protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $error = $output->getErrorOutput(); $path = $input->getArgument("path"); $includeRoot = $input->getOption("include-root"); if (!\file_exists($path)) { throw new \Exception("File {$path} doesn't exist"); } try { list($inform, $format) = \detectCertFormat($path); $cert = \parseFormattedCert(\readCertificate($path, $inform, $format)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $err = implode("\n", $e->output); throw new \Exception("Unable to load certificate: {$err}"); } // perform some basic checks if (\isExpired($cert)) { $error->writeln("Certificate has expired"); } if (\areCertsLinked($cert, $cert)) { throw new \Exception("Self-signed or CA cert"); } // this can fail with an exception $out = \buildChain($cert, $path, $includeRoot); $output->write($out); }
/** * sets a new page ID and therefore reinits all variables! * @param integer New Page-ID */ function setPage($newpage) { global $page, $clid, $clnid, $v; $page = $newpage; $clid = getPageCluster($page, $v); $clnid = getClusterNode($page); if (isExpired($clid)) { echo "ERROR: The page you want view does not exist or is no longer live."; } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $error = $output->getErrorOutput(); $fmt = $this->getHelper("formatter"); $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($input->getArgument("directory")); $iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir); if ($input->getOption("expiry")) { $expiry = strtotime($input->getOption("expiry")); if ($expiry === false) { $expiry = time(); $error->writeln("Invalid expiry arg, defaulting to now"); } } else { $expiry = time(); } $certs = new \RegexIterator($iter, '/^.+\\.(crt|pem)/i', \RecursiveRegexIterator::MATCH); foreach ($certs as $path) { try { $expirationDate = ""; $inform = ""; $format = ""; list($inform, $format) = \detectCertFormat($path); $cert = \parseFormattedCert(\readCertificate($path, $inform, $format)); if (isExpired($cert, $expiry)) { $expirationDate = \date('Y-m-d H:i:s e', $cert["expires"]); $output->writeln("Certificate {$path} expires on {$expirationDate}"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $msgs = ["Unable to load {$path}"]; if ($output->isVerbose()) { $msgs = array_merge($msgs, ["", "{$e->cmd} said:", ""], $e->output); } $block = $fmt->formatBlock($msgs, 'error', true); $error->writeln($block); } } }
/** * DEPRECATED! use getLowerLevel instead. * Gets the IDs of the child-pages and returns them as linear array. * @param integer Sitepage-ID to get the children from. * @param string Column, to order the results. */ function getChildrenPages($spid) { $menuId = getDBCell("sitepage", "MENU_ID", "SPID = $spid"); $childs = createDBCArray("sitepage sp, sitemap sm", "SPID", "sm.PARENT_ID = $menuId AND sp.MENU_ID = sm.MENU_ID AND sm.IS_DISPLAYED=1 ORDER BY sm.POSITION"); global $splevel, $v; if ($splevel == 10) { // check live-pages for expiration. $checked = array (); for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) { // get clid $myspid = $childs[$i]; $clnid = getDBCell("sitepage", "CLNID", "SPID = $myspid"); $clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = $clnid AND VARIATION_ID = $v"); if (!isExpired($clid)) array_push($checked, $myspid); } return $checked; } else return $childs; }
/** * Create an image from the given image handler, cache it and return a url and the file path of the image. * * Always try to retrive the image from the cache before you compute it. * * @param string Image-ID. Used as a part of the cache filename. * Use md5() to generate a "unique" ID for your image * based on characteristic values such as the color, size etc. * @param string Image handler to create the image from. * @param string Image type: gif, jpg, png, wbmp. Also used as filename suffix. * If an unsupported type is requested the functions tries to * fallback to a supported type before throwing an exeption. * @return array [ full path to the image file, image url ] * @throws Cache_Error * @access public */ function cacheImageLink($id, &$img, $format = 'png') { if (!$id) { return new Cache_Error('You must provide an ID for and image to be cached!', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $id = $this->generateID($id, $format); $types = ImageTypes(); // Check if the requested image type is supported by the GD lib. // If not, try a callback to the first available image type. if (!isset($this->imagetypes[$format]) || !($types & $this->imagetypes[$format])) { foreach ($this->imagetypes as $supported => $bitmask) { if ($types & $bitmask) { new Cache_Error("The build in GD lib does not support the image type {$format}. Fallback to {$supported}.", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { return new Cache_Error("Hmm, is your PHP build with GD support? Can't find any supported types.", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } } $url = $this->cache_url . $this->cache_file_prefix . $id; $ffile = $this->container->getFilename($id, $this->cache_group); if ($this->isCached($id, $this->cache_group) && !isExpired($id, $this->cache_group)) { return array($ffile, $url); } if (strtoupper($format) == 'JPG') { $genFormat = 'JPEG'; } else { $genFormat = strtoupper($format); } $func = 'Image' . $genFormat; $func($img, $ffile); ImageDestroy($img); return array($ffile, $url); }
