function parse_db($id) { $unix = new unix(); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".{$id}.pid"; $pid = trim(@file_get_contents($pidfile)); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $pid = getmypid(); echo "[{$pid}]:: Process {$pid} already running...\n"; die; } $pid = getmypid(); file_put_contents($pidfile, $pid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM emailing_db_paths WHERE ID={$id}"; $q = new mysql(); $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); $unzipbin = $unix->find_program("unzip"); if ($unzipbin == null) { echo "[{$pid}]:: unzip tool no such file or directory...\n"; update_status($id, "110", 1, "unzip tool no such file or directory"); die; } $zip_path = $ligne["filepath"]; if (!is_file($zip_path)) { echo "[{$pid}]:: {$zip_path} no such file or directory\n"; update_status($id, "110", 1, "zip db no such file or directory"); die; } $tmp_path = "/tmp/emailing-import/{$id}"; writeevent("using {$tmp_path}", $id); @mkdir($tmp_path, 666, true); writeevent("Uncompress {$zip_path}", $id); echo "{$unzipbin} -o {$zip_path} -d {$tmp_path}\n"; shell_exec("{$unzipbin} -o {$zip_path} -d {$tmp_path}"); $files = $unix->DirFiles($tmp_path); if (!is_array($files)) { update_status($id, "110", 1, "{$zip_path} corrupted or no files stored"); die; } while (list($filename, $file_name) = each($files)) { writeevent("parsing {$file_name}", $pid); $max = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE("{$tmp_path}/{$file_name}"); writeevent("parsing {$file_name} {$max} entries", $pid); $handle = @fopen("{$tmp_path}/{$file_name}", "r"); $ligne["databasename"] = format_mysql_table($ligne["databasename"]); $q = new mysql(); $q->CheckTableEmailingContacts("emailing_{$ligne["databasename"]}"); $sql = "INSERT INTO emailing_{$ligne["databasename"]} (`gender`,`firstname`, `lastname`,`email`,`phone`,`city`,`cp`,`postaladdress`,`domain`) VALUES"; if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $tw = $tw + 1; $count = $count + 1; unset($re); $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); if (trim($buffer) == null) { continue; } $buffer = str_replace('"', "", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(';', ",", $buffer); $lines = explode(",", addslashes($buffer)); if (!is_array($lines)) { if (preg_match("#.+?@.+#", $buffer)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $lines[$i] = ""; } $lines[3] = trim($buffer); } } if (count($lines) < 2) { if (preg_match("#.+?@.+#", $buffer)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $lines[$i] = ""; } $lines[3] = trim($buffer); } } $lines[3] = str_replace(";", ".", $lines[3]); $lines[3] = str_replace("?", ".", $lines[3]); $lines[3] = str_replace("@.", "@", $lines[3]); $lines[3] = str_replace('^', '@', $lines[3]); $lines[3] = str_replace(',', '.', $lines[3]); if (trim($lines[3]) == null) { writeevent("failed 3:[{$buffer}] [" . __LINE__ . "]", $pid); $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] + 1; unset($lines); continue; } if (!preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)\\.(.+)#", $lines[3], $re)) { writeevent("failed 3:{$lines[3]} bad email address [" . __LINE__ . "]", $pid); $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] + 1; unset($lines); continue; } $domain = $re[2]; if (substr($domain, strlen($domain) - 1, 1) == '.') { $domain = substr($domain, 0, strlen($domain) - 1); } if (preg_match("#^\\..+#", $domain)) { writeevent("failed 3:{$lines[3]} bad domain {$domain} [" . __LINE__ . "]", $pid); $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] + 1; unset($lines); continue; } if ($GLOBALS["EMAILS"][$lines[3]]) { writeevent("failed 3:{$lines[3]} already exists [" . __LINE__ . "]", $pid); $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] + 1; continue; } if (isBlockedMail($lines[3])) { writeevent("failed 3:{$lines[3]} is blacklisted [" . __LINE__ . "]", $pid); $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"] + 