = $pkg->dbDiff($file); if ($stat == 'extra') { } elseif (empty($diff)) { $stat = 'same'; $adiff = $new ? $newpkg->getDiff($file) : ""; if (empty($adiff)) { $file .= " ="; } } elseif (count(preg_split('/\\n/', $diff) < 6) && preg_match('/\\n .*\\n-\\n$/', $diff)) { $stat = 'same'; $file .= " +"; } elseif ($new) { $adiff = $newpkg->getDiff($file); if ($adiff == $diff) { $stat = 'mod'; $file .= " *"; } } $ck = ""; } else { $ck = "<td class='ckbox'><input type='checkbox' name='conf[]' value='{$file}'/></td>"; } $myfile = $pkg->getRealPath($file, false); echo "<tr class='{$bg}'>{$ck}"; echo "<td>{$slabel}</td><td class='{$stat}'>{$myfile}</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; if (!$vmode) { echo "<input type='submit' name='accept' value='" . _AM_REGIST_SUBMIT . "'/>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } if ($fm && count($files) && !$new) { echo "<hr/>" . $fm; } }
function is_utf16($string) { if (is_binary($string, false)) { $test = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16'); if (strlen($test) > 1) { $test2 = mb_convert_encoding($test, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8'); $test3 = mb_convert_encoding($test2, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16'); if ($test3 == $test) { return true; } } } return false; }