Exemple #1


<div id="awards">
<h3>Promote or Demote a Player</h3>
Here, you may promote a player to Connoisseur status (or strip them of that status, as the case may be).  Enter a short message to appear
in the player's notification feed.
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM collectors WHERE id > -1 ORDER BY name ASC");
echo "<form id=\"promotionForm\">";
echo "<select name=\"collector\">\n";
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    echo "<option value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\">" . $row['name'] . (isConnoisseur($row['id']) ? " (Connoisseur)" : "") . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<br/><textarea style=\"width:400px;height:150px;\" name=\"desc\"></textarea>\n";
echo "</form>";
echo "<button class=\"promotionButton\">Change Player's Status</button>\n";
<h3>Arbitrary &#8750;</h3>
Select a player, specify an amount of &#8750; to grant or subtract, and enter a message.  Your message text will appear in the collector's notification feed. (Example: "You have been rewarded for your excellent work descriptions!" "You lose &#8750;50 for slacking off.")<p/>
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM collectors WHERE id > -1 ORDER BY name ASC");
echo "<form id=\"awardForm\">";
echo "<select name=\"collector\">\n";
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
Exemple #2
// older events when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.  Right now, there's no obvious
// way for players to see what happened before the past 40 events.
$query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 40");
while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
    // displayEvent: convenience function (functions.php) that generates the HTML.
    echo displayEvent($row, $CONTEXT_EVENT_FEED);