1; continue; } $sqla[] = "('{$lines[0]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[1]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[2]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[3]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[4]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[5]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[6]}',\n\t\t\t\t'{$lines[7]}','{$domain}')"; $GLOBALS["SUCCESS_CONTACTS"] = $GLOBALS["SUCCESS_CONTACTS"] + 1; $GLOBALS["EMAILS"][$lines[3]] = true; if (count($GLOBALS["EMAILS"]) > 10000) { $GLOBALS["EMAILS"] = array(); } unset($lines); if ($tw > 100) { $fullsql = $sql . "\n" . @implode(",", $sqla); $q = new mysql(); $q->QUERY_SQL($fullsql, "artica_backup"); if (!$q->ok) { writeevent($id, "{$q->mysql_error}\n{$fullsql}"); } unset($sqla); $purc = $count / $max; $purc = $purc * 100; $purc = round($purc, 0); update_status($id, $purc, 0); $tw = 0; } } fclose($handle); if (is_array($sqla)) { $fullsql = $sql . "\n" . @implode(",", $sqla); $q->QUERY_SQL($fullsql, "artica_backup"); if (!$q->ok) { writeevent($id, "{$q->mysql_error}\n{$fullsql}"); } } } } if ($GLOBALS["SUCCESS_CONTACTS"] > 0) { writeevent("Failed.:{$GLOBALS["FAILED_CONTACTS"]}", $id); writeevent("Success:{$GLOBALS["SUCCESS_CONTACTS"]}", $id); update_status($id, 100, 1, null); } else { update_status($id, 110, 0, null); } }
function construct_queue($ID, $ou) { $q = new mysql(); $GLOBALS["campain_linker_id"] = $ID; $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE `emailing_campain_linker` SET `queue_builder_pourc`=0 `locked`=1 WHERE `ID`={$GLOBALS["campain_linker_id"]}", "artica_backup"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM emailing_campain_linker WHERE ID='{$ID}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); $unix = new unix(); $email_relay_submit = $unix->find_program("emailrelay-submit"); $GLOBALS["SartON"] = time(); if ($email_relay_submit == null) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Unable to stat {$email_relay_submit}"); mass_mailing_finish(0); return; } $parameters = unserialize(base64_decode($ligne["parameters"])); $template_id = $ligne["template_id"]; $database_id = $ligne["database_id"]; $GLOBALS["template_id"] = $template_id; $GLOBALS["database_id"] = $database_id; $simulation = $parameters["simulation"]; $GLOBALS["start_date_task"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $simulation_recipipent = $parameters["recipient"]; $database_name = emailing_get_database_name($database_id); event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "database name={$database_name}"); $database_name = format_mysql_table($database_name); $template_name = emailing_get_template_name($template_id); $template_parameters = emailing_get_template_parameters($template_id); event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Opening {$ID} {$ligne["name"]} campaign template {$template_name} N.{$template_id}, database {$database_name} N.{$database_id}"); event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "simulation={$simulation} =>{$simulation_recipipent}"); @mkdir("/tmp/emailing/{$ID}", 0666, true); if (is_array($template_parameters["ATTACHS"])) { while (list($filename, $attch_ID) = each($template_parameters["ATTACHS"])) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "saving /tmp/emailing/{$ID}/{$filename}"); emailing_save_attachment($attch_ID, "/tmp/emailing/{$ID}/{$filename}"); } reset($template_parameters["ATTACHS"]); } $advanced_options = unserialize(base64_decode($template_parameters["advopts"])); if ($advanced_options["From_name"] == null) { $advanced_options["From_name"] = $advanced_options["From"]; } if ($advanced_options["From"] == null) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "From field is null, aborting"); mass_mailing_finish(0); return false; } $sql = "SELECT ID,smtpserver,parameters FROM emailing_mailers WHERE ou='{$ou}'"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($ligne["parameters"])); $smtp_servs[] = $ligne["ID"]; } if (!is_array($smtp_servs)) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Unable to define SMTP