# This is the index file which shows the recent apps
# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL.
require 'include/prepend.php3';
page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session"));
if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) {
    page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm"));
require 'include/header.inc';
require 'include/contentlib.inc';
require 'include/developinglib.inc';
require 'include/decisionslib.inc';
$bx = new box('100%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align);
$page = 'specifications';
if (check_proid($proid)) {
    top_bar($proid, $page);
    print $t->translate('Technical specification suggestions. They can ' . 'be made either by developers or by a sponsor ' . '(if the sponsor is owner of the project).') . "\n";
    print '<p align=right>[<b> ' . html_link('step2_edit.php', array('proid' => $proid), $t->translate('Suggest a Technical Specification')) . " </b>] &nbsp;<p>\n";
    show_content($proid, $show_proposals, $which_proposals);
    if (is_accepted_sponsor($proid)) {
require 'include/footer.inc';
# This is the index file which shows the recent apps
# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL.
require "include/prepend.php3";
page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session"));
if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) {
    page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm"));
require "include/header.inc";
require "include/refereeslib.inc";
require "include/decisionslib.inc";
$bx = new box("100%", $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align);
$page = "referees";
if (check_proid($proid)) {
    top_bar($proid, $page);
    print $t->translate("Referee registration and selection. Any developer " . "who has the skills to be a referee can propose " . "himself as one") . ".\n";
    print "<p align=right>[ <b>" . html_link("step4_edit.php", array("proid" => $proid), $t->translate("Propose yourself as referee")) . "</b> ]\n";
    if (is_accepted_sponsor($proid) || is_main_developer($proid)) {
require "include/footer.inc";