// If the user has Connoisseur status, print the div (tab) that allows them to approve
// submitted tombstones.  The logic here is basically the same as the supervisor's page
// (supervisor/index.php).
if (isConnoisseur($uuid)) {
    echo "<div id=\"con\">";
    echo "<h2>You're a Connoisseur!</h2>";
    echo "You've earned the connoisseur badge!  As a reward for your excellent gameplay, ";
    echo "you can earn extra " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . " by approving other players' tombstones.  Check this ";
    echo "tab of your home screen to see what tombstones are available for validation. ";
    echo "<table style=\"border:1px solid black;width:90%;\">";
    echo "<tr><td class=\"header\">Collector</td><td class=\"header\">Work</td><td class=\"header\">Tombstone</td><td class=\"header\">Approve?</td></tr>";
    // TODO the magic numbers for approval/rejection in various tables are really confusing.
    // 2 = pending approval, but how would anyone know?  Need to make these named constants before release.
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tombstones WHERE approved = 2 AND uid_creator != ?");
    $stmt->bindParam(1, $uuid);
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
        // Create an ad hoc form for approving or rejecting tombstone
        echo "<form id=\"" . $row['id'] . "-ts\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"ts\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tombstoneId\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"player\" value=\"" . $row['uid_creator'] . "\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"work\" value=\"" . $row['wid'] . "\"/><tr>\n";
Exemple #3
 // Need to spell the math out (== 0) because Boolean false and 0 aren't equivalent in PHP
 if ($ind % 3 == 0) {
     echo "</div><div style=\"display:table-row;\">";
 // Figure out the name of the user table for this collector.  So much code smell
 $userTable = $row['owner'] . "_" . $gameinstance . "_coll";
 // Placeholder for the actual cover/marquee piece -- just pick the first one in their user table.
 $collectionQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT work,w1.id AS iid FROM " . $userTable . " LEFT OUTER JOIN works AS w1 ON w1.id = " . $userTable . ".work LIMIT 1");
 $userName = $row['cn'];
 // Loop that prints the collection cell divs.
 while ($item = $collectionQuery->fetch()) {
     // Name of collector (or "You") and a star icon if this collector has Connoisseur status.
     echo "<div class=\"collCell\" id=\"" . $row['owner'] . "\"><b>" . ($row['owner'] == $uuid ? "You" : $row['cn']);
     echo " " . (isConnoisseur($row['owner']) ? "<img style=\"padding-top:3px;\" src=\"resources/icons/star_16x16.png\" alt=\"[Connoisseur]\"/>" : "");
     // Current FCGs (money) and a link to userCollection, a larger display of all this user's art.
     echo " (" . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . $row['points'] . ")</b><br/><a href=\"userCollection.php?uid=" . $row['owner'] . "&amp;gid=" . $_SESSION['gameinstance'] . "\">";
     // Marquee image for this collection.  Right now, it's just the first row returned from the query
     // above, but it would be nice to allow users to specify a marquee work.
     echo "<div class=\"collCellMarquee\"><img src=\"img.php?img=" . $item['iid'] . "\" width=\"180\" alt=\"[Marquee Image]\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding:5px;border-style:none;\"/></div>";
     echo "</a>\n";
     // Now print the (hidden) matrix of thumbnails.  Select a list of works in this user's collection,
     // use img.php to display them as thumbnails, and limit them to 40px wide
     echo "<div class=\"collCellThumbs\" style=\"display:none;\">";
     echo "<a href=\"userCollection.php?uid=" . $row['owner'] . "&amp;gid=" . $_SESSION['gameinstance'] . "\">";
     $subQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT work,w1.id AS iid FROM " . $userTable . " LEFT OUTER JOIN works AS w1 ON w1.id = " . $userTable . ".work");
     while ($subItem = $subQuery->fetch()) {
         echo "<img src=\"img.php?mode=thumb&img=" . $subItem['iid'] . "\" width=\"40\" style=\"padding:5px;border-style:none;\"/>";
Exemple #4
include 'topBar.php';
<div class="body">
<a href="collections.php" class="xbold navHref">All Collections</a> &gt; 
echo getUserName($userRequested);
's Collection
if ($uuid != $userRequested) {
    // If this is someone other than uuid (me), display trade proposal button.
    if (isConnoisseur($userRequested)) {
        echo "<img src=\"resources/icons/star_16x16.png\"/>";
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . getUserName($userRequested) . "</b> has been given the <b>Connoisseur</b> badge by the game administrator!  ";
        echo getUserName($userRequested) . " can earn " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . " by validating other players' tombstones and work descriptions.<p/>";
    echo "<a href=\"trader.php?origin=" . $uuid . "&amp;destination=" . $userRequested . "&amp;gameinstance=" . $gameinstance . "\" rel=\"shadowbox;height=800;width=1000;\">";
    echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"subs ui-state-default ui-corner-all\"> Propose a Trade </button></a>";
// Wordy but simple logic -- get everything this player owns and display it as a grid.
$sstmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT collections.id,owner,gameinstance,points,collectors.name AS cn from collections inner join collectors on collectors.id = owner where gameinstance = ? and owner = ?");
$sstmt->bindParam(1, $gameinstance);
$sstmt->bindParam(2, $userRequested);
Exemple #5

 * promote.php: Helper that allows game admin to promote individual users to Connoisseur status.
require '../functions.php';
require '../db.php';
$player = $_GET['collector'];
$message = $_GET['desc'];
$points = $_GET['points'];
createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, $message);
$retVal = "";
// FIXME: hard coded levels/magic #
if (isConnoisseur($player)) {
    $retVal = "The player has been demoted.";
    setLevel($player, 1);
} else {
    $retVal = "Promotion complete!";
    setLevel($player, 10);
    $newsFeedMsg = "<div style=\"display:inline;padding-left:50px;float:left;padding-right:5px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;\">" . getUserName($player) . " has earned the Connoisseur badge!  As a reward for excellent gameplay, " . getUserName($player) . " can now earn extra " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . " by validating other players' tombstone entries.</div>";
    $headline = getUserName($player) . " is now a Connoisseur!";
    $query = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO events( type, target, description, headline ) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? )");
    $query->bindParam(1, $E_ACHIEVEMENT);
    $query->bindParam(2, $player);
    $query->bindParam(3, $newsFeedMsg);
    $query->bindParam(4, $headline);
echo $retVal;