function getEPGData($providerId) { global $baseTime, $daysRequested, $config; $cacheFile = "./cache/{$providerId}.cache"; chdir($config['localDir']); if (!isExpired($cacheFile)) { $fp = fopen($cacheFile, 'r') or die("Can't open provider cache file for reading."); $serializedResponse = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $serializedResponse .= fread($fp, 8192); } fclose($fp); $response = unserialize($serializedResponse); return $response; } $username = $config['sd_access'][$providerId]['username']; $password = $config['sd_access'][$providerId]['password']; $client = new SoapClient("", array('login' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'compression' => SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT | SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE)); if (!isset($daysRequested)) { $daysRequested = 8; } if (isset($config['numDaysEPG'])) { $daysRequested = $config['numDaysEPG']; } if (isset($config['providers'][$providerId]['numDaysEPG'])) { $daysRequested = $config['providers'][$providerId]['numDaysEPG']; } $startTime = gmstrftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z", $baseTime); $endTime = gmstrftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z", strtotime("+{$daysRequested} days", time())); $response = $client->download($startTime, $endTime); $fp = fopen("./cache/" . $providerId . '.cache', 'w') or die("Can't open provider cache file for writing."); fwrite($fp, serialize($response)); fclose($fp); return $response; }
function buildChain($cert, $certPath, $includeRoot = false) { if (isExpired($cert)) { throw new Exception("Certificate has expired"); } if (areCertsLinked($cert, $cert)) { throw new Exception("Self-signed or CA cert"); } $uris = $cert["issuers"]; if (!$uris) { throw new Exception("Certificate doesn't specify issuers"); } $c = $cert; $chain = []; while (sizeof($uris) > 0) { $old = $c; $uri = array_shift($uris); $path = downloadIssuer($uri); list($inform, $format) = detectCertFormat($path); $c = parseFormattedCert(readCertificate($path, $inform, $format)); if (isExpired($c)) { throw new Exception("Expired intermediate in the chain"); } if (areCertsLinked($c, $c)) { break; } if (!areCertsLinked($c, $old)) { $msg = "Intermediate doesn't match previous certificate in the chain"; throw new Exception($msg); } $chain[] = $path; if (isset($c["issuers"])) { foreach ($c["issuers"] as $i) { $uris[] = $i; // we don't currently have a good way of handling multiple // issuers break; } } } // we are at the end of the chain, see if there's matching root CA $cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/cache'; $adapter = new File($cacheDir); $adapter->setOption('ttl', 600); $cache = new Cache($adapter); if (!$cache->get(md5($path) . "-root")) { $root = findMatchingRoot($c); $chain[] = $root; $cache->set(md5($path) . "-root", $root); } else { $chain[] = $cache->get(md5($path) . "-root"); } // build certificate bundle foreach ($chain as $i => $path) { list($inform, $format) = detectCertFormat($path); $cmd = sprintf("openssl x509 -inform %s -outform pem -in %s -out %s", escapeshellarg($inform), escapeshellarg($path), escapeshellarg(__DIR__ . "/tmp/" . sha1($cert["subject"]) . "-{$i}.pem")); exec($cmd); } unlink(__DIR__ . "/tmp/bundle.crt"); foreach ($chain as $i => $path) { file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/tmp/bundle.crt", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/tmp/" . sha1($cert["subject"]) . "-{$i}.pem"), FILE_APPEND); } // verify the chain is valid $cmd = sprintf("openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -CAfile %s/tmp/bundle.crt %s", __DIR__, escapeshellarg($certPath)); try { execute($cmd); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = implode("\n", $e->output); throw new Exception("Can't verify the bundle: {$err}"); } // extract the original cert (it might contain some, or all, parts of the // chain already) $cmd = sprintf("openssl x509 -inform pem -outform pem -in %s", $certPath); $out = implode("\n", execute($cmd)); $out .= "\n"; if (!$includeRoot) { array_pop($chain); } foreach ($chain as $i => $path) { $out .= file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/tmp/" . sha1($cert["subject"]) . "-{$i}.pem"); unlink(__DIR__ . "/tmp/" . sha1($cert["subject"]) . "-{$i}.pem"); } return $out; }