servers"); mass_mailing_finish(0); return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM emailing_{$database_name}"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"); $t = 0; $max = mysql_num_rows($results); event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "{$max} contacts in emailing_{$database_name} table"); $smtp_servs_count = 0; $smtp_servs_max = count($smtp_servs) - 1; $messages_number = 0; event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $smtp_servs_max + 1 . " SMTP servers"); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $final_count = $final_count + 1; $contact_id = $ligne["ID"]; $gender = $ligne["gender"]; $firstname = $ligne["firstname"]; $lastname = $ligne["lastname"]; $email = $ligne["email"]; if (isBlockedMail($email)) { continue; } $phone = $ligne["phone"]; $city = $ligne["city"]; $cp = $ligne["cp"]; $postaladdress = $ligne["postaladdress"]; if ($simulation == 1) { $email = $simulation_recipipent; } $unikey = md5("{$template_id}{$database_id}{$contact_id}"); $htmldatas = $template_parameters["template_datas"]; $htmldatas = str_replace("%gender%", $gender, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%lastname%", $lastname, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%firstname%", $firstname, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%email%", $email, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%phone%", $phone, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%city%", $city, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%cp%", $cp, $htmldatas); $htmldatas = str_replace("%postaladdress%", $postaladdress, $htmldatas); $mailer = new PHPMailer(); $mailer->AddAddress($email, "{$firstname} {$lastname}"); $mailer->From = $advanced_options["From"]; $mailer->FromName = $advanced_options["From_name"]; $mailer->Subject = $template_parameters["subject"]; $mailer->Body = $htmldatas; $mailer->IsHTML(true); $mailer->Mailer = 'smtp'; if ($advanced_options["Reply-to"] != null) { $mailer->AddReplyTo($advanced_options["Reply-to"]); } if ($advanced_options["Disposition-Notification-To"] != null) { $mailer->AddCustomHeader("Disposition-Notification-To: {$advanced_options["Disposition-Notification-To"]}"); } if ($advanced_options["Return-Path"] != null) { $mailer->AddCustomHeader("Return-Path: {$advanced_options["Return-Path"]}"); } if ($advanced_options["X-Mailer"] != null) { $mailer->AddCustomHeader("X-Mailer: {$advanced_options["X-Mailer"]}"); } if (is_array($template_parameters["ATTACHS"])) { while (list($filename, $attch_ID) = each($template_parameters["ATTACHS"])) { $mailer->AddAttachment("/tmp/emailing/{$ID}/{$filename}", $filename); } reset($template_parameters["ATTACHS"]); } $queue_ID = "/var/spool/artica-emailing/queues/{$smtp_servs[$smtp_servs_count]}"; $smtp_servs_count = $smtp_servs_count + 1; if ($smtp_servs_count > $smtp_servs_max) { $smtp_servs_count = 0; } $maildata = $mailer->Send(true); // send mail into queue $mail_from = "{$advanced_options["From"]}"; $recipient = $email; $filetemp = $unix->FILE_TEMP() . "{$contact_id}.msg"; @file_put_contents($filetemp, $maildata); $GLOBALS["massmailing_size"] = $GLOBALS["massmailing_size"] + filesize($filetemp); $cmd = "{$email_relay_submit} --spool-dir={$queue_ID} --from={$mail_from} {$recipient} < {$filetemp}"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "{$cmd}"); } shell_exec("{$email_relay_submit} --spool-dir={$queue_ID} --from={$mail_from} {$recipient} < {$filetemp}"); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, @implode("\n", $results)); } @unlink($filetemp); $maildata = null; $mailer = nil; $GLOBALS["messages_number"] = $GLOBALS["messages_number"] + 1; $t = $t + 1; if ($t > 200) { $pourcentage = round($final_count / $max * 100, 0); echo "{$pourcentage}% {$final_count}/{$max}\n"; $q = new mysql(); event(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "{$pourcentage}%"); $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE emailing_campain_linker SET queue_builder_pourc={$pourcentage} WHERE ID={$ID}", "artica_backup"); $t = 0; } } mass_mailing_finish(1); }